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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
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Kursy video
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Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
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Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Designing good looking, professional quality web templates or building your own website are rather complicated tasks, demanding a lot of technical and graphical expertise. Artisteer has changed this situation, enabling you to do it by yourself, without the need to learn skills such as HTML, web-programming languages, or drawing.Creating stunning Templates with Artisteer is a practical, step-by-step guide that will show you how you can prepare an elegant, professional looking website, on your own, using features of Artisteer. It also describes the process of designing templates for various popular CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla!, by giving you practical hints, showing how to install those templates and how to import the content into CMS. Creating stunning Templates with Artisteer leads you through the process of designing a website, including all standard layout elements, from header to the footer, including menus and special boxes. You will learn how to prepare the templates, store them and export them in the form of ready-to-use HTML pages or packages that can be installed in various CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, or DotNetNuke. The last part of the book shows you some tips and tricks that allow you to extend standard themes generated by Artisteer for enriching the website with image gallery, combining two menus, and more.You will learn how to create a professional quality website or CMS template on your own, with the use of Artisteer with minimal technical difficulties.
In modern applications, efficiency in both operational and analytical aspects is paramount, demanding predictable performance across varied workloads. This book introduces you to Redis Stack, an extension of Redis and guides you through its broad data modeling capabilities. With practical examples of real-time queries and searches, you’ll explore Redis Stack’s new approach to providing a rich data modeling experience all within the same database server.You’ll learn how to model and search your data in the JSON and hash data types and work with features such as vector similarity search, which adds semantic search capabilities to your applications to search for similar texts, images, or audio files. The book also shows you how to use the probabilistic Bloom filters to efficiently resolve recurrent big data problems. As you uncover the strengths of Redis Stack as a data platform, you’ll explore use cases for managing database events and leveraging introduce stream processing features. Finally, you’ll see how Redis Stack seamlessly integrates into microservices architectures, completing the picture.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with best practices for administering and managing the server, ensuring scalability, high availability, data integrity, stored functions, and more.
Joey D'Antoni, Louis Davidson, Allan Hirt, John Martin, ...
Deploying SQL Server on Azure virtual machines allows you to work on full versions of SQL Server in the cloud without having to maintain on-premises hardware. The book begins by introducing you to the SQL portfolio in Azure and takes you through SQL Server IaaS scenarios, before explaining the factors that you need to consider while choosing an OS for SQL Server in Azure VMs. As you progress through the book, you'll explore different VM options and deployment choices for IaaS and understand platform availability, migration tools, and best practices in Azure. In later chapters, you'll learn how to configure storage to achieve optimized performance. Finally, you'll get to grips with the concept of Azure Hybrid Benefit and find out how you can use it to maximize the value of your existing on-premises SQL Server.By the end of this book, you'll be proficient in administering SQL Server on Microsoft Azure and leveraging the tools required for its deployment.
The TensorFlow Developer Certificate Guide is an indispensable resource for machine learning enthusiasts and data professionals seeking to master TensorFlow and validate their skills by earning the certification. This practical guide equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary to build robust deep learning models that effectively tackle real-world challenges across diverse industries.You’ll embark on a journey of skill acquisition through easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations and practical examples, mastering the craft of building sophisticated models using TensorFlow 2.x and overcoming common hurdles such as overfitting and data augmentation. With this book, you’ll discover a wide range of practical applications, including computer vision, natural language processing, and time series prediction.To prepare you for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam, it offers comprehensive coverage of exam topics, including image classification, natural language processing (NLP), and time series analysis. With the TensorFlow certification, you’ll be primed to tackle a broad spectrum of business problems and advance your career in the exciting field of machine learning. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, this guide will propel you to achieve your aspirations and become a highly skilled TensorFlow professional.
Learning Splunk Web Framework. Create, extend and publish real time Splunk applications
Building rich applications on the Web using Splunk is now simpler than ever before with the Splunk Web Framework. It empowers developers to build their own web applications with custom dashboards, tables, charts, form searches, and other functionalities in the datasets at their disposal. The book will start with the fundamentals of the Splunk Web Framework, teaching you the secrets of building interesting and user-friendly applications. In the first application, you will learn to analyze and monitor traffic hitting the NASA website and learn to create dashboards for it. You will then learn additional, and more detailed, techniques to enhance the functionalities of the app such as dashboards and forms, editing simple XML, using simple XML extensions, tokens, post-process searches, dynamic drill-downs, the Splunk Web Framework and REST API, and much more. The second app will use historical stock market data and will create custom dashboards using Splunk Web Framework; the book will now cover important topics such as creating HTML dashboards, enhancing the visual appeal of the app using CSS, and moving your app with SplunkJS.The book will provide different and interesting examples instead of the usual “Log, Index, Search, and Graph” so that Splunk will be the first tool readers think of to resolve a problem.
