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Dr. Seán Kennedy, Maaike van Putten
Learn Java with Projects bridges the gap between introductory Java guides and verbose, theoretical references. This book is crafted to build a strong foundation in Java programming, starting from the Java environment itself. It goes far beyond a superficial review of the topics; it demonstrates, with practical examples, why these fundamentals are crucial for developing a deep understanding of the language. You'll not only learn about classes and objects but also see how these concepts are used in practical scenarios, enhancing your ability to write clean, efficient code. The engaging projects throughout the book provide real-world applications of complex topics, ensuring you can connect theoretical knowledge with practical skills. What makes this book stand out is the expertise of its authors. Seán, a seasoned university lecturer with over 20 years of experience, brings academic rigor and real-world insights, thanks to his work with a prestigious software company. Maaike, a passionate software developer and award-winning trainer, brings hands-on experience and a love for teaching. By the end of this book, you'll not only understand Java's core concepts and the critical advanced ones, but also gain practical experience through projects that mimic real-life challenges.
Mastering Docker. Unlock new opportunities using Docker's most advanced features - Third Edition
Russ McKendrick, Scott Gallagher
Docker has been a game-changer when it comes to how modern applications are deployed and created. It has now grown into a key driver of innovation beyond system administration, with an impact on the world of web development. But how can you make sure you're keeping up with the innovations it's driving, or be sure you're using it to its full potential? Mastering Docker shows you how; this book not only demonstrates how to use Docker more effectively, but also helps you rethink and reimagine what's possible with it. You will cover concepts such as building, managing, and storing images, along with best practices to make you confident, before delving more into Docker security. You'll find everything related to extending and integrating Docker in new and innovative ways. Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes will help you take control of your containers in an efficient manner.By the end of the book, you will have a broad, yet detailed, sense of what's possible with Docker, and how seamlessly it fits in with a range of other platforms and tools.
Blockchain technology will continue to play an integral role in the banking and finance sector in the coming years. It will enable enterprises to build transparent and secure business processes. Experts estimate annual savings of up to 20 billion dollars from this technology. This book will help you build financial apps using blockchain, guiding you through enhancing popular products and services in the banking and finance sector. The book starts by explaining the essential concepts of blockchain, and the impact of blockchain technology on the BFSI sector. Next, you'll delve into re-designing existing banking processes and building new financial apps using blockchain. To accomplish this, you'll work through eight blockchain projects. By demonstrating the entire process, the book helps you understand everything from setting up the environment and building frontend portals to system integration and testing apps. You will gain hands-on experience with the Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Stellar to develop private and public decentralized apps. Finally, you'll learn how to use ancillary platforms and frameworks such as IPFS, Truffle OpenZeppelin, and MetaMask.By the end of this blockchain book, you'll have an in-depth understanding of how to leverage distributed ledgers and smart contracts for financial use cases.
Test-driven development (TDD) is a programming workflow that helps you build your apps by specifying behavior as automated tests. The TDD workflow future-proofs apps so that they can be modified without fear of breaking existing functionality. Another benefit of TDD is that it helps software development teams communicate their intentions more clearly, by way of test specifications.This book teaches you how to apply TDD when building React apps. You’ll create a sample app using the same React libraries and tools that professional React developers use, such as Jest, React Router, Redux, Relay (GraphQL), Cucumber, and Puppeteer. The TDD workflow is supported by various testing techniques and patterns, which are useful even if you’re not following the TDD process. This book covers these techniques by walking you through the creation of a component test framework. You’ll learn automated testing theory which will help you work with any of the test libraries that are in standard usage today, such as React Testing Library. This second edition has been revised with a stronger focus on concise code examples and has been fully updated for React 18.By the end of this TDD book, you’ll be able to use React, Redux, and GraphQL to develop robust web apps.
David Brian Mathews, David B Mathews, Reinier de Blois
Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs. It includes graphics, audio, I/O, collision detection, and other abilities relevant to the creation of 3D games. Also, Panda3D is Open Source and free for any purpose, including commercial ventures. This book will enable you to create finished, marketable computer games using Panda3D and other entirely open-source tools and then sell those games without paying a cent for licensing.Panda3D 1.6 Game Engine Beginner's Guide follows a logical progression from a zero start through the game development process all the way to a finished, packaged installer. Packed with examples and detailed tutorials in every section, it teaches the reader through first-hand experience. These tutorials are followed by explanations that describe what happened in the tutorial and why.You will start by setting up a workspace, and then move on to the basics of starting up Panda3D. From there, you will begin adding objects like a level and a character to the world inside Panda3D. Then the book will teach you to put the game's player in control by adding change over time and response to user input. Then you will learn how to make it possible for objects in the world to interact with each other by using collision detection and beautify your game with Panda3D's built-in filters, shaders, and texturing. Finally, you will add an interface, audio, and package it all up for the customer.
SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook
PowerShell is Microsoft's new command-line shell and scripting language that promises to simplify automation and integration across different Microsoft applications and components. Database professionals can leverage PowerShell by utilizing its numerous built-in cmdlets, or using any of the readily available .NET classes, to automate database tasks, simplify integration, or just discover new ways to accomplish the job at hand.SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook provides easy-to-follow, practical examples for the busy database professional. Whether you're auditing your servers, or exporting data, or deploying reports, there is a recipe that you can use right away!You start off with basic topics to get you going with SQL Server and PowerShell scripts and progress into more advanced topics to help you manage and administer your SQL Server databases.The first few chapters demonstrate how to work with SQL Server settings and objects, including exploring objects, creating databases, configuring server settings, and performing inventories. The book then deep dives into more administration topics like backup and restore, credentials, policies, jobs.Additional development and BI-specific topics are also explored, including deploying and downloading assemblies, BLOB data, SSIS packages, and SSRS reports.A short PowerShell primer is also provided as a supplement in the Appendix, which the database professional can use as a refresher or occasional reference material. Packed with more than 100 practical, ready-to-use scripts, SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook will be your go-to reference in automating and managing SQL Server.
