

Bazy danych. Podstawy projektowania i języka SQL

Krystyna Czapla

Idealna baza danych — szyta na Twoją miarę! Faza projektu, czyli jak opracować tabele i określić zależności między nimi Faza implementacji, czyli jak przejść od projektu do tworzenia fizycznej bazy Faza trzecia, czyli jak czerpać informacje z bazy danych w nowoczesnych aplikacjach Bazy danych są dziś tworzone na potęgę i wykorzystywane niemal na każdym kroku. Od czasu pojawienia się komputerów osobistych, internetu i potężnych serwerów ilość danych wymagających zapisania i przetworzenia wciąż wzrasta, a ich sensowne posegregowanie, zapewnienie integralności, łatwości przeszukiwania i możliwości analizowania to umiejętność na wagę złota. Jeśli chcesz ją zdobyć lub udoskonalić, ta książka na pewno Ci w tym pomoże. Znajdziesz tu klarowne, jasne informacje dotyczące kolejnych etapów projektowania oraz implementacji bazy danych, z podziałem na dwie odrębne metody — modelowanie i normalizację. Poznasz obszerne podstawy języka SQL — pojęcia, typy danych, składnię i całe zestawy poleceń — i na konkretnych przykładach zobaczysz, jak używać tego języka. Zrozumiesz też, do czego służy język zapytań i co można zrobić przy użyciu języka DML. To pozwoli Ci z łatwością wykonać ćwiczenia utrwalające, a gdy skończysz będziesz gotowy zmierzyć się z budową własnej bazy! Modelowanie logiczne Normalizacja danych Język baz danych SQL Język zapytań DQL — polecenie SELECT Język manipulowania danymi — DML Język definiowania danych — DDL Proces logowania do bazy Twoje dane w dobrej bazie to klucz do sukcesu!


Big Data. Krótkie Wprowadzenie 30

Dawn E. Holmes

KRÓTKIE WPROWADZENIE - książki, które zmieniają sposób myślenia!   Big data pokazuje, jak postęp technologiczny spowodowany rozwojem Internetu i cyfrowego wszechświata wpłynął na radykalną transformację nauki o danych. Czym są duże zbiory danych i jak zmieniają świat? Jaki mają wpływ na nasze codzienne życie, a jaki na świat biznesu? W tej książce czytelnik znajdzie odpowiedzi na te pytania. * Interdyscyplinarna seria KRÓTKIE WPROWADZENIE piórem uznanych ekspertów skupionych wokół Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego przybliża aktualną wiedzę na temat współczesnego świata i pomaga go zrozumieć. W atrakcyjny sposób prezentuje najważniejsze zagadnienia XXI w. – od kultury, religii, historii przez nauki przyrodnicze po technikę. To publikacje popularnonaukowe, które w formule przystępnej, dalekiej od akademickiego wykładu, prezentują wybrane kwestie. Książki idealne zarówno jako wprowadzenie do nowych tematów, jak i uzupełnienie wiedzy o tym, co nas pasjonuje. Najnowsze fakty, analizy ekspertów, błyskotliwe interpretacje. Opiekę merytoryczną nad polską edycją serii sprawują naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego: prof. Krystyna Kujawińska Courtney, prof. Ewa Gajewska, prof. Aneta Pawłowska, prof. Jerzy Gajdka, prof. Piotr Stalmaszczyk.


Building Analytics Teams. Harnessing analytics and artificial intelligence for business improvement

John K. Thompson, Douglas B. Laney

In Building Analytics Teams, John K. Thompson, with his 30+ years of experience and expertise, illustrates the fundamental concepts of building and managing a high-performance analytics team, including what to do, who to hire, projects to undertake, and what to avoid in the journey of building an analytically sound team. The core processes in creating an effective analytics team and the importance of the business decision-making life cycle are explored to help achieve initial and sustainable success.The book demonstrates the various traits of a successful and high-performing analytics team and then delineates the path to achieve this with insights on the mindset, advanced analytics models, and predictions based on data analytics. It also emphasizes the significance of the macro and micro processes required to evolve in response to rapidly changing business needs.The book dives into the methods and practices of managing, developing, and leading an analytics team. Once you've brought the team up to speed, the book explains how to govern executive expectations and select winning projects.By the end of this book, you will have acquired the knowledge to create an effective business analytics team and develop a production environment that delivers ongoing operational improvements for your organization.


