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Web development
This book starts with a look at the test-driven development process, and how it is different from the traditional way of writing code. All the concepts are presented in the context of a real application that is developed in a step-by-step manner over the course of the book. While exploring the common types of smelly code, we will go back into our example project and clean up the smells that we find.Additionally, we will use mocking to implement the parts of our example project that depend on other systems. Towards the end of the book, we'll take a look at the most common patterns and anti-patterns associated with test-driven development, including integration of test results into the development process.
As more and more organizations are discovering the use of big data analytics, interest in platforms that provide storage, computation, and analytic capabilities is booming exponentially. This calls for data management. Hadoop caters to this need. Oozie fulfils this necessity for a scheduler for a Hadoop job by acting as a cron to better analyze data. Apache Oozie Essentials starts off with the basics right from installing and configuring Oozie from source code on your Hadoop cluster to managing your complex clusters. You will learn how to create data ingestion and machine learning workflows.This book is sprinkled with the examples and exercises to help you take your big data learning to the next level. You will discover how to write workflows to run your MapReduce, Pig ,Hive, and Sqoop scripts and schedule them to run at a specific time or for a specific business requirement using a coordinator. This book has engaging real-life exercises and examples to get you in the thick of things. Lastly, you’ll get a grip of how to embed Spark jobs, which can be used to run your machine learning models on Hadoop.By the end of the book, you will have a good knowledge of Apache Oozie. You will be capable of using Oozie to handle large Hadoop workflows and even improve the availability of your Hadoop environment.
Affinity Designer is a widely adopted creative application, and in a reasonably short space of time, it has become a leading design and illustration application. Affinity Designer, along with Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher, is part of a suite of award-winning creative software applications developed by Serif Europe. Built on the latest technologies, which make it fast and smooth, Affinity Designer is quickly becoming the go-to professional creative application for vector drawing and pixel-based painting.Up and Running with Affinity Designer is a comprehensive hands-on guide to the Affinity Designer software. Whether you're new to the creative industry, a seasoned professional looking for a proven alternative, or an enthusiastic hobbyist, this book will help you get up to speed in no time. You’ll learn how to create documents and explore workflow best practices while working through practical exercises using the knowledge and skills developed in each chapter to solidify your understanding of the fundamentals. Finally, you’ll bring it all together with real-world practical applications by building a fun logo and professional illustration, forming a base for in-depth exploration in your own projects.By the end of this Affinity Designer book, you'll have gained the knowledge and confidence to use Affinity Designer as part of your creative toolset.
The AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) exam evaluates your ability to execute machine learning tasks on AWS infrastructure. This comprehensive book aligns with the latest exam syllabus, offering practical examples to support your real-world machine learning projects on AWS. Additionally, you'll get lifetime access to supplementary online resources, including mock exams with exam-like timers, detailed solutions, interactive flashcards, and invaluable exam tips, all accessible across various devices—PCs, tablets, and smartphones.Throughout the book, you’ll learn data preparation techniques for machine learning, covering diverse methods for data manipulation and transformation across different variable types. Addressing challenges such as missing data and outliers, the book guides you through an array of machine learning tasks including classification, regression, clustering, forecasting, anomaly detection, text mining, and image processing, accompanied by requisite machine learning algorithms essential for exam success. The book helps you master the deployment of models in production environments and their subsequent monitoring.Equipped with insights from this book and the accompanying mock exams, you'll be fully prepared to achieve the AWS MLS-C01 certification.
Alkin Tezuysal, Ibrar Ahmed, Peter Zaitsev
Database Design and Modeling with PostgreSQL and MySQL will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to architect, build, and optimize efficient databases using two of the most popular open-source platforms.As you progress through the chapters, you'll gain a deep understanding of data modeling, normalization, and query optimization, supported by hands-on exercises and real-world case studies that will reinforce your learning. You'll explore topics like concurrency control, backup and recovery strategies, and seamless integration with web and mobile applications. These advanced topics will empower you to tackle complex database challenges confidently and effectively. Additionally, you’ll explore emerging trends, such as NoSQL databases and cloud-based solutions, ensuring you're well-versed in the latest developments shaping the database landscape. By embracing these cutting-edge technologies, you'll be prepared to adapt and innovate in today's ever-evolving digital world.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to understand the technologies that exist to design a modern and scalable database for developing web applications using MySQL and PostgreSQL open-source databases.
This book will enable you to deliver on the operational disciplines of Performance, Health, Capacity, Configuration, and Compliance by making the best use of solutions provided by vRealize Operations. Starting with architecture, design, and sizing, we will ensure your implementation of vRealize Operations is a success.We will dive into the utilization of a solution to manage your vSphere infrastructure.Then, we will employ out-of-the-box Dashboards and the very powerful Views and Reporting functionality of vRealize Operations to create your custom dashboards and address your reporting requirements.Next, we go through the Alerting framework and how Symptoms, Recommendations, and Actions are used to achieve efficient operations. Later you will master the topic of Capacity Planning, where we look at how important it is to craft appropriate policies to match your requirements, and we’ll consider attitude toward capacity risk, which will aid you to build future project requirements into your capacity plans.Finally, we will look at extending the solution to manage Storage, Applications, and other IT infrastructures using Management Packs from Solution Exchange, as well as how the solution can be enhanced with the integration of Log Insight.
