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Web development
React Components. Explore the power of React components for cutting-edge web development
The reader will learn how to use React and its component-based architecture in order to develop modern user interfaces. A new holistic way of thinking about UI development will establish throughout this book and the reader will discover the power of React components with many examples. After reading the book and following the example application, the reader has built a small to a mid-size application with React using a component based UI architecture. The book will take the reader through a journey to discover the benefits of component-based user interfaces over the classical MVC architecture. Throughout the book, the reader will develop a wide range of components and then bring them together to build a component-based UI. By the end of this book, readers would have learned several techniques to build powerful components and how the component-based development is beneficial over regular web development.
Prabhakar Chaganti, Rich Helms, Richard Helms
SimpleDB is a highly scalable, simple-to-use, and inexpensive database in the cloud from Amazon Web Services. But in order to use SimpleDB, you really have to change your mindset. This isn't a traditional relational database; in fact it's not relational at all. For developers who have experience working with relational databases, this may lead to misconceptions as to how SimpleDB works.This practical book aims to address your preconceptions on how SimpleDB will work for you. You will be quickly led through the differences between relational databases and SimpleDB, and the implications of using SimpleDB. Throughout this book, there is an emphasis on demonstrating key concepts with practical examples for Java, PHP, and Python developers.You will be introduced to this massively scalable schema-less key-value data store: what it is, how it works, and why it is such a game-changer. You will then explore the basic functionality offered by SimpleDB including querying, code samples, and a lot more. This book will help you deploy services outside the Amazon cloud and access them from any web host.You will see how SimpleDB gives you the freedom to focus on application development. As you work through this book you will be able to optimize the performance of your applications using parallel operations, caching with memcache, asynchronous operations, and more.
Series Editor: Carl Jones, Balaji Kithiganahalli, Mike Oryszak, Yaroslav Pentsarskyy, ...
The SharePoint platform is ideal for developers looking to build exciting solutions, and SharePoint 2010 is more equipped than ever for the task. While plenty of SharePoint titles will help you understand general SharePoint development techniques or spend time focusing on one method or tool, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint offers you the option of using four different tools and platforms to achieve exceptional end user experience.This book fills the gap for a comprehensive SharePoint title which describes the end goal of a SharePoint developer. So often books focus on development techniques for one tool; this will get you on your way to developing a good business website with a great user experience, however, you choose to get there, be it using PowerShell, Visual Studio, Silverlight, Windows 7 Phone, or a combination of all four.Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint draws from five separate titles from Packt's existing collection of excellent SharePoint titles:Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0: Expert Cookbook Microsoft Silverlight 4 and SharePoint 2010 IntegrationMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010 Expert CookbookMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Applications on Windows Phone 7Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Business Application Development BlueprintsMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint is an exciting mash-up of five existing Packt SharePoint titles for extending development techniques.It begins with two never before seen Packt chapters from an exciting new title, giving you a quick overview of the options available for extending SharePoint. It then moves on quickly to building a community site and discusses PowerShell scripting, as well as integrating Silverlight animations and helping you get to grips with SharePoint development on Windows Phone.With this book in hand you won't just find techniques for one development tool, you'll learn how to reach your end goal of developing a site with great user experience using a number of options at your fingertips.
Applying Deepfakes will allow you to tackle a wide range of scenarios creatively.Learning from experienced authors will help you to intuitively understand what is going on inside the model. You’ll learn what deepfakes are and what makes them different from other machine learning techniques, and understand the entire process from beginning to end, from finding faces to preparing them, training the model, and performing the final swap.We’ll discuss various uses for face replacement before we begin building our own pipeline. Spending some extra time thinking about how you collect your input data can make a huge difference to the quality of the final video. We look at the importance of this data and guide you with simple concepts to understand what your data needs to really be successful.No discussion of deepfakes can avoid discussing the controversial, unethical uses for which the technology initially became known. We’ll go over some potential issues, and talk about the value that deepfakes can bring to a variety of educational and artistic use cases, from video game avatars to filmmaking.By the end of the book, you’ll understand what deepfakes are, how they work at a fundamental level, and how to apply those techniques to your own needs.