Building ETL Pipelines with Python. Create and deploy enterprise-ready ETL pipelines by employing modern methods

Brij Kishore Pandey, Emily Ro Schoof

Modern extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines for data engineering have favored the Python language for its broad range of uses and a large assortment of tools, applications, and open source components. With its simplicity and extensive library support, Python has emerged as the undisputed choice for data processing.In this book, you’ll walk through the end-to-end process of ETL data pipeline development, starting with an introduction to the fundamentals of data pipelines and establishing a Python development environment to create pipelines. Once you've explored the ETL pipeline design principles and ET development process, you'll be equipped to design custom ETL pipelines. Next, you'll get to grips with the steps in the ETL process, which involves extracting valuable data; performing transformations, through cleaning, manipulation, and ensuring data integrity; and ultimately loading the processed data into storage systems. You’ll also review several ETL modules in Python, comparing their pros and cons when building data pipelines and leveraging cloud tools, such as AWS, to create scalable data pipelines. Lastly, you’ll learn about the concept of test-driven development for ETL pipelines to ensure safe deployments.By the end of this book, you’ll have worked on several hands-on examples to create high-performance ETL pipelines to develop robust, scalable, and resilient environments using Python.


Building Statistical Models in Python. Develop useful models for regression, classification, time series, and survival analysis

Huy Hoang Nguyen, Paul N Adams, Stuart J Miller

The ability to proficiently perform statistical modeling is a fundamental skill for data scientists and essential for businesses reliant on data insights. Building Statistical Models with Python is a comprehensive guide that will empower you to leverage mathematical and statistical principles in data assessment, understanding, and inference generation.This book not only equips you with skills to navigate the complexities of statistical modeling, but also provides practical guidance for immediate implementation through illustrative examples. Through emphasis on application and code examples, you’ll understand the concepts while gaining hands-on experience. With the help of Python and its essential libraries, you’ll explore key statistical models, including hypothesis testing, regression, time series analysis, classification, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll gain fluency in statistical modeling while harnessing the full potential of Python's rich ecosystem for data analysis.


Codeless Time Series Analysis with KNIME. A practical guide to implementing forecasting models for time series analysis applications

KNIME AG, Corey Weisinger, Maarit Widmann, Daniele Tonini

This book will take you on a practical journey, teaching you how to implement solutions for many use cases involving time series analysis techniques.This learning journey is organized in a crescendo of difficulty, starting from the easiest yet effective techniques applied to weather forecasting, then introducing ARIMA and its variations, moving on to machine learning for audio signal classification, training deep learning architectures to predict glucose levels and electrical energy demand, and ending with an approach to anomaly detection in IoT. There’s no time series analysis book without a solution for stock price predictions and you’ll find this use case at the end of the book, together with a few more demand prediction use cases that rely on the integration of KNIME Analytics Platform and other external tools.By the end of this time series book, you’ll have learned about popular time series analysis techniques and algorithms, KNIME Analytics Platform, its time series extension, and how to apply both to common use cases.


