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Julia Cookbook. Click here to enter text
Want to handle everything that Julia can throw at you and get the most of it every day? This practical guide to programming with Julia for performing numerical computation will make you more productive and able work with data more efficiently. The book starts with the main features of Julia to help you quickly refresh your knowledge of functions, modules, and arrays. We’ll also show you how to utilize the Julia language to identify, retrieve, and transform data sets so you can perform data analysis and data manipulation.Later on, you’ll see how to optimize data science programs with parallel computing and memory allocation. You’ll get familiar with the concepts of package development and networking to solve numerical problems using the Julia platform.This book includes recipes on identifying and classifying data science problems, data modelling, data analysis, data manipulation, meta-programming, multidimensional arrays, and parallel computing. By the end of the book, you will acquire the skills to work more effectively with your data.
Want to turn your app idea into reality? iOS 18 Programming for Beginners is a guide that revolves around building a journal app, designed to teach you practical iOS development skills from the ground up. Through this approach, you'll gain hands-on experience with Xcode programming and progress through building a UI and filling it with functionality.Starting with the fundamentals of Swift 6, you'll learn how to construct user interfaces using storyboards and segues before diving into essential iOS concepts like table views, data handling, and map integration. The step-by-step tutorials guide you through key tasks such as persisting data with JSON, creating custom views, and integrating media into your apps. You’ll also discover how to enhance your apps using Apple Intelligence, incorporating machine learning and smart features to create cutting-edge iOS applications. The final chapters focus on crucial aspects of app development, including Swift Testing to ensure your app is robust, and submitting your app to the App Store—demystifying the journey from development to deployment.Whether you're a beginner or transitioning to iOS development, this guide will equip you with the skills needed to create and publish your own apps.
lnnes Borkwood, INNES BORKWOOD
Creating video games has traditionally been a long and complicated process, requiring years of experience and a vast array of skills. However, with the introduction of comprehensive game-development toolkits such as Stencyl, the fun has returned to the art of game-creation – anyone who has the desire to create their own video game can now do so with almost any desktop computer and a free software download from the Internet!Learning Stencyl 3.x Game Development: Beginner's Guide will put you on the fast-track to learning the essentials of the powerful Stencyl game-development toolkit. You will develop a complete, ready-to-publish video game including in-game advertising, by following the clear, step-by-step tutorials, supported by numerous screenshots and practical examples.This book will guide you through all the important steps required to develop and publish your video game. Starting with the installation and testing of the Stencyl toolkit, you will very quickly advance to the fun and exciting process of creating a playable game. The step-by-step tutorials will guide you from a blank screen, right through to giving your game that final polish and sharing it with the rest of the world.Whilst developing your feature-complete video game, you will learn how to easily detect collisions in your game using Stencyl's built-in physics engine. You'll discover how to use the powerful animation tools included in Stencyl's toolkit, and you'll find out how to make your game shine with sounds and visual special effects. You will also discover how Stencyl makes it easy to utilize the touch-screen and accelerometer features of smartphones and tablet computers.You will learn all the essential skills required to develop a video game from scratch – right through to publishing a game on the Internet and testing games on the most popular mobile devices.
R is a highly flexible and powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing data. Most of the applications built using various libraries with R are desktop-based. But what if you want to go on the web? Here comes Shiny to your rescue!Shiny allows you to create interactive web applications using the excellent analytical and graphical capabilities of R. This book will guide you through basic data management and analysis with R through your first Shiny application, and then show you how to integrate Shiny applications with your own web pages. Finally, you will learn how to finely control the inputs and outputs of your application, along with using other packages to build state-of-the-art applications, including dashboards.
Moodle is the best e-learning solution on the block and is revolutionizing courses on the Web. Using JavaScript in Moodle is very useful to administrators and dynamic developers as it uses built-in libraries to provide the modern and dynamic experience that is expected by web users today.The Moodle JavaScript Cookbook will take you through the basics of combining Moodle with JavaScript and its various libraries and explain how JavaScript can be used along with Moodle. It will explain how to integrate Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) with Moodle. YUI will be the main focus of the book, and is the key to implementing modern, dynamic feature-rich interfaces to help your users get a more satisfying and productive Moodle experience. It will enable you to add effects, make forms more responsive, use AJAX and animation, all to create a richer user experience. You will be able to work through a range of YUI features, such as pulling in and displaying information from other websites, enhancing existing UI elements to make users' lives easier, and even how to add animation to your pages for a nice finishing touch.
In the ever-evolving world of games and virtual production, mastering procedural content generator (PCG) opens the door to endless creative possibilities. This book takes you deeper into the realm of procedurally generated environments and assets by showing you how to use the PCG framework integrated into Unreal Engine 5.4 and helping you build the skills to surpass traditional methods and create cutting-edge projects with unparalleled efficiency.This book guides you through the complete level design and tools production pipeline using open-source software. Whether you’re an aspiring technical artist or level designer in real-time visualization and game production, you’ll benefit from following the step-by-step, beginner-friendly approach to crafting custom levels, from jungles to cities, and incorporating 3D assets from libraries such as Quixel or Sketchfab. Next, you’ll get to grips with data preparation, construct a PCG graph to populate assets in your environment, and apply these methods to optimize your projects. You’ll understand how this process enhances your PCG tools, elevating their capacity to improve the quality of your levels.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate different elements in Unreal Engine 5, empowering you to create your own PCG tools and transform your game development experience.
