Programowanie w chmurze


AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Guide. The ultimate exam guide to AWS Solutions Architect certification

Gabriel Ramirez, Stuart Scott

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently the leader in the public cloud market. With an increasing global interest in leveraging cloud infrastructure, the AWS Cloud from Amazon offers a cutting-edge platform for architecting, building, and deploying web-scale cloud applications.As more the rate of cloud platform adoption increases, so does the need for cloud certification. The AWS Certified Solution Architect – Associate Guide is your one-stop solution to gaining certification. Once you have grasped what AWS and its prerequisites are, you will get insights into different types of AWS services such as Amazon S3, EC2, VPC, SNS, and more to get you prepared with core Amazon services. You will then move on to understanding how to design and deploy highly scalable applications. Finally, you will study security concepts along with the AWS best practices and mock papers to test your knowledge.By the end of this book, you will not only be fully prepared to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam but also capable of building secure and reliable applications.


AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam Guide (SAP-C02). Gain the practical skills, knowledge, and confidence to ace the AWS (SAP-C02) exam on your first attempt

Patrick Sard, Yohan Wadia

Known for its difficulty and ranking among the highest-paying IT certifications, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional (SAP-C02) certification demands significant hands-on experience for success. This comprehensive guide reinforces your knowledge and enhances your skills in various solution architectures and services. Additionally, you’ll gain lifetime access to supplementary practice resources such as mock exams, flashcards, and exam tips from experts.Aligned with exam objectives, this AWS certification study guide helps you assess your knowledge through timed mock tests that simulate exam conditions. Beyond exam preparation, you’ll develop advanced skills in designing distributed systems on AWS cloud and become proficient in providing architectural recommendations for complex application implementation, and enhancing infrastructure efficiency. As you advance, you’ll gain insights into how to foster unique thinking and factor diverse considerations while architecting solutions. You’ll also get to grips with designing multi-tier applications, deploying enterprise-grade operations, and migrating complex applications to AWS.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to design and deploy innovative solutions on AWS, unlocking new opportunities and driving success in the dynamic world of cloud computing.


AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Guide. Your one-stop solution for passing the AWS SysOps Administrator certification

Marko Sluga

AWS certifications are becoming one of the must have certifications for any IT professional working on an AWS Cloud platform. This book will act as your one stop preparation guide to validate your technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on the AWS platform. Along with exam specific content this book will also deep dive into real world scenarios and hands-on instructions. This book will revolve around concepts like teaching you to deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS. You will also learn to migrate an existing on-premises application to AWS. You get hands-on experience in selecting the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements. This book will also get you well versed with estimating AWS usage costs and identifying operational cost control mechanisms.By the end of this book, you will be all prepared to implement and manage resources efficiently on the AWS cloud along with confidently passing the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam.


AWS dla administratorów systemów. Tworzenie i utrzymywanie niezawodnych aplikacji chmurowych

Prashant Lakhera

Amazon Web Services (AWS) zdobywa coraz większe uznanie. Platforma AWS udostępnia znakomite rozwiązania, w tym usługi obliczeniowe, magazyn danych, obsługę sieci i usług zarządzanych. Aplikacje korporacyjne wdrożone w chmurze AWS mogą być wyjątkowo odporne, skalowalne i niezawodne. Aby takie były, administrator systemu musi jednak zrozumieć koncepcje zaawansowanego zarządzania chmurą i nauczyć się wykorzystywać je w praktyce zarówno podczas wdrażania systemu, jak i zarządzania nim. W tej książce omówiono techniki wdrażania systemów na platformie AWS i zasady zarządzania nimi. Zaprezentowano podstawy korzystania z usługi Identity and Access Management oraz narzędzia sieciowe i monitorujące chmury AWS. Poruszono tematy Virtual Private Cloud, Elastic Compute Cloud, równoważenia obciążenia, automatycznego skalowania oraz baz danych usługi Relational Database Service. Dokładnie przedstawiono zasady wdrażania aplikacji i zarządzania danymi. Pokazano też, w jaki sposób zainicjować automatyczne tworzenie kopii zapasowych oraz jak śledzić i przechowywać pliki dzienników. W książce znalazły się również informacje na temat interfejsów API platformy AWS i sposobu ich użycia oraz automatyzacji infrastruktury z wykorzystaniem usługi CloudFormation, narzędzia Terraform oraz skryptów w języku Python z biblioteką Boto3. W książce między innymi: zasady bezpieczeństwa w systemach chmurowych tworzenie usług Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) konfiguracja centrum danych w chmurze AWS za pomocą sieci VPC automatyczne skalowanie aplikacji praca z dziennikami scentralizowanymi CloudWatch wykonywanie kopii zapasowych danych AWS, czyli dostępność, odporność i niezawodność aplikacji!


