Network security

Penetration Testing: A Survival Guide. A Survival Guide

Wolf Halton, Bo Weaver, Juned Ahmed Ansari, Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli, ...

Penetration Testing Bootcamp. Quickly get up and running with pentesting techniques

Jason Beltrame

Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi. A portable hacking station for effective pentesting - Second Edition

Michael McPhee, Jason Beltrame

pfSense 2.x Cookbook. Manage and maintain your network using pfSense - Second Edition

David Zientara

Podstawy ochrony komputerów

G T Gangemi, Rick Lehtinen, Deborah Russell

Practical Industrial Internet of Things Security. A practitioner's guide to securing connected industries

Sravani Bhattacharjee

Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET. A developer's guide to building cloud-native applications using the event-driven runtime - Second Edition

Davide Bedin, Mark Russinovich

Practical Mobile Forensics. Forensically investigate and analyze iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices - Fourth Edition

Rohit Tamma, Oleg Skulkin, Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty

Practical Network Automation. A beginner's guide to automating and optimizing networks using Python, Ansible, and more - Second Edition

Abhishek Ratan

Practical Security Automation and Testing. Tools and techniques for automated security scanning and testing in DevSecOps

Tony Hsiang-Chih Hsu

Practical Threat Detection Engineering. A hands-on guide to planning, developing, and validating detection capabilities

Megan Roddie, Jason Deyalsingh, Gary J. Katz

Praktyczna analiza pakietów. Wykorzystanie narzędzia Wireshark do rozwiązywania problemów związanych z siecią. Wydanie III

Chris Sanders

Prawdziwa głębia OSINT. Odkryj wartość danych Open Source Intelligence

Rae L. Baker

Profesjonalne tworzenie kopii zapasowych i odzyskiwanie danych

Steven Nelson

Purple Team Strategies. Enhancing global security posture through uniting red and blue teams with adversary emulation

David Routin, Simon Thoores, Samuel Rossier

Python Digital Forensics Cookbook. Effective Python recipes for digital investigations

Chapin Bryce, Preston Miller

Python For Offensive PenTest. A practical guide to ethical hacking and penetration testing using Python

Hussam Khrais

Python Network Programming. Conquer all your networking challenges with the powerful Python language

Abhishek Ratan, Eric Chou, Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker

Reconnaissance for Ethical Hackers. Focus on the starting point of data breaches and explore essential steps for successful pentesting

Glen D. Singh

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Essentials. Learn to install, administer and deploy RHEL 8 systems

Neil Smyth

Ryzyko w cyberbezpieczeństwie. Metody modelowania, pomiaru i szacowania ryzyka. Wydanie II

Douglas W. Hubbard, Richard Seiersen

Securing Industrial Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems. A practical guide for safeguarding mission and safety critical systems

Jalal Bouhdada, Marco Ayala

Securing Network Infrastructure. Discover practical network security with Nmap and Nessus 7

Sairam Jetty, Sagar Rahalkar

Securing Remote Access in Palo Alto Networks. Practical techniques to enable and protect remote users, improve your security posture, and troubleshoot next-generation firewalls

Tom Piens aka 'reaper'