
Möchten Sie tiefer in die Welt der Cybersicherheit und moderner Technologien eintauchen? Dann werden Sie sicherlich an unserer Online-Bibliothek interessiert sein. Hier finden Sie Bücher, die Ihnen helfen, die von Hackern verwendeten Methoden kennenzulernen. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie Ihre Daten effektiv schützen sowie Programme testen und debuggen können.

Securing Cloud PCs and Azure Virtual Desktop. Start implementing and optimizing security for Windows 365 and AVD infrastructure

Dominiek Verham, Johan Vanneuville, Christiaan Brinkhoff, Scott Manchester

Securing Industrial Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems. A practical guide for safeguarding mission and safety critical systems

Jalal Bouhdada, Marco Ayala

Securing Network Infrastructure. Discover practical network security with Nmap and Nessus 7

Sairam Jetty, Sagar Rahalkar

Securing Remote Access in Palo Alto Networks. Practical techniques to enable and protect remote users, improve your security posture, and troubleshoot next-generation firewalls

Tom Piens aka 'reaper'

Security Automation with Ansible 2. Leverage Ansible 2 to automate complex security tasks like application security, network security, and malware analysis

Akash Mahajan, MADHU AKULA

Security CCNA 210-260. Zostań administratorem sieci komputerowych Cisco

Adam Józefiok

Security Monitoring with Wazuh. A hands-on guide to effective enterprise security using real-life use cases in Wazuh

Rajneesh Gupta, Santiago Bassett

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response for Security Analysts. Learn the secrets of SOAR to improve MTTA and MTTR and strengthen your organization's security posture

Benjamin Kovacevic, Nicholas Dicola