Sztuczna inteligencja

Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking. A practical guide to building intelligent financial applications using machine learning techniques

Jeffrey Ng, Subhash Shah

Hands-On Business Intelligence with DAX. Discover the intricacies of this powerful query language to gain valuable insights from your data

Ian Horne

Hands-On Computer Vision with Detectron2. Develop object detection and segmentation models with a code and visualization approach

Van Vung Pham, Tommy Dang

Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python. Practical techniques and architectures for building powerful graph and deep learning apps with PyTorch

Maxime Labonne

Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta. Explore the role of deep learning in music generation and assisted music composition

Alexandre DuBreuil

Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python. Develop simulation models for improved efficiency and precision in the decision-making process - Second Edition

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Hyperledger Cookbook. Over 40 recipes implementing the latest Hyperledger blockchain frameworks and tools

Xun (Brian) Wu, Chuanfeng Zhang, Zhibin (Andrew) Zhang

Hyperparameter Tuning with Python. Boost your machine learning model’s performance via hyperparameter tuning

Louis Owen

Implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement. Configure, customize, and extend Dynamics 365 CE in order to create effective CRM solutions

Mahender Pal

Implementing Splunk. A comprehensive guide to help you transform Big Data into valuable business insights with Splunk 6.2


Industrial Digital Transformation. Accelerate digital transformation with business optimization, AI, and Industry 4.0

Shyam Varan Nath, Ann Dunkin, Mahesh Chowdhary, Nital Patel

Integrate Lua with C++. Seamlessly integrate Lua scripting to enhance application flexibility

Wenhuan Li

Intelligent Document Processing with AWS AI/ML. A comprehensive guide to building IDP pipelines with applications across industries

Sonali Sahu

Inżynieria promptów bez tajemnic. Sztuka kreatywnego generowania tekstów

Gilbert Mizrahi

IoT and Edge Computing for Architects. Implementing edge and IoT systems from sensors to clouds with communication systems, analytics, and security - Second Edition

Perry Lea

Jak zarabiać przez Internet z AI

Włodzimierz Iwanowski

Java Deep Learning Essentials. Unlocking the next generation of predictive power

Yusuke Sugomori

Języki i paradygmaty programowania. Teoria i praktyka

Feliks Kurp

Komunikacja z AI. Dla początkujących

Katarzyna Majzel-Pośpiech

Large Language Models An Introduction. Understanding the Fundamentals and Applications of Generative AI

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

Learn OpenAI Whisper. Transform your understanding of GenAI through robust and accurate speech processing solutions

Josué R. Batista, Christopher Papile

Learning Game AI Programming with Lua. Leverage the power of Lua programming to create game AI that focuses on motion, animation, and tactics

David Young

Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python. Unleash the power of computer vision with Python using OpenCV

Gionata Minichino, Joseph Howse, Gil Levi, Joe Minichino

Machine Learning: End-to-End guide for Java developers. Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks simplified

Boštjan Kaluža, Krishna Choppella, Uday Kamath