
Ajax. Wzorce projektowe

Michael Mahemoff

Akceptacja technologii IoT w inteligentnych miastach

Renata Walczak

Akka Cookbook. Recipes for concurrent, fast, and reactive applications

Piyush Mishra, Vivek Mishra, Héctor Veiga Ortiz

Aktywne wykrywanie zagrożeń w systemach IT w praktyce. Wykorzystywanie analizy danych, frameworku ATT&CK oraz narzędzi open source

Valentina Costa-Gazcón

Alexa Skills Projects. Build exciting projects with Amazon Alexa and integrate it with Internet of Things

Madhur Bhargava

Alfabet zarządzania projektami. Wydanie II

Michał Kopczewski

Alfresco 3 Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for implementing the most important functionalities of Alfresco

Snig Bhaumik, Snig Bhaumik,

Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation. How to customize, use, and administer this powerful, Open Source Java-based Enterprise CMS

Vinita Choudhary, Pallika Majmudar, Munwar Shariff, Amita Bhandari, ...

Alfresco 3 Records Management. Comply with regulations and secure your organization's records with Alfresco Records Management

Dick Weisinger, Richard B Weisinger,

Alfresco 3 Web Services. Build Alfresco applications using Web Services, WebScripts and CMIS, Piergiorgio Lucidi, Ugo Cei

Alfresco CMIS. Learn how to build applications that talk to content management servers in a standardized way using this superb course on getting the best from Alfresco CMIS. This is a highly practical, step-by-step guide

Martin Bergljung

Alfresco Developer Guide. Customizing Alfresco with actions, web scripts, web forms, workflows, and more

Jeff Potts,

Alfresco for Administrators

Vandana Pal

Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Benjamin Chevallereau, Jeff Potts

Algebra i jej zastosowania

Anna Romanowska

Algebra liniowa

Jerzy Topp

Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną 1

Mateusz Woronowicz

Algorithmic Short Selling with Python. Refine your algorithmic trading edge, consistently generate investment ideas, and build a robust long/short product

Laurent Bernut, Michael Covel

Algorithms and Data Structures with Python. A comprehensive guide to data structures & algorithms via an interactive learning experience

Cuantum Technologies LLC

Algorytmika dla studenta i technika programisty INF.04

Jerzy Kluczewski


Maciej Sysło

Algorytmy. Almanach

Stanley Selkow, George Heineman, Gary Pollice

Algorytmy. Ćwiczenia

Bogdan Buczek