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Swift 3 New Features. Get up to date with what`s new in Swift 3
Since Swift was introduced by Apple in WWDC 2015, it has gone on to become one of the most beloved languages to develop iOS applications with. In the new version, the Swift team aimed to take its adoption to the next level by making it available for new platforms and audiences.This book will very quickly get you up to speed and productive with Swift 3. You will begin by understanding the process of submitting new feature requests for future versions of Swift. Swift 3 allows you to develop and run your applications on a Linux machine. Using this feature, you will write your first Linux application using the debugger in Linux. Using Swift migrator, you will initiate a conversion from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3. Further on, you will learn how to interact with Cocoa libraries when importing Objective C to Swift. You will explore the function and operator changes new to Swift 3, followed by Collection and Closure changes. You will also see the changes in Swift 3 that allow you write tests easier with XCTest and debug your running code better with new formats as well. Finally, you will have a running server written completely in Swift on a Linux box.By the end of the book, you will know everything you need to know to dive into Swift 3 and build successful projects.
Raymond Chandler, Darren Schreiber, Anthony Minessale II, Michael Collins
FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice, chat, and video applications. It can scale from a soft-phone to a PBX and even up to an enterprise-class softswitch.In the FreeSWITCH Cookbook, members of the FreeSWITCH development team share some of their hard-earned knowledge with you in the book's recipes. Use this knowledge to improve and expand your FreeSWITCH installations.The FreeSWITCH Cookbook is an essential addition to any VoIP administrator's library.The book starts with recipes on how to handle call routing and then discusses connecting your FreeSWITCH server to the outside world.It then teaches you more advanced topics like CDR handling, practical examples of controlling FreeSWITCH with the event socket, and configuring many features commonly associated with a PBX installation.
React Native is a game-changing approach to hybrid mobile development. Web developers can leverage their existing skills to write mobile applications in JavaScript that are truly native without using cross-compilation or web views. These applications have all of the advantages of those written in Objective-C or Java, combined with the rapid development cycle that JavaScript developers are accustomed to.Web developers who want to develop native mobile applications face a high barrier to entry, because they are forced to learn platform-specific languages and frameworks. Numerous hybrid technologies have tried to simplify this process, but have failed to achieve the performance and appearance that users expect.This book will show you all the advantages of true native development that React Native has without the steep learning curve, leveraging the knowledge you already have. We do this by getting you up and running quickly with a sample application. Next, we’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of creating components and explain how React Native works under the hood. Once you have established a solid foundation, you will dive headfirst into developing a real-world application from start to finish. Along the way, we will demonstrate how to create multiple screens and navigate between them,use layout and style native UI components, and access native APIs such as local storage and geolocation. Finally, we tackle the advanced topic of Native modules, which demonstrates that there are truly no limits to what you can do with React Native.
Scala: Applied Machine Learning. Master the art of Machine Learning in Scala
Patrick R. Nicolas, Alex Kozlov, Pascal Bugnion
This Learning Path aims to put the entire world of machine learning with Scala in front of you. Scala for Data Science, the first module in this course, is a tutorial guide that provides tutorials on some of the most common Scala libraries for data science, allowing you to quickly get up to speed building data science and data engineering solutions.The second course, Scala for Machine Learning guides you through the process of building AI applications with diagrams, formal mathematical notation, source code snippets, and useful tips. A review of the Akka framework and Apache Spark clusters concludes the tutorial.The next module, Mastering Scala Machine Learning, is the final step in this course. It will take your knowledge to next level and help you use the knowledge to build advanced applications such as social media mining, intelligent news portals, and more. After a quick refresher on functional programming concepts using REPL, you will see some practical examples of setting up the development environment and tinkering with data. We will then explore working with Spark and MLlib using k-means and decision trees.By the end of this course, you will be a master at Scala machine learning and have enough expertise to be able to build complex machine learning projects using Scala.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Scala for Data Science, Pascal Bugnion? Scala for Machine Learning, Patrick Nicolas? Mastering Scala Machine Learning, Alex Kozlov
Kubernetes is a popular open source orchestration platform for managing containers in a cluster environment. With this Kubernetes cookbook, you’ll learn how to implement Kubernetes using a recipe-based approach. The book will prepare you to create highly available Kubernetes clusters on multiple clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure, Alibaba, and on-premises data centers.Starting with recipes for installing and configuring Kubernetes instances, you’ll discover how to work with Kubernetes clients, services, and key metadata. You’ll then learn how to build continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines for your applications, and understand various methods to manage containers. As you advance, you’ll delve into Kubernetes' integration with Docker and Jenkins, and even perform a batch process and configure data volumes. You’ll get to grips with methods for scaling, security, monitoring, logging, and troubleshooting. Additionally, this book will take you through the latest updates in Kubernetes, including volume snapshots, creating high availability clusters with kops, running workload operators, new inclusions around kubectl and more.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills required to implement Kubernetes in production and manage containers proficiently.