AWS dla architektów rozwiązań. Tworzenie, skalowanie i migracja aplikacji do chmury Amazon Web Services. Wydanie II

Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav, Alberto Artasanchez, Imtiaz Sayed

Przetwarzanie w chmurze uzyskało status kluczowego sposobu działań operacyjnych współczesnych firm zmierzających w kierunku transformacji cyfrowej. Usługi AWS (Amazon Web Services) zapewniają takim przedsiębiorstwom znakomite rozwiązania, w tym usługi obliczeniowe, magazyny danych, obsługę sieci i usług zarządzanych. Aplikacje korporacyjne wdrożone w chmurze AWS mogą być wyjątkowo odporne, skalowalne i niezawodne. Oto zaktualizowane wydanie bestsellerowego przewodnika dla architektów rozwiązań. Dzięki niemu dobrze poznasz wzorce projektowe wbudowane w chmurę, czyli model AWS Well-Architected Framework. Zaznajomisz się z sieciami w chmurze AWS z uwzględnieniem sieci brzegowych i tworzeniem hybrydowych połączeń sieciowych w jej obrębie. W tym wydaniu dodano rozdziały dotyczące metodyki CloudOps i takich technologii jak uczenie maszynowe czy łańcuch bloków. Poznasz również inne ważne zagadnienia, w tym przechowywanie danych w chmurze AWS, kontenery obsługiwane przez usługi ECS i EKS, wzorce "jeziora" danych (w tym usługę AWS Lake Formation), architekturę lakehouse i architekturę siatki danych. Ten przewodnik z pewnością ułatwi Ci zaprojektowanie systemu spełniającego wyśrubowane wymagania techniczne i branżowe. W książce: korzystanie z modelu AWS Well-Architected Framework migracja obciążenia za pomocą AWS Cloud Adoption Framework automatyzacja w chmurze w obrębie różnych warstw obciążenia aplikacji korzystanie z technik sieci głębokich architektury referencyjne dla wariantów biznesowych stosowanie najnowszych technologii, w tym uczenia maszynowego i łańcucha bloków AWS: wszystko, czego potrzebujesz do zbudowania niezawodnych rozwiązań!


AWS for Solutions Architects. Design your cloud infrastructure by implementing DevOps, containers, and Amazon Web Services

Alberto Artasanchez

One of the most popular cloud platforms in the world, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers hundreds of services with thousands of features to help you build scalable cloud solutions; however, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast number of services and decide which ones best suit your requirements. Whether you are an application architect, enterprise architect, developer, or operations engineer, this book will take you through AWS architectural patterns and guide you in selecting the most appropriate services for your projects.AWS for Solutions Architects is a comprehensive guide that covers the essential concepts that you need to know for designing well-architected AWS solutions that solve the challenges organizations face daily. You'll get to grips with AWS architectural principles and patterns by implementing best practices and recommended techniques for real-world use cases. The book will show you how to enhance operational efficiency, security, reliability, performance, and cost-effectiveness using real-world examples.By the end of this AWS book, you'll have gained a clear understanding of how to design AWS architectures using the most appropriate services to meet your organization's technological and business requirements.


AWS for System Administrators. Build, automate, and manage your infrastructure on the most popular cloud platform – AWS

Prashant Lakhera

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular and efficient cloud platforms for administering and deploying your applications to make them resilient and robust. AWS for System Administrators will help you to learn several advanced cloud administration concepts for deploying, managing, and operating highly available systems on AWS.Starting with the fundamentals of identity and access management (IAM) for securing your environment, this book will gradually take you through AWS networking and monitoring tools. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll get to grips with VPC, EC2, load balancer, Auto Scaling, RDS database, and data management. The book will also show you how to initiate AWS automated backups and store and keep track of log files. Later, you’ll work with AWS APIs and understand how to use them along with CloudFormation, Python Boto3 Script, and Terraform to automate infrastructure.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll be ready to build your two-tier startup with all the necessary infrastructure, monitoring, and logging components in place.


