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Ochrona danych osobowych
Confidence Staveley, Christopher Romeo
APIs have evolved into an essential part of modern applications, making them an attractive target for cybercriminals. Written by a multi-award-winning cybersecurity leader , this comprehensive guide offers practical insights into testing APIs, identifying vulnerabilities, and fixing them.With a focus on hands-on learning, this book guides you through securing your APIs in a step-by-step manner. You'll learn how to bypass authentication controls, circumvent authorization controls, and identify vulnerabilities in APIs using open-source and commercial tools. Moreover, you'll gain the skills you need to write comprehensive vulnerability reports and recommend and implement effective mitigation strategies to address the identified vulnerabilities. This book isn't just about hacking APIs; it's also about understanding how to defend them. You'll explore various API security management strategies and understand how to use them to safeguard APIs against emerging threats.By the end of this book, you'll have a profound understanding of API security and how to defend against the latest threats. Whether you're a developer, security professional, or ethical hacker, this book will ensure that your APIs are secure and your organization's data is protected.
Are you ready to unleash the potential of AI-driven cybersecurity? This cookbook takes you on a journey toward enhancing your cybersecurity skills, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional. By leveraging cutting-edge generative AI and large language models such as ChatGPT, you'll gain a competitive advantage in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Cookbook shows you how to automate and optimize various cybersecurity tasks, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, risk assessment, and threat detection. Each recipe demonstrates step by step how to utilize ChatGPT and the OpenAI API to generate complex commands, write code, and even create complete tools. You’ll discover how AI-powered cybersecurity can revolutionize your approach to security, providing you with new strategies and techniques for tackling challenges. As you progress, you’ll dive into detailed recipes covering attack vector automation, vulnerability scanning, GPT-assisted code analysis, and more. By learning to harness the power of generative AI, you'll not only expand your skillset but also increase your efficiency.By the end of this cybersecurity book, you’ll have the confidence and knowledge you need to stay ahead of the curve, mastering the latest generative AI tools and techniques in cybersecurity.
Hemang Doshi, Javen Khoo Ai Wee
Following on from the success of its bestselling predecessor, this third edition of the CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide serves as your go-to resource for acing the CISA exam. Written by renowned CISA expert Hemang Doshi, this guide equips you with practical skills and in-depth knowledge to excel in information systems auditing, setting the foundation for a thriving career.Fully updated to align with the 28th edition of the CISA Official Review Manual, this guide covers the latest exam objectives and provides a deep dive into essential IT auditing areas, including IT governance, systems development, and asset protection. The book follows a structured, three-step approach to solidify your understanding. First, it breaks down the fundamentals with clear, concise explanations. Then, it highlights critical exam-focused points to ensure you concentrate on key areas. Finally, it challenges you with self-assessment questions that reflect the exam format, helping you assess your knowledge.Additionally, you’ll gain access to online resources, including mock exams, interactive flashcards, and invaluable exam tips, ensuring you’re fully prepared for the exam with unlimited practice opportunities.By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to pass the CISA exam with confidence and advance your career in auditing.
Whether you’re looking to crack passwords as part of a thorough security audit or aiming to recover vital information, this book will equip you with the skills to accomplish your goals. Written by a cybersecurity expert with over fifteen years of experience in penetration testing, Ethical Password Cracking offers a thorough understanding of password protection and the correct approach to retrieving password-protected data.As you progress through the chapters, you first familiarize yourself with how credentials are stored, delving briefly into the math behind password cracking. Then, the book will take you through various tools and techniques to help you recover desired passwords before focusing on common cracking use cases, hash recovery, and cracking. Real-life examples will prompt you to explore brute-force versus dictionary-based approaches and teach you how to apply them to various types of credential storage.By the end of this book, you'll understand how passwords are protected and how to crack the most common credential types with ease.
Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics. Strategies, tools, and techniques for effective cyber defense
If you’re an ethical hacker looking to boost your digital defenses and stay up to date with the evolving cybersecurity landscape, then this book is for you. Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics is a comprehensive guide that will take you from fundamental to advanced levels of ethical hacking, offering insights into both offensive and defensive techniques. Written by a seasoned professional with 20+ years of experience, this book covers attack tools, methodologies, and procedures, helping you enhance your skills in securing and defending networks.The book starts with foundational concepts such as footprinting, reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, vulnerability assessment, and threat modeling. Next, you’ll progress to using specific tools and procedures for hacking Windows, Unix, web servers, applications, and databases. The book also gets you up to speed with malware analysis. Throughout the book, you’ll experience a smooth transition from theoretical concepts to hands-on techniques using various platforms. Finally, you’ll explore incident response, threat hunting, social engineering, IoT hacking, and cloud exploitation, which will help you address the complex aspects of ethical hacking.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to navigate the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.
Information Security Handbook is a practical guide that’ll empower you to take effective actions in securing your organization’s assets. Whether you are an experienced security professional seeking to refine your skills or someone new to the field looking to build a strong foundation, this book is designed to meet you where you are and guide you toward improving your understanding of information security.Each chapter addresses the key concepts, practical techniques, and best practices to establish a robust and effective information security program. You’ll be offered a holistic perspective on securing information, including risk management, incident response, cloud security, and supply chain considerations. This book has distilled years of experience and expertise of the author, Darren Death, into clear insights that can be applied directly to your organization’s security efforts. Whether you work in a large enterprise, a government agency, or a small business, the principles and strategies presented in this book are adaptable and scalable to suit your specific needs.By the end of this book, you’ll have all the tools and guidance needed to fortify your organization’s defenses and expand your capabilities as an information security practitioner.
