
Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition

Fedor G. Pikus

Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux. Efficiently perform large-scale Linux infrastructure automation with Ansible

James Freeman

Hands-On Linux Administration on Azure. Develop, maintain, and automate applications on the Azure cloud platform - Second Edition

Kamesh Ganesan, Rithin Skaria, Frederik Vos

Hands-On Linux for Architects. Design and implement Linux-based IT solutions

Denis Salamanca, Esteban Flores

Hands-On Serverless Computing. Build, run and orchestrate serverless applications using AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions

Kuldeep Chowhan

Hands-On System Programming with C++. Build performant and concurrent Unix and Linux systems with C++17

Dr. Rian Quinn

Hands-On System Programming with Linux. Explore Linux system programming interfaces, theory, and practice

Kaiwan N Billimoria

Hartowanie Linuksa we wrogich środowiskach sieciowych. Ochrona serwera od TLS po Tor

Kyle Rankin

Incident Response with Threat Intelligence. Practical insights into developing an incident response capability through intelligence-based threat hunting

Roberto Martinez

Industrial Cybersecurity. Efficiently monitor the cybersecurity posture of your ICS environment - Second Edition

Pascal Ackerman

Informatyka śledcza i Kali Linux. Przeprowadź analizy nośników pamięci, ruchu sieciowego i zawartości RAM-u za pomocą narzędzi systemu Kali Linux 2022.x. Wydanie III

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker's Cookbook. End-to-end penetration testing solutions

Himanshu Sharma

Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker's Cookbook. Practical recipes that combine strategies, attacks, and tools for advanced penetration testing - Second Edition

Himanshu Sharma

Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing. Unleash the full potential of Kali Linux 2018, now with updated tools - Fourth Edition

Shiva V. N. Parasram, Alex Samm, Damian Boodoo, Gerard Johansen, ...

Kali Linux 2018: Windows Penetration Testing. Conduct network testing, surveillance, and pen testing on MS Windows using Kali Linux 2018 - Second Edition

Wolf Halton, Bo Weaver

Kali Linux. Audyt bezpieczeństwa sieci Wi-Fi dla każdego. Wydanie II

Vivek Ramachandran, Cameron Buchanan

Kali Linux CTF Blueprints. Build, test, and customize your own Capture the Flag challenges across multiple platforms designed to be attacked with Kali Linux

Cameron Buchanan

Kali Linux i testy penetracyjne. Biblia

Gus Khawaja

Kali Linux i zaawansowane testy penetracyjne. Zostań ekspertem cyberbezpieczeństwa za pomocą Metasploit, Nmap, Wireshark i Burp Suite. Wydanie IV

Vijay Kumar Velu

Kali Linux Intrusion and Exploitation Cookbook. Powerful recipes to detect vulnerabilities and perform security assessments

Dhruv Shah, Ishan Girdhar

Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes explaining how to leverage custom scripts, and integrated tools in Kali Linux to effectively master network scanning

Justin Hutchens, Justin Hutchens

Kali Linux. Testy bezpieczeństwa, testy penetracyjne i etyczne hakowanie

Ric Messier

Kali Linux. Testy penetracyjne

Aamir Lakhani, Joseph Muniz