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The future of IoT has the potential to be limitless. Wouldn’t it be great if you could add it to your own technological stacks? But where to start? With the basics, of course.In this book, you will start by learning about the most popular hardware and communication protocol, Raspberry Pi and MQTT. You will see how to use them together by setting up your own MQTT server on Raspberry Pi and understand how it works.This book explores MQTT in detail, including the clients and devices that you can connect to your server. You will discover two very popular IoT development boards among project developers: the ESP8266 and ESP32 development boards. Then, you will learn how to build interactive dashboards on your Pi and monitor your client devices. The book also shows you how to build a dashboard using another popular software – Node-RED. You will be able to put your skills to the test by creating two full-scale projects. That’s not all: you will also learn how to host your own MQTT server on a virtual cloud service. Finally, you will be guided on how to move forward from here, what technologies to learn, and some project recommendations to polish or test your knowledge.By the end of this book, you will be able to build meaningful projects using Raspberry Pi and MQTT and create dashboards for your projects on Node-RED.
AI Explained. Uncovering the Reality, Risks, and Rewards of Artificial Intelligence
This book leads readers on a comprehensive journey through artificial intelligence, beginning with an introduction to its foundational concepts. Early on, readers are guided through what AI is and why it’s becoming a transformative force in today’s world. They’ll then explore the technical processes behind AI creation, learning how data and algorithms power intelligent systems, making complex technology accessible and understandable.Further on, the book delves into practical applications and ethical considerations. Readers discover the positive ways AI is improving our lives, from breakthroughs in healthcare to innovations in everyday industries. Following this, it presents a balanced view of AI’s potential risks, discussing the ethical concerns and societal challenges that arise with misuse, encouraging thoughtful reflection on AI’s impact.Towards the end, the book tackles critical future challenges and solutions. It discusses the threat of rogue AI behaviors and highlights strategies to prevent AI from acting unpredictably. The final section offers an optimistic outlook on the responsible development of AI, encouraging readers to envision a future where AI can drive positive change. By journey’s end, readers will feel equipped with a nuanced understanding of AI, its real-world significance, and its ethical implications.
Angelika Klidas, Kevin Hanegan
Data is more than a mere commodity in our digital world. It is the ebb and flow of our modern existence. Individuals, teams, and enterprises working with data can unlock a new realm of possibilities. And the resultant agility, growth, and inevitable success have one origin—data literacy.This comprehensive guide is written by two data literacy pioneers, each with a thorough footprint within the data and analytics commercial world and lectures at top universities in the US and the Netherlands. Complete with best practices, practical models, and real-world examples, Data Literacy in Practice will help you start making your data work for you by building your understanding of data literacy basics and accelerating your journey to independently uncovering insights.You’ll learn the four-pillar model that underpins all data and analytics and explore concepts such as measuring data quality, setting up a pragmatic data management environment, choosing the right graphs for your readers, and questioning your insights.By the end of the book, you'll be equipped with a combination of skills and mindset as well as with tools and frameworks that will allow you to find insights and meaning within your data for data-informed decision making.
Marius Bancila, Raffaele Rialdi, Ankit Sharma, Dino Esposito
The C# programming language is often developers’ primary choice for creating a wide range of applications for desktop, cloud, and mobile. In nearly two decades of its existence, C# has evolved from a general-purpose, object-oriented language to a multi-paradigm language with impressive features.This book will take you through C# from the ground up in a step-by-step manner. You'll start with the building blocks of C#, which include basic data types, variables, strings, arrays, operators, control statements, and loops. Once comfortable with the basics, you'll then progress to learning object-oriented programming concepts such as classes and structures, objects, interfaces, and abstraction. Generics, functional programming, dynamic, and asynchronous programming are covered in detail. This book also takes you through regular expressions, reflection, memory management, pattern matching, exceptions, and many other advanced topics. As you advance, you'll explore the .NET Core 3 framework and learn how to use the dotnet command-line interface (CLI), consume NuGet packages, develop for Linux, and migrate apps built with .NET Framework. Finally, you'll understand how to run unit tests with the Microsoft unit testing frameworks available in Visual Studio.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with the essentials of the C# language and be ready to start creating apps with it.