CompTIA Data+: DAO-001 Certification Guide. Complete coverage of the new CompTIA Data+ (DAO-001) exam to help you pass on the first attempt

Cameron Dodd

The CompTIA Data+ certification exam not only helps validate a skill set required to enter one of the fastest-growing fields in the world, but also is starting to standardize the language and concepts within the field. However, there’s a lot of conflicting information and a lack of existing resources about the topics covered in this exam, and even professionals working in data analytics may need a study guide to help them pass on their first attempt.The CompTIA Data + (DAO-001) Certification Guide will give you a solid understanding of how to prepare, analyze, and report data for better insights.You’ll get an introduction to Data+ certification exam format to begin with, and then quickly dive into preparing data. You'll learn about collecting, cleaning, and processing data along with data wrangling and manipulation. As you progress, you’ll cover data analysis topics such as types of analysis, common techniques, hypothesis techniques, and statistical analysis, before tackling data reporting, common visualizations, and data governance. All the knowledge you've gained throughout the book will be tested with the mock tests that appear in the final chapters.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to pass the Data+ exam with confidence and take the next step in your career.


Cracking the Data Engineering Interview. Land your dream job with the help of resume-building tips, over 100 mock questions, and a unique portfolio

Kedeisha Bryan, Taamir Ransome

Preparing for a data engineering interview can often get overwhelming due to the abundance of tools and technologies, leaving you struggling to prioritize which ones to focus on. This hands-on guide provides you with the essential foundational and advanced knowledge needed to simplify your learning journey.The book begins by helping you gain a clear understanding of the nature of data engineering and how it differs from organization to organization. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll receive expert advice, practical tips, and real-world insights on everything from creating a resume and cover letter to networking and negotiating your salary. The chapters also offer refresher training on data engineering essentials, including data modeling, database architecture, ETL processes, data warehousing, cloud computing, big data, and machine learning. As you advance, you’ll gain a holistic view by exploring continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD), data security, and privacy. Finally, the book will help you practice case studies, mock interviews, as well as behavioral questions.By the end of this book, you will have a clear understanding of what is required to succeed in an interview for a data engineering role.


Dane grafowe w praktyce. Jak technologie grafowe ułatwiają rozwiązywanie złożonych problemów

Denise Gosnell, Matthias Broecheler

Komputer do pracy potrzebuje liczb i danych. Człowiek chętniej wysnuwa wnioski i wyodrębnia kontekst na podstawie relacji. Te dwa sposoby myślenia są tak odmienne, że komputery do niedawna z trudem wykonywały zadania związane z operowaniem na relacjach. Obecnie może się to zmienić dzięki grafom. Technologie grafowe łączą ludzkie postrzeganie świata i liniową pamięć komputerów. Ich wdrożenie na szerszą skalę będzie stanowić przełom i pozwoli osiągnąć nieznany dziś poziom. Ale najpierw trzeba nauczyć się stosować myślenie grafowe w rozwiązywaniu problemów technicznych. Dzięki tej książce opanujesz podstawy myślenia grafowego. Zapoznasz się z elementarnymi koncepcjami grafowymi: teorią grafów, schematami baz danych, systemami rozproszonymi, a także analizą danych. Dowiesz się również, jak wyglądają typowe wzorce wykorzystania danych grafowych w aplikacjach produkcyjnych. Poznasz sposób, w jaki można te wzorce stosować w praktyce. Pokazano tu, jak używać technik programowania funkcyjnego oraz systemów rozproszonych do tworzenia zapytań i analizowania danych grafowych. Opisano też podstawowe podejścia do proceduralnego przechodzenia przez dane grafowe i ich wykorzystanie za pomocą narzędzi grafowych. W książce: nowy paradygmat rozwiązywania problemów: dane grafowe wzorce wykorzystania danych grafowych przykładowa architektura aplikacji w technologiach relacyjnych i grafowych technologie grafowe a przewidywanie preferencji i zaufania użytkowników filtrowanie kolaboratywne i jego zastosowanie Grafy: przełomowa koncepcja w analizie danych!


