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Web development
Metabase is an open source business intelligence tool that helps you use data to answer questions about your business. This book will give you a detailed introduction to using Metabase in your organization to get the most value from your data.You’ll start by installing and setting up Metabase on your local computer. You’ll then progress to handling the administration aspect of Metabase by learning how to configure and deploy Metabase, manage accounts, and execute administrative tasks such as adding users and creating permissions and metadata. Complete with examples and detailed instructions, this book shows you how to create different visualizations, charts, and dashboards to gain insights from your data. As you advance, you’ll learn how to share the results with peers in your organization and cover production-related aspects such as embedding Metabase and auditing performance. Throughout the book, you’ll explore the entire data analytics process—from connecting your data sources, visualizing data, and creating dashboards through to daily reporting.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to implement Metabase as an integral tool in your organization.
Mokhtar Ebrahim, Andrew Mallett
In this book, you’ll discover everything you need to know to master shell scripting and make informed choices about the elements you employ.Grab your favorite editor and start writing your best Bash scripts step by step. Get to grips with the fundamentals of creating and running a script in normal mode, and in debug mode. Learn about various conditional statements' code snippets, and realize the power of repetition and loops in your shell script. You will also learn to write complex shell scripts. This book will also deep dive into file system administration, directories, and system administration like networking, process management, user authentications, and package installation and regular expressions. Towards the end of the book, you will learn how to use Python as a BASH Scripting alternative. By the end of this book, you will know shell scripts at the snap of your fingers and will be able to automate and communicate with your system with keyboard expressions.
Vanesa S. Olsen, Vanesa Soledad Olsen, Moodle Trust
Moodle is a free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. But what does it have to offer to the children with special educational needs who want a fun, inspiring, interactive, and informative learning experience? Moodle 1.9 empowers educators achieve all these set of rich experiences with many related activities - this book shows you how!This book offers solutions to developing interactive courses and therapies for children with special education needs who are between the age group of 5 to 10 years. It teaches to combine Moodle 1.9 with the opportunities offered by Web 2.0, free and commercial software, and general purpose hardware devices. This book will guide the reader step-by-step in using many different tools to create exciting experiences to offer great motivation to children with special educational needs, considering the opportunities for online education.This book will help the reader to build interactive and rich online content oriented to children with special educational needs using different techniques and open source tools. It teaches you to create exercises as if you were playing with children at the school, the zoo, the beach, the supermarket, a birthday party, an aquarium, a farm, at the shopping, a circus or at home. You will be able to work with drawings, music, sounds, videos, photographs and text, and you will combine all these pieces into nice experiences for children who need to find extra motivation to improve their learning skills.Besides, it will teach you to take advantage of general purpose, non-expensive hardware like gamepads, joysticks, digital pens also known as pen-sketches, multi-touch screens, netbooks and touchpads. The usage of some of these hardware devices combined with visually rich activities usually offer children an extra motivation to focus on solving the exercises.
Learning Vue.js 2. Learn how to build amazing reactive web applications easily with Vue.js
Vue.js is one of the latest new frameworks to have piqued the interest of web developers due to its reactivity, reusable components, and ease of use.This book shows developers how to leverage its features to build high-performing, reactive web interfaces with Vue.js. From the initial structuring to full deployment, this book provides step-by-step guidance to developing an interactive web interface from scratch with Vue.js.You will start by building a simple application in Vue.js which will let you observe its features in action. Delving into more complex concepts, you will learn about reactive data binding, reusable components, plugins, filters, and state management with Vuex. This book will also teach you how to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js. By the time you finish this book you will have built, tested, and deployed a complete reactive application in Vue.js from scratch.
Deepu K Sasidharan, Sendil Kumar Nellaiyapen, Matt Raible
JHipster is an open source development platform that allows you to easily create web apps and microservices from scratch without spending time on wiring and integrating different technologies. Updated to include JHipster 6, Java 11, Spring Boot 2.1, Vue.js, and Istio, this second edition of Full Stack Development with JHipster will help you build full stack applications and microservices seamlessly.You'll start by understanding JHipster and its associated tools, along with the essentials of full stack development, before building a monolithic web app. You'll then learn the JHipster Domain Language (JDL) with entity modeling using JDL-Studio. With this book, you'll create production-ready web apps using Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Angular, and Bootstrap, and run tests and set up continuous integration pipelines with Jenkins. As you advance, you'll learn how to convert your monoliths to microservices and how to package your application for production with various deployment options, including Heroku and Google Cloud. You'll also learn about Docker and Kubernetes, along with an introduction to the Istio service mesh. Finally, you'll build your client-side with React and Vue.js and discover JHipster's best practices.By the end of the book, you'll be able to leverage the best tools available to build modern web apps.
