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Working with Linux - Quick Hacks for the Command Line. Command line power like you've never seen
Websites, online services, databases, and pretty much every other computer that offers public services runs on Linux. From small servers to clusters, Linux is anywhere and everywhere. With such a broad usage, the demand for Linux specialists is ever growing. For the engineers out there, this means being able to develop, interconnect, and maintain Linux environments.This book will help you increase your terminal productivity by using Terminator, Guake and other tools. It will start by installing Ubuntu and will explore tools and techniques that will help you to achieve more work with less effort. Next, it will then focus on Terminator, the ultimate terminal, and vim, one of the most intelligent console editors. Futhermore, the readers will see how they can increase their command line productivity by using sed, find, tmux, network, autoenv. The readers will also see how they can edit files without leaving the terminal and use the screen space efficiently and copy-paste like a pro. Towards the end, we focus on network settings, Git hacks, and creating portable environments for development and production using Docker. Through this book, you will improve your terminal productivity by seeing how to use different tools.
Greg Deckler, Brett Powell, Leon Gordon
Mastering Microsoft Power BI, Second Edition, provides an advanced understanding of Power BI to get the most out of your data and maximize business intelligence. This updated edition walks through each essential phase and component of Power BI, and explores the latest, most impactful Power BI features.Using best practices and working code examples, you will connect to data sources, shape and enhance source data, and develop analytical data models. You will also learn how to apply custom visuals, implement new DAX commands and paginated SSRS-style reports, manage application workspaces and metadata, and understand how content can be staged and securely distributed via Power BI apps. Furthermore, you will explore top report and interactive dashboard design practices using features such as bookmarks and the Power KPI visual, alongside the latest capabilities of Power BI mobile applications and self-service BI techniques. Additionally, important management and administration topics are covered, including application lifecycle management via Power BI pipelines, the on-premises data gateway, and Power BI Premium capacity.By the end of this Power BI book, you will be confident in creating sustainable and impactful charts, tables, reports, and dashboards with any kind of data using Microsoft Power BI.
OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide. Create real time 3D applications using OGRE 3D from scratch
Want to make your own 3D applications, simulations, and games?OGRE 3D, an open source Object-Oriented 3D Graphics Rendering Engine written in C++, which can be utilized to create a variety of 3D applications and is commonly used in game creation, can help you to do so!OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide, based on the latest version 1.7, makes it super easy for you to make your own monsters, spaceship shooters, weapons, enemies, and more!OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide will teach you to develop 3D applications that are exciting and interesting and if used correctly can result in stunning games and simulations. You will start from the very beginning and then work your way up to complex scenes and stunning effects.In this book you will start with how to download and configure OGRE 3D, then create your first example scene. With the help of this sample scene, you will be introduced to several related topics each of which will be explained through several other examples and by do-it-yourself tasks.After each example there is a section that explains the theory behind the technique used for deeper understanding. You will also use what you learned in one example in another example and repeat each technique several times while learning new ones at the same time to strengthen the topics learned. Within no time you will master the art of game creation. Imagine how great you will feel when all your friends are playing the great-looking games you've created with OGRE 3D and this book.
Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution that's widely used for penetration testing and digital forensics. It has a wide range of tools to help for digital forensics investigations and incident response mechanisms.This updated second edition of Digital Forensics with Kali Linux covers the latest version of Kali Linux and The Sleuth Kit. You'll get to grips with modern techniques for analysis, extraction, and reporting using advanced tools such as FTK Imager, hex editor, and Axiom. Updated to cover digital forensics basics and advancements in the world of modern forensics, this book will also delve into the domain of operating systems. Progressing through the chapters, you'll explore various formats for file storage, including secret hiding places unseen by the end user or even the operating system. The book will also show you how to create forensic images of data and maintain integrity using hashing tools. Finally, you'll cover advanced topics such as autopsies and acquiring investigation data from networks, operating system memory, and quantum cryptography.By the end of this book, you'll have gained hands-on experience of implementing all the pillars of digital forensics: acquisition, extraction, analysis, and presentation, all using Kali Linux tools.
Subhajit Chatterjee, Swapneel Deshpande, Henry Been, Maik van der Gaag
The AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions certification helps DevOps engineers and administrators get to grips with practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), containerization, and zero downtime deployments using Azure DevOps Services.This new edition is updated with advanced topics such as site reliability engineering (SRE), continuous improvement, and planning your cloud transformation journey. The book begins with the basics of CI/CD and automated deployments, and then moves ahead to show you how to apply configuration management and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) along with managing databases in DevOps scenarios. As you make progress, you’ll explore fitting security and compliance with DevOps and find out how to instrument applications and gather metrics to understand application usage and user behavior. This book will also help you implement a container build strategy and manage Azure Kubernetes Services. Lastly, you’ll discover quick tips and tricks to confidently apply effective DevOps practices and learn to create your own Azure DevOps organization.By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have gained the knowledge needed to ensure seamless application deployments and business continuity.