Data Cleaning and Exploration with Machine Learning. Get to grips with machine learning techniques to achieve sparkling-clean data quickly

Michael Walker

Many individuals who know how to run machine learning algorithms do not have a good sense of the statistical assumptions they make and how to match the properties of the data to the algorithm for the best results.As you start with this book, models are carefully chosen to help you grasp the underlying data, including in-feature importance and correlation, and the distribution of features and targets. The first two parts of the book introduce you to techniques for preparing data for ML algorithms, without being bashful about using some ML techniques for data cleaning, including anomaly detection and feature selection. The book then helps you apply that knowledge to a wide variety of ML tasks. You’ll gain an understanding of popular supervised and unsupervised algorithms, how to prepare data for them, and how to evaluate them. Next, you’ll build models and understand the relationships in your data, as well as perform cleaning and exploration tasks with that data. You’ll make quick progress in studying the distribution of variables, identifying anomalies, and examining bivariate relationships, as you focus more on the accuracy of predictions in this book.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to deal with complex data problems using unsupervised ML algorithms like principal component analysis and k-means clustering.


Data Engineering with Alteryx. Helping data engineers apply DataOps practices with Alteryx

Paul Houghton

Alteryx is a GUI-based development platform for data analytic applications.Data Engineering with Alteryx will help you leverage Alteryx’s code-free aspects which increase development speed while still enabling you to make the most of the code-based skills you have.This book will teach you the principles of DataOps and how they can be used with the Alteryx software stack. You’ll build data pipelines with Alteryx Designer and incorporate the error handling and data validation needed for reliable datasets. Next, you’ll take the data pipeline from raw data, transform it into a robust dataset, and publish it to Alteryx Server following a continuous integration process.By the end of this Alteryx book, you’ll be able to build systems for validating datasets, monitoring workflow performance, managing access, and promoting the use of your data sources.


Data Engineering with AWS. Acquire the skills to design and build AWS-based data transformation pipelines like a pro - Second Edition

Gareth Eagar

This book, authored by a seasoned Senior Data Architect with 25 years of experience, aims to help you achieve proficiency in using the AWS ecosystem for data engineering. This revised edition provides updates in every chapter to cover the latest AWS services and features, takes a refreshed look at data governance, and includes a brand-new section on building modern data platforms which covers; implementing a data mesh approach, open-table formats (such as Apache Iceberg), and using DataOps for automation and observability.You'll begin by reviewing the key concepts and essential AWS tools in a data engineer's toolkit and getting acquainted with modern data management approaches. You'll then architect a data pipeline, review raw data sources, transform the data, and learn how that transformed data is used by various data consumers. You’ll learn how to ensure strong data governance, and about populating data marts and data warehouses along with how a data lakehouse fits into the picture. After that, you'll be introduced to AWS tools for analyzing data, including those for ad-hoc SQL queries and creating visualizations. Then, you'll explore how the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to draw new insights from data. In the final chapters, you'll discover transactional data lakes, data meshes, and how to build a cutting-edge data platform on AWS.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to execute data engineering tasks and implement a data pipeline on AWS like a pro!


Data Engineering with Databricks Cookbook. Build effective data and AI solutions using Apache Spark, Databricks, and Delta Lake

Pulkit Chadha

Data Engineering with Databricks Cookbook will guide you through recipes to effectively use Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and Databricks for data engineering, beginning with an introduction to data ingestion and loading with Apache Spark.As you progress, you’ll be introduced to various data manipulation and data transformation solutions that can be applied to data. You'll find out how to manage and optimize Delta tables, as well as how to ingest and process streaming data. The book will also show you how to improve the performance problems of Apache Spark apps and Delta Lake. Later chapters will show you how to use Databricks to implement DataOps and DevOps practices and teach you how to orchestrate and schedule data pipelines using Databricks Workflows. Finally, you’ll understand how to set up and configure Unity Catalog for data governance.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed in building reliable and scalable data pipelines using modern data engineering technologies.


