

Deep Learning. Receptury

Douwe Osinga

Pomysł, by komputery wykorzystywać do generowania inteligentnych rozwiązań, narodził się w zamierzchłych dla informatyki czasach, mniej więcej w połowie XX wieku. Bardzo długo jednak idea ta - z powodu ograniczeń technologicznych - nie mogła wyjść poza rozważania teoretyczne. Dziś osoby zainteresowane uczeniem głębokim są w komfortowej sytuacji: mogą korzystać z ogólnie dostępnych frameworków uczenia głębokiego, sięgać po ogromne zbiory danych, a ponadto wyniki tego rodzaju badań znalazły się w centrum zainteresowania biznesu. Okazuje się, że nawet bez szczególnego przygotowania teoretycznego można budować i udoskonalać potężne modele sieci neuronowych oraz uczenia głębokiego i wdrażać je w konkretnych sytuacjach. Dzięki tej książce, nawet jeśli nie posiadasz zaawansowanej wiedzy o uczeniu głębokim (oryg. deep learning), zaczniesz szybko tworzyć rozwiązania z tego zakresu. Zamieszczone tu receptury pozwolą Ci sprawnie zaznajomić się z takimi zastosowaniami uczenia głębokiego jak klasyfikacja, generowanie tekstów, obrazów i muzyki. Cennym elementem książki są informacje o rozwiązywaniu problemów z sieciami neuronowymi - testowanie sieci wciąż jest trudnym zagadnieniem. Ponadto znalazły się w niej porady dotyczące pozyskiwania danych niezbędnych do trenowania sieci, a także receptury, dzięki którym łatwiej zacząć użytkować modele w środowiskach produkcyjnych. Z tej książki dowiesz się, jak: tworzyć użyteczne aplikacje, które docenią użytkownicy obliczać podobieństwo tekstów wizualizować wewnętrzny stan systemu sztucznej inteligencji napisać usługę odwrotnego wyszukiwania obrazów za pomocą wyuczonych sieci wykorzystać sieci GAN, autoenkodery i LSTM do generowania ikon wykrywać style w utworach muzycznych Uczenie głębokie - rzecz dla kreatywnych filozofów z myszą w dłoni!


Deep Learning. Uczenie głębokie z językiem Python. Sztuczna inteligencja i sieci neuronowe

Valentino Zocca, Gianmario Spacagna, Daniel Slater, Peter Roelants

Na naszych oczach dokonuje się przełom: technologie wykorzystujące rozmaite formy sztucznej inteligencji zaczynają się pojawiać w różnych branżach. Niektórzy nawet nie zdają sobie sprawy, jak często i jak powszechnie stosuje się algorytmy uczenia głębokiego. Możliwości w tym zakresie stale rosną. Wzrasta też zapotrzebowanie na inżynierów, którzy swobodnie operują wiedzą o uczeniu głębokim i są w stanie zaimplementować potrzebne algorytmy w konkretnym oprogramowaniu. Uczenie głębokie jest jednak dość złożonym zagadnieniem, a przyswojenie sobie potrzebnych umiejętności wymaga wysiłku. Ta książka stanowi doskonałe wprowadzenie w temat uczenia głębokiego. Wyjaśniono tu najważniejsze pojęcia uczenia maszynowego. Pokazano, do czego mogą się przydać takie narzędzia jak pakiet scikit-learn, biblioteki Theano, Keras czy TensorFlow. Ten praktyczny przewodnik znakomicie ułatwi zrozumienie zagadnień rozpoznawania wzorców, dokładnego skalowania danych, pozwoli też na rzetelne zapoznanie się z algorytmami i technikami uczenia głębokiego. Autorzy zaproponowali wykorzystanie w powyższych celach języka Python - ulubionego narzędzia wielu badaczy i pasjonatów nauki. W książce między innymi: Solidne podstawy uczenia maszynowego i sieci neuronowych Trening systemów sztucznej inteligencji w grach komputerowych Rozpoznawanie obrazów Rekurencyjne sieci neuronowej w modelowaniu języka Budowa systemów wykrywania oszustw i włamań Uczenie głębokie: zajrzyj w przyszłość programowania! Dr Valentino Zokka opracował wiele algorytmów matematycznych i modeli prognostycznych dla firmy Boeing. Obecnie jest konsultantem w branży finansowej. Gianmario Spacagna pracuje w firmie Pirelli, gdzie buduje systemy maszynowego uczenia się i kompletne rozwiązania do produktów informacyjnych. Daniel Slater tworzył oprogramowanie do oceny ryzyka dla branży finansowej. Obecnie zajmuje się systemami do przetwarzania dużych ilości danych i analizy zachowań użytkowników. Peter Roelants specjalizuje się w stosowaniu technik uczenia głębokiego do badań spektralnych obrazów, rozpoznawania mowy czy ekstrakcji danych z dokumentów.


