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Data analysis has become a necessary skill in a variety of domains where knowing how to work with data and extract insights can generate significant value.Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas will show you how to analyze your data, get started with machine learning, and work effectively with Python libraries often used for data science, such as pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn, and scikit-learn. Using real-world datasets, you will learn how to use the powerful pandas library to perform data wrangling to reshape, clean, and aggregate your data. Then, you will be able to conduct exploratory data analysis by calculating summary statistics and visualizing the data to find patterns. In the concluding chapters, you will explore some applications of anomaly detection, regression, clustering, and classification using scikit-learn to make predictions based on past data.By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to use pandas to ensure the veracity of your data, visualize it for effective decision-making, and reliably reproduce analyses across multiple datasets.
LinkedIn is a great social media platform which helps you connect with people online professionally. The website is very user friendly and this book itself covers the most important tools for job seekers and professionals as a whole with guaranteed results. Once you learn the basics from this book, you can master and explore the areas you enjoy the most.The book will take you through a broad range of topics on customizing your LinkedIn profile so it's personalized to your needs and preferences.Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to is written in such a way that each recipe is an independent new feature of LinkedIn. You can learn and apply a new concept by just reading any recipe.You will learn about customizing your profile, showcasing your works and projects to other users. Reach out to target recruiters and customers by growing your lifelong network and becoming popular. Discover different ways of finding jobs, using groups and much more.You will learn the art of customizing your profile and experience of networking using LinkedIn.
Andrea Pinillos, Tim Weinzapfel
Microsoft Power Apps is ideal for businesses seeking to digitally transform their operations by developing custom applications quickly and efficiently, without the heavy investment required for software development. This book leverages the authors’ combined experience in Power Platform, among others, to lay down the foundation for successful app development, focusing on defining project scope and understanding requirements.In this book, you’ll go through several key development areas, including solution creation and Power Platform environments, both critical areas for effective app development and deployment. You'll also discover best practices for choosing when to build a canvas app or a model-driven app based on project requirements and data connections. The chapters will take you through advanced development techniques and show you how to integrate Power Apps with other applications. You'll get a clear understanding of the key aspects of governance, security, app maintenance, and error handling, ensuring that your Power Apps solutions are not only effective but also secure and sustainable.By the end of this book, you'll have gained practical insights, technical depth, and a clear roadmap for successful Power Apps development.
Building RESTful web services can be tough as there are countless standards and ways to develop API. In modern architectures such as microservices, RESTful APIs are common in communication, making idiomatic and scalable API development crucial. This book covers basic through to advanced API development concepts and supporting tools.You’ll start with an introduction to REST API development before moving on to building the essential blocks for working with Go. You’ll explore routers, middleware, and available open source web development solutions in Go to create robust APIs, and understand the application and database layers to build RESTful web services. You’ll learn various data formats like protocol buffers and JSON, and understand how to serve them over HTTP and gRPC. After covering advanced topics such as asynchronous API design and GraphQL for building scalable web services, you’ll discover how microservices can benefit from REST. You’ll also explore packaging artifacts in the form of containers and understand how to set up an ideal deployment ecosystem for web services. Finally, you’ll cover the provisioning of infrastructure using infrastructure as code (IaC) and secure your REST API.By the end of the book, you’ll have intermediate knowledge of web service development and be able to apply the skills you’ve learned in a practical way.
From designing solutions on Azure to configuring and managing virtual networks, AZ-300 certification can help you achieve all this and more. Whether you want to get certified or gain hands-on experience in administering, developing, and architecting Azure solutions, this study guide will help you get started. The book features not only the different exam objectives, but also guides you through configuring, managing, securing, and architecting Azure resources.Divided into five modules, this book will systematically take you through the different concepts and features as you advance through the sections. The first module demonstrates how to deploy and configure infrastructure. You will cover techniques related to implementing workloads and security, before learning how to create and deploy apps in the next module. To build on your knowledge, the final two modules will get you up to speed with implementing authentication, data security, and application and platform monitoring, along with covering Azure storage, alerting, and automation strategies. Finally, you’ll work through exam-based mock tests with answers to boost your confidence in passing the exam.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned the concepts and techniques you need to know in order to prepare for the AZ-300 exam, along with the skills to design effective solutions on Microsoft Azure.
Developed by Facebook, React is a popular library for building impressive user interfaces. React extends its capabilities to the mobile platform using the React Native framework and integrates with popular web and mobile tools to build scalable applications.React Projects is your guide to learning React development by using modern development patterns and integrating React with powerful web tools such as GraphQL, Expo, and React 360. You'll start building a real-world project right from the first chapter and get hands on with developing scalable applications as you advance to building more complex projects. Throughout the book, you'll use the latest versions of React and React Native to explore features such as Higher Order Components (HOC), Context, and Hooks on multiple platforms, which will help you build full stack web and mobile applications efficiently. Finally, you'll delve into unit testing with Jest to build test-driven apps.By the end of this React book, you'll have developed the skills necessary to start building scalable React apps across web and mobile platforms.
Vineeth G. Nair, Vineeth G Nair
Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and Pythonic idioms for navigating, searching, and modifying a parse tree: a toolkit for dissecting a document and extracting what you need without writing excess code for an application. It doesn't take much code to write an application using Beautiful Soup.Getting Started with Beautiful Soup is a practical guide to Beautiful Soup using Python. The book starts by walking you through the installation of each and every feature of Beautiful Soup using simple examples which include sample Python codes as well as diagrams and screenshots wherever required for better understanding. The book discusses the problems of how exactly you can get data out of a website and provides an easy solution with the help of a real website and sample code.Getting Started with Beautiful Soup goes over the different methods to install Beautiful Soup in both Linux and Windows systems. You will then learn about searching, navigating, content modification, encoding support, and output formatting with the help of examples and sample Python codes for each example so that you can try them out to get a better understanding. This book is a practical guide for scraping information from any website. If you want to learn how to efficiently scrape pages from websites, then this book is for you.
