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Malware, DoS attacks, SQLi, and data exfiltration are some of the problems that many security officers have to face every day. Having advanced knowledge in communications and protocol analysis is therefore essential to investigate and detect any of these attacks. Tshark is the ideal tool for professionals who wish to meet these needs, or students who want to delve into the world of networking.Instant Traffic Analysis with Tshark How-to is a practical, hands-on guide for network administrators and security officers who want to take advantage of the filtering features provided by Tshark, the command-line version of Wireshark. With this guide you will learn how to get the most out of Tshark from environments lacking GUI, ideal for example in Unix/Linux servers, offering you much flexibility to identify and display network traffic.The book begins by explaining the basic theoretical concepts of Tshark and the process of data collection. Subsequently, you will see several alternatives to capture traffic based on network infrastructure and the goals of the network administrator. The rest of the book will focus on explaining the most interesting parameters of the tool from a totally practical standpoint.You will also learn how to decode protocols and how to get evidence of suspicious network traffic. You will become familiar with the many practical filters of Tshark that identify malware-infected computers and lots of network attacks such as DoS attacks, DHCP/ARP spoof, and DNS flooding. Finally, you will see some tricks to automate certain tasks with Tshark and python scripts.You will learn everything you need to get the most out of Tshark and overcome a wide range of network problems. In addition you will learn a variety of concepts related to networking and network attacks currently exploited.
Virtualized systems are well established now, and their disparate components can be found bundled together in hyper-converged infrastructures, such as VxRail from Dell EMC. Dell VxRail System Design and Best Practices will take you, as a system architect or administrator, through the process of designing and protecting VxRail systems.While this book assumes a certain level of knowledge of VMware, vSphere 7.x, and vCenter Server, you’ll get a thorough overview of VxRail's components, features, and architecture, as well as a breakdown of the benefits of this hyper-converged system. This guide will give you an in-depth understanding of VxRail, as well as plenty of practical examples and self-assessment questions along the way to help you plan and design every core component of a VxRail system – from vSAN storage policies to cluster expansion. It's no good having a great system if you lose everything when it breaks, so you'll spend some time examining advanced recovery options, such as VMware Site Recovery Manager and Veeam Backup and Replication.By the end of this book, you will have got to grips with Dell’s hyper-converged VxRail offering, taking your virtualization proficiency to the next level.
Cracking the Product Marketing Code. Craft winning go-to-market strategies for market domination
In the ever-evolving product landscape, the significance of building the right product and bringing it effectively to the right market cannot be overstated. With this book, you’ll learn how to bridge the gap between your product and the market to meet customer needs effectively.Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of product marketing and its key functions—inbound and outbound strategies—you’ll discover how these strategies interweave throughout the product launch process and how to effectively leverage them to bring a product to market.This product marketing book will help you master the inbound strategies, influencing product development by conducting market and customer research, analyzing the competitive landscape, identifying customer segments, and building buyer personas to identify gaps and drive product innovation.Next, you’ll get to grips with outbound strategies, the driving force behind product adoption and sustained exponential growth. You’ll create and test messaging and positioning, build the go-to-market (GTM) plan, enable your sales team to maximize effectiveness, and ensure a product-market fit throughout the different stages of the buyer journey with impactful collaboration internally and externally for creating value.By the end of this book, you’ll have transformed into a product marketing expert enhancing product innovation, driving product adoption, and accelerating growth.
PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database management system (DBMS) that provides enterprise-level services, including high performance and scalability. This book is a collection of unique projects providing you with a wealth of information relating to administering, monitoring, and testing PostgreSQL. The focus of each project is on both the development and the administrative aspects of PostgreSQL.Starting by exploring development aspects such as database design and its implementation, you’ll then cover PostgreSQL administration by understanding PostgreSQL architecture, PostgreSQL performance, and high-availability clusters. Various PostgreSQL projects are explained through current technologies such as DevOps and cloud platforms using programming languages like Python and Node.js. Later, you’ll get to grips with the well-known database API tool, PostgREST, before learning how to use popular PostgreSQL database testing frameworks. The book is also packed with essential tips and tricks and common patterns for working seamlessly in a production environment. All the chapters will be explained with the help of a real-world case study on a small banking application for managing ATM locations in a city.By the end of this DBMS book, you’ll be proficient in building reliable database solutions as per your organization's needs.
Written by a seasoned software engineer with several years of industry experience, this book will teach you the basics of machine learning (ML) and show you how to use C++ libraries, along with helping you create supervised and unsupervised ML models.You’ll gain hands-on experience in tuning and optimizing a model for various use cases, enabling you to efficiently select models and measure performance. The chapters cover techniques such as product recommendations, ensemble learning, anomaly detection, sentiment analysis, and object recognition using modern C++ libraries. You’ll also learn how to overcome production and deployment challenges on mobile platforms, and see how the ONNX model format can help you accomplish these tasks.This new edition has been updated with key topics such as sentiment analysis implementation using transfer learning and transformer-based models, as well as tracking and visualizing ML experiments with MLflow. An additional section shows you how to use Optuna for hyperparameter selection. The section on model deployment into mobile platform now includes a detailed explanation of real-time object detection for Android with C++.By the end of this C++ book, you’ll have real-world machine learning and C++ knowledge, as well as the skills to use C++ to build powerful ML systems.