Python 3 is more versatile and easier to use than ever. It runs on all major platforms in a huge array of use cases. Coding in Python minimizes development time and increases productivity in comparison to other languages. Clean, maintainable code is easy to both read and write using Python's clear, concise syntax.Object-oriented programming is a popular design paradigm in which data and behaviors are encapsulated in such a way that they can be manipulated together. Many modern programming languages utilize the powerful concepts behind object-oriented programming and Python is no exception.Starting with a detailed analysis of object-oriented analysis and design, you will use the Python programming language to clearly grasp key concepts from the object-oriented paradigm. This book fully explains classes, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed software.You'll get an in-depth analysis of many common object-oriented design patterns that are more suitable to Python's unique style. This book will not just teach Python syntax, but will also build your confidence in how to program.You will also learn how to create maintainable applications by studying higher level design patterns. Following this, you'll learn the complexities of string and file manipulation, and how Python distinguishes between binary and textual data. Not one, but two very powerful automated testing systems will be introduced in the book. After you discover the joy of unit testing and just how easy it can be, you'll study higher level libraries such as database connectors and GUI toolkits and learn how they uniquely apply object-oriented principles. You'll learn how these principles will allow you to make greater use of key members of the Python eco-system such as Django and Kivy.This new edition includes all the topics that made Python 3 Object-oriented Programming an instant Packt classic. It's also packed with updated content to reflect recent changes in the core Python library and covers modern third-party packages that were not available on the Python 3 platform when the book was first published.
Onur Yilmaz, Sathsara Sarathchandra
Kubernetes has established itself as the standard platform for container management, orchestration, and deployment. By learning Kubernetes, you’ll be able to design your own serverless architecture by implementing the function-as-a-service (FaaS) model.After an accelerated, hands-on overview of the serverless architecture and various Kubernetes concepts, you’ll cover a wide range of real-world development challenges faced by real-world developers, and explore various techniques to overcome them. You’ll learn how to create production-ready Kubernetes clusters and run serverless applications on them. You'll see how Kubernetes platforms and serverless frameworks such as Kubeless, Apache OpenWhisk and OpenFaaS provide the tooling to help you develop serverless applications on Kubernetes. You'll also learn ways to select the appropriate framework for your upcoming project. By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills and confidence to design your own serverless applications using the power and flexibility of Kubernetes.
John Carey, Shreyans Doshi, Payas Rajan
C++ is a mature multi-paradigm programming language that enables you to write high-level code with a high degree of control over the hardware. Today, significant parts of software infrastructure, including databases, browsers, multimedia frameworks, and GUI toolkits, are written in C++.This book starts by introducing C++ data structures and how to store data using linked lists, arrays, stacks, and queues. In later chapters, the book explains the basic algorithm design paradigms, such as the greedy approach and the divide-and-conquer approach, which are used to solve a large variety of computational problems. Finally, you will learn the advanced technique of dynamic programming to develop optimized implementations of several algorithms discussed in the book.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to implement standard data structures and algorithms in efficient and scalable C++ 14 code.
Oracle ADF in combination with JDeveloper IDE offers visual and declarative approaches to enterprise application development. This book will teach you to build scalable rich enterprise applications using the ADF Framework, with the help of many real world examples.Oracle ADF is a powerful application framework for building next generation enterprise applications. The book is a practical guide for the ADF framework and discusses how to use Oracle ADF for building rich enterprise applications.Oracle ADF Real World Developer's Guide discusses ADF framework in detail. This book contains a lot of real life examples which will help developers to design and develop successful enterprise applications.This book starts off by introducing the development environment and JDeveloper design time features. As you read forward, you will learn to build a full stack enterprise application using ADF. You will learn how to build business services using ADF, enable validation for the data model, declaratively build user interfaces for business service and enable security across application layers.
Data Visualization: Representing Information on Modern Web. Click here to enter text
Simon Timms, Andy Kirk, Aendrew Rininsland, Swizec Teller
Do you want to create more attractive charts? Or do you have huge data sets and need to unearth the key insights in a visual manner? Data visualization is the representation and presentation of data, using proven design techniques to bring alive the patterns, stories, and key insights that are locked away.This learning path is divided into three modules. The first module will equip you with the key techniques required to overcome contemporary data visualization challenges. In the second module, Social Data Visualization with HTML5 and JavaScript, it teaches you how to leverage HTML5 techniques through JavaScript to build visualizations.In third module, Learning d3.js Data Visualization, will lead you to D3, which has emerged as one of the leading platforms to develop beautiful, interactive visualizations over the web. By the end of this course, you will have unlocked the mystery behind successful data visualizations.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Data Visualization: a successful design process by Andy Kirk? Social Data Visualization with HTML5 and JavaScript by Simon Timms? Learning d3.js Data Visualization, Second Edition by Ændrew Rininsland and Swizec Teller