AWS Lambda Quick Start Guide. Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications on AWS

Markus Klems

AWS Lambda is a part of AWS that lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers. This enables you to deploy applications and backend services that operate with no upfront cost. This book gets you up to speed on how to build scalable systems and deploy serverless applications with AWS Lambda.The book starts with the fundamental concepts of AWS Lambda, and then teaches you how to combine your applications with other AWS services, such as AmazonAPI Gateway and DynamoDB. This book will also give a quick walk through on how to use the Serverless Framework to build larger applications that can structure code or autogenerate boilerplate code that can be used to get started quickly for increased productivity.Toward the end of the book, you will learn how to write, run, and test Lambda functions using Node.js, Java, Python, and C#.


AWS Networking Cookbook. Powerful recipes to overcome the pain points of optimizing your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Satyajit Das, Jhalak Modi

This book starts with practical recipes on the fundamentals of cloud networking and gradually moves on to configuring networks and implementing infrastructure automation. This book then supplies in-depth recipes on networking components like Network Interface, Internet Gateways, DNS, Elastic IP addresses, and VPN CloudHub. Later, this book also delves into designing, implementing, and optimizing static and dynamic routing architectures, multi-region solutions, and highly available connectivity for your enterprise. Finally, this book will teach you to troubleshoot your VPC's network, increasing your VPC's efficiency. By the end of this book, you will have advanced knowledge of AWS networking concepts and technologies and will have mastered implementing infrastructure automation and optimizing your VPC.


AWS Observability Handbook. Monitor, trace, and alert your cloud applications with AWS’ myriad observability tools

Phani Kumar Lingamallu, Fabio Braga de Oliveira

As modern application architecture grows increasingly complex, identifying potential points of failure and measuring end user satisfaction, in addition to monitoring application availability, is key. This book helps you explore AWS observability tools that provide end-to-end visibility, enabling quick identification of performance bottlenecks in distributed applications.You’ll gain a holistic view of monitoring and observability on AWS, starting from observability basics using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray to advanced ML-powered tools such as AWS DevOps Guru. As you progress, you'll learn about AWS-managed open source services such as AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) and AWS managed Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK Stack. You’ll implement observability in EC2 instances, containers, Kubernetes, and serverless apps and grasp UX monitoring. With a fair mix of concepts and examples, this book helps you gain hands-on experience in implementing end-to-end AWS observability in your applications and navigating and troubleshooting performance issues with the help of use cases. You'll also learn best practices and guidelines, such as how observability relates to the Well-Architected Framework.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll be able to implement observability and monitoring in your apps using AWS’ native and managed open source tools in real-world scenarios.


AWS Penetration Testing. Beginner's guide to hacking AWS with tools such as Kali Linux, Metasploit, and Nmap

Jonathan Helmus

Cloud security has always been treated as the highest priority by AWS while designing a robust cloud infrastructure. AWS has now extended its support to allow users and security experts to perform penetration tests on its environment. This has not only revealed a number of loopholes and brought vulnerable points in their existing system to the fore, but has also opened up opportunities for organizations to build a secure cloud environment. This book teaches you how to perform penetration tests in a controlled AWS environment.You'll begin by performing security assessments of major AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon S3, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Lambda. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also learn about specific tests such as exploiting applications, testing permissions flaws, and discovering weak policies. Moving on, you'll discover how to establish private-cloud access through backdoor Lambda functions. As you advance, you'll explore the no-go areas where users can’t make changes due to vendor restrictions and find out how you can avoid being flagged to AWS in these cases. Finally, this book will take you through tips and tricks for securing your cloud environment in a professional way.By the end of this penetration testing book, you'll have become well-versed in a variety of ethical hacking techniques for securing your AWS environment against modern cyber threats.


AWS: Security Best Practices on AWS. Learn to secure your data, servers, and applications with AWS

Albert Anthony

With organizations moving their workloads, applications, and infrastructure to the cloud at an unprecedented pace, security of all these resources has been a paradigm shift for all those who are responsible for security; experts, novices, and apprentices alike.This book focuses on using native AWS security features and managed AWS services to help you achieve continuous security. Starting with an introduction to Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to secure your AWS VPC, you will quickly explore various components that make up VPC such as subnets, security groups, various gateways, and many more.You will also learn to protect data in the AWS platform for various AWS services by encrypting and decrypting data in AWS. You will also learn to secure web and mobile applications in AWS cloud.This book is ideal for all IT professionals, system administrators, security analysts, solution architects, and chief information security officers who are responsible for securing workloads in AWS for their organizations.This book is embedded with useful assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book. This book is repurposed for this specific learning experience from material from Packt's Mastering AWS Security, written by Albert Anthony.


