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Mastering F#. Click here to enter text
Alfonso García-Caro Núnez, Suhaib Fahad
F# is a multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming language properties. Now adopted in a wide range of application areas and is supported both by industry-leading companies who provide professional tools and by an active open community, F# is rapidly gaining popularity as it emerges in digital music advertising, creating music-focused ads for Spotify, Pandora, Shazam, and anywhere on the web. This book will guide you through the basics and will then help you master F#. The book starts by explaining how to use F# with Visual Studio, file ordering, and the differences between F# and C# in terms of usage. It moves on to explain the functional core of F# such as data types, type declarations, immutability, strong type interference, pattern matching, records, F# data structures, sequence expressions, and lazy evaluation. Next, the book takes you through imperative and asynchronous programming, F# type providers, applications, and testing in F#. Finally, we look into using F# with distributed programming and using F# as a suitable language for data science. In short, this book will help you learn F# for real-world applications and increase your productivity with functional programming.
Patterns and practices make or break any middleware or integration solution and are especially important with BizTalk Server 2010. Learning the best patterns to use in the appropriate context greatly increases the chances of success for any solution.Microsoft Biztalk server 2010 patterns will provide a thorough introduction to BizTalk Server 2010 as a platform and guide the reader through real world lessons and examples building an advanced unified solution that can be used as a reference architecture.This book will guide you beyond the basics of BizTalk Server 2010 development and give you the relevant background, theory, and techniques necessary to create successful solutions. You will learn how the BizTalk Server 2010 platform works internally and how to plan for the necessary infrastructure for an installation. You will learn how to build messaging-based solutions including content-based routing that are easy to manage and change. You will learn how to solve common integration and middleware challenges by leveraging the strengths of BizTalk Server 2010. This book addresses using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 and associated tools to create middleware and integration solutions with established patterns and practices that increase the effectiveness and impact of your solutions.
With the prevalence of cloud technologies and DevOps ways of working, the industry demands developers who can build cloud solutions and monitor them throughout their life cycle. Becoming a Microsoft-certified Azure developer can differentiate developers from the competition, but with such a plethora of information available, it can be difficult to structure learning in an effective way to obtain certification.Through easy-to-understand explanations and exercises, this book will provide a more palatable learning experience than what you may expect from an exam preparation book. You’ll start off with a recap of some important cloud concepts, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. From there, you’ll learn about each relevant solution area, with use cases. The chapters also cover different implementation methodologies, both manual and programmatic – ranging from compute resources such as App Service and serverless applications to storage, database, security, monitoring solutions, and connecting to third-party services.By the end of this book, you'll have learned everything you need to pass the AZ-204 certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job reference guide.
CloudWatch is Amazon’s monitoring and observability service, designed to help those in the IT industry who are interested in optimizing resource utilization, visualizing operational health, and eventually increasing infrastructure performance. This book helps IT administrators, DevOps engineers, network engineers, and solutions architects to make optimum use of this cloud service for effective infrastructure productivity.You’ll start with a brief introduction to monitoring and Amazon CloudWatch and its core functionalities. Next, you’ll get to grips with CloudWatch features and their usability. Once the book has helped you develop your foundational knowledge of CloudWatch, you’ll be able to build your practical skills in monitoring and alerting various Amazon Web Services, such as EC2, EBS, RDS, ECS, EKS, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and ELB, with the help of real-world use cases. As you progress, you'll also learn how to use CloudWatch to detect anomalous behavior, set alarms, visualize logs and metrics, define automated actions, and rapidly troubleshoot issues. Finally, the book will take you through monitoring AWS billing and costs.By the end of this book, you'll be capable of making decisions that enhance your infrastructure performance and maintain it at its peak.