When equipped with a highly scalable machine learning (ML) platform, organizations can quickly scale the delivery of ML products for faster business value realization. There is a huge demand for skilled ML solutions architects in different industries, and this handbook will help you master the design patterns, architectural considerations, and the latest technology insights you’ll need to become one. You’ll start by understanding ML fundamentals and how ML can be applied to solve real-world business problems. Once you've explored a few leading problem-solving ML algorithms, this book will help you tackle data management and get the most out of ML libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Using open source technology such as Kubernetes/Kubeflow to build a data science environment and ML pipelines will be covered next, before moving on to building an enterprise ML architecture using Amazon Web Services (AWS). You’ll also learn about security and governance considerations, advanced ML engineering techniques, and how to apply bias detection, explainability, and privacy in ML model development. And finally, you'll get acquainted with AWS AI services and their applications in real-world use cases.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to design and build an ML platform to support common use cases and architecture patterns like a true professional.
Python Essentials for AWS Cloud Developers. Run and deploy cloud-based Python applications using AWS
AWS provides a vast variety of services for implementing Python applications, which can pose a challenge for those without an AWS background. This book addresses one of the more predominant problems of choosing the right service and stepping into the implementation of exciting Python apps using AWS.The book begins by showing you how to install Python and create an AWS account, before helping you explore AWS Lambda, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, and S3 for Python programming. You'll then gain hands-on experience in using these services to build the Python application. As you advance, you'll discover how to debug Python apps using PyCharm, and then start deploying the Python applications on Elastic Beanstalk. You’ll also learn how to monitor Python applications using the CloudWatch service, along with creating and publishing APIs on AWS to access the Python application. The concluding chapters will help you get to grips with storing unstructured and semi-structured data using NoSQL and DynamoDB, as well as advance your knowledge using the Glue serverless data integration service in AWS.By the end of this Python book, you’ll be able to take your application development skills up a notch with AWS services and advance in your career.
Srinjoy Ganguly, Thomas Cambier
Quantum computing is a growing field, with many research projects focusing on programming quantum computers in the most efficient way possible. One of the biggest challenges faced with existing languages is that they work on low-level circuit model details and are not able to represent quantum programs accurately. Developed by researchers at ETH Zurich after analyzing languages including Q# and Qiskit, Silq is a high-level programming language that can be viewed as the C++ of quantum computers! Quantum Computing with Silq Programming helps you explore Silq and its intuitive and simple syntax to enable you to describe complex tasks with less code. This book will help you get to grips with the constructs of the Silq and show you how to write quantum programs with it. You’ll learn how to use Silq to program quantum algorithms to solve existing and complex tasks. Using quantum algorithms, you’ll also gain practical experience in useful applications such as quantum error correction, cryptography, and quantum machine learning. Finally, you’ll discover how to optimize the programming of quantum computers with the simple Silq.By the end of this Silq book, you’ll have mastered the features of Silq and be able to build efficient quantum applications independently.
The significant increase in the number of cloud-related threats and issues has led to a surge in the demand for cloud security professionals. This book will help you set up vulnerable-by-design environments in the cloud to minimize the risks involved while learning all about cloud penetration testing and ethical hacking.This step-by-step guide begins by helping you design and build penetration testing labs that mimic modern cloud environments running on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Next, you’ll find out how to use infrastructure as code (IaC) solutions to manage a variety of lab environments in the cloud. As you advance, you’ll discover how generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can be leveraged to accelerate the preparation of IaC templates and configurations. You’ll also learn how to validate vulnerabilities by exploiting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities using various penetration testing tools and techniques. Finally, you’ll explore several practical strategies for managing the complexity, cost, and risks involved when dealing with penetration testing lab environments in the cloud.By the end of this penetration testing book, you’ll be able to design and build cost-effective vulnerable cloud lab environments where you can experiment and practice different types of attacks and penetration testing techniques.
