
NoSQL. Przyjazny przewodnik

Dan Sullivan

OpenGL Development Cookbook. OpenGL brings an added dimension to your graphics by utilizing the remarkable power of modern GPUs. This straight-talking cookbook is perfect for intermediate C++ programmers who want to exploit the full potential of OpenGL

Muhammad Mobeen Movania

Pentaho Data Integration Beginner's Guide. Get up and running with the Pentaho Data Integration tool using this hands-on, easy-to-read guide with this book and ebook - Second Edition

María Carina Roldán

Platform and Model Design for Responsible AI. Design and build resilient, private, fair, and transparent machine learning models

Amita Kapoor, Sharmistha Chatterjee

Podstawy wizualizacji danych. Zasady tworzenia atrakcyjnych wykresów

Claus O. Wilke

PostgreSQL Server Programming. Extend PostgreSQL using PostgreSQL server programming to create, test, debug, and optimize a range of user-defined functions in your favorite programming language

Usama Dar, Kirk Roybal, Jim Mlodgenski, Hannu Krosing

Potoki danych. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Przenoszenie i przetwarzanie danych na potrzeby ich analizy

James Densmore

Power Query w Excelu i Power BI. Zbieranie i przekształcanie danych

Gil Raviv