Previously, users had to rely on different documents and methodologies to derive efficient results when it came to lead nurturing and sale closures. HubSpot enables users to access all of this in one place and create automated detailed reports, saving a lot of time, money, and resources.Easy step-by-step procedures start you off with attracting more visitors to your website, managing your campaigns, and converting them into sales. This practical guide is packed with end-to-end topics that are required for a user to customize their HubSpot dashboard with ease.The book covers the entire range of topics about HubSpot, right from adding multiple users to your HubSpot account to connecting your domain to HubSpot, managing your e-mail marketing campaigns, monitoring competition, applying SEO to your website, and so on. This book will provide you with all the support and methodology you need through quick tasks that will transform your online marketing experience.
Contributions by Sagar Patel, Jeremy Roland, Sagar Patel
Mudbox 2013 Cookbook covers a variety of techniques that can be used to bring your imagination to life. You will be able to create detailed characters and environments like the ones found in games, movies, and on television. Each recipe is one more building block towards digitally sculpting your ideas into reality.Mudbox 2013 Cookbook is written in recipes so that you can refer back to it whenever you seek help. The advanced techniques described in this book cover the whole spectrum of Mudbox's capabilities. With this book you will learn the foundational techniques in using Mudbox as well as more advanced onesMudbox 2013 Cookbook will guide the reader step by step through the process of creating brushes, sculpting, 3d painting, lighting assets, extracting normal maps, and many other techniques. If a recipe is too advanced for you then you can visit the suggested recipes listed at the end of the recipe to learn supporting techniques. Supporting images are used for readers who understand things more visually. Each recipe is rated for difficulty so that you can find techniques that line up with your skill level. Once you complete the beginner and intermediate recipes you will be able to move on to the more advanced recipes.
D3.js is a JavaScript library designed to display digital data in dynamic graphical form. It helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3 allows great control over the final visual result, and it is the hottest and most powerful web-based data visualization technology on the market today.Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook is packed with practical recipes to help you learn every aspect of data visualization with D3.Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook is designed to provide you with all the guidance you need to get to grips with data visualization with D3. With this book, you will create breathtaking data visualization with professional efficiency and precision with the help of practical recipes, illustrations, and code samples.Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook starts off by touching upon data visualization and D3 basics before gradually taking you through a number of practical recipes covering a wide range of topics you need to know about D3.You will learn the fundamental concepts of data visualization, functional JavaScript, and D3 fundamentals including element selection, data binding, animation, and SVG generation. You will also learn how to leverage more advanced techniques such as custom interpolators, custom tweening, timers, the layout manager, force manipulation, and so on. This book also provides a number of pre-built chart recipes with ready-to-go sample code to help you bootstrap quickly.
Andrew Fawcett, Daniel J. Peter
Salesforce makes architecting enterprise grade applications easy and secure – but you'll need guidance to leverage its full capabilities and deliver top-notch products for your customers.This fourth edition brings practical guidance to the table, taking you on a journey through building and shipping enterprise-grade apps.This guide will teach you advanced application architectural design patterns such as separation of concerns, unit testing, and dependency injection. You'll also get to grips with Apex and fflib, create scalable services with Java, Node.js, and other languages using Salesforce Functions and Heroku, and find new ways to test Lightning UIs. These key topics, alongside a new chapter on exploring asynchronous processing features, are unique to this edition. You'll also benefit from an extensive case study based on how the Salesforce Platform delivers solutions.By the end of this Salesforce book, whether you are looking to publish the next amazing application on AppExchange or build packaged applications for your organization, you will be prepared with the latest innovations on the platform.
Damian Wojsław, Grzegorz Adamowicz
The Linux DevOps Handbook is a comprehensive resource that caters to both novice and experienced professionals, ensuring a strong foundation in Linux. This book will help you understand how Linux serves as a cornerstone of DevOps, offering the flexibility, stability, and scalability essential for modern software development and operations.You’ll begin by covering Linux distributions, intermediate Linux concepts, and shell scripting to get to grips with automating tasks and streamlining workflows. You’ll then progress to mastering essential day-to-day tools for DevOps tasks. As you learn networking in Linux, you’ll be equipped with connection establishment and troubleshooting skills. You’ll also learn how to use Git for collaboration and efficient code management.The book guides you through Docker concepts for optimizing your DevOps workflows and moves on to advanced DevOps practices, such as monitoring, tracing, and distributed logging. You’ll work with Terraform and GitHub to implement continuous integration (CI)/continuous deployment (CD) pipelines and employ Atlantis for automated software delivery. Additionally, you’ll identify common DevOps pitfalls and strategies to avoid them.By the end of this book, you’ll have built a solid foundation in Linux fundamentals, practical tools, and advanced practices, all contributing to your enhanced Linux skills and successful DevOps implementation.