Big Data on Kubernetes. A practical guide to building efficient and scalable data solutions
In today's data-driven world, organizations across different sectors need scalable and efficient solutions for processing large volumes of data. Kubernetes offers an open-source and cost-effective platform for deploying and managing big data tools and workloads, ensuring optimal resource utilization and minimizing operational overhead. If you want to master the art of building and deploying big data solutions using Kubernetes, then this book is for you.Written by an experienced data specialist, Big Data on Kubernetes takes you through the entire process of developing scalable and resilient data pipelines, with a focus on practical implementation. Starting with the basics, you’ll progress toward learning how to install Docker and run your first containerized applications. You’ll then explore Kubernetes architecture and understand its core components. This knowledge will pave the way for exploring a variety of essential tools for big data processing such as Apache Spark and Apache Airflow. You’ll also learn how to install and configure these tools on Kubernetes clusters. Throughout the book, you’ll gain hands-on experience building a complete big data stack on Kubernetes.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge you need to tackle real-world big data challenges with confidence.
Apache Airflow Best Practices. A practical guide to orchestrating data workflow with Apache Airflow
Dylan Intorf, Dylan Storey, Kendrick van Doorn
Data professionals face the challenge of managing complex data pipelines, orchestrating workflows across diverse systems, and ensuring scalable, reliable data processing. This definitive guide to mastering Apache Airflow, written by experts in engineering, data strategy, and problem-solving across tech, financial, and life sciences industries, is your key to overcoming these challenges. Covering everything from Airflow fundamentals to advanced topics such as custom plugin development, multi-tenancy, and cloud deployment, this book provides a structured approach to workflow orchestration. You’ll start with an introduction to data orchestration and Apache Airflow 2.x updates, followed by DAG authoring, managing Airflow components, and connecting to external data sources. Through real-world use cases, you’ll learn how to implement ETL pipelines and orchestrate ML workflows in your environment, and scale Airflow for high availability and performance. You’ll also learn how to deploy Airflow in cloud environments, tackle operational considerations for scaling, and apply best practices for CI/CD and monitoring.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in operating and using Apache Airflow, authoring high-quality workflows in Python, and making informed decisions crucial for production-ready Airflow implementations.
To make PHP applications that respond quickly, avoid unnecessary page reloads, and provide great user interfaces, often requires complex JavaScript techniques and even then, if you get that far, they might not even work across different browsers! With jQuery, you can use one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, forget about cross-browser issues, and simplify the creation of very powerful and responsive interfaces ñ all with the minimum of code.This is the first book in the market that will ease the server-side PHP coder into the client-side world of the popular jQuery JavaScript library.This book will show you how to use jQuery to enhance your PHP applications, with many examples using jQuery's user interface library jQuery UI, and other examples using popular jQuery plugins. It will help you to add exciting user interface features to liven up your PHP applications without having to become a master of client-side JavaScript.This book will teach you how to use jQuery to create some really stunning effects, but without you needing to have in-depth knowledge of how jQuery works. It provides you with everything you need to build practical user interfaces for everything from graphics manipulation to drag-and-drop to data searching, and much more. The book also provides practical demonstrations of PHP and jQuery and explains those examples, rather than starting from how JavaScript works and how it is different from PHP.By the end of this book, you should be able to take any PHP application you have written, and transform it into a responsive, user-friendly interface, with capabilities you would not have dreamed of being able to achieve, all in just a few lines of JavaScript.
VMware vCenter Site Recovery manage is an orchestration tool used to automate disaster recovery in a manner that no other solution does. It is programmed to leverage array-based replication and VMware's proprietary vSphere Replication engine.The book begins by talking about the architecture of SRM and guides you through the procedures involved in installing and configuring SRM to leverage array-based replication. You will then learn how to protect your virtual machines by creating Protection Groups and validate their recoverability by testing recovery plans and even performing failover and failback. Moving on, you will learn how to install and configure vSphere Replication as a standalone disaster recovery solution. It also guides you through the procedures involved in configuring SRM to leverage vSphere replication.Finally, you will learn how to deploy and configure vRealize Orchestrator and its plugin for SRM and vSphere Replication.
