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Web development
DevOps for Web Development. Click here to enter text
The DevOps culture is growing at a massive rate, as many organizations are adopting it. However, implementing it for web applications is one of the biggest challenges experienced by many developers and admins, which this book will help you overcome using various tools, such as Chef, Docker, and Jenkins. On the basis of the functionality of these tools, the book is divided into three parts. The first part shows you how to use Jenkins 2.0 for Continuous Integration of a sample JEE application. The second part explains the Chef configuration management tool, and provides an overview of Docker containers, resource provisioning in cloud environments using Chef, and Configuration Management in a cloud environment. The third part explores Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Docker, all using Jenkins 2.0.This book combines the skills of both web application deployment and system configuration as each chapter contains one or more practical hands-on projects. You will be exposed to real-world project scenarios that are progressively presented from easy to complex solutions. We will teach you concepts such as hosting web applications, configuring a runtime environment, monitoring and hosting on various cloud platforms, and managing them. This book will show you how to essentially host and manage web applications along with Continuous Integration, Cloud Computing, Configuration Management, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Delivery, and Deployment.
MFA has emerged as an essential defense strategy in the wide-ranging landscape of cybersecurity. This book is a comprehensive manual that assists you in picking, implementing, and resolving issues with various authentication products that support MFA. It will guide you to bolster application security without sacrificing the user experience.You'll start with the fundamentals of authentication and the significance of MFA to familiarize yourself with how MFA works and the various types of solutions currently available. As you progress through the chapters, you'll learn how to choose the proper MFA setup to provide the right combination of security and user experience. The book then takes you through methods hackers use to bypass MFA and measures to safeguard your applications. After familiarizing yourself with enabling and managing leading cloud and on-premise MFA solutions, you’ll see how MFA efficiently curbs cyber threats, aided by insights from industry best practices and lessons from real-world experiences. Finally, you’ll explore the significance of innovative advancements in this domain, including behavioral biometrics and passkeys.By the end of the book, you'll have the knowledge to secure your workforce and customers, empowering your organization to combat authentication fraud.
The Ultimate Studio One Pro Book is a detailed, step-by-step guide to creating music with Studio One’s extensive set of production tools. This practical, goal-oriented resource will help musicians start producing their own music with Studio One and teach audio professionals how to include Studio One in their production workflow.The book begins by showing you how to set up Studio One to work smoothly on your system. The following chapters will walk you through the process of creating a project, along with recording audio and using virtual instruments to construct a MIDI arrangement. As you advance, you’ll find out how to edit your songs to perfection using Melodyne, Audio Bend, and an extensive collection of MIDI modifiers. You’ll also discover how to mix in Studio One with the effects plugins included in it, along with applying audio mastering in the Project window. Throughout this book, you’ll gain the skills needed to leverage Studio One confidently and effectively, as well as build your own unique music production workflow.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to effortlessly translate your musical ideas into complete songs using Studio One’s powerful tools.
Joe Dissmeyer, Joseph Dissmeyer
Orion Network Performance Monitor is a scalable, easy-to-use, cost-effective network monitoring system that provides a complete overview of network environments by monitoring performance and availability. Orion NPM enables you to be proactive in detecting, diagnosing, and resolving network issues and outages and has the benefit of supporting hundreds of types of server, OS, and network vendors including Cisco, HP, Microsoft, Linux, Motorola, Brocade, Foundry, and more.Orion NPM is a well-known product and is used by thousands of public and private companies, educational institutions, and government entities for network monitoring. In SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor you will learn how to install, implement, and manage Orion NPM to ensure you maintain an efficient, healthy, and performant network.In this book you will start with an overview of the constituent features of Orion NPM. Leading you through installation and configuration this book will help you set up a flexible and dynamic monitoring solution.With Orion NPM in place the book will then take you on a journey through essential Orion NPM and network monitoring concepts and practices. You will cover device management, learning how to use the Network Sonar Wizard, as well as adding devices manually.Turning from novice to pro, you will then be introduced to the core of network monitoring with Orion NPM. You will learn about monitoring Windows and Linux solutions as well as Virtual Servers. You will then master wireless networks and virtual networks. You will then learn how to set up and edit alerts to make network monitoring more efficient and less time-consuming. You will also learn how to develop reports and network maps as well as essential administrative techniques.
