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Richard J. Moore, Richard Moore
Unreal Development Kit (UDK) is the free version of the award-winning Unreal Engine 3. It is used to create a wide variety of games ranging from amateur to professional standard next generation AAA titles.This book will show you exactly how to create an enjoyable and immersive game environment using the UDK. You will learn how to implement, level design, lighting, environmental effects, movement, terrain, map creation, item placement, kismet, materials and complex event sequences.You will work through the level design process from navigating round the editor to learning how to develop a fully playable environment. You will quickly master all of the engine’s key tools that are accessible through Unreal Engine 3. You will then start putting together your first level using step-by-step instructions. Next we will implement real world features such as dynamic lighting and shadows, particle effects, physics, terrain, item placement and advanced AI/bot pathing. Finally you will learn how to use UDK’s cutting edge high level scripting. By the end of this book you will be equipped with the skills to create an entertaining and imaginative game world.
Salesforce Lightning provides a secure and scalable platform to build, deploy, customize, and upgrade applications. This book will take you through the architecture of building an application on the Lightning platform to help you understand its features and best practices, and ensure that your app keeps up with your customers’ increasing needs as well as the innovations on the platform.This book guides you in working with the popular aPaaS offering from Salesforce, the Lightning Platform. You’ll see how to build and ship enterprise-grade apps that not only leverage the platform's many productivity features, but also prepare your app to harness its extensibility and customization capabilities. You'll even get to grips with advanced application architectural design patterns such as Separation of Concerns, Unit Testing and Dependency Integration. You will learn to use Apex and JavaScript with Lightning Web Components, Platform Events, among others, with the help of a sample app illustrating patterns that will ensure your own applications endure and evolve with the platform. Finally, you will become familiar with using Salesforce DX to develop, publish, and monitor a sample app and experience standard application life cycle processes along with tools such as Jenkins to implement CI/CD.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to develop effective business apps and be ready to explore innovative ways to meet customer demands.
Mongoose is all about putting the data model where it should be: in your application. You can control everything from within your application in JavaScript, eliminating the need to work with the database or a separate management system.Mongoose for Application Development is a practical, hands-on guide that takes you from installing the technology stack through the steps of developing a web application. It covers the key features of Mongoose and how to use them to rapidly develop a Node.js and MongoDB application.This book introduces the full technology stack of Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Mongoose. It will take you through the process of building an application on this stack with a focus on how Mongoose makes the process quicker and easier.You will see how Mongoose removes a layer of complexity when dealing with MongoDB whilst giving you more control over your data from your application. You will learn how to define schemas and models for your data in JavaScript. Using these schemas and models, you will learn how to build the cornerstone of any web application that will include CRUD operations (creating, reading, updating, and deleting data). If you want to learn how to build applications quickly and efficiently using Node.js, then Mongoose and this book are ideal for you.Using practical examples throughout, Mongoose for Application Development not only teaches you about the concepts of Mongoose, but walks through how to use them to build a real-life application.
Kim Congleton, Shawn Sissenwein
Unlock the untapped potential of Business Central by harnessing the power of the Power Platform with this comprehensive guide, transforming your cumbersome manual processes and limited customization capabilities into a vast array of extended functionalities and possibilities.You’ll begin by exploring the potential of Power Platform and its seamless integration with both the on-premises and cloud versions of Business Central, amplifying the capabilities of your business operations. You’ll then learn how to set up virtual tables and use Dataverse to create a simple model-driven app. As the book progresses, you’ll leverage Power Apps, including both Canvas apps and model-driven apps, to build apps around Business Central processes. The book also highlights Power Automate’s capabilities to create or modify business processes while incorporating new processes and automation. As you advance, you’ll connect to Business Central APIs that can be implemented to connect with Business Central Data and finally integrate Power BI natively with Business Central, empowering you to construct advanced reports and dashboards.With the hands-on experience gained throughout the book, you’ll build expertise in customizing Business Central with Power Platform to deliver more scalable and maintainable solutions.
Visualforce Development Cookbook. Upgrade Your Development Skills - Second Edition
Visualforce is a framework that allows developers to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces that can be hosted natively on the Force.com platform. The Visualforce framework includes a tag-based markup language, similar to HTML that is used to write the Visualforce pages and a set of controllers that are used to write business logic to the Visualforce pages. Visualforce Development Cookbook provides solutions to a variety of challenges faced by Salesforce developers and demonstrates how easy it is to build rich, interactive pages using Visualforce. Whether you are looking to make a minor addition to the standard page functionality or override it completely, this book will provide you with the help you require throughout. You will start by learning about the simple utilities and will build up to more advanced techniques for data visualization and to reuse functionality. You will learn how to perform various tasks such as creating multiple records from a single page, visualizing data as charts, using JavaScript to enhance client-side functionality, building a public website, and making data available to a mobile device. With an interesting chapter on tackling common issues faced while developing Visualforce pages, the book provides lots of practical examples to enhance and extend your Salesforce user interface.
Drupal is one of the most powerful PHP Content Management Systems there is. However, why would you install a CMS for every site you build? With just one copy of Drupal you can host several sites. Drupal has long had multi-site support, and Drupal 7's support is even better than previous versions. Drupal 7 Multi-Sites Configuration will teach you how to host several websites on a single copy of Drupal. You will learn how to create different sites, each with its own domain, content, and theme. This valuable information will help you to save time by managing modules and sharing them across several sites as well as administering your sites all in one place.This book will show you how to configure a system for multi-site, and then install several sites on one copy of Drupal, all with their own domain name and database. Learn how to install and share modules and themes, configure Apache, PHP, and MySQL for multi-site, and then manage the site. Once your site system is successfully set up, discover some of the advanced configurations possible with Drupal multi-site, as well as how to upgrade and maintain your sites.