Simon Aubury, Ned Letcher, Kris Jenkins
DuckDB is a fast in-process analytical database. Getting Started with DuckDB offers a practical overview of its usage. You'll learn to load, transform, and query various data formats, including CSV, JSON, and Parquet. The book covers DuckDB's optimizations, SQL enhancements, and extensions for specialized applications. Working with examples in SQL, Python, and R, you'll explore analyzing public datasets and discover tools enhancing DuckDB workflows. This guide suits both experienced and new data practitioners, quickly equipping you to apply DuckDB's capabilities in analytical projects. You'll gain proficiency in using DuckDB for diverse tasks, enabling effective integration into your data workflows.
Unity is the most exciting and popular engine used for developing games. With its 2018 release, Unity has become the primary source of both game development and virtual reality content.In Unity 2018 By Example, you’ll learn how to use Unity in order to make amazing games from popular genres - from action shooters to mind-bending puzzle games to adventure and Virtual Reality (VR) games. Even if you have no previous experience of using Unity, this book will help you understand the toolsets it provides in depth. In addition to this, you'll understand how to create time-critical collection games, twin-stick space shooters, platformers, and action-fest games with intelligent enemies. Finally, you'll get to grips with creating VR games with the new toolsets introduced by Unity to help you develop amazing VR experiences.To make things easier, you will be provided with step-by-step tutorials for making five great games in Unity 2018, along with a detailed explanation of all the fundamental concepts. By the end of this book, you’ll have established a strong foundation in making games with Unity 2018.
Clean Code in Python. Develop maintainable and efficient code - Second Edition
Experienced professionals in every field face several instances of disorganization, poor readability, and testability due to unstructured code.With updated code and revised content aligned to the new features of Python 3.9, this second edition of Clean Code in Python will provide you with all the tools you need to overcome these obstacles and manage your projects successfully.The book begins by describing the basic elements of writing clean code and how it plays a key role in Python programming. You will learn about writing efficient and readable code using the Python standard library and best practices for software design.The book discusses object-oriented programming in Python and shows you how to use objects with descriptors and generators. It will also show you the design principles of software testing and how to resolve problems by implementing software design patterns in your code. In the concluding chapter, we break down a monolithic application into a microservices-based one starting from the code as the basis for a solid platform.By the end of this clean code book, you will be proficient in applying industry-approved coding practices to design clean, sustainable, and readable real-world Python code.
Cacti 0.8 Beginner's Guide. Learn Cacti and design a robust Network Operations Center
Cacti is a performance measurement tool that provides easy methods and functions for gathering and graphing system data. You can use Cacti to develop a robust event management system that can alert on just about anything you would like it to. But to do that, you need to gain a solid understanding of the basics of Cacti, its plugin architecture, and automation concepts.Cacti 0.8 Beginner's Guide will introduce you to the wide variety of features of Cacti and will guide you on how to use them for maximum effectiveness. Advanced topics like the plugin architecture and Cacti automation using the command-line interface will help you build a professional performance measurement system.Designed as a beginner's guide, the book starts off with the basics of installing and using Cacti, and also covers the advanced topics that will show you how to customize and extend the core Cacti functionalities. The book offers essential tutorials for creating advanced graphs and using plugins to create enterprise-class reports to show your customers and colleagues.From data templates to input methods and plugin installation to creating your own customized plugins, this book provides you with a rich selection of step-by-step instructions to reach your goals. It covers all you need to know to implement professional performance measurement techniques with Cacti and ways to fully customize Cacti to fit your needs.By the end of the book, you will be able to implement and extend Cacti to monitor, display, and report the performance of your network exactly the way you want.
Discover how Python has made algorithmic trading accessible to non-professionals with unparalleled expertise and practical insights from Jason Strimpel, founder of PyQuant News and a seasoned professional with global experience in trading and risk management. This book guides you through from the basics of quantitative finance and data acquisition to advanced stages of backtesting and live trading.Detailed recipes will help you leverage the cutting-edge OpenBB SDK to gather freely available data for stocks, options, and futures, and build your own research environment using lightning-fast storage techniques like SQLite, HDF5, and ArcticDB. This book shows you how to use SciPy and statsmodels to identify alpha factors and hedge risk, and construct momentum and mean-reversion factors. You’ll optimize strategy parameters with walk-forward optimization using VectorBT and construct a production-ready backtest using Zipline Reloaded. Implementing all that you’ve learned, you’ll set up and deploy your algorithmic trading strategies in a live trading environment using the Interactive Brokers API, allowing you to stream tick-level data, submit orders, and retrieve portfolio details.By the end of this algorithmic trading book, you'll not only have grasped the essential concepts but also the practical skills needed to implement and execute sophisticated trading strategies using Python.
As classrooms make the push toward a paperless environment, Edmodo provides you with an easy-to-use system to manage your classes, and creates an opportunity for you to participate in and create a space for your own personal learning network.A practical, guided instructional set to implement the full capabilities of Edmodo in a more engaging and connected online classroom environment. Whether you are a new or veteran Edmodo user, this guide will provide the instructions necessary to navigate the simplest and most advanced features of this system.You will learn how to turn your classroom into a paperless environment that can be managed from anywhere and at anytime. The space that you create for your students on Edmodo will provide you and your students with the ability to access class content and engage in online discussions long after the bell rings.Instant Edmodo How-to will help you establish a more connected classroom that links your face-to-face environment with a more global personal learning network that challenges you to grow as an educator.