Deep Learning with fastai Cookbook. Leverage the easy-to-use fastai framework to unlock the power of deep learning

Mark Ryan

fastai is an easy-to-use deep learning framework built on top of PyTorch that lets you rapidly create complete deep learning solutions with as few as 10 lines of code. Both predominant low-level deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, require a lot of code, even for straightforward applications. In contrast, fastai handles the messy details for you and lets you focus on applying deep learning to actually solve problems.The book begins by summarizing the value of fastai and showing you how to create a simple 'hello world' deep learning application with fastai. You'll then learn how to use fastai for all four application areas that the framework explicitly supports: tabular data, text data (NLP), recommender systems, and vision data. As you advance, you'll work through a series of practical examples that illustrate how to create real-world applications of each type. Next, you'll learn how to deploy fastai models, including creating a simple web application that predicts what object is depicted in an image. The book wraps up with an overview of the advanced features of fastai.By the end of this fastai book, you'll be able to create your own deep learning applications using fastai. You'll also have learned how to use fastai to prepare raw datasets, explore datasets, train deep learning models, and deploy trained models.


Deep Learning with Hadoop. Distributed Deep Learning with Large-Scale Data

Dipayan Dev

This book will teach you how to deploylarge-scale dataset in deep neural networks with Hadoop foroptimal performance.Starting with understanding what deeplearning is, and what the various modelsassociated with deep neural networks are, thisbook will then show you how to set up theHadoop environment for deep learning.In this book, you will also learn how toovercome the challenges that you facewhile implementing distributed deeplearning with large-scale unstructured datasets. The book willalso show you how you can implementand parallelize the widely used deep learning models such as Deep Belief Networks,Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzmann machines and autoencoder using the popular deep learning library Deeplearning4j.Get in-depth mathematical explanationsand visual representations to helpyou understand the design and implementationsof Recurrent Neural network and Denoising Autoencoders withDeeplearning4j. To give you a morepractical perspective, the book will alsoteach you the implementation of large-scale video processing, image processing andnatural language processing on Hadoop.By the end of this book, you willknow how to deploy various deep neural networks indistributed systems using Hadoop.


Deep Learning with Keras. Implementing deep learning models and neural networks with the power of Python

Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal

This book starts by introducing you to supervised learning algorithms such as simple linear regression, the classical multilayer perceptron and more sophisticated deep convolutional networks. You will also explore image processing with recognition of handwritten digit images, classification of images into different categories, and advanced objects recognition with related image annotations. An example of identification of salient points for face detection is also provided.Next you will be introduced to Recurrent Networks, which are optimized for processing sequence data such as text, audio or time series. Following that, you will learn about unsupervised learning algorithms such as Autoencoders and the very popular Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). You will also explore non-traditional uses of neural networks as Style Transfer.Finally, you will look at reinforcement learning and its application to AI game playing, another popular direction of research and application of neural networks.