Mike Ohlson de Fine, Michael J Ohlson
Python is a great object-oriented and interactive programming language that lets you develop graphics, both static and animated, using built-in vector graphics functions that are provided with Python.Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook is a collection of straightforward recipes and illustrative screenshots for creating and animating graphic objects using the Python language. This book makes the process of developing graphics interesting and entertaining by working in a graphic workspace without the burden of mastering complicated language definitions and opaque examples.If you choose to work through all the recipes from the beginning, you will learn to install Python and create basic programs for making lines and shapes using the built-in Tkinter module. The confusing topic of color manipulation is explored in detail using existing Python tools as well as some new tools in the recipes. Next you will learn to manipulate font size, color, and placement of text as placing text exactly where you want on a screen can be tricky because font height, inter-character spacing, and text window dimensions all interfere with each other. Then you will learn how to animate graphics, for example having more than one independent graphic object co-exist and interact using various Python methods.You will also learn how you can work with raster images, such as converting their formats using the Python Imaging Library. Next you will learn how you can combine vector images with raster images so that you can animate the raster images with ease. You will also walk through a set of recipes with the help of which you can handle and manipulate blocks of raw data that may be hundreds of megabytes in size using datastreams, files, and hard drives. You will also learn how you can use Inkscape to dismantle existing images and use parts of them for your own graphics and Python programs. At the end of the book you will learn how you can create GUIs for different purposes.
With the challenges of growing an online business, Magento 2 is an open source e-commerce platform with innumerable functionalities that gives you the freedom to make on-the-fly decisions. It allows you to customize multiple levels of security permissions and enhance the look and feel of your website, and thus gives you a personalized experience in promoting your business.
Tableau has for some time been one of the most popular Business Intelligence and data visualization tools available. Why? Because, quite simply, it’s a tool that’s responsive to the needs of modern businesses. But it’s most effective when you know how to get what you want from it – it might make your business intelligent, but it isn’t going to make you intelligent…We’ll make sure you’re well prepared to take full advantage of Tableau 10’s new features. Whether you’re an experienced data analyst that wants to explore 2016’s new Tableau, or you’re a beginner that wants to expand their skillset and bring a more professional and sharper approach to their organization, we’ve got you covered. Beginning with the fundamentals, such as data preparation, you’ll soon learn how to build and customize your own data visualizations and dashboards, essential for high-level visibility and effective data storytelling. You’ll also find out how to so trend analysis and forecasting using clustering and distribution models to inform your analytics. But it’s not just about you – when it comes to data it’s all about availability and access. That’s why we’ll show you how to share your Tableau visualizations. It’s only once insights are shared and communicated that you – and your organization – will start making smarter and informed decisions. And really, that’s exactly what this guide is for.
Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python. Click here to enter text
The volume, diversity, and speed of data available has never been greater. Powerful machine learning methods can unlock the value in this information by finding complex relationships and unanticipated trends. Using the Python programming language, analysts can use these sophisticated methods to build scalable analytic applications to deliver insights that are of tremendous value to their organizations. In Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python, you will learn the process of turning raw data into powerful insights. Through case studies and code examples using popular open-source Python libraries, this book illustrates the complete development process for analytic applications and how to quickly apply these methods to your own data to create robust and scalable prediction services.Covering a wide range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, as well as cutting-edge techniques such as deep learning, this book illustrates not only how these methods work, but how to implement them in practice. You will learn to choose the right approach for your problem and how to develop engaging visualizations to bring the insights of predictive modeling to life
Data centers around the world are experiencing an unprecedented era of growth due to expanding data volumes. There is also a corresponding increase in the number of databases and applications. In such rapid-growth centers, it is inevitable that fighting fires daily becomes a common occurrence. There is often no controlled method of performance management, neither is rapidly changing configuration information collected. With the lack of automation and control, Data Centers do not often realize their intended cost-effectiveness and regress into a chaotic and uncontrolled day-to-day type of existence. This was the case until Oracle Enterprise Manager started being used as an Enterprise-wide central management solution, changing the whole game in the process.In this brand new book by Porus Homi Havewala, one of the leading experts in the Oracle space, you will be introduced to the all-encompassing world of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c, Oracle's premier product for managing and monitoring the Enterprise space. Drawing from the author's many years of experience in the real world, the book brings together the major capabilities of the latest Enterprise Manager software and demonstrates how to ease the growing pains of Data Centers.The book takes you on a descriptive journey of what issues are normally experienced in the Data Center, and how Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c manages to address and resolve many of the issues.The book introduces the reader to the typical chaos in Data Centers and discusses the way these common issues are normally resolved, by manual labor or manual scripting using extensive human resources. Then it will show you how Cloud Control 12c aids in Database Performance Management, Configuration Management, Security Compliance, Automated Provisioning, Automated Patching and Database Change Management.You will learn how Cloud Control 12c allows Exadata Database Machine Monitoring and Management, Test Data Management for data subsetting of large databases, as well as Sensitive Data De-identification using Data Masking.The book includes various real life examples and case studies of actual Oracle customers to show how they have benefited from using Oracle Enterprise Manager. It explores the strong standing of Oracle in the Enterprise Management game, now also strengthened by the new Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c.