AWS Security Cookbook. Practical solutions for managing security policies, monitoring, auditing, and compliance with AWS

Heartin Kanikathottu

As a security consultant, securing your infrastructure by implementing policies and following best practices is critical. This cookbook discusses practical solutions to the most common problems related to safeguarding infrastructure, covering services and features within AWS that can help you implement security models such as the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), and the AAA triad (authentication, authorization, and availability), along with non-repudiation.The book begins with IAM and S3 policies and later gets you up to speed with data security, application security, monitoring, and compliance. This includes everything from using firewalls and load balancers to secure endpoints, to leveraging Cognito for managing users and authentication. Over the course of this book, you'll learn to use AWS security services such as Config for monitoring, as well as maintain compliance with GuardDuty, Macie, and Inspector. Finally, the book covers cloud security best practices and demonstrates how you can integrate additional security services such as Glacier Vault Lock and Security Hub to further strengthen your infrastructure.By the end of this book, you'll be well versed in the techniques required for securing AWS deployments, along with having the knowledge to prepare for the AWS Certified Security – Specialty certification.


AWS SysOps Cookbook. Practical recipes to build, automate, and manage your AWS-based cloud environments - Second Edition

Eric Z. Beard, Rowan Udell, Lucas Chan

AWS is an on-demand remote computing service providing cloud infrastructure over the internet with storage, bandwidth, and customized support for APIs. This updated second edition will help you implement these services and efficiently administer your AWS environment.You will start with the AWS fundamentals and then understand how to manage multiple accounts before setting up consolidated billing. The book will assist you in setting up reliable and fast hosting for static websites, sharing data between running instances and backing up data for compliance. By understanding how to use compute service, you will also discover how to achieve quick and consistent instance provisioning. You’ll then learn to provision storage volumes and autoscale an app server. Next, you’ll explore serverless development with AWS Lambda, and gain insights into using networking and database services such as Amazon Neptune. The later chapters will focus on management tools like AWS CloudFormation, and how to secure your cloud resources and estimate costs for your infrastructure. Finally, you’ll use the AWS well-architected framework to conduct a technology baseline review self-assessment and identify critical areas for improvement in the management and operation of your cloud-based workloads.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills to effectively administer your AWS environment.


Azure Active Directory for Secure Application Development. Use modern authentication techniques to secure applications in Azure

Sjoukje Zaal

Azure Active Directory for Secure Application Development is your one-stop shop for learning how to develop secure applications using modern authentication techniques with Microsoft Azure AD. Whether you’re working with single-tenant, multi-tenant, or line-of-business applications, this book contains everything you need to secure them.The book wastes no time in diving into the practicalities of Azure AD. Right from the start, you’ll be setting up tenants, adding users, and registering your first application in Azure AD. The balance between grasping and applying theory is maintained as you move from the intermediate to the advanced: from the basics of OAuth to getting your hands dirty with building applications and registering them in Azure AD. Want to pin down the Microsoft Graph, Azure AD B2C, or authentication protocol best practices? We’ve got you covered. The full range of Azure AD functionality from a developer perspective is here for you to explore with confidence.By the end of this secure app development book, you’ll have developed the skill set that so many organizations are clamoring for. Security is mission-critical, and after reading this book, you will be too.


Azure Architecture Explained. A comprehensive guide to building effective cloud solutions

David Rendón, Brett Hargreaves, Sarah Kong

Azure is a sophisticated technology that requires a detailed understanding to reap its full potential and employ its advanced features. This book provides you with a clear path to designing optimal cloud-based solutions in Azure, by delving into the platform's intricacies. You’ll begin by understanding the effective and efficient security management and operation techniques in Azure to implement the appropriate configurations in Microsoft Entra ID. Next, you’ll explore how to modernize your applications for the cloud, examining the different computation and storage options, as well as using Azure data solutions to help migrate and monitor workloads. You’ll also find out how to build your solutions, including containers, networking components, security principles, governance, and advanced observability. With practical examples and step-by-step instructions, you’ll be empowered to work on infrastructure-as-code to effectively deploy and manage resources in your environment. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of cloud computing confidently.