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Native Docker Clustering with Swarm. Create and manage clusters of any size
Fabrizio Soppelsa, Chanwit Kaewkasi
Docker Swarm serves as one of the crucial components of the Docker ecosystem and offers a native solution for you to orchestrate containers. It’s turning out to be one of the preferred choices for Docker clustering thanks to its recent improvements. This book covers Swarm, Swarm Mode, and SwarmKit. It gives you a guided tour on how Swarm works and how to work with Swarm. It describes how to set up local test installations and then moves to huge distributed infrastructures. You will be shown how Swarm works internally, what’s new in Swarmkit, how to automate big Swarm deployments, and how to configure and operate a Swarm cluster on the public and private cloud. This book will teach you how to meet the challenge of deploying massive production-ready applications and a huge number of containers on Swarm. You'll also cover advanced topics that include volumes, scheduling, a Libnetwork deep dive, security, and platform scalability.
Web3, the new blockchain-based web, is often hailed as the future of the internet. Driven by technologies such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, decentralized finance, and more, Web3’s aim is to give individuals more control over the web communities they belong to. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this book will help you master the intricacies of Web3 and its revolutionary technologies.Beginning with a concise introduction to blockchain and the Ethereum ecosystem, this book quickly immerses you in real-world blockchain applications. You’ll work on carefully crafted hands-on exercises that are designed for beginners as well as users with prior exposure. The chapters show you how to build and deploy smart contracts, while mastering security controls and discovering best practices for writing secure code. As you progress, you’ll explore tokenization and gain proficiency in minting both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with the help of step-by-step instructions. The concluding chapters cover advanced topics, including oracles, Layer 2 (L2) networks, rollups, zero knowledge proofs, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).By the end of this Web3 book, you’ll be well-versed in the Web3 ecosystem and have the skills to build powerful and secure decentralized applications.
Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook
Processing is probably the best known creative coding environment that helps you bridge the gap between programming and art. It enables designers, artists, architects, students and many others to explore graphics programming and computational art in an easy way, thus helping you boost your creativity.Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook will guide you to explore and experience the open source Processing language and environment, helping you discover advanced features and exciting possibilities with this programming environment like never before. You'll learn the basics of 2D and 3D graphics programming, and then quickly move up to advanced topics such as audio and video visualization, computer vision, and much more with this comprehensive guide.Since its birth in 2001, Processing has grown a lot. What started out as a project by Ben Fry and Casey Reas has now become a widely used graphics programming language.Processing 2 has a lot of new and exciting features. This cookbook will guide you to explore the completely new and cool graphics engine and video library. Using the recipes in this cookbook, you will be able to build interactive art for desktop computers, Internet, and even Android devices! You don't even have to use a keyboard or mouse to interact with the art you make. The book's next-gen technologies will teach you how to design interactions with a webcam or a microphone! Isn't that amazing?Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook will guide you to explore the Processing language and environment using practical and useful recipes.
Microsoft Power Automate is a workflow automation solution included in Microsoft 365. This book explores the core concepts of workflow automation, such as working with connectors, triggers, and actions, along with their practical implementation in automating business tasks and simplifying digital processes to boost enterprise productivity.
Sending information via the internet is not entirely private, as evidenced by the rise in hacking, malware attacks, and security threats. With the help of this book, you'll learn crucial penetration testing techniques to help you evaluate enterprise defenses.You'll start by understanding each stage of pentesting and deploying target virtual machines, including Linux and Windows. Next, the book will guide you through performing intermediate penetration testing in a controlled environment. With the help of practical use cases, you'll also be able to implement your learning in real-world scenarios. By studying everything from setting up your lab, information gathering and password attacks, through to social engineering and post exploitation, you'll be able to successfully overcome security threats. The book will even help you leverage the best tools, such as Kali Linux, Metasploit, Burp Suite, and other open source pentesting tools to perform these techniques. Toward the later chapters, you'll focus on best practices to quickly resolve security threats.By the end of this book, you'll be well versed with various penetration testing techniques so as to be able to tackle security threats effectively
With this practical guide, you will cover the essential modules to get Odoo up and running for your company. After installing Odoo, you will use its sales management application to enter quotes, create sales orders, and invoice customers. You will then learn how to integrate the CRM application to manage your leads and convert them into lucrative opportunities and sales. Next, you will set up your own purchase management system, assigning products to suppliers and tracking orders with the new warehouse management and routing system. Finally, you will learn how to use analytics to track project expenses and keep your accounts simple and easy to maintain and build an Odoo module to extend its functionality and make it work for you.Working with Odoo covers all the core installation and usage functionalities of this popular tool, helping you to fully implement a working ERP system through practical, advanced, real-world examples.