HTML5 is everywhere. From PCs to tablets to smartphones and even TVs, the web is the most ubiquitous application platform and information medium bar. Its becoming a first class citizen in established operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 8 as well as the primary platform of new operating systems such as Google Chrome OS.HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook contains over 100 recipes explaining how to utilize modern features and techniques when building websites or web applications. This book will help you to explore the full power of HTML5 - from number rounding to advanced graphics to real-time data binding.HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook starts with the display of text and related data. Then you will be guided through graphs and animated visualizations followed by input and input controls.Data serialization, validation and communication with the server as well as modern frameworks with advanced features like automatic data binding and server communication will also be covered in detail.This book covers a fast track into new libraries and features that are part of HTML5!
QlikView Unlocked. Unlock more than 50 amazing tips and tricks to enhance your QlikView skills
QlikView Unlocked will provide you with new insights to get the very best from QlikView. This book will help you to develop skills to work with data efficiently. We will cover all the secrets of unleashing the full power of QlikView, which will enable you to make better use of the tool and create better results for future projects. In the course of this book, we will walk you through techniques and best practices that will enable you to be more productive. You will gain quick insights into the tool with the help of short steps called ”keys,” which will help you discover new features of QlikView. Moving on you will learn new techniques for data visualization, scripting, data modeling, and more. This book will then cover best practices to help you establish an efficient system with improved performance. We will also teach you some tricks that will help you speed up development processes, monitor data with dashboards, and so on.By the end of this book, you will have gained beneficial tips, tricks, and techniques to enhance the overall experience of working with QlikView.
Flash has now arrived to Android — the fastest growing smartphone platform. This offers massive opportunities for Flash developers who want to get into mobile development. At the same time, working on smartphones will introduce new challenges and issues that Flash developers may not be familiar with.The Flash Development for Android Cookbook enables Flash developers to branch out into Android mobile applications through a set of essential, easily demonstrable recipes. It takes you through the entire development workflow: from setting up a local development environment, to developing and testing your application, to compiling for distribution to the ever-growing Android Market.The Flash Development for Android Cookbook starts off with recipes that cover development environment configuration as well as mobile project creation and conversion. It then moves on to exciting topics such as the use of touch and gestures, responding to device movement in 3D space, working with multimedia, and handling application layout. Essential tasks such as tapping into native processes and manipulating the file system are also covered. We then move on to some cool advanced stuff such as Android-specific device permissions, application debugging and optimization techniques, and the packaging and distribution options available on the mobile Android platform.In a nutshell, this cookbook enables you to get quickly up to speed with mobile Android development using the Flash Platform in ways that are meaningful and immediately applicable to the rapidly growing area of mobile application development.
Asterisk 1.6. Build feature-rich telephony systems with Asterisk
David Merel, David Gomillion, Barrie Dempster
Asterisk is a powerful and flexible open source framework for building feature-rich telephony systems. As a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) which connects one or more telephones, and usually connects to one or more telephone lines, Asterisk offers very advanced features, including extension-to-extension calls, queues, ring groups, line trunking, call distribution, call detail rerecords, and call recording.This book will show you how to build a telephony system for your home or business using this open source application. 'Asterisk 1.6' takes you step-by-step through the process of installing and configuring Asterisk. It covers everything from establishing your deployment plan to creating a fully functional PBX solution. Through this book you will learn how to connect employees from all over the world as well as streamline your callers through Auto Attendants (IVR) and Ring Groups.This book is all you need to understand and use Asterisk to build the telephony system that meets your need. You will learn how to use the many features that Asterisk provides you with. It presents example configurations for using Asterisk in three different scenarios: for small and home offices, small businesses, and Hosted PBX. Over the course of ten chapters, this book introduces you to topics as diverse as Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN), Voice over IP Connections (SIP / IAX), DAHDI, libpri, through to advanced call distribution, automated attendants, FreePBX, and asterCRM.With an engaging style and excellent way of presenting information, this book makes a complicated subject very easy to understand.