Deep Learning with Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit Quick Start Guide. A practical guide to building neural networks using Microsoft's open source deep learning framework

Willem Meints

Cognitive Toolkit is a very popular and recently open sourced deep learning toolkit by Microsoft. Cognitive Toolkit is used to train fast and effective deep learning models. This book will be a quick introduction to using Cognitive Toolkit and will teach you how to train and validate different types of neural networks, such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks.This book will help you understand the basics of deep learning. You will learn how to use Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit to build deep learning models and discover what makes this framework unique so that you know when to use it. This book will be a quick, no-nonsense introduction to the library and will teach you how to train different types of neural networks, such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders, and more, using Cognitive Toolkit. Then we will look at two scenarios in which deep learning can be used to enhance human capabilities. The book will also demonstrate how to evaluate your models' performance to ensure it trains and runs smoothly and gives you the most accurate results. Finally, you will get a short overview of how Cognitive Toolkit fits in to a DevOps environment


Deep Learning with MXNet Cookbook. Discover an extensive collection of recipes for creating and implementing AI models on MXNet

Andrés P. Torres, Paul Newman

Explore the capabilities of the open-source deep learning framework MXNet to train and deploy neural network models and implement state-of-the-art (SOTA) architectures in Computer Vision, natural language processing, and more. The Deep Learning with MXNet Cookbook is your gateway to constructing fast and scalable deep learning solutions using Apache MXNet.Starting with the different versions of MXNet, this book helps you choose the optimal version for your use and install your library. You’ll work with MXNet/Gluon libraries to solve classification and regression problems and gain insights into their inner workings. Venturing further, you’ll use MXNet to analyze toy datasets in the areas of numerical regression, data classification, picture classification, and text classification. From building and training deep-learning neural network architectures from scratch to delving into advanced concepts such as transfer learning, this book covers it all. You'll master the construction and deployment of neural network architectures, including CNN, RNN, LSTMs, and Transformers, and integrate these models into your applications.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll wield the MXNet and Gluon libraries to expertly create and train deep learning networks using GPUs and deploy them in different environments.


Deep Learning with PyTorch. A practical approach to building neural network models using PyTorch

Vishnu Subramanian

Deep learning powers the most intelligent systems in the world, such as Google Voice, Siri, and Alexa. Advancements in powerful hardware, such as GPUs, software frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow, and CNTK along with the availability of big data have made it easier to implement solutions to problems in the areas of text, vision, and advanced analytics. This book will get you up and running with one of the most cutting-edge deep learning libraries—PyTorch. PyTorch is grabbing the attention of deep learning researchers and data science professionals due to its accessibility, efficiency and being more native to Python way of development. You'll start off by installing PyTorch, then quickly move on to learn various fundamental blocks that power modern deep learning. You will also learn how to use CNN, RNN, LSTM and other networks to solve real-world problems. This book explains the concepts of various state-of-the-art deep learning architectures, such as ResNet, DenseNet, Inception, and Seq2Seq, without diving deep into the math behind them. You will also learn about GPU computing during the course of the book. You will see how to train a model with PyTorch and dive into complex neural networks such as generative networks for producing text and images. By the end of the book, you'll be able to implement deep learning applications in PyTorch with ease.


Deep Learning with PyTorch Lightning. Swiftly build high-performance Artificial Intelligence (AI) models using Python

Kunal Sawarkar

Building and implementing deep learning (DL) is becoming a key skill for those who want to be at the forefront of progress.But with so much information and complex study materials out there, getting started with DL can feel quite overwhelming.Written by an AI thought leader, Deep Learning with PyTorch Lightning helps researchers build their first DL models quickly and easily without getting stuck on the complexities. With its help, you’ll be able to maximize productivity for DL projects while ensuring full flexibility – from model formulation to implementation.Throughout this book, you’ll learn how to configure PyTorch Lightning on a cloud platform, understand the architectural components, and explore how they are configured to build various industry solutions. You’ll build a neural network architecture, deploy an application from scratch, and see how you can expand it based on your specific needs, beyond what the framework can provide.In the later chapters, you’ll also learn how to implement capabilities to build and train various models like Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Time Series, Self-Supervised Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning, Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) using PyTorch Lightning.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and deploy DL models with confidence.


