Power BI

Artificial Intelligence with Power BI. Take your data analytics skills to the next level by leveraging the AI capabilities in Power BI

Mary-Jo Diepeveen

DAX i Power BI w analizie danych. Tworzenie zaawansowanych i efektywnych analiz dla biznesu

Michiel Rozema, Henk Vlootman

DAX w Power BI. Podstawy. Podręcznik z ćwiczeniami

Justyna Pyrcz

Dodaj mocy Power BI! Jak za pomocą kodu w Pythonie i R pobierać, przekształcać i wizualizować dane

Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri

Expert Data Modeling with Power BI. Get the best out of Power BI by building optimized data models for reporting and business needs

Soheil Bakhshi, Christian Wade

Extending Power BI with Python and R. Ingest, transform, enrich, and visualize data using the power of analytical languages

Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri

Kompletny przewodnik po DAX. Analiza biznesowa przy użyciu Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services i Power BI

Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

Kompletny przewodnik po DAX, wyd. 2 rozszerzone. Analiza biznesowa przy użyciu Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Analysis Services i Excel

Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

Learn Power BI. A beginner's guide to developing interactive business intelligence solutions using Microsoft Power BI

Greg Deckler

Learn Power BI. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn real-world business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler

Mastering Microsoft Power BI. Expert techniques for effective data analytics and business intelligence

Brett Powell

Mastering Microsoft Power BI. Expert techniques to create interactive insights for effective data analytics and business intelligence - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell, Leon Gordon

Microsoft Power BI Complete Reference. Bring your data to life with the powerful features of Microsoft Power BI

Devin Knight, Brian Knight, Mitchell Pearson, Manuel Quintana, ...

Microsoft Power BI Cookbook. Creating Business Intelligence Solutions of Analytical Data Models, Reports, and Dashboards

Brett Powell, Gilbert Quevauvilliers

Microsoft Power BI Cookbook. Gain expertise in Power BI with over 90 hands-on recipes, tips, and use cases - Second Edition

Greg Deckler, Brett Powell

Microsoft Power BI dla bystrzaków

Jack Hyman