The hybrid edge specialty is often misunderstood because it began with an on-premises-focused view encompassing everything not running inside the traditional data center. If you too have workloads that need to live on premises and need a solution to bridge the gap between both worlds, this book will show you how AWS Outposts allows workloads to leverage the benefits of the cloud running on top of AWS technology.In this book, you’ll learn what the Edge space is, the capabilities to look for when selecting a solution to operate in this realm, and how AWS Outposts delivers. The use cases for Outposts are thoroughly explained and the physical characteristics are detailed alongside the service logical constructs and facility requirements. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the sales process—from order placement to rack delivery to your location. As you advance, you’ll explore how AWS Outposts works in real life with step-by-step examples using AWS CLI and AWS Console before concluding your journey with an extensive overview of security and business continuity for maximizing the value delivered by the product.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create compelling hybrid architectures, solve complex use cases for hybrid scenarios, and get ready for your way forward with the help of expert guidance.
Explore gRPC's capabilities for faster communication between your microservices using the HTTP/2 protocol in this practical guide that shows you how to implement gRPC on the .NET platform.gRPC is one of the most efficient protocols for communication between microservices that is also relatively easy to implement. However, its official documentation is often fragmented and.NET developers might find it difficult to recognize the best way to map between C# data types and fields in gRPC messages. This book will address these concerns and much more. Starting with the fundamentals of gRPC, you'll discover how to use it inside .NET apps. You’ll explore best practices for performance and focus on scaling a gRPC app. Once you're familiar with the inner workings of the different call types that gRPC supports, you'll advance to learning how to secure your gRPC endpoints by applying authentication and authorization.With detailed explanations, this gRPC .NET book will show you how the Protobuf protocol allows you to send messages efficiently by including only the necessary data. You'll never get confused again while translating between C# data types and the ones available in Protobuf.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained practical gRPC knowledge and be able to use it in .NET apps to enable direct communication between microservices.
Used in everything from microcontrollers to operating systems, C is a popular programming language among developers because of its flexibility and versatility. This book helps you get hands-on with various tasks, covering the fundamental as well as complex C programming concepts that are essential for making real-life applications.You’ll start with recipes for arrays, strings, user-defined functions, and pre-processing directives. Once you’re familiar with the basic features, you’ll gradually move on to learning pointers, file handling, concurrency, networking, and inter-process communication (IPC). The book then illustrates how to carry out searching and arrange data using different sorting techniques, before demonstrating the implementation of data structures such as stacks and queues. Later, you’ll learn interesting programming features such as using graphics for drawing and animation, and the application of general-purpose utilities. Finally, the book will take you through advanced concepts such as low-level programming, embedded software, IoT, and security in coding, as well as techniques for improving code performance.By the end of this book, you'll have a clear understanding of C programming, and have the skills you need to develop robust apps.
Bootstrap is the most popular open source project on GitHub today. With a little bit of know-how, this massively popular CSS framework can leveraged for any type of complex web application or website. Bootstrap Site Blueprints Volume II will teach you to build these types of projects in an easy-to-understand fashion.The key to any complex Bootstrap project is a strong development foundation for your project. The book will first teach you how to build a Bootstrap development environment using Harp.js, Node, and Less. In the next chapters, we’ll build on this foundation by creating restaurant and mobile-first aggregator projects. Once you’re warmed up, we’ll move on to more complex projects such as a wiki, a new magazine, a dashboard, and finally a social networking website. Whether you are brand new to Bootstrap or a seasoned expert, this book will provide you with the skills you need to successfully create a number of popular web applications and websites.
Virtual Filmmaking with Unreal Engine 5 is the first Unreal Engine book to guide you through the complete process of virtual film production. Encompassing the full spectrum of filmmaking, this book demonstrates the use of an industry-standard tool used by studios such as Disney, ILM, DNEG, and Framestore.Walking through the process systematically, you’ll collect references and create a simple storyboard to plan your shots. You'll create virtual environments, import 3D models and add materials and textures to build photorealistic, dynamic worlds. You'll also create actors using highly customizable MetaHumans, understand how to import, re-target, and animate them. You’ll bring it all together with cinematic lighting and camera animation before exporting your film.By the end of this book, you’ll have discovered new tools for your toolkit to work on your virtual film projects in Unreal Engine 5, leveraging Quixel Megascans, Lumen, Nanite, and MetaHuman technology.
The Linux kernel is at the very core of arguably the world’s best production-quality OS. Debugging it, though, can be a complex endeavor.Linux Kernel Debugging is a comprehensive guide to learning all about advanced kernel debugging. This book covers many areas in-depth, such as instrumentation-based debugging techniques (printk and the dynamic debug framework), and shows you how to use Kprobes. Memory-related bugs tend to be a nightmare – two chapters are packed with tools and techniques devoted to debugging them. When the kernel gifts you an Oops, how exactly do you interpret it to be able to debug the underlying issue? We’ve got you covered. Concurrency tends to be an inherently complex topic, so a chapter on lock debugging will help you to learn precisely what data races are, including using KCSAN to detect them. Some thorny issues, both debug- and performance-wise, require detailed kernel-level tracing; you’ll learn to wield the impressive power of Ftrace and its frontends. You’ll also discover how to handle kernel lockups, hangs, and the dreaded kernel panic, as well as leverage the venerable GDB tool within the kernel (KGDB), along with much more.By the end of this book, you will have at your disposal a wide range of powerful kernel debugging tools and techniques, along with a keen sense of when to use which.