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dbt Cloud helps professional analytics engineers automate the application of powerful and proven patterns to transform data from ingestion to delivery, enabling real DataOps.This book begins by introducing you to dbt and its role in the data stack, along with how it uses simple SQL to build your data platform, helping you and your team work better together. You’ll find out how to leverage data modeling, data quality, master data management, and more to build a simple-to-understand and future-proof solution. As you advance, you’ll explore the modern data stack, understand how data-related careers are changing, and see how dbt enables this transition into the emerging role of an analytics engineer. The chapters help you build a sample project using the free version of dbt Cloud, Snowflake, and GitHub to create a professional DevOps setup with continuous integration, automated deployment, ELT run, scheduling, and monitoring, solving practical cases you encounter in your daily work.By the end of this dbt book, you’ll be able to build an end-to-end pragmatic data platform by ingesting data exported from your source systems, coding the needed transformations, including master data and the desired business rules, and building well-formed dimensional models or wide tables that’ll enable you to build reports with the BI tool of your choice.
Instant Highcharts. Learn to create dynamic and customized charts instantly using Highcharts
Nowadays, a lot of systems and tools are developed using web technologies. Customers need to analyze their data using charts on their computer or their mobile device. With the Highcharts library, it is possible to create highly customizable and interactive charts on any computer or a mobile device without installing any plugins.Instant Highcharts is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a step-by-step approach, which will help you to take advantage of the powerful features of Highcharts. With Instant Highcharts, you will learn everything you need to know to create your own dynamic charts with your own data inside your web application.Instant Highcharts will present you with different features available with Highcharts, and helps you to create your own chart. You will start with Highcharts installation and then learn to create your own customized column, bar, area, and pie charts with your data. You will learn to add some interactive functionality such as the zoom feature or to export your chart into a printable format. We will also give you tips that will help you to improve your skills with Highcharts.
This updated fourth edition of the classic Moodle Administration guide has been written from the ground up and covers all the new Moodle features in great breadth and depth. The topics have also been augmented with professional diagrams, illustrations, and checklists.The book starts by covering basic tasks such as how to set up and configure Moodle and perform day-to-day administration activities. You’ll then progress to more advanced topics that show you how to customize and extend Moodle, manage authentication and enrolments, and work with roles and capabilities. Next, you'll learn how to configure pedagogical and technical Moodle plugins and ensure your LMS complies with data protection regulations. Then, you will learn how to tighten Moodle’s security, improve its performance, and configure backup and restore procedures. Finally, you'll gain insights on how to compile custom reports, configure learning analytics, enable mobile learning, integrate Moodle via web services, and support different types of multi-tenancy.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to set up an efficient, fully fledged, and secure Moodle system.
VMware vRealize Configuration Manager Cookbook. Click here to enter text
VMware vRealize Configuration Manager (VCM) helps you to automate IT operations, manage performance, and gain visibility across physical and virtual infrastructure. It is continuously being used by enterprises to audit the configurations of the VMware infrastructure as well as the Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems.This book is filled with practical recipes through which you will learn about the latest features of vRealize Configuration Manager 5.8.X, starting with installation of various tiers of VCM followed by configuration management across physical and virtual servers.Throughout this book, you will explore how VCM can perform tasks such as patch management, compliance assessment, and software package distribution along with Machine filters for new platforms such as RHEL 7 and Windows 10. This book will ease your troubles while upgrading from the existing VCM to the latest version by providing you with step-by-step instructions about the process of migration along with upgrade and maintenance support. This book will help you understand how to integrate vRealize Configuration with other applications along with schedule management and also guide you on how to handle security issues.After reading this book, you will have a clear understanding of how VCM fits in the overall picture of the data center design from a patching and compliance perspective.