Laurence Lars Svekis, Maaike van Putten, Codestars By Rob Percival
This book demonstrates the capabilities of JavaScript for web application development by combining theoretical learning with code exercises and fun projects that you can challenge yourself with. The guiding principle of the book is to show how straightforward JavaScript techniques can be used to make web apps ranging from dynamic websites to simple browser-based games.JavaScript from Beginner to Professional focuses on key programming concepts and Document Object Model manipulations that are used to solve common problems in professional web applications. These include data validation, manipulating the appearance of web pages, working with asynchronous and concurrent code.The book uses project-based learning to provide context for the theoretical components in a series of code examples that can be used as modules of an application, such as input validators, games, and simple animations. This will be supplemented with a brief crash course on HTML and CSS to illustrate how JavaScript components fit into a complete web application.As you learn the concepts, you can try them in your own editor or browser console to get a solid understanding of how they work and what they do. By the end of this JavaScript book, you will feel confident writing core JavaScript code and be equipped to progress to more advanced libraries, frameworks, and environments such as React, Angular, and Node.js.
Mihai Bucica, Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea, Filip Chereches-Tosa, ...
Assuming a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats and how the constituent technologies work together. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you'll be likely to need for your own applications:Server-enabled form-validation pageOnline chat collaboration toolCustomized type-ahead text entry solutionReal-time charting using SVGDatabase-enabled, editable and customizable data gridRSS aggregator applicationA server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the script.aculo.us JavaScript toolkitThe appendices guide you through installing your working environment, using powerful tools that enable debugging, improving, and profiling your code, working with XSLT and XPath.From the Author, Cristian Darie AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is mainly a book for beginners, but when designing its contents we tried to find the ideal blend of topics that would help both novice and experienced web developers make a big step forward. One customer was very kind to let us know, through a review, that we succeeded:The theory behind all the technologies used is very clearly explained, without boring you with details about obvious things. Right from the first chapter you start learning by examples. The examples can be easily adapted to many web projects and they cover stuff that is both useful and fun.Here are a few examples of such useful and fun things that you can find in this book:details on using proxy scripts to work around the security measures in modern browsersclient-side and server-side code that doesn't break when fed with special characters (such as
iCloud is a cloud storage and cloud computing service from Apple Inc. iCloud is a hub in a multi-devices environment, that allows your iPads, iPhones, iPod Touches, and Macs sync with each other and always have the same content. The service allows users to store data, such as music files, on remote computer servers that can be downloaded to multiple devices such as iOS-based devices, and personal computers running OS X or Microsoft Windows.This practical guide provides easy, step-by-step guidance to using the numerous features offered by iCloud, for first time users You will be guided through everything that you need to know about using iCloud on multiple platforms, as well as how to use it on a Windows PC.Learn about what iCloud can offer you with this practical guide, and what makes it better than other cloud services. It will take you through all of the iCloud services available, and help you to manage your contents easily across devices.You will also learn how to use Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and other iCloud services on Mac, PC, iOS devices or in the web browser. This book will also let you explore more on using iPhone and iTunes with iCloud, sync all contents without any hassle, and even back them up with iCloud. If you want to take full advantage of iCloud, then this is the right book for you.
Joseph Steinberg, Tim Speed, Timothy Speed
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide remote workers with secure access to their company network via the internet by encrypting all data sent between the company network and the user?s machine (the client). Before SSL VPN this typically required the client machine to have special software installed, or at least be specially configured for the purpose.Clientless SSL VPNs avoid the need for client machines to be specially configured. Any computer with a Web browser can access SSL VPN systems. This has several benefits:Low admin costs, no remote configurationUsers can safely access the company network from any machine, be that a public workstation, a palmtop or mobile phoneBy pass ISP restrictions on custom VPNs by using standard technologies SSL VPN is usually provided by a hardware appliance that forms part of the company network. These appliances act as gateways, providing internal services such as file shares, email servers, and applications in a web based format encrypted using SSL. Existing players and new entrants, such as Nokia, Netilla, Symantec, Whale Communications, and NetScreen technologies, are rushing our SSL VPN products to meet growing demand.This book provides a detailed technical and business introduction to SSL VPN. It explains how SSL VPN devices work along with their benefits and pitfalls. As well as covering SSL VPN technologies, the book also looks at how to authenticate and educate users ? a vital element in ensuring that the security of remote locations is not compromised. The book also looks at strategies for making legacy applications accessible via the SSL VPN.
