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Starting with new features introduced in PostgreSQL 17, the sixth edition of this book provides comprehensive insights into advanced database management, helping you elevate your PostgreSQL skills to an expert level. Written by Hans-Jürgen Schönig, a PostgreSQL expert with over 25 years of experience and the CEO of CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH, this guide distills real-world expertise from supporting countless global customers. It guides you through crucial aspects of professional database management, including performance tuning, replication, indexing, and security strategies.You’ll learn how to handle complex queries, optimize execution plans, and enhance user interactions with advanced SQL features such as window functions and JSON support. Hans equips you with practical approaches for managing database locks, transactions, and stored procedures to ensure peak performance. With real-world examples and expert solutions, you'll also explore replication techniques for high availability, along with troubleshooting methods to detect and resolve bottlenecks, preparing you to tackle everyday challenges in database administration.By the end of the book, you'll be ready to deploy, secure, and maintain PostgreSQL databases efficiently in production environments.
Software development is becoming increasingly complex due to the various software components used. Applications need to be packaged with software components to facilitate their operations, making it complicated to run them. With Docker Compose, a single command can set up your application and the needed dependencies.This book starts with an overview of Docker Compose and its usage and then shows how to create an application. You will also get to grips with the fundamentals of Docker volumes and network, along with Compose commands, their purpose, and use cases. Next, you will set up databases for daily usage using Compose and, leveraging Docker networking, you will establish communication between microservices. You will also run entire stacks locally on Compose, simulate production environments, and enhance CI/CD jobs using Docker Compose. Later chapters will show you how to benefit from Docker Compose for production deployments, provision infrastructure on public clouds such as AWS and Azure, and wrap up with Compose deployments on said infrastructure.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to effectively utilize Docker Compose for day-to-day development.
Spring Microservices. Internet-scale architecture with Spring framework, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot
The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of the control container for the Java platform. The framework's core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions to build web applications on top of the Java EE platform. This book will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring, you'll be able to build modern, Internet-scale Java applications in no time.We would start off with the guidelines to implement responsive microservices at scale. We will then deep dive into Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, Mesos, and Marathon. Next you will understand how Spring Boot is used to deploy autonomous services, server-less by removing the need to have a heavy-weight application server. Later you will learn how to go further by deploying your microservices to Docker and manage it with Mesos. By the end of the book, you'll will gain more clarity on how to implement microservices using Spring Framework and use them in Internet-scale deployments through real-world examples.
CSS styling has been a key part of developing for the Internet since the early 1990s, but unlike JavaScript, has suffered from the inability to produce dynamic styles, using functions, operators, and variables. SASS uses the power of Ruby to bring support for all three and more to your CSS, allowing you to engage in a more efficient, modular style of working, and making it easier to maintain your CSS styling in your projects.Instant SASS CSS How-to is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises, which will help you take advantage of the power of SASS, and give you a good grounding in writing and compiling CSS style sheets using the SASS pre-processor language.This book looks at how you can incorporate SASS into your web pages, and either produce style sheets dynamically, or pre-compile them before including the final article into your site's pages.You will also learn how you can use the power of mixins, functions, and variables to help produce style sheets, and reduce the amount of code you need to write in your style sheets. We will also take a look at how you can incorporate a more modular style to your development workflow, which will help with making style sheets more manageable and easier to update in the future. We will also take a look at how you can build up libraries of reusable code that you can incorporate into your future projects.You will learn everything you need to know to start using SASS to help produce more efficient style sheets in your site's pages, and adopt a more modular development workflow, which will make it easier to maintain your sites in the future.
Ajit Puthiyavettle, Imaya Kumar Jagannathan, Rodrigue Koffi
Building systems that can withstand failure is key to running a successful business on the cloud. Learn from distinguished AWS experts—Ajit, Imaya, and Rodrigue—who bring over four decades of experience in architecting enterprise-scale solutions, speaking at major AWS conferences, and implementing resilience strategies across diverse industries, as they guide you through building highly available and fault-tolerant applications on AWS.This book explores resiliency, offering steps to design, build, and operate resilient architectures on AWS. You’ll master data security practices, backup strategies, and automation techniques, helping you build strong defenses and reliable recovery plans for resilience against disruptions. You’ll also learn how to apply AWS Well-Architected pillars to design applications with redundancy, loose coupling, graceful degradation, and fault isolation. With architecture examples, you’ll validate your design’s effectiveness through resilient patterns, performance monitoring, and chaos engineering.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with best practices for creating robust cloud infrastructures to ensure business continuity and success and become proficient at creating fault-tolerant systems, optimizing performance, and ensuring reliability across regions.