GitHub Actions is one of the most popular products that enables you to automate development tasks and improve your software development workflow. Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions uses real-world examples to help you automate everyday tasks and use your resources efficiently.This book takes a practical approach to helping you develop the skills needed to create complex YAML files to automate your daily tasks. You'll learn how to find and use existing workflows, allowing you to get started with GitHub Actions right away. Moving on, you'll discover complex concepts and practices such as self-hosted runners and writing workflow files that leverage other platforms such as Docker as well as programming languages such as Java and JavaScript. As you advance, you'll be able to write your own JavaScript, Docker, and composite run steps actions, and publish them in GitHub Marketplace! You'll also find instructions to migrate your existing CI/CD workflows into GitHub Actions from platforms like Travis CI and GitLab. Finally, you'll explore tools that'll help you stay informed of additions to GitHub Actions along with finding technical support and staying engaged with the community.By the end of this GitHub book, you'll have developed the skills and experience needed to build and maintain your own CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.
Internet of Things with Arduino Cookbook. Build exciting IoT projects using the Arduino platform
Arduino is a powerful and very versatile platform used by millions of people around the world to create DIY electronics projects. It can be connected to a wide variety of sensors and other components, making it the ideal platform to build amazing Internet of Things (IoT) projects on—the next wave in the era of computing.This book takes a recipe-based approach, giving you precise examples on how to build IoT projects of all types using the Arduino platform. You will come across projects from several fields, including the popular robotics and home automation domains. Along with being introduced to several forms of interactions within IoT, including projects that directly interact with well-known web services such as Twitter, Facebook, and Dropbox we will also focus on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interactions, where Arduino projects interact without any human intervention. You will learn to build a few quick and easy-to-make fun projects that will really expand your horizons in the world of IoT and Arduino. Each chapter ends with a troubleshooting recipe that will help you overcome any problems faced while building these projects.By the end of this book, you will not only know how to build these projects, but also have the skills necessary to build your own IoT projects in the future.
In today's techno-savvy world, more and more parts of our lives are going digital, and all this information is accessible anytime and anywhere using mobile devices. It is of the utmost importance that you understand and implement security in your apps that will reduce the likelihood of hazards that will wreck your users' experience.Android Application Security Essentials takes a deep look into Android security from kernel to the application level, with practical hands-on examples, illustrations, and everyday use cases. This book will show you how to overcome the challenge of getting the security of your applications right.Android Application Security Essentials will show you how to secure your Android applications and data. It will equip you with tricks and tips that will come in handy as you develop your applications.We will start by learning the overall security architecture of the Android stack. Securing components with permissions, defining security in a manifest file, cryptographic algorithms and protocols on the Android stack, secure storage, security focused testing, and protecting enterprise data on your device is then also discussed in detail. You will also learn how to be security-aware when integrating newer technologies like NFC and mobile payments into your Android applications.At the end of this book, you will understand Android security at the system level all the way to the nitty-gritty details of application security for securing your Android applications.