As 3D printing gains traction, the demand for CAD experts in manufacturing grows. If you're a fan of Autodesk Fusion and crave hands-on experience with automated modeling, generative design, and the full potential of additive manufacturing, this book is your guide to elevating your design and 3D printing skills.In this book, you’ll learn how to open CAD or Mesh files in Fusion and expertly repair, edit, and prepare them for 3D printing. You’ll unlock the secrets of effective print preparation, learning about print settings, support structures, and part orientation. This book also highlights Fusion’s diverse preferences designed specifically for additive manufacturing.Subsequent chapters will guide you in choosing the right part orientation and position, as well as creating suitable support structures based on your chosen printing technology. You’ll simulate the printing process to detect and remedy common print failures associated with the metal powder bed fusion process. Finally, you’ll leverage templates and scripts to automate routine tasks around print preparation.By the end of this 3D printing book, you'll be armed with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of Fusion for additive manufacturing, meeting the growing demand with confidence.
Concurrency with Modern C++. What every professional C++ programmer should know about concurrency
C++11 is the first C++ standard that deals with concurrency. The story goes on with C++17 and will continue with C++20/23. Concurrency with Modern C++ is a practical guide that gets you to grips with concurrent programming in Modern C++.Starting with the C++ memory model and using many ready-to-run code examples, the book covers everything you need to improve your C++ multithreading skills. You'll gain insight into different design patterns. You'll also uncover the general consideration you have to keep in mind while designing a concurrent data structure. The final chapter in the book talks extensively about the common pitfalls of concurrent programming and ways to overcome these hurdles.By the end of the book, you'll have the skills to build your own concurrent programs and enhance your knowledge base.
Almost a decade after the release of Node.js, the tooling used by frontend developers is fully embracing this cross-platform JavaScript runtime, which is sadly often limited to server-side web development. This is where this Node.js book comes in, showing you what this popular runtime has to offer and how you can unlock its full potential to create frontend-focused web apps.You’ll begin by learning the basics and internals of Node.js, before discovering how to divide your code into modules and packages. Next, you’ll get to grips with the most popular package managers and their uses and find out how to use TypeScript and other JavaScript variants with Node.js. Knowing which tool to use when is crucial, so this book helps you understand all the available state-of-the-art tools in Node.js. You’ll interact with linters such as ESLint and formatters such as Prettier. As you advance, you’ll become well-versed with the Swiss Army Knife for frontend developers – the bundler. You’ll also explore various testing utilities, such as Jest, for code quality verification. Finally, you’ll be able to publish your code in reusable packages with ease.By the end of this web development book, you’ll have gained the knowledge to confidently choose the right code structure for your repositories with all that you’ve learned about monorepos.
Network simulation is a powerful technique that uses software programs to replicate the behaviors of real networks. Network simulators are programs that can predict the performance of computer networks or wireless communication networks. This book is your hands-on guide to ns-3, a script-based simulator that allows for learning, experimenting, and evaluating wired, wireless (802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax), and 4G long-term evolution (LTE) networks quickly and at low cost.You’ll begin by learning how to install and use ns-3, along with exploring its key features such as building blocks for creating a variety of wired or wireless network topologies, installing suitable protocols and applications, identifying and resolving networking issues, and systematically evaluating network performance. As you make progress, you’ll gain a clear understanding of simulation errors, exceptions, and abrupt events. You’ll also discover how to set up and evaluate Ethernet, Wi-Fi (802.11n/ac/ax) LANs, ad-hoc, and LTE networks. The concluding chapters discuss LTE advanced topics such as capacity planning, site surveys, radio resources, mobility management, and interference handling. By the end of this simulation book, you’ll be able to use ns-3 to implement, analyze, debug, and evaluate the performance of wired or wireless networks, as well as setting up custom test scenarios.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a Microsoft solution to satisfy the various needs of customer relationship management and is already equipped to be flexible to meet the needs of businesses. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, many new features were added for social, marketing, sales, and integration with other tools. These features add many dimensions to customization. This book will not only showcase how CRM can be customized, but will also be your guide on how the latest advancements in Dynamics CRM 2016 can be used to benefit your business. You will learn how to enhance the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and use it to serve different businesses of various scales. You will see how to get ready to customize CRM and then quickly move on to grasp the CRM app structure, which will help you customize Dynamics CRM better. You will find out how to customize CRM for sales, service, marketing, and social. We’ll also show you how CRM 2016 can be seamlessly embedded into various productivity tools, and how to customize CRM for machine learning and contextual guidance. Finally, we’ll also cover the latest advancements in CRM’s mobile capabilities and its complete offline support so you can better customize it.