Brian Fitzpatrick, Damodar Chetty
While Tomcat is one of the most popular servlet containers, its inner workings still remain a mystery to many developers. If you only have a superficial familiarity of how this container actually functions, much of its power remains untapped and underutilized. This book will provide you with all that you need to undertand how to effectively use Apache Tomcat. This book begins by providing detailed instructions on building a Tomcat distribution. The next few chapters introduce you to the conceptual underpinnings of web servers, the Java EE and servlet specifications, and the Tomcat container. Subsequent chapters address the key Tomcat components, taking care to provide you with the information needed to understand the internal workings of each component. Detailed examples let you walk through a Tomcat installation, stepping into key Tomcat components, as well as into your own custom servlets.During the course of the book you will encounter various structural components such as the Server and Service; containers such as the Engine, Host, Context, and Wrapper; and helpers such as the Loader, Manager, and Valve. You will also see how Tomcat implements the JNDI API to provide both a directory service for storage agnostic access to its resources, as well as a naming service that implements the Java EE Environment Naming Context.Along the way you will learn how various elements of the servlet 2.5 specification, as well as the HTTP RFCs are implemented by a servlet container. By the end of your journey, you will be able to count yourself as part of the elite minority of Java EE web developers who truly understand what goes on under the covers of a servlet container.
Gilberto T. Garcia Jr., Gilberto Tadeu Garcia Jun
Developing secure web applications is one of the most important tasks developers have to deal with. With Lift, it is easy to create solid and formidable web applications as it is the most secure web framework available today. The View-First approach and being able to handle things as purely data transformation, makes working with Lift an exciting task.Lift Application Development Cookbook teaches you how to build web applications using this amazing framework. The book moves gradually, starting with the basics (starting a new project, submitting a form, and so on) before covering more advanced topics such as building a REST API and integrating your application with other technologies and applications.Lift Application Development Cookbook takes you on a journey of creating secure web applications. Step-by-step instructions help you understand how things work and how various elements relate to each other.You'll learn different ways to process a form, build dynamic HTML pages, and create an API using REST. You'll also learn how to work with relational and NoSQL databases and how to integrate your application with other technologies as well as with third-part applications such as Gmail and Facebook.By the end of the book, you will be able to understand how Lift works and be able to build web applications using this amazing and exciting framework.
Developing Kaggle Notebooks. Pave your way to becoming a Kaggle Notebooks Grandmaster
Gabriel Preda, D. Sculley, Anthony Goldbloom
Developing Kaggle Notebooks introduces you to data analysis, with a focus on using Kaggle Notebooks to simultaneously achieve mastery in this fi eld and rise to the top of the Kaggle Notebooks tier. The book is structured as a sevenstep data analysis journey, exploring the features available in Kaggle Notebooks alongside various data analysis techniques.For each topic, we provide one or more notebooks, developing reusable analysis components through Kaggle's Utility Scripts feature, introduced progressively, initially as part of a notebook, and later extracted for use across future notebooks to enhance code reusability on Kaggle. It aims to make the notebooks' code more structured, easy to maintain, and readable.Although the focus of this book is on data analytics, some examples will guide you in preparing a complete machine learning pipeline using Kaggle Notebooks. Starting from initial data ingestion and data quality assessment, you'll move on to preliminary data analysis, advanced data exploration, feature qualifi cation to build a model baseline, and feature engineering. You'll also delve into hyperparameter tuning to iteratively refi ne your model and prepare for submission in Kaggle competitions. Additionally, the book touches on developing notebooks that leverage the power of generative AI using Kaggle Models.
Having a solid software architecture breathes life into tech solutions. In the early stages of an application’s development, critical decisions need to be made, such as whether to go for microservices, a monolithic architecture, the event-driven approach, or containerization. In Java contexts, frameworks and runtimes also need to be defi ned. But one aspect is often overlooked – the persistence layer – which plays a vital role similar to that of data stores in modern cloud-native solutions. To optimize applications and data stores, a holistic understanding of best practices, technologies, and existing approaches is crucial.This book presents well-established patterns and standards that can be used in Java solutions, with valuable insights into the pros and cons of trending technologies and frameworks used in cloud-native microservices, alongside good Java coding practices. As you progress, you’ll confront the challenges of cloud adoption head-on, particularly those tied to the growing need for cost reduction through stack modernization. Within these pages, you’ll discover application modernization strategies and learn how enterprise data integration patterns and event-driven architectures enable smooth modernization processes with low-to-zero impact on the existing legacy stack.