Data Engineering with dbt. A practical guide to building a cloud-based, pragmatic, and dependable data platform with SQL

Roberto Zagni

dbt Cloud helps professional analytics engineers automate the application of powerful and proven patterns to transform data from ingestion to delivery, enabling real DataOps.This book begins by introducing you to dbt and its role in the data stack, along with how it uses simple SQL to build your data platform, helping you and your team work better together. You’ll find out how to leverage data modeling, data quality, master data management, and more to build a simple-to-understand and future-proof solution. As you advance, you’ll explore the modern data stack, understand how data-related careers are changing, and see how dbt enables this transition into the emerging role of an analytics engineer. The chapters help you build a sample project using the free version of dbt Cloud, Snowflake, and GitHub to create a professional DevOps setup with continuous integration, automated deployment, ELT run, scheduling, and monitoring, solving practical cases you encounter in your daily work.By the end of this dbt book, you’ll be able to build an end-to-end pragmatic data platform by ingesting data exported from your source systems, coding the needed transformations, including master data and the desired business rules, and building well-formed dimensional models or wide tables that’ll enable you to build reports with the BI tool of your choice.


Data Engineering with Google Cloud Platform. A guide to leveling up as a data engineer by building a scalable data platform with Google Cloud - Second Edition

Adi Wijaya, António Vilares

The second edition of Data Engineering with Google Cloud builds upon the success of the first edition by offering enhanced clarity and depth to data professionals navigating the intricate landscape of data engineering.Beyond its foundational lessons, this new edition delves into the essential realm of data governance within Google Cloud, providing you with invaluable insights into managing and optimizing data resources effectively. Written by a Data Strategic Cloud Engineer at Google, this book helps you stay ahead of the curve by guiding you through the latest technological advancements in the Google Cloud ecosystem. You’ll cover essential aspects, from exploring Cloud Composer 2 to the evolution of Airflow 2.5. Additionally, you’ll explore how to work with cutting-edge tools like Dataform, DLP, Dataplex, Dataproc Serverless, and Datastream to perform data governance on datasets.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped to navigate the ever-evolving world of data engineering on Google Cloud, from foundational principles to cutting-edge practices.


Data Engineering with Scala and Spark. Build streaming and batch pipelines that process massive amounts of data using Scala

Eric Tome, Rupam Bhattacharjee, David Radford

Most data engineers know that performance issues in a distributed computing environment can easily lead to issues impacting the overall efficiency and effectiveness of data engineering tasks. While Python remains a popular choice for data engineering due to its ease of use, Scala shines in scenarios where the performance of distributed data processing is paramount.This book will teach you how to leverage the Scala programming language on the Spark framework and use the latest cloud technologies to build continuous and triggered data pipelines. You’ll do this by setting up a data engineering environment for local development and scalable distributed cloud deployments using data engineering best practices, test-driven development, and CI/CD. You’ll also get to grips with DataFrame API, Dataset API, and Spark SQL API and its use. Data profiling and quality in Scala will also be covered, alongside techniques for orchestrating and performance tuning your end-to-end pipelines to deliver data to your end users. By the end of this book, you will be able to build streaming and batch data pipelines using Scala while following software engineering best practices.


Data Governance Handbook. A practical approach to building trust in data

Wendy S. Batchelder

2.5 quintillion bytes! This is the amount of data being generated every single day across the globe. As this number continues to grow, understanding and managing data becomes more complex. Data professionals know that it’s their responsibility to navigate this complexity and ensure effective governance, empowering businesses with the right data, at the right time, and with the right controls.If you are a data professional, this book will equip you with valuable guidance to conquer data governance complexities with ease. Written by a three-time chief data officer in global Fortune 500 companies, the Data Governance Handbook is an exhaustive guide to understanding data governance, its key components, and how to successfully position solutions in a way that translates into tangible business outcomes.By the end, you’ll be able to successfully pitch and gain support for your data governance program, demonstrating tangible outcomes that resonate with key stakeholders.