Thushan Ganegedara, Andrei Lopatenko
Learning how to solve natural language processing (NLP) problems is an important skill to master due to the explosive growth of data combined with the demand for machine learning solutions in production. Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow, Second Edition, will teach you how to solve common real-world NLP problems with a variety of deep learning model architectures.The book starts by getting readers familiar with NLP and the basics of TensorFlow. Then, it gradually teaches you different facets of TensorFlow 2.x. In the following chapters, you then learn how to generate powerful word vectors, classify text, generate new text, and generate image captions, among other exciting use-cases of real-world NLP.TensorFlow has evolved to be an ecosystem that supports a machine learning workflow through ingesting and transforming data, building models, monitoring, and productionization. We will then read text directly from files and perform the required transformations through a TensorFlow data pipeline. We will also see how to use a versatile visualization tool known as TensorBoard to visualize our models.By the end of this NLP book, you will be comfortable with using TensorFlow to build deep learning models with many different architectures, and efficiently ingest data using TensorFlow Additionally, you’ll be able to confidently use TensorFlow throughout your machine learning workflow.
The Complete Kubernetes Guide. Become an expert in container management with the power of Kubernetes
Jonathan Baier, Gigi Sayfan, Jesse White
If you are running a number of containers and want to be able to automate the way they’re managed, it can be helpful to have Kubernetes at your disposal. This Learning Path guides you through core Kubernetes constructs, such as pods, services, replica sets, replication controllers, and labels. You'll get started by learning how to integrate your build pipeline and deployments in a Kubernetes cluster. As you cover more chapters in the Learning Path, you'll get up to speed with orchestrating updates behind the scenes, avoiding downtime on your cluster, and dealing with underlying cloud provider instability in your cluster. With the help of real-world use cases, you'll also explore options for network configuration, and understand how to set up, operate, and troubleshoot various Kubernetes networking plugins. In addition to this, you'll gain insights into custom resource development and utilization in automation and maintenance workflows.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll have the expertise you need to progress from an intermediate to an advanced level of understanding Kubernetes.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• Getting Started with Kubernetes - Third Edition by Jonathan Baier and Jesse White• Mastering Kubernetes - Second Edition by Gigi Sayfan
In this data-driven age, safeguarding sensitive data and privacy has become paramount, demanding a deep understanding of the intricacies of cyberspace and its associated threats. With a focus on endpoint defense, Endpoint Detection and Response Essentials guides you in implementing EDR solutions to stay ahead of attackers and ensure the overall security posture of your IT infrastructure.Starting with an insightful introduction to EDR and its significance in the modern cyber threat landscape, this book offers a quick overview of popular EDR tools followed by their practical implementation. From real-world case studies, best practices, and deployment strategies to maximizing the effectiveness of EDR, including endpoint hardening techniques and advanced DNS visibility methods, this comprehensive resource equips you with the knowledge and hands-on skills to strengthen your organization’s defense against cyber attacks. Recognizing the role of the DNS protocol, you’ll fortify your organization's endpoint defense proactively.By the end of this book, you'll have honed the skills needed to construct a resilient cybersecurity defense for yourself and your organization.
Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious. Illustrated with Python and Qiskit® code
Keeper L. Sharkey, Alain Chancé, Alex Khan
Explore quantum chemical concepts and the postulates of quantum mechanics in a modern fashion, with the intent to see how chemistry and computing intertwine. Along the way you’ll relate these concepts to quantum information theory and computation. We build a framework of computational tools that lead you through traditional computational methods and straight to the forefront of exciting opportunities. These opportunities will rely on achieving next-generation accuracy by going further than the standard approximations such as beyond Born-Oppenheimer calculations.Discover how leveraging quantum chemistry and computing is a key enabler for overcoming major challenges in the broader chemical industry. The skills that you will learn can be utilized to solve new-age business needs that specifically hinge on quantum chemistry
The MEAN stack is a collection of the most popular modern tools for web development; it comprises MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.Starting with MEAN core frameworks, this project-based guide will explain the key concepts of each framework, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect it all together. By following the real-world examples shown in this tutorial, you will scaffold your MEAN application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop an MVC structure to support your project development. Finally, you will walk through the different tools and frameworks that will help expedite your daily development cycles.Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEAN stack!
Jomar Tigcal, Aileen Apolo-de Jesus
Coroutines and flows are the new recommended way for developers to carry out asynchronous programming in Android using simple, modern, and testable code. This book will teach you how coroutines and flows work and how to use them in building Android applications, along with helping you to develop modern Android applications with asynchronous programming using real data.The book begins by showing you how to create and handle Kotlin coroutines on Android. You’ll explore asynchronous programming in Kotlin, and understand how to test Kotlin coroutines. Next, you'll learn about Kotlin flows on Android, and have a closer look at using Kotlin flows by getting to grips with handling flow cancellations and exceptions and testing the flows.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to build high-quality and maintainable Android applications using coroutines and flows.