This book, written by the CEO of TrustedCISO with 30+ years of experience, guides CISOs in fortifying organizational defenses and safeguarding sensitive data. Analyze a ransomware attack on a fictional company, BigCo, and learn fundamental security policies and controls. With its help, you’ll gain actionable skills and insights suitable for various expertise levels, from basic to intermediate. You’ll also explore advanced concepts such as zero-trust, managed detection and response, security baselines, data and asset classification, and the integration of AI and cybersecurity. By the end, you'll be equipped to build, manage, and improve a resilient cybersecurity program, ensuring your organization remains protected against evolving threats.
Least Privilege Security is the practice of assigning users and programs the minimum permissions required to complete a given task. Implementing this principle in different versions of Microsoft Windows requires careful planning and a good understanding of Windows security. While there are benefits in implementing Least Privilege Security on the desktop, there are many technical challenges that you will face when restricting privileges.This book contains detailed step-by-step instructions for implementing Least Privilege Security on the desktop for different versions of Windows and related management technologies. It will provide you with quick solutions for common technical challenges, Microsoft best practice advice, and techniques for managing Least Privilege on the desktop along with details on the impact of Least Privilege Security.The book begins by showing you how to apply Least Privilege Security to different categories of users. You will then prepare a desktop image with Least Privilege Security enabled from the start and deploy the new image while preserving users' files and settings. You will identify problems with applications caused by Least Privilege Security using the Application Compatibility Toolkit. This book will help you configure User Account Control on multiple computers using Group Policy and support Least Privilege user accounts using reliable remote access. Then, you will modify legacy applications for Least Privilege Security, achieving the best balance between compatibility and security by using Application Compatibility shims. You will install per-machine ActiveX Controls using the ActiveX Installer Service (AxIS). The book will help you implement best practices for working with ActiveX Controls in a managed environment. Finally, you will deploy default Software Restriction Policy (SRP) or AppLocker rules to ensure only programs installed in protected locations can run and blacklist applications using SRP or AppLocker.
Released by Apple during WWDC 2019, SwiftUI provides an innovative and exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces for all Apple platforms with the power of Swift.This practical guide involves six real-world projects built from scratch, with two projects each for iPhone, iPad, and watchOS, built using Swift programming and Xcode. Starting with the basics of SwiftUI, you’ll gradually delve into building these projects. You’ll learn the fundamental concepts of SwiftUI by working with views, layouts, and dynamic types. This SwiftUI book will also help you get hands-on with declarative programming for building apps that can run on multiple platforms. Throughout the book, you’ll work on a chart app (watchOS), NBA draft app (watchOS), financial app (iPhone), Tesla form app (iPhone), sports news app (iPad), and shoe point-of-sale system (iPad), which will enable you to understand the core elements of a SwiftUI project.By the end of the book, you’ll have built fully functional projects for multiple platforms and gained the knowledge required to become a professional SwiftUI developer.
jOOQ is an excellent query builder framework that allows you to emulate database-specific SQL statements using a fluent, intuitive, and flexible DSL API. jOOQ is fully capable of handling the most complex SQL in more than 30 different database dialects.jOOQ Masterclass covers jOOQ from beginner to expert level using examples (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle) that show you how jOOQ is a mature and complete solution for implementing the persistence layer. You’ll learn how to use jOOQ in Spring Boot apps as a replacement for SpringTemplate and Spring Data JPA. Next, you’ll unleash jOOQ type-safe queries and CRUD operations via jOOQ’s records, converters, bindings, types, mappers, multi-tenancy, logging, and testing. Later, the book shows you how to use jOOQ to exploit powerful SQL features such as UDTs, embeddable types, embedded keys, and more. As you progress, you’ll cover trending topics such as identifiers, batching, lazy loading, pagination, and HTTP long conversations. For implementation purposes, the jOOQ examples explained in this book are written in the Spring Boot context for Maven/Gradle against MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and Oracle.By the end of this book, you’ll be a jOOQ power user capable of integrating jOOQ in the most modern and sophisticated apps including enterprise apps, microservices, and so on.