Data Ingestion with Python Cookbook. A practical guide to ingesting, monitoring, and identifying errors in the data ingestion process

Gláucia Esppenchutz

Data Ingestion with Python Cookbook offers a practical approach to designing and implementing data ingestion pipelines. It presents real-world examples with the most widely recognized open source tools on the market to answer commonly asked questions and overcome challenges.You’ll be introduced to designing and working with or without data schemas, as well as creating monitored pipelines with Airflow and data observability principles, all while following industry best practices. The book also addresses challenges associated with reading different data sources and data formats. As you progress through the book, you’ll gain a broader understanding of error logging best practices, troubleshooting techniques, data orchestration, monitoring, and storing logs for further consultation.By the end of the book, you’ll have a fully automated set that enables you to start ingesting and monitoring your data pipeline effortlessly, facilitating seamless integration with subsequent stages of the ETL process.


Data Management Strategy at Microsoft. Best practices from a tech giant's decade-long data transformation journey

Aleksejs Plotnikovs

Microsoft pioneered data innovation and investment ahead of many in the industry, setting a remarkable standard for data maturity. Written by a data leader with over 15 years of experience following Microsoft’s data journey, this book delves into every crucial aspect of this journey, including change management, aligning with business needs, enhancing data value, and cultivating a data-driven culture.This book emphasizes that success in a data-driven enterprise goes beyond relying solely on modern technology and highlights the importance of prioritizing genuine business needs to propel necessary modernizations through change management practices. You’ll see how data-driven innovation does not solely reside within central IT engineering teams but also among the data's business owners who rely on data daily for their operational needs. This guide empower these professionals with clean, easily discoverable, and business-ready data, marking a significant breakthrough in how data is perceived and utilized throughout an enterprise. You’ll also discover advanced techniques to nurture the value of data as unique intellectual property, and differentiate your organization with the power of data.Its storytelling approach and summary of essential insights at the end of each chapter make this book invaluable for business and data leaders to advocate for crucial data investments.


Data Modeling with Snowflake. A practical guide to accelerating Snowflake development using universal data modeling techniques

Serge Gershkovich, Kent Graziano

The Snowflake Data Cloud is one of the fastest-growing platforms for data warehousing and application workloads. Snowflake's scalable, cloud-native architecture and expansive set of features and objects enables you to deliver data solutions quicker than ever before.Yet, we must ensure that these solutions are developed using recommended design patterns and accompanied by documentation that’s easily accessible to everyone in the organization.This book will help you get familiar with simple and practical data modeling frameworks that accelerate agile design and evolve with the project from concept to code. These universal principles have helped guide database design for decades, and this book pairs them with unique Snowflake-native objects and examples like never before – giving you a two-for-one crash course in theory as well as direct application.By the end of this Snowflake book, you’ll have learned how to leverage Snowflake’s innovative features, such as time travel, zero-copy cloning, and change-data-capture, to create cost-effective, efficient designs through time-tested modeling principles that are easily digestible when coupled with real-world examples.


Data Modeling with Tableau. A practical guide to building data models using Tableau Prep and Tableau Desktop

Kirk Munroe

Tableau is unlike most other BI platforms that have a single data modeling tool and enterprise data model (for example, LookML from Google’s Looker). That doesn’t mean Tableau doesn’t have enterprise data governance; it is both robust and highly flexible. This book will help you effectively use Tableau governance models to build a data-driven organization.Data Modeling with Tableau is an extensive guide, complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts, practical examples, and hands-on exercises. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll learn the role that Tableau Prep Builder and Tableau Desktop each play in data modeling. You’ll also explore the components of Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud that make data modeling more robust, secure, and performant. Moreover, by extending data models for Ask and Explain Data, you’ll gain the knowledge required to extend analytics to more people in their organizations, leading to better data-driven decisions. Finally, this book will guide you through the entire Tableau stack and the techniques required to build the right level of governance into Tableau data models for the correct use cases.By the end of this Tableau book, you’ll have a firm understanding of how to leverage data modeling in Tableau to benefit your organization.