Deep Learning with PyTorch Quick Start Guide. Learn to train and deploy neural network models in Python

David Julian

PyTorch is extremely powerful and yet easy to learn. It provides advanced features, such as supporting multiprocessor, distributed, and parallel computation. This book is an excellent entry point for those wanting to explore deep learning with PyTorch to harness its power. This book will introduce you to the PyTorch deep learning library and teach you how to train deep learning models without any hassle. We will set up the deep learning environment using PyTorch, and then train and deploy different types of deep learning models, such as CNN, RNN, and autoencoders. You will learn how to optimize models by tuning hyperparameters and how to use PyTorch in multiprocessor and distributed environments. We will discuss long short-term memory network (LSTMs) and build a language model to predict text.By the end of this book, you will be familiar with PyTorch's capabilities and be able to utilize the library to train your neural networks with relative ease.


Deep Learning with R Cookbook. Over 45 unique recipes to delve into neural network techniques using R 3.5.x

Swarna Gupta, Rehan Ali Ansari, Dipayan Sarkar

Deep learning (DL) has evolved in recent years with developments such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and deep reinforcement learning. This book will get you up and running with R 3.5.x to help you implement DL techniques.The book starts with the various DL techniques that you can implement in your apps. A unique set of recipes will help you solve binomial and multinomial classification problems, and perform regression and hyperparameter optimization. To help you gain hands-on experience of concepts, the book features recipes for implementing convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and Long short-term memory (LSTMs) networks, as well as sequence-to-sequence models and reinforcement learning. You’ll then learn about high-performance computation using GPUs, along with learning about parallel computation capabilities in R. Later, you’ll explore libraries, such as MXNet, that are designed for GPU computing and state-of-the-art DL. Finally, you’ll discover how to solve different problems in NLP, object detection, and action identification, before understanding how to use pre-trained models in DL apps.By the end of this book, you’ll have comprehensive knowledge of DL and DL packages, and be able to develop effective solutions for different DL problems.


Deep Learning with R for Beginners. Design neural network models in R 3.5 using TensorFlow, Keras, and MXNet

Mark Hodnett, Joshua F. Wiley, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Pablo Maldonado

Deep learning has a range of practical applications in several domains, while R is the preferred language for designing and deploying deep learning models.This Learning Path introduces you to the basics of deep learning and even teaches you to build a neural network model from scratch. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll explore deep learning libraries and understand how to create deep learning models for a variety of challenges, right from anomaly detection to recommendation systems. The Learning Path will then help you cover advanced topics, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), transfer learning, and large-scale deep learning in the cloud, in addition to model optimization, overfitting, and data augmentation. Through real-world projects, you’ll also get up to speed with training convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) in R.By the end of this Learning Path, you’ll be well-versed with deep learning and have the skills you need to implement a number of deep learning concepts in your research work or projects.


Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras. Regression, ConvNets, GANs, RNNs, NLP, and more with TensorFlow 2 and the Keras API - Second Edition

Antonio Gulli, Amita Kapoor, Sujit Pal

Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras, Second Edition teaches neural networks and deep learning techniques alongside TensorFlow (TF) and Keras. You’ll learn how to write deep learning applications in the most powerful, popular, and scalable machine learning stack available.TensorFlow is the machine learning library of choice for professional applications, while Keras offers a simple and powerful Python API for accessing TensorFlow. TensorFlow 2 provides full Keras integration, making advanced machine learning easier and more convenient than ever before.This book also introduces neural networks with TensorFlow, runs through the main applications (regression, ConvNets (CNNs), GANs, RNNs, NLP), covers two working example apps, and then dives into TF in production, TF mobile, and using TensorFlow with AutoML.


Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras. Build and deploy supervised, unsupervised, deep, and reinforcement learning models - Third Edition

Amita Kapoor, Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal, François Chollet

Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras teaches you neural networks and deep learning techniques using TensorFlow (TF) and Keras. You'll learn how to write deep learning applications in the most powerful, popular, and scalable machine learning stack available.TensorFlow 2.x focuses on simplicity and ease of use, with updates like eager execution, intuitive higher-level APIs based on Keras, and flexible model building on any platform. This book uses the latest TF 2.0 features and libraries to present an overview of supervised and unsupervised machine learning models and provides a comprehensive analysis of deep learning and reinforcement learning models using practical examples for the cloud, mobile, and large production environments.This book also shows you how to create neural networks with TensorFlow, runs through popular algorithms (regression, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), transformers, generative adversarial networks (GANs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP), and graph neural networks (GNNs)), covers working example apps, and then dives into TF in production, TF mobile, and TensorFlow with AutoML.


Deep Learning with TensorFlow. Explore neural networks and build intelligent systems with Python - Second Edition

Giancarlo Zaccone, Md. Rezaul Karim

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning algorithms based on learning multiple levels of abstraction. Neural networks, which are at the core of deep learning, are being used in predictive analytics, computer vision, natural language processing, time series forecasting, and to perform a myriad of other complex tasks.This book is conceived for developers, data analysts, machine learning practitioners and deep learning enthusiasts who want to build powerful, robust, and accurate predictive models with the power of TensorFlow, combined with other open source Python libraries. Throughout the book, you’ll learn how to develop deep learning applications for machine learning systems using Feedforward Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Autoencoders, and Factorization Machines. Discover how to attain deep learning programming on GPU in a distributed way.You'll come away with an in-depth knowledge of machine learning techniques and the skills to apply them to real-world projects.


Deep Learning with TensorFlow. Explore neural networks with Python

Giancarlo Zaccone, Md. Rezaul Karim, Ahmed Menshawy

Deep learning is the step that comes after machine learning, and has more advancedimplementations. Machine learning is not just for academics anymore, but is becoming a mainstream practice through wide adoption, and deep learning has taken the front seat. As a data scientist, if you want to explore data abstraction layers, this book will be your guide. This book shows how this can be exploited in the real world with complex raw data using TensorFlow 1.x.Throughout the book, you’ll learn how to implement deep learning algorithms for machine learning systems and integrate them into your product offerings, includingsearch, image recognition, and language processing. Additionally, you’ll learn howto analyze and improve the performance of deep learning models. This can be done bycomparing algorithms against benchmarks, along with machine intelligence, to learnfrom the information and determine ideal behaviors within a specific context.After finishing the book, you will be familiar with machine learning techniques, in particular the use of TensorFlow for deep learning, and will be ready to apply your knowledge to research or commercial projects.


Deep Learning with Theano. Perform large-scale numerical and scientific computations efficiently

Christopher Bourez

This book offers a complete overview of Deep Learning with Theano, a Python-based library that makes optimizing numerical expressions and deep learning models easy on CPU or GPU.The book provides some practical code examples that help the beginner understand how easy it is to build complex neural networks, while more experimented data scientists will appreciate the reach of the book, addressing supervised and unsupervised learning, generative models, reinforcement learning in the fields of image recognition, natural language processing, or game strategy.The book also discusses image recognition tasks that range from simple digit recognition, image classification, object localization, image segmentation, to image captioning. Natural language processing examples include text generation, chatbots, machine translation, and question answering. The last example deals with generating random data that looks real and solving games such as in the Open-AI gym. At the end, this book sums up the best -performing nets for each task. While early research results were based on deep stacks of neural layers, in particular, convolutional layers, the book presents the principles that improved the efficiency of these architectures, in order to help the reader build new custom nets.