Microservices architecture allows developers to build and maintain applications with ease, and enterprises are rapidly adopting it to build software using Spring Boot as their default framework. With this book, you’ll learn how to efficiently build and deploy microservices using Spring Boot. This microservices book will take you through tried and tested approaches to building distributed systems and implementing microservices architecture in your organization. Starting with a set of simple cooperating microservices developed using Spring Boot, you’ll learn how you can add functionalities such as persistence, make your microservices reactive, and describe their APIs using Swagger/OpenAPI. As you advance, you’ll understand how to add different services from Spring Cloud to your microservice system. The book also demonstrates how to deploy your microservices using Kubernetes and manage them with Istio for improved security and traffic management. Finally, you’ll explore centralized log management using the EFK stack and monitor microservices using Prometheus and Grafana.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build microservices that are scalable and robust using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Prasenjit Sarkar, Prasenjit Sarkar
VMware vSphere is the key virtualization technology in today's market. vSphere is a complex tool and incorrect design and deployment can create performance-related problems. vSphere High Performance Cookbook is focused on solving those problems as well as providing best practices and performance-enhancing techniques.vSphere High Performance Cookbook offers a comprehensive understanding of the different components of vSphere and the interaction of these components with the physical layer which includes the CPU, memory, network, and storage. If you want to improve or troubleshoot vSphere performance then this book is for you!vSphere High Performance Cookbook will teach you how to tune and grow a VMware vSphere 5 infrastructure. This book focuses on tuning, optimizing, and scaling the infrastructure using the vSphere Client graphical user interface. This book will enable the reader with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to build and run a high-performing VMware vSphere virtual infrastructure.You will learn how to configure and manage ESXi CPU, memory, networking, and storage for sophisticated, enterprise-scale environments. You will also learn how to manage changes to the vSphere environment and optimize the performance of all vSphere components.This book also focuses on high value and often overlooked performance-related topics such as NUMA Aware CPU Scheduler, VMM Scheduler, Core Sharing, the Virtual Memory Reclamation technique, Checksum offloading, VM DirectPath I/O, queuing on storage array, command queuing, vCenter Server design, and virtual machine and application tuning.By the end of this book you will be able to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot operational faults and critical performance issues in vSphere.
Beginner game developers are wonderfully optimistic, passionate, and ambitious. But that ambition is often dangerous! Too often, budding indie developers and hobbyists bite off more than they can chew. Some of the most popular games in recent memory – Doodle Jump, Paper Toss, and Canabalt, to name a few – have been fun, simple games that have delighted players and delivered big profits to their creators. This is the perfect climate for new game developers to succeed by creating simple games with Unity.This book starts you off on the right foot, emphasizing small, simple game ideas and playable projects that you can actually finish. The complexity of the games increases gradually as we progress through the chapters. The chosen examples help you learn a wide variety of game development techniques. With this understanding of Unity and bite-sized bits of programming, you can make your own mark in the game industry by finishing fun, simple games.Unity 3.x Game Development by Example shows you how to build crucial game elements that you can reuse and re-skin in many different games, using the phenomenal (and free!) Unity 3D game engine. It initiates you into indie game culture by teaching you how to make your own small, simple games using Unity3D and some gentle, easy-to-understand code. It will help you turn a rudimentary keep-up game into a madcap race through hospital hallways to rush a still-beating heart to the transplant ward, program a complete 2D game using Unity's User Interface controls, put a dramatic love story spin on a simple catch game, and turn that around into a classic space shooter with spectacular explosions and pew sounds! By the time you're finished, you'll have learned to develop a number of important pieces to create your own games that focus in on that small, singular piece of joy that makes games fun.
Jagjeet Singh Makhija, Charles Odunukwe
The DP-600 exam tests your ability to design and implement analytics solutions using Microsoft Fabric, including planning data analytics environments, managing data integration and security, and optimizing performance. Written by two Microsoft specialists with over three decades of combined experience, this book will help you confidently prepare for the DP-600 exam by teaching you the skills that are essential for effectively implementing and designing analytics solutions.You’ll explore data analytics in Microsoft Fabric in detail and understand foundational topics such as data exploration, SQL querying, and data transformation, alongside advanced techniques such as semantic model optimization, performance tuning, and enterprise-scale model design. The book addresses strategic planning, data integration, security, scalability, and the complete project lifecycle, including version control, deployment, and continuous improvement. You’ll also get to grips with practical SQL integration with Microsoft Fabric components, with mock exams to help you reinforce what you’ve learned.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to plan, implement, and optimize analytics solutions using Microsoft Fabric, and you'll be well-equipped with the practical skills needed to tackle real-world data challenges and pass the DP-600 exam.
FastAPI is an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI)-based framework that can help build modern, manageable, and fast microservices. Because of its asynchronous core platform, this ASGI-based framework provides the best option when it comes to performance, reliability, and scalability over the WSGI-based Django and Flask. When working with Python, Flask, and Django microservices, you’ll be able to put your knowledge to work with this practical guide to building seamlessly manageable and fast microservices.You’ll begin by understanding the background of FastAPI and learning how to install, configure, and use FastAPI to decompose business units. You’ll explore a unique and asynchronous REST API framework that can provide a better option when it comes to building microservices. After that, this book will guide you on how to apply and translate microservices design patterns in building various microservices applications and RESTful APIs using the FastAPI framework.By the end of this microservices book, you’ll be able to understand, build, deploy, test, and experiment with microservices and their components using the FastAPI framework.