The Art of Crafting User Stories is a must-read for product managers, UX professionals, and product developers dedicated to creating meaningful digital experiences. This book provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to empower you to master the techniques for creating user stories that drive effective product development.This book takes you on a journey from identifying and capturing user needs, goals, and perspectives through user stories, to crafting impactful stories for design choices and organizing tasks efficiently. You’ll learn how to define the problem area, recognize user personas, and develop user scenarios with the aid of real-world examples, practical tips, and exercises designed to help you develop your skills in crafting user-centered experiences. Moreover, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of user stories, their role in Agile development, and how to use them to plan and manage products effectively.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to improve the quality and efficiency of your own products by applying the hands-on practical skills to create compelling digital experiences that resonate with users and stay relevant in the market.
Game Engines such as Unity are the power-tools behind the games we know and love. Unity is one of the most widely-used and best loved packages for game development and is used by everyone, from hobbyists to large studios, to create games and interactive experiences for the web, desktop, mobile, and console. With Unity’s intuitive, easy to learn toolset and this book – it’s never been easier to become a game developer. Taking a practical approach, this book will introduce you to the concepts of developing 3D games, before getting to grips with development in Unity itself – prototyping a simple scenario, and then creating a larger game. From creating 3D worlds to scripting and creating game mechanics you will learn everything you’ll need to get started with game development. This book is designed to cover a set of easy-to-follow examples, which culminate in the production of a First Person 3D game, complete with an interactive island environment. All of the concepts taught in this book are applicable to other types of game, however, by introducing common concepts of game and 3D production, you'll explore Unity to make a character interact with the game world, and build puzzles for the player to solve, in order to complete the game. At the end of the book, you will have a fully working 3D game and all the skills required to extend the game further, giving your end-user, the player, the best experience possible. Soon you will be creating your own 3D games with ease!
Hamida Rebai Trabelsi, Marc-Andre Laniel
Companies face several challenges during cloud adoption, with developers and architects needing to migrate legacy applications and build cloud-oriented applications using Azure-based technologies in different environments. A Developer’s Guide to Cloud Apps Using Microsoft Azure helps you learn how to migrate old apps to Azure using the Cloud Adoption Framework and presents use cases, as well as build market-ready secure and reliable applications.The book begins by introducing you to the benefits of moving legacy apps to the cloud and modernizing existing ones using a set of new technologies and approaches. You’ll then learn how to use technologies and patterns to build cloud-oriented applications. This app development book takes you on a journey through three major services in Azure, namely Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Instances, and Azure Kubernetes Service, which will help you build and deploy an application based on microservices. Finally, you’ll be able to implement continuous integration and deployment in Azure to fully automate the software delivery process, including the build and release processes.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to perform application migration assessment and planning, select the right Azure services, and create and implement a new cloud-oriented application using Azure containers and orchestrators.
Dream! Hack! Build!. Unleash citizen-driven innovation with the power of hackathons
Ann Molin, Johan Söderström, Love Dager, Mustafa Sherif, ...
Drawing from the combined expertise of five distinguished professionals, this book brings together diverse perspectives on hackathon innovation. Ann, founder of Hack for Earth Foundation, joins forces with serial entrepreneur and hackathon expert Love Dager and renowned urban planner Mustafa Sherif. Completing this powerhouse team are Carolina Emanuelson, a leader in talent management, and Kristofer Vernmark, a researcher at Linköping University. Together, they present the groundbreaking Dream! Hack! Build! method, equipping you with proven strategies to run successful hackathons and rapidly transform ideas into reality. The book explains why hackathons are so particularly effective in today’s fast-changing business world. Through real-life examples of citizen-driven innovation, it demonstrates how these events can drive impact and how you can apply them within your own organization. You'll gain insights into how hackathons can address complex problems and foster creative, high-impact solutions. The authors cover everything from engaging participants and creating urgent challenges to managing teams, mentors, and partners. They show you how to design an acceleration program based on proven start-up success strategies, ensuring that the ideas generated during your hackathon lead to real-world results. By the end of this book, you'll be well-prepared to lead transformative events that create lasting impact in your field.
The booming fields of biotechnology and life sciences have seen drastic changes over the last few years. With competition growing in every corner, companies around the globe are looking to data-driven methods such as machine learning to optimize processes and reduce costs. This book helps lab scientists, engineers, and managers to develop a data scientist's mindset by taking a hands-on approach to learning about the applications of machine learning to increase productivity and efficiency in no time.You’ll start with a crash course in Python, SQL, and data science to develop and tune sophisticated models from scratch to automate processes and make predictions in the biotechnology and life sciences domain. As you advance, the book covers a number of advanced techniques in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing using real-world data.By the end of this machine learning book, you'll be able to build and deploy your own machine learning models to automate processes and make predictions using AWS and GCP.