The MEAN stack is a collection of the most popular modern tools for web development that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable web applications.Starting with the MEAN core frameworks, this pragmatic guide will explain the key concepts of each framework, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect it all together. By following the real-world examples shown in this tutorial, you will scaffold your MEAN application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop an MVC structure to support your project development. You will learn the best practices of maintaining clear and simple code and will see how to avoid common pitfalls. Finally, you will walk through the different tools and frameworks that will help expedite your daily development cycles.Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEAN stack!
Oracle Database XE 11gR2 is an excellent beginner-level database and is a great platform to learn database concepts. Oracle Database XE 11gR2 Jump Start Guide helps you to install, administer, maintain, tune, back up and upgrade your Oracle Database Express Edition. The book also helps you to build custom database applications using Oracle Application Express.Using this book, you will be able to install Oracle Database XE on Windows/Linux operating system.This book helps you understand different database editions and it guides you through the installation procedure with the aid of screenshots. You will learn to interact with the database objects. You will gain a solid understanding of stored sub-programs which is followed by an introduction to Oracle Application Express (APEX). Solid database performance tuning strategies are also discussed in this book followed by backup and recovery scenarios. All in all, Oracle Database XE 11gR2 Jump Start Guide delivers everything that you should know to get started with Oracle Database administration.
Shader programming has been the largest revolution in graphics programming. OpenGL Shading Language (abbreviated: GLSL or GLslang), is a high-level shading language based on the syntax of the C programming language.With GLSL you can execute code on your GPU (aka graphics card). More sophisticated effects can be achieved with this technique.Therefore, knowing how OpenGL works and how each shader type interacts with each other, as well as how they are integrated into the system, is imperative for graphic programmers. This knowledge is crucial in order to be familiar with the mechanisms for rendering 3D objects.GLSL Essentials is the only book on the market that teaches you about shaders from the very beginning. It shows you how graphics programming has evolved, in order to understand why you need each stage in the Graphics Rendering Pipeline, and how to manage it in a simple but concise way. This book explains how shaders work in a step-by-step manner, with an explanation of how they interact with the application assets at each stage.This book will take you through the graphics pipeline and will describe each section in an interactive and clear way. You will learn how the OpenGL state machine works and all its relevant stages. Vertex shaders, fragment shaders, and geometry shaders will be covered, as well some use cases and an introduction to the math needed for lighting algorithms or transforms. Generic GPU programming (GPGPU) will also be covered.After reading GLSL Essentials you will be ready to generate any rendering effect you need.
Mobile DevOps Playbook. A practical guide for delivering high-quality mobile applications like a pro
To build mobile apps, you need to understand mobile-first features, tools, and processes that help you build, test, and release robust apps faster and more efficiently. The multitude of challenges stemming from mobile development's inherent complexities, including native iOS and Android app creation, cross-platform frameworks, and the implementation of scalable architectures within extensive teams, collectively contribute to a substantial number of obstacles that can significantly prolong the release process.This book will help you understand and implement the best practices of mobile DevOps for continuous integration, testing, delivery, deployment, and monitoring. You’ll explore different challenges faced by developers due to varied OSs, the unforgiving nature of mobile applications, and continuous updates to mobile phones and learn how to maneuver through these challenges. You’ll also get to grips with the latest trends while discovering the potential future of mobile DevOps, with valuable insights and guidance about integrating mobile development teams into your organization.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to successfully implement mobile DevOps and build fast, qualitative, and efficient mobile apps for your team or organization.
Zapier is an emerging no-code workflow automation technology that enables organizations to connect their cloud-based and web applications and automate data transfer between them. Zapier's built-in features and flexibility allow users to integrate thousands of business applications and create simple to complex automation to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, thereby increasing productivity. This book is a must-have for business owners, their employees, and independent freelancers and contractors looking to use Zapier for business process automation.The book takes a hands-on approach to implementation and associated problem-solving methodologies that will have you up-and-running and productive in no time while leveling up your automation skills. You'll discover how to plan your automation building for optimal results, what are the native features available in Zapier, and the applications that connect with it, as well as how to optimally configure your workflows to automate your processes in as few steps as possible. Finally, you'll find out how to create advanced workflow automation from scratch and learn how to troubleshoot issues.By the end of this Zapier book, you'll be able to build your own advanced workflow automation using Zapier, addressing the key pain points encountered in businesses with manual and repetitive tasks.
Getting clean data to reveal insights is essential, as directly jumping into data analysis without proper data cleaning may lead to incorrect results. This book shows you tools and techniques that you can apply to clean and handle data with Python. You'll begin by getting familiar with the shape of data by using practices that can be deployed routinely with most data sources. Then, the book teaches you how to manipulate data to get it into a useful form. You'll also learn how to filter and summarize data to gain insights and better understand what makes sense and what does not, along with discovering how to operate on data to address the issues you've identified. Moving on, you'll perform key tasks, such as handling missing values, validating errors, removing duplicate data, monitoring high volumes of data, and handling outliers and invalid dates. Next, you'll cover recipes on using supervised learning and Naive Bayes analysis to identify unexpected values and classification errors, and generate visualizations for exploratory data analysis (EDA) to visualize unexpected values. Finally, you'll build functions and classes that you can reuse without modification when you have new data. By the end of this Python book, you'll be equipped with all the key skills that you need to clean data and diagnose problems within it.