Listy kontrolne, procedury i instrukcje ODO
E-book zawiera pakiet list kontrolnych, procedur i i instrukcji ODO. Znajdziesz tu takie dokumenty jak: - Lista kontrolna: Sprawdź swoją wiedzę na temat cyberbezpieczeństwa - Lista kontrolna: Jak zweryfikować podmiot przetwarzający w związku z mającym nastąpić powierzeniem danych osobowych - Lista kontrolna: Jak przeprowadzić ocenę skutków ochrony danych w sklepie internetowym w 5 krokach - Lista sprawdzająca: Jakie są terminy aktualizacji dokumentacji dotyczącej ochrony danych osobowych - Lista kontrolna: Jak stosować pliki cookies na stronie WWW i wiele innych
Ochrona sygnalistów w dokumentacji ODO
W ebooku przeczytasz m.in. o tym kim jest sygnalista i kiedy należy objąć go ochroną, jak wygląda ochrona sygnalistów w przypadku zgłaszania naruszenia prawa, poznasz obowiązek informacyjny RODO wobec sygnalisty oraz otrzymasz gotowy wzór procedury zgłoszeń wewnętrznych. Świeża publikacja oparta na aktualnościach w kontekście nowej ustawy o sygnalistach. E-book został przygotowany z myślą o specjalistach ochrony danych osobowych, a zawarte w nim informacje pomogą w zapewnieniu zgodności z obowiązującymi przepisami.
RODO w sieci - 17 pytań i odpowiedzi dotyczących ochrony danych przetwarzanych cyfrowo
Piotr Glen, Michał Koralewski, Maciej Lipka, Michał Nosowski, ...
Przetwarzanie danych osobowych cyfrowo jest powszechną i wygodna praktyką dla wszystkich uczestników tego procesu. Niemniej jednak jest ono obarczone większym ryzykiem związanym z ich bezpieczeństwem np. w postaci cyberataku. To z kolei powoduje, że administratorzy danych osobowych mają dodatkowe obowiązki w tym zakresie. Sprawdź, jak przetwarzać dane na potrzeby poczty e-mail, wideokonferencji, urządzeń mobilnych, jak przesyłać dane poza obszar EOG czy też jakie są założenia aktu o usługach cyfrowych. To tylko niektóre z najistotniejszych zagadnień omówionych w tej publikacji.
As modern process facilities become increasingly sophisticated and vulnerable to cyber threats, securing critical infrastructure is more crucial than ever. This book offers an indispensable guide to industrial cybersecurity and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), vital for maintaining the safety and reliability of critical systems and protecting your operations, personnel, and assets.Starting with SIS design principles, the book delves into the architecture and protocols of safety networks. It provides hands-on experience identifying vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, exploring how attackers might target SIS components. You’ll thoroughly analyze Key SIS technologies, threat modeling, and attack techniques targeting SIS controllers and engineer workstations. The book shows you how to secure Instrument Asset Management Systems (IAMS), implement physical security measures, and apply integrated risk management methodologies. It also covers compliance with emerging cybersecurity regulations and industry standards worldwide.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained practical insights into various risk assessment methodologies and a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively protect critical infrastructure.
Threat Modeling Gameplay with EoP. A reference manual for spotting threats in software architecture
Are you looking to navigate security risks, but want to make your learning experience fun? Here's a comprehensive guide that introduces the concept of play to protect, helping you discover the threats that could affect your software design via gameplay.Each chapter in this book covers a suit in the Elevation of Privilege (EoP) card deck (a threat category), providing example threats, references, and suggested mitigations for each card. You’ll explore the methodology for threat modeling—Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, and Elevation of Privilege (S.T.R.I.D.E.) with Privacy deck and the T.R.I.M. extension pack. T.R.I.M. is a framework for privacy that stands for Transfer, Retention/Removal, Inference, and Minimization. Throughout the book, you’ll learn the meanings of these terms and how they should be applied. From spotting vulnerabilities to implementing practical solutions, the chapters provide actionable strategies for fortifying the security of software systems.By the end of this book, you will be able to recognize threats, understand privacy regulations, access references for further exploration, and get familiarized with techniques to protect against these threats and minimize risks.
Dr. Paul Duplys, Dr. Roland Schmitz
TLS is the most widely used cryptographic protocol today, enabling e-commerce, online banking, and secure online communication. Written by Dr. Paul Duplys, Security, Privacy & Safety Research Lead at Bosch, and Dr. Roland Schmitz, Internet Security Professor at Stuttgart Media University, this book will help you gain a deep understanding of how and why TLS works, how past attacks on TLS were possible, and how vulnerabilities that enabled them were addressed in the latest TLS version 1.3. By exploring the inner workings of TLS, you’ll be able to configure it and use it more securely.Starting with the basic concepts, you’ll be led step by step through the world of modern cryptography, guided by the TLS protocol. As you advance, you’ll be learning about the necessary mathematical concepts from scratch. Topics such as public-key cryptography based on elliptic curves will be explained with a view on real-world applications in TLS. With easy-to-understand concepts, you’ll find out how secret keys are generated and exchanged in TLS, and how they are used to creating a secure channel between a client and a server.By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge to configure TLS servers securely. Moreover, you’ll have gained a deep knowledge of the cryptographic primitives that make up TLS.