Azure is one of the leading cloud providers in the world, providing numerous services for data hosting and data processing. Most of the companies today are either cloud-native or are migrating to the cloud much faster than ever. This has led to an explosion of data engineering jobs, with aspiring and experienced data engineers trying to outshine each other.Gaining the DP-203: Azure Data Engineer Associate certification is a sure-fire way of showing future employers that you have what it takes to become an Azure Data Engineer. This book will help you prepare for the DP-203 examination in a structured way, covering all the topics specified in the syllabus with detailed explanations and exam tips. The book starts by covering the fundamentals of Azure, and then takes the example of a hypothetical company and walks you through the various stages of building data engineering solutions. Throughout the chapters, you'll learn about the various Azure components involved in building the data systems and will explore them using a wide range of real-world use cases. Finally, you’ll work on sample questions and answers to familiarize yourself with the pattern of the exam.By the end of this Azure book, you'll have gained the confidence you need to pass the DP-203 exam with ease and land your dream job in data engineering.
Developers often feel overwhelmed by complex version control issues, especially when managing large repositories. This updated second edition of our Git guide empowers you to tackle these challenges head-on and emerge as a Git pro. The book gets you up to speed with the latest Git version, its features, and advanced branching techniques, helping you master complex development scenarios. A new chapter on tackling challenges while managing large repositories has been added, providing invaluable strategies for efficient version control with Git. The book goes beyond the basics to take you through Git’s architecture, behavior, and best practices in depth. The chapters help you develop a clear understanding of customizing workflows, creating unique solutions, and tackling any version control hurdle. As you advance, you’ll explore a wide range of functionalities, from examining project history to collaborating seamlessly with teammates. Detailed descriptions guide you through managing your work, collaborating with others, administering Git, and navigating project history. By the end of this book, you’ll have become a Git pro and be confident enough to handle advanced branching, manage large repositories, customize workflows, collaborate effectively, and troubleshoot any version control issues.
With Docker, it is possible to get a lot of apps running on the same old servers, making it very easy to package and ship programs. The ability to extend Docker using plugins and load third-party plugins is incredible, and organizations can massively benefit from it.In this book, you will read about what first and third party tools are available to extend the functionality of your existing Docker installation and how to approach your next Docker infrastructure deployment. We will show you how to work with Docker plugins, install it, and cover its lifecycle. We also cover network and volume plugins, and you will find out how to build your own plugin. You’ll discover how to integrate it with Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Flocker, Rancher, Packer, and more with third-party plugins. Then, you’ll see how to use Schedulers such as Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. Finally, we’ll delve into security, troubleshooting, and best practices when extending Docker.By the end of this book, you will learn how to extend Docker and customize it based on your business requirements with the help of various tools and plugins.
Visualforce, in conjunction with Apex, makes it easy to develop sophisticated, custom UIs for Force.com desktop and mobile apps without having to write thousands of lines of code and markup. The Dynamic Binding feature of Visualforce lets you develop generic Visualforce pages to display information related to the records without necessarily knowing which data fields to show. This is accomplished through a formula-like syntax, which makes it simple to manage even a complex hierarchy of records.Visualforce Development Cookbook provides solutions for a variety of challenges faced by Salesforce developers and demonstrates how easy it is to build rich, interactive pages using Visualforce. Whether you are looking to make a minor addition to the standard page functionality or override it completely, this book will provide you with the required help throughout.Visualforce Development Cookbook starts with explaining the simple utilities and builds up to advanced techniques for data visualization and reuse of functionality. This book contains recipes that cover various topics like creating multiple records from a single page, visualizing data as charts, using JavaScript to enhance client-side functionality, building a public website and making data available to a mobile device.Visualforce Development Cookbook provides lots of practical examples to enhance and extend the Salesforce user interface.