This book aims to provide a study guide to learn and master machine learning in Google Cloud: to build a broad and strong knowledge base, train hands-on skills, and get certified as a Google Cloud Machine Learning Engineer.The book is for someone who has the basic Google Cloud Platform (GCP) knowledge and skills, and basic Python programming skills, and wants to learn machine learning in GCP to take their next step toward becoming a Google Cloud Certified Machine Learning professional.The book starts by laying the foundations of Google Cloud Platform and Python programming, followed the by building blocks of machine learning, then focusing on machine learning in Google Cloud, and finally ends the studying for the Google Cloud Machine Learning certification by integrating all the knowledge and skills together.The book is based on the graduate courses the author has been teaching at the University of Texas at Dallas. When going through the chapters, the reader is expected to study the concepts, complete the exercises, understand and practice the labs in the appendices, and study each exam question thoroughly. Then, at the end of the learning journey, you can expect to harvest the knowledge, skills, and a certificate.
In today’s world, the crime-prevention landscape is impossible to navigate. The dark web means new frontiers of combat against bad actors that pop up daily. Everyone from narcotics dealers to human traffickers are exploiting the dark web to evade authorities. If you want to find your feet in this tricky terrain and fight crime on the dark web, take this comprehensive, easy-to-follow cyber security guide with you.Combating Crime on the Dark Web contains everything you need to be aware of when tackling the world of the dark web. Step by step, you’ll gain acumen in the tactics that cybercriminals are adopting and be equipped with the arsenal of strategies that are available to you as a cybersecurity specialist.This cyber security book ensures that you are well acquainted with all the latest techniques to combat dark web criminality. After a primer on cybercrime and the history of the dark web, you’ll dive right into the main domains of the dark web ecosystem, reaching a working understanding of how drug markets, child pornography, and human trafficking operate. Once well-versed with the functioning of criminal groups, you’ll be briefed on the most effective tools and methods being employed by law enforcement, tech companies, and others to combat such crimes, developing both a toolkit and a mindset that can help you stay safe from such criminal activities and can be applied in any sector or domain. By the end of this book, you’ll be well prepared to begin your pushback against the criminal elements of the dark web.
Clojure is a general-purpose language from the Lisp family with an emphasis on functional programming. It has some interesting concepts and features such as immutability, gradual typing, thread-safe concurrency primitives, and macro-based metaprogramming, which makes it a great choice to create modern, performant, and scalable applications.Mastering Clojure gives you an insight into the nitty-gritty details and more advanced features of the Clojure programming language to create more scalable, maintainable, and elegant applications. You’ll start off by learning the details of sequences, concurrency primitives, and macros. Packed with a lot of examples, you’ll get a walkthrough on orchestrating concurrency and parallelism, which will help you understand Clojure reducers, and we’ll walk through composing transducers so you know about functional composition and process transformation inside out. We also explain how reducers and transducers can be used to handle data in a more performant manner. Later on, we describe how Clojure also supports other programming paradigms such as pure functional programming and logic programming. Furthermore, you’ll level up your skills by taking advantage of Clojure's powerful macro system. Parallel, asynchronous, and reactive programming techniques are also described in detail. Lastly, we’ll show you how to test and troubleshoot your code to speed up your development cycles and allow you to deploy the code faster.
As the fields of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence rapidly evolve, .NET developers are eager to leverage their expertise to dive into these exciting domains but are often unsure of how to do so. Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks is the practical guide you need to seamlessly bring your .NET skills into the world of analytics and AI. With Microsoft’s .NET platform now robustly supporting machine learning and AI tasks, the introduction of tools such as .NET Interactive kernels and Polyglot Notebooks has opened up a world of possibilities for .NET developers. This book empowers you to harness the full potential of these cutting-edge technologies, guiding you through hands-on experiments that illustrate key concepts and principles. Through a series of interactive notebooks, you’ll not only master technical processes but also discover how to integrate these new skills into your current role or pivot to exciting opportunities in the data science field. By the end of the book, you’ll have acquired the necessary knowledge and confidence to apply cutting-edge data science techniques and deliver impactful solutions within the .NET ecosystem.