Yohan Wadia, Naveen Kumar Vijayakumar
AWS is at the forefront of Cloud Computing today. Many businesses are moving away from traditional datacenters and toward AWS because of its reliability, vast service offerings, lower costs, and high rate of innovation. Because of its versatility and flexible design, AWS can be used to accomplish a variety of simple and complicated tasks such as hosting multitier websites, running large scale parallel processing, content delivery, petabyte storage and archival, and lots more.Whether you are a seasoned sysadmin or a rookie, this book will provide you with all the necessary skills to design, deploy, and manage your applications on the AWS cloud platform. The book guides you through the core AWS services such as IAM, EC2, VPC, RDS, and S3 using a simple real world application hosting example that you can relate to. Each chapter is designed to provide you with the most information possible about a particular AWS service coupled with easy to follow hands-on steps, best practices, tips, and recommendations. By the end of the book, you will be able to create a highly secure, fault tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.
Information security and risk management best practices enable professionals to plan, implement, measure, and test their organization's systems and ensure that they're adequately protected against threats.The book starts by helping you to understand the core principles of information security, why risk management is important, and how you can drive information security governance. You'll then explore methods for implementing security controls to achieve the organization's information security goals. As you make progress, you'll get to grips with design principles that can be utilized along with methods to assess and mitigate architectural vulnerabilities. The book will also help you to discover best practices for designing secure network architectures and controlling and managing third-party identity services. Finally, you will learn about designing and managing security testing processes, along with ways in which you can improve software security.By the end of this infosec book, you'll have learned how to make your organization less vulnerable to threats and reduce the likelihood and impact of exploitation. As a result, you will be able to make an impactful change in your organization toward a higher level of information security.
Eduardo Chavez, Danny Moncada, Ravi Bapna
Navigating the challenging path of a business intelligence career requires you to consider your expertise, interests, and skills. Business Intelligence Career Master Plan explores key skills like stacks, coursework, certifications, and interview advice, enabling you to make informed decisions about your BI journey.You’ll start by assessing the different roles in BI and matching your skills and career with the tech stack. You’ll then learn to build taxonomy and a data story using visualization types. Additionally, you’ll explore the fundamentals of programming, frontend development, backend development, software development lifecycle, and project management, giving you a broad view of the end-to-end BI process. With the help of the author’s expert advice, you’ll be able to identify what subjects and areas of study are crucial and would add significant value to your skill set.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision on which of the myriad paths to choose in your business intelligence journey based on your skill set and interests.
Android applications have become an important part of our daily lives and lots of effort goes into developing an Android application. This book will help you to build you own Android applications using Java.Android Studio 3.5 Development Essentials – Java Edition first teaches you to install Android development and test environment on different operating systems. Next, you will create an Android app and a virtual device in Android Studio, and install an Android application on emulator. You will test apps on physical Android devices, then study Android Studio code editor and constraint layout, Android architecture, the anatomy of an Android app, and Android activity state changes. The book then covers advanced topics such as views and widgets implementation, multi-window support integration, and biometric authentication, and finally, you will learn to upload your app to Google Play console and handle the build process with Gradle.By the end of this book, you will have gained enough knowledge to develop powerful Android applications using Java.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 offers exciting new features that enable you to build and maintain a robust customer relationship management system in your organisation.This book is your one stop resource to get to grips with all the new features of Dynamics CRM 2011. To make learning fun and engaging, we will build an Airline Compensation Management (ACM) system using Dynamics CRM 2011.The book starts by setting up the development environment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. We will then build a structural architecture for the ACM system and configure it in Dynamics CRM 2011. While doing this, we will learn about the new customization features offered by Dynamics CRM 2011.We will then move on to Data Importing and will cover the Import Data Wizard tool, as well as the Import file/data web service which provides additional capabilities that are not available in the Import Data Wizard.We will use client-side programming to perform data validation, automation, and process enhancement and learn powerful event driven server-side programming methods: Plug-Ins and Processes (Formerly Workflows).The book then steers you towards SharePoint integration, Charts and Dashboards, Customizing the Ribbon and Sitemap, and extending Dynamics CRM 2011 in the cloud.Finally we will package the ACM solution and learn how to deploy it.
Piti Champeethong, Roberto Mardeni
Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are ubiquitous concepts in modern development. Azure Pipelines is one of the most popular services that you can utilize for CI/CD, and this book shows you how it works by taking you through the process of building and automating CI/CD systems using Azure Pipelines and YAML, simplifying integration with Azure resources and reducing human error.You’ll begin by getting an overview of Azure Pipelines and why you should use it. Next, the book helps you get to grips with build and release pipelines, and then builds upon this by introducing the extensive power of YAML syntax, which you can use to implement and configure any task you can think of. As you advance, you’ll discover how to integrate Infrastructure as Code tools, such as Terraform, and perform code analysis with SonarQube. In the concluding chapters, you’ll delve into real-life scenarios and hands-on implementation tasks with Microsoft Azure services, AWS, and cross-mobile application with Flutter, Google Firebase, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to design and build CI/CD systems using Azure Pipelines with consummate ease, write code using YAML, and configure any task that comes to mind.
Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts, and the syntax has large similarities with JavaScript, thereby making it easier for developers to learn, design, compile, and deploy smart contracts on large blockchain ecosystems including Ethereum and Polygon among others. This book guides you in understanding Solidity programming from scratch.The book starts with step-by-step instructions for the installation of multiple tools and private blockchain, along with foundational concepts such as variables, data types, and programming constructs. You’ll then explore contracts based on an object-oriented paradigm, including the usage of constructors, interfaces, libraries, and abstract contracts. The following chapters help you get to grips with testing and debugging smart contracts. As you advance, you’ll learn about advanced concepts like assembly programming, advanced interfaces, usage of recovery, and error handling using try-catch blocks. You’ll also explore multiple design patterns for smart contracts alongside developing secure smart contracts, as well as gain a solid understanding of writing upgradable smart concepts and data modeling. Finally, you’ll discover how to create your own ERC20 and NFT tokens from scratch.By the end of this book, you will be able to write, deploy, and test smart contracts in Ethereum.