Deep learning z TensorFlow 2 i Keras dla zaawansowanych. Sieci GAN i VAE, deep RL, uczenie nienadzorowane, wykrywanie i segmentacja obiektów i nie tylko. Wydanie II

Rowel Atienza

Oto propozycja dla specjalistów zajmujących się programowaniem sztucznej inteligencji i studentów kształcących się w tej dziedzinie. Autor przybliża tajniki tworzenia sieci neuronowych stosowanych w uczeniu głębokim i pokazuje, w jaki sposób używać w tym celu bibliotek Keras i TensorFlow. Objaśnia zagadnienia dotyczące programowania AI zarówno w teorii, jak i praktyce. Liczne przykłady, czytelna oprawa graficzna i logiczne wywody sprawiają, że to skuteczne narzędzie dla każdego, kto chce się nauczyć budowania sieci neuronowych typu MLP, CNN i RNN. Książka wprowadza w teoretyczne fundamenty uczenia głębokiego - znalazły się w niej wyjaśnienia podstawowych pojęć związanych z tą dziedziną i różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi typami sieci neuronowych. Opisano tutaj również metody programowania algorytmów używanych w uczeniu głębokim i sposoby ich wdrażania. Dzięki lekturze lepiej zrozumiesz sieci neuronowe, nauczysz się ich tworzenia i zastosowania w różnych projektach z zakresu AI. Polecamy tę książkę każdemu, kto: chce zrozumieć, jak działają sieci neuronowe i w jaki sposób się je tworzy specjalizuje się w uczeniu głębokim lub zamierza lepiej poznać tę dziedzinę posługuje się sieciami neuronowymi w programowaniu chce się nauczyć stosować biblioteki Keras i TensorFlow w uczeniu głębokim


Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. A practical and easy-to-follow guide to RL from Q-learning and DQNs to PPO and RLHF - Third Edition

Maxim Lapan

Start your journey into reinforcement learning (RL) and reward yourself with the third edition of Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. This book takes you through the basics of RL to more advanced concepts with the help of various applications, including game playing, discrete optimization, stock trading, and web browser navigation. By walking you through landmark research papers in the fi eld, this deep RL book will equip you with practical knowledge of RL and the theoretical foundation to understand and implement most modern RL papers. The book retains its approach of providing concise and easy-to-follow explanations from the previous editions. You'll work through practical and diverse examples, from grid environments and games to stock trading and RL agents in web environments, to give you a well-rounded understanding of RL, its capabilities, and its use cases. You'll learn about key topics, such as deep Q-networks (DQNs), policy gradient methods, continuous control problems, and highly scalable, non-gradient methods. If you want to learn about RL through a practical approach using OpenAI Gym and PyTorch, concise explanations, and the incremental development of topics, then Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On, Third Edition, is your ideal companion


Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. Apply modern RL methods to practical problems of chatbots, robotics, discrete optimization, web automation, and more - Second Edition

Maxim Lapan

Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On, Second Edition is an updated and expanded version of the bestselling guide to the very latest reinforcement learning (RL) tools and techniques. It provides you with an introduction to the fundamentals of RL, along with the hands-on ability to code intelligent learning agents to perform a range of practical tasks.With six new chapters devoted to a variety of up-to-the-minute developments in RL, including discrete optimization (solving the Rubik's Cube), multi-agent methods, Microsoft's TextWorld environment, advanced exploration techniques, and more, you will come away from this book with a deep understanding of the latest innovations in this emerging field.In addition, you will gain actionable insights into such topic areas as deep Q-networks, policy gradient methods, continuous control problems, and highly scalable, non-gradient methods. You will also discover how to build a real hardware robot trained with RL for less than $100 and solve the Pong environment in just 30 minutes of training using step-by-step code optimization.In short, Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On, Second Edition, is your companion to navigating the exciting complexities of RL as it helps you attain experience and knowledge through real-world examples.


Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more

Maxim Lapan

Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On is a comprehensive guide to the very latest DL tools and their limitations. You will evaluate methods including Cross-entropy and policy gradients, before applying them to real-world environments. Take on both the Atari set of virtual games and family favorites such as Connect4.The book provides an introduction to the basics of RL, giving you the know-how to code intelligent learning agents to take on a formidable array of practical tasks. Discover how to implement Q-learning on 'grid world' environments, teach your agent to buy and trade stocks, and find out how natural language models are driving the boom in chatbots.


Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python. Master classic RL, deep RL, distributional RL, inverse RL, and more with OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow - Second Edition

Sudharsan Ravichandiran

With significant enhancements in the quality and quantity of algorithms in recent years, this second edition of Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python has been revamped into an example-rich guide to learning state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL) and deep RL algorithms with TensorFlow 2 and the OpenAI Gym toolkit.In addition to exploring RL basics and foundational concepts such as Bellman equation, Markov decision processes, and dynamic programming algorithms, this second edition dives deep into the full spectrum of value-based, policy-based, and actor-critic RL methods. It explores state-of-the-art algorithms such as DQN, TRPO, PPO and ACKTR, DDPG, TD3, and SAC in depth, demystifying the underlying math and demonstrating implementations through simple code examples.The book has several new chapters dedicated to new RL techniques, including distributional RL, imitation learning, inverse RL, and meta RL. You will learn to leverage stable baselines, an improvement of OpenAI’s baseline library, to effortlessly implement popular RL algorithms. The book concludes with an overview of promising approaches such as meta-learning and imagination augmented agents in research.By the end, you will become skilled in effectively employing RL and deep RL in your real-world projects.


Defending APIs. Uncover advanced defense techniques to craft secure application programming interfaces

Colin Domoney, Chris Wysopal, Isabelle Mauny

Along with the exponential growth of API adoption comes a rise in security concerns about their implementation and inherent vulnerabilities. For those seeking comprehensive insights into building, deploying, and managing APIs as the first line of cyber defense, this book offers invaluable guidance. Written by a seasoned DevSecOps expert, Defending APIs addresses the imperative task of API security with innovative approaches and techniques designed to combat API-specific safety challenges.The initial chapters are dedicated to API building blocks, hacking APIs by exploiting vulnerabilities, and case studies of recent breaches, while the subsequent sections of the book focus on building the skills necessary for securing APIs in real-world scenarios.Guided by clear step-by-step instructions, you’ll explore offensive techniques for testing vulnerabilities, attacking, and exploiting APIs. Transitioning to defensive techniques, the book equips you with effective methods to guard against common attacks. There are plenty of case studies peppered throughout the book to help you apply the techniques you’re learning in practice, complemented by in-depth insights and a wealth of best practices for building better APIs from the ground up.By the end of this book, you’ll have the expertise to develop secure APIs and test them against various cyber threats targeting APIs.


Defensive Security with Kali Purple. Cybersecurity strategies using ELK Stack and Kali Linux

Karl Lane

Defensive Security with Kali Purple combines red team tools from the Kali Linux OS and blue team tools commonly found within a security operations center (SOC) for an all-in-one approach to cybersecurity. This book takes you from an overview of today's cybersecurity services and their evolution to building a solid understanding of how Kali Purple can enhance training and support proof-of-concept scenarios for your technicians and analysts.After getting to grips with the basics, you’ll learn how to develop a cyber defense system for Small Office Home Office (SOHO ) services. This is demonstrated through the installation and configuration of supporting tools such as virtual machines, the Java SDK, Elastic, and related software. You’ll then explore Kali Purple’s compatibility with the Malcolm suite of tools, including Arkime, CyberChef, Suricata, and Zeek. As you progress, the book introduces advanced features, such as security incident response with StrangeBee’s Cortex and TheHive and threat and intelligence feeds. Finally, you’ll delve into digital forensics and explore tools for social engineering and exploit development.By the end of this book, you’ll have a clear and practical understanding of how this powerful suite of tools can be implemented in real-world scenarios.