Apache Spark is a unified data analytics engine designed to process huge volumes of data quickly and efficiently. PySpark is Apache Spark's Python language API, which offers Python developers an easy-to-use scalable data analytics framework.Essential PySpark for Scalable Data Analytics starts by exploring the distributed computing paradigm and provides a high-level overview of Apache Spark. You'll begin your analytics journey with the data engineering process, learning how to perform data ingestion, cleansing, and integration at scale. This book helps you build real-time analytics pipelines that help you gain insights faster. You'll then discover methods for building cloud-based data lakes, and explore Delta Lake, which brings reliability to data lakes. The book also covers Data Lakehouse, an emerging paradigm, which combines the structure and performance of a data warehouse with the scalability of cloud-based data lakes. Later, you'll perform scalable data science and machine learning tasks using PySpark, such as data preparation, feature engineering, and model training and productionization. Finally, you'll learn ways to scale out standard Python ML libraries along with a new pandas API on top of PySpark called Koalas.By the end of this PySpark book, you'll be able to harness the power of PySpark to solve business problems.
All of the data entered into a CRM means nothing if it is unable to report the important information to our managers and executives in such a way that they can easily and quickly get the results they need. A better reporting system would enable them to make the necessary improvements to the processes that any business needs in a dynamic business world.For users and developers wishing to take advantage of using the report capabilities of Dynamics CRM, this is the book for you.Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting is a practical and excellent reference guide that provides you with a number of different options you can use to create and empower the Reporting capabilities of Dynamics CRM. This will give you a good grounding in using the reports in your Dynamics CRM 2011 implementations.This book looks at all the different options we can use to create reports in Dynamics CRM 2011, starting with SQL Reporting Services and custom reports, created in either CRM Report Wizard, SQL Report Builder, or Visual Studio. It will also show other options we can use such as dashboards, charts, and different ways to optimize and automate reports.We will also learn how to build our own reports either using the different wizards for basic reports or using Visual Studio for more complex reports. We will explore the options mobile CRM users have who want to run and see reports on these mobile devices.
With iOS 6, Apple introduced the Passbook app as a central digital wallet for all the store cards, coupons, boarding passes, and event tickets that have become a popular feature of apps. The passes in Passbook can be tied to relevant locations and times, providing additional visibility for your brand or service.Instant Passbook App Development for iOS How-to is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create, customize, deliver, and update a pass for Passbook, the newest and most exciting iOS 6 feature. With sample code and clear instructions you will be guided through the process and helped to avoid the pitfalls.Instant Passbook App Development for iOS How-to helps you understand Apple's Passbook feature, leading you through creating and distributing your first pass. Clear step-by-step instructions, along with sample code and resources, will get you up and running so you can integrate Passbook into your app or service. With this book you will learn how to create, customize, sign, deliver, and update your Passbook pass, with the help of sample code and clear instructions.
Web Development with Blazor. A hands-on guide for .NET developers to build interactive UIs with C#
Jimmy Engström Engström, Jeff Fritz
Blazor is an essential tool if you want to build interactive web apps without JS, but it comes with its own learning curve. Web Development with Blazor will help you overcome most common challenges developers face when getting started with Blazor and teach you the best coding practices.You’ll start by learning how to leverage the power of Blazor and explore the full capabilities of both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.Then you’ll move on to the practical part, which is centred around a sample project – a blog engine. This is where you’ll apply all your newfound knowledge about creating Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly projects, the inner working of Razor syntax, and validating forms, as well as creating your own components. You’ll learn all the key concepts involved in web development with Blazor, which you’ll also be able to put into practice straight away.By showing you how all the components work together practically, this book will help you avoid some of the common roadblocks that novice Blazor developers face and inspire you to start experimenting with Blazor on your other projects.When you reach the end of this Blazor book, you'll have gained the confidence you need to create and deploy production-ready Blazor applications.