Data Quality in the Age of AI. Building a foundation for AI strategy and data culture

Andrew Jones

As organizations worldwide seek to revamp their data strategies to leverage AI advancements and benefit from newfound capabilities, data quality emerges as the cornerstone for success. Without high-quality data, even the most advanced AI models falter. Enter Data Quality in the Age of AI, a detailed report that illuminates the crucial role of data quality in shaping effective data strategies.Packed with actionable insights, this report highlights the critical role of data quality in your overall data strategy. It equips teams and organizations with the knowledge and tools to thrive in the evolving AI landscape, serving as a roadmap for harnessing the power of data quality, enabling them to unlock their data's full potential, leading to improved performance, reduced costs, increased revenue, and informed strategic decisions.


Data science od podstaw. Analiza danych w Pythonie. Wydanie II

Joel Grus

Analityka danych jest uważana za wyjątkowo obiecującą dziedzinę wiedzy. Rozwija się błyskawicznie i znajduje coraz to nowsze zastosowania. Profesjonaliści biegli w eksploracji danych i wydobywaniu z nich pożytecznych informacji mogą liczyć na interesującą pracę i bardzo atrakcyjne warunki zatrudnienia. Jednak aby zostać analitykiem danych, trzeba znać matematykę i statystykę, a także nauczyć się programowania. Umiejętności w zakresie uczenia maszynowego i uczenia głębokiego również są ważne. W przypadku tak specyficznej dziedziny, jaką jest nauka o danych, szczególnie istotne jest zdobycie gruntownych podstaw i dogłębne ich zrozumienie. W tym przewodniku opisano zagadnienia związane z podstawami nauki o danych. Wyjaśniono niezbędne elementy matematyki i statystyki. Przedstawiono także techniki budowy potrzebnych narzędzi i sposoby działania najistotniejszych algorytmów. Książka została skonstruowana tak, aby poszczególne implementacje były jak najbardziej przejrzyste i zrozumiałe. Zamieszczone tu przykłady napisano w Pythonie: jest to język dość łatwy do nauki, a pracę na danych ułatwia szereg przydatnych bibliotek Pythona. W drugim wydaniu znalazły się nowe tematy, takie jak uczenie głębokie, statystyka i przetwarzanie języka naturalnego, a także działania na ogromnych zbiorach danych. Zagadnienia te często pojawiają się w pracy współczesnego analityka danych. W książce między innymi: elementy algebry liniowej, statystyki i rachunku prawdopodobieństwa zbieranie, oczyszczanie i eksploracja danych algorytmy modeli analizy danych podstawy uczenia maszynowego systemy rekomendacji i przetwarzanie języka naturalnego analiza sieci społecznościowych i algorytm MapReduce Nauka o danych: bazuj na solidnych podstawach!


Data Storytelling with Google Looker Studio. A hands-on guide to using Looker Studio for building compelling and effective dashboards

Sireesha Pulipati, Nicholas Kelly

Presenting data visually makes it easier for organizations and individuals to interpret and analyze information. Looker Studio is an easy-to-use, collaborative tool that enables you to transform your data into engaging visualizations. This allows you to build and share dashboards that help monitor key performance indicators, identify patterns, and generate insights to ultimately drive decisions and actions.Data Storytelling with Looker Studio begins by laying out the foundational design principles and guidelines that are essential to creating accurate, effective, and compelling data visualizations. Next, you’ll delve into features and capabilities of Looker Studio – from basic to advanced – and explore their application with examples. The subsequent chapters walk you through building dashboards with a structured three-stage process called the 3D approach using real-world examples that’ll help you understand the various design and implementation considerations. This approach involves determining the objectives and needs of the dashboard, designing its key components and layout, and developing each element of the dashboard.By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of the storytelling approach and be able to create data stories of your own using Looker Studio.