Qt is an open source toolkit suitable for cross-platform and embedded application development. This book uses inductive teaching to help you learn how to create applications for embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Qt 5.You’ll start by learning to develop your very first application with Qt. Next, you’ll build on the first application by understanding new concepts through hands-on projects and written text. Each project will introduce new features that will help you transform your basic first project into a connected IoT application running on embedded hardware. In addition to gaining practical experience in developing an embedded Qt project, you will also gain valuable insights into best practices for Qt development and explore advanced techniques for testing, debugging, and monitoring the performance of Qt applications. The examples and projects covered throughout the book can be run both locally and on an embedded platform.By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to use Qt 5 to confidently develop modern embedded applications.
Douglas Paterson, Mambo Foundation Inc
Mambo is a mature and fully featured open-source Content Management System (CMS). Mambo is easy to use at the entry level for creating basic websites, while having the power and flexibility to support complex web applications.Mambo implements the core requirements of a full-featured CMS. It has a powerful and extensible templating system, user access control, content approval, rich administrative control, and content display scheduling. New features and extensions are added to the core system, with many more being available and supported by the community.This book targets the 4.6 release of Mambo, and takes you through creating an example website. Beginning with a discussion of the requirements for the example site, the site unfolds as you progress through the chapters, learning more about Mambo, and how to complete the tasks needed to build the site.You'll see the basic configuration options for setting up your site, and learn about Mambo's main elements as you work your way around its web-based administration area. As soon as you're familiar with the general principles and behavior of Mambo, it's time to pile on the features for your site; adding modules and components, uploading images and other resources, and managing templates. You will learn to use Mambo's powerful Universal Installer to effortlessly install add-ons that are not part of the standard distribution. The pages on your site, how they are displayed, and who can see them, are determined by Mambo's menu system. With many examples of the different types of menu items, the book will lead you through the important tasks of creating menu items, and help you understand how these choices structure the pages on your site and ease your visitors' navigation.You will see how to organize and enter your content into Mambo, and how to manage and edit this organization and your pieces of content. As we tackle user management, you will see how Mambo allows you to set up user accounts with different permissions, including a set of special users who can author or edit content. We also take a detailed look at the notifications that occur when content is submitted by these users. This analysis reveals how the Mambo publishing workflow process works, and how you can exploit it effectively. Moving on from the standard Mambo features, we look at some third-party extensions that add powerful discussion forum, event scheduling, and image gallery features to your site.To create a new look for your site, you create a new template. We cover this, and even if you're no expert in web design, you will be taken through a number of basic tasks to create an impressive new design for your site.
Thomas Bailey, Alessandro Biessek, Trevor Wills
There have been many attempts at creating frameworks that are truly cross-platform, but most struggle to create a native-like experience at high-performance levels. Flutter achieves this with an elegant design and a wealth of third-party plugins, solidifying its status as the future of mobile app development. If you are a mobile developer who wants to create rich and expressive native apps with the latest Google Flutter framework, this book is for you.You’ll start with the basics of cross-platform development frameworks, specifically Flutter. You’ll then explore the Dart programming language which is the foundation of the Flutter framework. Next, you’ll get a feel for Flutter and how to create your first app, followed by an exploration of the various popular plugins that supplement the Flutter framework. Finally, you’ll explore testing and app release, including some common glitches that you may experience.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to create and release a basic Flutter app along with gaining a solid understanding of the Flutter framework and Dart language.
Despite being developed in the 1980s, Oracle Tuxedo still runs a significant part of critical infrastructure and is not going away any time soon. Modernizing Oracle Tuxedo Applications with Python will help you get to grips with the most important Tuxedo concepts by writing Python code.The book starts with an introduction to Oracle Tuxedo and guides you in installing its latest version and Python bindings for Tuxedo on Linux. You'll then learn how to build your first server and client, configure Tuxedo, and start running an application. As you advance, you'll understand load balancing and work with the BBL server, which is at the heart of a Tuxedo application. This Tuxedo book will also cover Boolean expressions and different ways to export Tuxedo buffers for storage and transmission, before showing you how to implement servers and clients and use the management information base to change the configuration dynamically. Once you've learned how to configure Tuxedo for transactions and control them in application code, you'll discover how to use the store-and-forward functionality to reach destinations and use an Oracle database from a Tuxedo application.By the end of this Oracle Tuxedo book, you'll be able to perform common Tuxedo programming tasks with Python and integrate Tuxedo applications with other parts of modern infrastructure.