Unreal Development Kit is the free edition of Unreal Engine—the largest game engine in existence with hundreds of shipped commercial titles. The Unreal Engine is a very powerful tool for game development but with something so complex it's hard to know where to start.This book will teach you how to use the UnrealScript language to create your own games with the Unreal Development Kit by using an example game that you can create and play for yourself. It breaks down the UnrealScript language into easy to follow chapters that will quickly bring you up to speed with UnrealScript game programming.Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript takes you through the UnrealScript language for the Unreal Development Kit. It starts by walking through a project setup and setting up programs to write and browse code. It then takes you through using variables, functions, and custom classes to alter the game's behavior and create our own functionality. The use and creation of Kismet is also covered. Later, using replication to create and test multiplayer games is discussed. The book closes with code optimization and error handling as well as a few of the less common but useful features of UnrealScript.
Kurt Menke, GISP, Richard Smith Jr., GISP, ...
QGIS is an open source solution to GIS. It is widely used by GIS professionals all over the world. It is the leading alternative to the proprietary GIS software. Although QGIS is described as intuitive, it is also by default complex. Knowing which tools to use and how to apply them is essential to producing valuable deliverables on time.Starting with a refresher on the QGIS basics, this book will take you all the way through to creating your first custom QGIS plugin. From the refresher, we will recap how to create, populate, and manage a spatial database. You’ll also walk through styling GIS data, from creating custom symbols and color ramps to using blending modes. In the next section, you will discover how to prepare vector, heat maps, and create live layer effects, labeling, and raster data for processing. You’ll also discover advanced data creation and editing techniques. The last third of the book covers the more technical aspects of QGIS such as using LAStools and GRASS GIS’s integration with the Processing Toolbox, how to automate workflows with batch processing, and how to create graphical models. Finally, you will see how to create and run Python data processing scripts and write your own QGIS plugin with pyqgis. By the end of the book, you will understand how to work with all the aspects of QGIS, and will be ready to use it for any type of GIS work.
If you’ve been looking for a way to unlock the potential of Microsoft Power Platform and take your career as a solution architect to the next level, then look no further—this practical guide covers it all.Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect’s Handbook will equip you with everything you need to build flexible and cost-effective end-to-end solutions. Its comprehensive coverage ranges from best practices surrounding fit-gap analysis, leading design processes, and navigating existing systems to application lifecycle management with Microsoft Azure DevOps, security compliance monitoring, and third-party API integration.The book takes a hands-on approach by guiding you through a fictional case study throughout the book, allowing you to apply what you learn as you learn it. At the end of the handbook, you’ll discover a set of mock tests for you to embed your progress and prepare for PL-600 Microsoft certification.Whether you want to learn how to work with Power Platform or want to take your skills from the intermediate to advanced level, this book will help you achieve that and ensure that you’re able to add value to your organization as an expert solution architect.
Kumar Abhishek, Dr. Mounir Abdelaziz
As machine learning practitioners, we often encounter imbalanced datasets in which one class has considerably fewer instances than the other. Many machine learning algorithms assume an equilibrium between majority and minority classes, leading to suboptimal performance on imbalanced data. This comprehensive guide helps you address this class imbalance to significantly improve model performance.Machine Learning for Imbalanced Data begins by introducing you to the challenges posed by imbalanced datasets and the importance of addressing these issues. It then guides you through techniques that enhance the performance of classical machine learning models when using imbalanced data, including various sampling and cost-sensitive learning methods.As you progress, you’ll delve into similar and more advanced techniques for deep learning models, employing PyTorch as the primary framework. Throughout the book, hands-on examples will provide working and reproducible code that’ll demonstrate the practical implementation of each technique.By the end of this book, you’ll be adept at identifying and addressing class imbalances and confidently applying various techniques, including sampling, cost-sensitive techniques, and threshold adjustment, while using traditional machine learning or deep learning models.