Simone Onofri, Donato Onofri, Matteo Meucci
Web attacks and exploits pose an ongoing threat to the interconnected world. This comprehensive book explores the latest challenges in web application security, providing you with an in-depth understanding of hackers' methods and the practical knowledge and skills needed to effectively understand web attacks.The book starts by emphasizing the importance of mindset and toolset in conducting successful web attacks. You’ll then explore the methodologies and frameworks used in these attacks, and learn how to configure the environment using interception proxies, automate tasks with Bash and Python, and set up a research lab. As you advance through the book, you’ll discover how to attack the SAML authentication layer; attack front-facing web applications by learning WordPress and SQL injection, and exploit vulnerabilities in IoT devices, such as command injection, by going through three CTFs and learning about the discovery of seven CVEs. Each chapter analyzes confirmed cases of exploitation mapped with MITRE ATT&CK. You’ll also analyze attacks on Electron JavaScript-based applications, such as XSS and RCE, and the security challenges of auditing and exploiting Ethereum smart contracts written in Solidity. Finally, you’ll find out how to disclose vulnerabilities.By the end of this book, you’ll have enhanced your ability to find and exploit web vulnerabilities.
David Gouveia, David da L Gouveia
Audio plays a fundamental role in video games. From music to sound effects or dialogue, it helps to reinforce the experience, convey the mood, and give feedback to the player. Presently, many games have achieved commercial success by incorporating game sounds that have enhanced the user experience. You can achieve this in your games with the help of the FMOD library. This book provides you with a practical guide to implementing the FMOD toolkit in your games.Getting Started with C++ Audio Programming for Game Developers is a quick and practical introduction to the most important audio programming topics that any game developer is expected to know. Whether you need to play only a few audio files or you intend to design a complex audio simulation, this book will help you get started enhancing your game with audio programs.Getting Started with C++ Audio Programming for Game Developers covers a broad range of topics – from loading and playing audio files to simulating sounds within a virtual environment and implementing interactive sounds that react to events in the game.The book starts off with an explanation of the fundamental audio concepts, after which it proceeds to explain how to use the FMOD Ex library, how to implement a 3D audio simulation, how to use the FMOD Designer toolkit, and how best to work with multi-layered sounds with complex behaviors attached to them. The final part of the book deals with working with audio at a much lower level by manipulating audio data directly.This book will provide you with a good foundation so that you can successfully implement audio into your games and begin pursuing other advanced topics in audio programming with confidence.
Henrique Campos, Nathan Lovato
The Essential Guide to Creating Multiplayer Games with Godot 4.0 guides you in exploring the built-in network API for online multiplayer games, offering practical knowledge through concrete use cases.Throughout the book, you'll assume the role of a network engineer in a fictional indie game studio, tackling real-world requests from your peers and gaining expertise in adding new network features to the studio's games. Following step-by-step instructions, you’ll go from making your first network handshake to optimizing online gameplay. You’ll learn how to sync players and pass data over the internet as you add online multiplayer features to a top-down shooter adventure game.This book puts you in a fictional game project team where you set up your first online server before advancing to creating an online chat system and transitioning local gameplay to go online. With a focus on implementing multiplayer features, you’ll create shared world adventures and learn optimization techniques to allow more players to join your virtual world.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to set up a client-server network, implement remote procedure calls (RPCs), sync node properties remotely, and optimize your games to create smooth online multiplayer experiences.
Dmitry Foshin, Tonya Chernyshova, Dmitry Anoshin, Xenia Ireton
This new edition of the Azure Data Factory book, fully updated to reflect ADS V2, will help you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF. There are updated and new recipes throughout the book based on developments happening in Azure Synapse, Deployment with Azure DevOps, and Azure Purview. The current edition also runs you through Fabric Data Factory, Data Explorer, and some industry-grade best practices with specific chapters on each.You’ll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines, as well as discover the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage. With practical recipes, you’ll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premises infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. You'll familiarize yourself with the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and find out the solutions to them. You’ll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use ADF with its latest advancements as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse projects.
The Mitre ATT&CK framework is an extraordinary resource for all SOC environments, however, determining the appropriate implementation techniques for different use cases can be a daunting task. This book will help you gain an understanding of the current state of your SOC, identify areas for improvement, and then fill the security gaps with appropriate parts of the ATT&CK framework. You’ll learn new techniques to tackle modern security threats and gain tools and knowledge to advance in your career.In this book, you’ll first learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your SOC environment, and how ATT&CK can help you improve it. Next, you’ll explore how to implement the framework and use it to fill any security gaps you’ve identified, expediting the process without the need for any external or extra resources. Finally, you’ll get a glimpse into the world of active SOC managers and practitioners using the ATT&CK framework, unlocking their expertise, cautionary tales, best practices, and ways to continuously improve.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to assess your SOC environment, implement the ATT&CK framework, and advance in your security career.