Instant jsoup How-to. Effectively extract and manipulate HTML content with the jsoup library
As you might know, there are a lot of Java libraries that support parsing HTML content out there. Jsoup is yet another HTML parsing library, but it provides a lot of functionalities and boasts much more interesting features when compared to others. Give it a try, and you will see the difference!Instant jsoup How-to provides simple and detailed instructions on how to use the Jsoup library to manipulate HTML content to suit your needs. You will learn the basic aspects of data crawling, as well as the various concepts of Jsoup so you can make the best use of the library to achieve your goals.Instant jsoup How-to will help you learn step-by-step using real-world, practical problems. You will begin by learning several basic topics, such as getting input from a URL, a file, or a string, as well as making use of DOM navigation to search for data. You will then move on to some advanced topics like how to use the CSS selector and how to clean dirty HTML data. HTML data is not always safe, and because of that, you will learn how to sanitize the dirty documents to prevent further XSS attacks.Instant jsoup How-to is a book for every Java developer who wants to learn HTML manipulation quickly and effectively. This book includes the sample source code for you to refer to with a detailed explanation of every feature of the library.
Most people associate security with network security and focus on firewalls and network monitoring. However, there is more to security than that. Security starts with the establishment of a stable environment, protecting this environment not only from intrusion, but also from malicious intent. It is about tracking the issue and recovering from it. These elements of security are what this book aims to address.VMware View Security Essentials addresses the topic of security in the corporate environment in a new way. It starts with the underlying virtual infrastructure and then delves into securing your base, your connection, and your client. This is not only a “how-to” book, but is also a book that explains the background and the insights of View security for the experienced professional's desktop virtualization.This book takes you through the four major View security areas. Each area deals with all the aspects of security and explains the background as well as laying out simple-to-follow recipes to implement a higher security standard.We start at the Virtualization base and work our way through the various View server types. We will then dive into the problems and issues of securing a connection before we address the security of the desktop itself. We conclude with a look into the backing up of our View installation and preparing for disaster recovery.
Jira Align is a platform purpose-built for enterprises to connect strategy with execution and drive transparency, consistency, and predictability at all levels of scale. The platform supports business value delivery in agile frameworks such as LeSS, DAD, and SAFe. It also caters to organizations that mix agile with waterfall to support scaled bimodal delivery.Starting with an introduction to the platform and its features, this book takes you through the foundational building blocks of Jira Align. You’ll learn how an organization can benefit from implementing Jira Align and understand how to connect dimensions such as people, work, time, and outcomes. The book takes you through the typical steps for implementing Jira Align for maximizing outcomes and helps you solve common team, program, and portfolio-level challenges by enhancing visibility, tracking dependencies and risks, and using reports for real-time, distributed decision making. Throughout the book, you’ll explore features such as remote agile ceremonies, live roadmaps, and objectives and key results (OKRs). You’ll also get to grips with lean portfolio management, financial reporting, and using the program board for planning and execution.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in the key features of Jira Align and be able to leverage them to support all levels of agile at scale.
Linux is a unified kernel that is widely used to develop embedded systems. As Linux has turned out to be one of the most popular operating systems worldwide, the interest in developing proprietary device drivers has also increased. Device drivers play a critical role in how the system performs and ensure that the device works in the manner intended. By exploring several examples on the development of character devices, the technique of managing a device tree, and how to use other kernel internals, such as interrupts, kernel timers, and wait queue, you’ll be able to add proper management for custom peripherals to your embedded system.You’ll begin by installing the Linux kernel and then configuring it. Once you have installed the system, you will learn to use different kernel features and character drivers. You will also cover interrupts in-depth and understand how you can manage them. Later, you will explore the kernel internals required for developing applications. As you approach the concluding chapters, you will learn to implement advanced character drivers and also discover how to write important Linux device drivers.By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to write a custom character driver and kernel code according to your requirements.