
VMware vSphere ESXi 8. Instalacja, konfiguracja i wprowadzenie do vCenter

Adam Nogły

Warsztat hakera. Testy penetracyjne i inne techniki wykrywania podatności

Matthew Hickey, Jennifer Arcuri

Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux. Explore the methods and tools of ethical hacking with Kali Linux - Third Edition

Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez, Juned Ahmed Ansari

Windows and Linux Penetration Testing from Scratch. Harness the power of pen testing with Kali Linux for unbeatable hard-hitting results - Second Edition

Phil Bramwell

Windows APT Warfare. Identify and prevent Windows APT attacks effectively

Sheng-Hao Ma, Ziv Chang, Federico Maggi

Wireshark Essentials. Get up and running with Wireshark to analyze network packets and protocols effectively

James H. Baxter, James H Baxter

Wireshark Network Security. A succinct guide to securely administer your network using Wireshark

Piyush Verma