Implementing Lean Six Sigma in 30 Days
Implement the world's most powerful improvement Methodology in 30 DaysLean and Six Sigma are two of the most important developments to come out of management theory. On their own they offer clear strategies for improving efficiency and controlling quality; together they are an even more formidable prospect, providing organizations with a strategy that can bring in improvements in both, a task which can sometimes be a real challenge. Gopal Ranjan and Tanmay Vora, experienced in the fields of quality management and passionate about helping organizations drive improvement, present a clear strategy for implementing lean six sigma, giving you both the knowledge and the tools to drive improvement successfully.Implementing Lean Six Sigma structures the implementation process over a month, and gives you clear guidance on what to do and when. Beginning with the theoretical basics of Six Sigma, it then takes you through the various stages of a Lean Six Sigma improvement program, from defining and analyzing issues with efficiency and quality, to taking the steps that can get your organization the results it needs. Practical, knowledgeable and accessible, this guide will make Lean Six Sigma your improvement methodology of choiceHow can we improve? This is one of the most fundamental, but challenging, questions an organization can ask itself. It is never easy, but the ability to drive significant change that can bring positive results is immensely important for a business that wants to be successful in a rapidly growing market. Lean Six Sigma offers a way of answering this question, combining the approaches of both Lean and Six Sigma in a way that offers an opportunity for exponential improvement in a way that is manageable, flexible and sustainable. Spanning a month's implementation process, this book will take you on a Lean Six Sigma journey, where you will gain a clear understanding of the fundamental principles, and develop a clear perspective of the process as it unfolds. From defining the problems to be tackled, to their measurement and analysis, this book leads you towards the stage of innovation where you can take steps that ensure and sustain improvements.
CHENG MAN, Rik Goldman, Ken Hess
Proxmox VE 4.1 provides an open source, enterprise virtualization platform on which to host virtual servers as either virtual machines or containers.This book will support your practice of the requisite skills to successfully create, tailor, and deploy virtual machines and containers with Proxmox VE 4.1. Following a survey of PVE's features and characteristics,this book will contrast containers with virtual machines and establish cases for both. It walks through the installation of Proxmox VE, explores the creation of containers and virtual machines, and suggests best practices for virtual disk creation, network configuration, and Proxmox VE host and guest security.Throughout the book, you will navigate the Proxmox VE 4.1 web interface and explore options for command-linemanagement
Web API applications have become increasingly significant in recent years, fueled by the ever-accelerating pace of technological advancements. However, with this rapid evolution comes the need to create web API apps that are not only functional but also adaptable, maintainable, and scalable to meet the demands of users and businesses alike. This book draws from the author’s immense technical expertise and decades of experience in software development to help you address this challenge head-on, equipping you with the knowledge and skills required to develop web API apps from scratch.By providing a deeper understanding of the various protocols implemented by ASP.NET Core, including RESTful, SignalR (WebSocket), gRPC, and GraphQL, supplemented by practical examples and optimization techniques, such as using middleware, testing, caching, and logging, this book offers invaluable insights for both newcomers as well as seasoned developers to meet modern web development requirements. Additionally, you’ll discover how to use cloud platforms such as Azure and Azure DevOps to enhance the development and operational aspects of your application.By the end of this book, you’ll be fully prepared to undertake enterprise-grade web API projects with confidence, harnessing the latest advancements in ASP.NET Core 8 to drive innovation.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (CE) is one of the leading customer relationship management (CRM) solutions that help companies to effectively communicate with their customers and allows them to transform their marketing strategies. Complete with detailed explanations of the essential concepts and practical examples, this book will guide you through the entire life cycle of implementing Dynamics 365 CE for your organization or clients, and will help you avoid common pitfalls while increasing efficiency at every stage of the project. Starting with the foundational concepts, the book will gradually introduce you to Microsoft Dynamics 365 features, plans, and products. You’ll learn various implementation strategies and requirement gathering techniques, and then design the application architecture by converting your requirements into technical and functional designs. As you advance, you’ll learn how to configure your CRM system to meet your organizational needs, customize Dynamics 365 CE, and extend its capabilities by writing client-side and server-side code. Finally, you’ll integrate Dynamics 365 CE with other applications and explore its business intelligence capabilities. By the end of this Microsoft Dynamics 365 book, you’ll have gained an in-depth understanding of all the key components necessary for successful Dynamics 365 CE implementation.
Are you looking to use Vue.js 3 for building web apps but don't know where to begin?Frontend Development Projects with Vue.js 3 will help you get to grips with the core concepts of this JavaScript framework using practical examples that simulate real-world web projects. With this updated edition, you’ll experience all aspects of the new and improved Vue.js 3 as you work on mini projects such as a chat interface, a shopping cart, a price calculator, a to-do app, and a profile card generator for storing contact details. These realistic projects are presented as bite-size exercises that you can enjoy even as you challenge yourself.Throughout the book, you'll discover how to manage data in Vue components, define communication interfaces between components, and handle static and dynamic routing to control application flow. You'll also work with Vite and Vue DevTools and learn how to handle transition and animation effects for an engaging user experience. Finally, you’ll see how to test your app and deploy it to the web.By the end of this Vue.js book, you'll have the skills that enable you to work like an experienced Vue developer to build professional apps that can be used by others and have the confidence to tackle real-world frontend web development problems.