To overcome application monitoring and observability challenges, Grafana Labs offers a modern, highly scalable, cost-effective Loki, Grafana, Tempo, and Mimir (LGTM) stack along with Prometheus for the collection, visualization, and storage of telemetry data.Beginning with an overview of observability concepts, this book teaches you how to instrument code and monitor systems in practice using standard protocols and Grafana libraries. As you progress, you’ll create a free Grafana cloud instance and deploy a demo application to a Kubernetes cluster to delve into the implementation of the LGTM stack. You’ll learn how to connect Grafana Cloud to AWS, GCP, and Azure to collect infrastructure data, build interactive dashboards, make use of service level indicators and objectives to produce great alerts, and leverage the AI & ML capabilities to keep your systems healthy. You’ll also explore real user monitoring with Faro and performance monitoring with Pyroscope and k6. Advanced concepts like architecting a Grafana installation, using automation and infrastructure as code tools for DevOps processes, troubleshooting strategies, and best practices to avoid common pitfalls will also be covered.After reading this book, you’ll be able to use the Grafana stack to deliver amazing operational results for the systems your organization uses.
Product managers working with artificial intelligence will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to applied AI. This audiobook covers everything you need to know to drive product development and growth in the AI industry. From understanding AI and machine learning to developing and launching AI products, it provides the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to succeed.The first part of the audiobook focuses on establishing a foundation of the concepts most relevant to maintaining AI pipelines. The next part focuses on building an AI-native product, and the final part guides you in integrating AI into existing products.You’ll learn about the types of AI, how to integrate AI into a product or business, and the infrastructure to support the exhaustive and ambitious endeavor of creating AI products or integrating AI into existing products. You’ll gain practical knowledge of managing AI product development processes, evaluating and optimizing AI models, and navigating complex ethical and legal considerations associated with AI products. With the help of real-world examples and case studies, you’ll stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of AI and ML.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll have understood how to navigate the world of AI from a product perspective.
Plotly's Dash framework is a life-saver for Python developers who want to develop complete data apps and interactive dashboards without JavaScript, but you'll need to have the right guide to make sure you’re getting the most of it. With the help of this book, you'll be able to explore the functionalities of Dash for visualizing data in different ways.Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash will first give you an overview of the Dash ecosystem, its main packages, and the third-party packages crucial for structuring and building different parts of your apps. You'll learn how to create a basic Dash app and add different features to it.Next, you’ll integrate controls such as dropdowns, checkboxes, sliders, date pickers, and more in the app and then link them to charts and other outputs. Depending on the data you are visualizing, you'll also add several types of charts, including scatter plots, line plots, bar charts, histograms, and maps, as well as explore the options available for customizing them.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to create and deploy an interactive dashboard, handle complexities and code refactoring, and understand the process of improving your application.
Over the years, the Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity series has established itself as a popular choice for getting up to speed with C#, a powerful and versatile programming language that can be applied in a wide array of application areas. This book presents a clear path for learning C# programming from the ground up without complex jargon or unclear programming logic, all while building a simple game with Unity.This fifth edition has been updated to introduce modern C# features with the latest version of the Unity game engine, and a new chapter has been added on intermediate collection types. Starting with the basics of software programming and the C# language, you’ll learn the core concepts of programming in C#, including variables, classes, and object-oriented programming. Once you’ve got to grips with C# programming, you’ll enter the world of Unity game development and discover how you can create C# scripts for simple game mechanics. Throughout the book, you’ll gain hands-on experience with programming best practices to help you take your Unity and C# skills to the next level.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to leverage the C# language to build your own real-world Unity game development projects.
OpenGL is the leading cross-language, multi-platform API used by masses of modern games and applications in a vast array of different sectors. Developing graphics with OpenGL lets you harness the increasing power of GPUs and really take your visuals to the next level.OpenGL Development Cookbook is your guide to graphical programming techniques to implement 3D mesh formats and skeletal animation to learn and understand OpenGL.OpenGL Development Cookbook introduces you to the modern OpenGL. Beginning with vertex-based deformations, common mesh formats, and skeletal animation with GPU skinning, and going on to demonstrate different shader stages in the graphics pipeline. OpenGL Development Cookbook focuses on providing you with practical examples on complex topics, such as variance shadow mapping, GPU-based paths, and ray tracing. By the end you will be familiar with the latest advanced GPU-based volume rendering techniques.