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Drupal 8: Enterprise Web Development. Build, manage, extend, and customize Drupal 8 websites
Matt Glaman, Richard Jones, Chaz Chumley, Nick Abbott
This Drupal 8 course takes you through the journey of building, extending, and customizing websites to build highly scalable and enterprise-ready websites.The first part—Learning Drupal 8—takes you step by step through building a Drupal 8 website. You will start with the basics, such as setting up a local “stack” development environment and installing your first Drupal 8 site, then we move on to image and media handling and extending Drupal modules. This section will help you get to grips with the modular nature of Drupal, and you’ll learn how to extend it by adding new functionalities to create your new modules. After learning to develop and manage a modern and responsive website using Drupal 8, you’ll start exploring different techniques to take advantage of the new Drupal 8 features. The next module—Drupal 8 Development Cookbook—is your go-to guide to experimenting with all of Drupal 8’s features through helpful recipes. You will explore techniques to customize and configure the Drupal environment, create blocks and custom modules, as well as make your web apps responsive by harnessing the mobile-first feature of Drupal 8. This module will also show you how to incorporate multilingual facilities in your sites, use web services and third-party plugins with your applications from inside Drupal 8, and test and deploy your apps. In the third part—Drupal 8 Theming with Twig—you will master Drupal 8’s new Twig templating engine to customize the look and feel of your website. This section will walk you through a real-world project to create a Twig theme from concept to completion while adopting best practices to implement CSS frameworks and JavaScript libraries. You will see just how quick and easy it is to create beautiful, responsive Drupal 8 websites while avoiding the common mistakes that many front-end developers make. By the end, you will have learned how to develop, manage, extend, and customize an enterprise-level website.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: • Learning Drupal 8 by Nick Abbott and Richard Jones • Drupal 8 Development Cookbook by Matt Glaman• Drupal 8 Theming with Twig by Chaz Chumley
With an increase in the number of organizations deploying RPA solutions, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is quickly becoming the most desired skill set for both developers starting their career and seasoned professionals. This book will show you how to use Automation Anywhere A2019, one of the leading platforms used widely for RPA.Starting with an introduction to RPA and Automation Anywhere, the book will guide you through the registration, installation, and configuration of the Bot agent and Control Room. With the help of easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll build your first bot and discover how you can automate tasks with Excel, Word, emails, XML, and PDF files. You’ll learn from practical examples based on real-world business scenarios, and gain insights into building more robust and resilient bots, executing external scripts such as VBScripts and Python, and adding error handling routines.By the end of this RPA book, you’ll have developed the skills required to install and configure an RPA platform confidently and have a solid understanding of how to build complex and robust, yet performant, bots.
Brian Christian, Steven Isaacs
This book is excellent resource for developers with any level of experience of GameMaker. At the start, we’ll provide an overview of the basic use of GameMaker: Studio, and show you how to set up a basic game where you handle input and collisions in a top-down perspective game.We continue on to showcase its more advanced features via six different example projects. The first example game demonstrates platforming with file I/O, followed by animation, views, and multiplayer networking. The next game illustrates AI and particle systems, while the final one will get you started with the built-in Box2D physics engine. By the end of this book, you have mastered lots of powerful techniques that can be utilized in various 2D games.
Given the nature of the business environment today, organizations that want to build value-added enterprise PHP applications need a team of PHP people rather than an individual. You've got a team! What next? Customizing such applications to meet with organizational objectives and maintaining these applications over time can be quite a tedious task for your team with so many people involved.In this book, you will explore how you can break up complex PHP projects into simple sub-parts that multiple team members can work on. The book highlights the use of the MVC pattern for separating concerns in the application and agile principles to deliver code that works. You will learn to blend the simplicity and power of PHP with evolving software engineering principles and tools to easily develop code that is easy to maintain. With this book in hand, you know how to avoid getting muddled up while working in a team and achieve success on your project with effective team work.Organizations choose PHP as the preferred language for complex web applications because it is battle tested, hardened over time, and proven to work. Thus, chances of the software project you are involved with being PHP-based, are very high. Soon, you will need to explore the technical as well as non-technical aspects that are important to achieve success in PHP team projects of this kind. This book starts by explaining the need for teams working on complex software projects. You learn how you can divide the complexity of PHP projects with the help of the MVC pattern and the use of frameworks. It then discusses the need for a process and how you can choose the right process. It teaches you how to use agile principles to deliver working software for customers, and how to make sure that the team collaborates effectively. Towards the end, the book emphasizes continuous improvement in process and product as well as the people involved. You learn how to ensure that your team is open to change and user feedback, and has the right mindset about quality and other project-related aspects.
Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform using an event driven, non-blocking I/O model allowing users to build fast and scalable data-intensive applications running in real time. Node.js Web Development shows JavaScript is not just for browser-side applications. It can be used for server-side web application development, real-time applications, microservices, and much more.This book gives you an excellent starting point, bringing you straight to the heart of developing web applications with Node.js. You will progress from a rudimentary knowledge of JavaScript and server-side development to being able to create and maintain your own Node.js application. With this book you'll learn how to use the HTTP Server and Client objects, data storage with both SQL and MongoDB databases, real-time applications with Socket.IO, mobile-first theming with Bootstrap, microservice deployment with Docker, authenticating against third-party services using OAuth, and much more.
AshishSingh Bhatia, Richard M. Reese
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows you to take any sentence and identify patterns, special names, company names, and more. The second edition of Natural Language Processing with Java teaches you how to perform language analysis with the help of Java libraries, while constantly gaining insights from the outcomes.You’ll start by understanding how NLP and its various concepts work. Having got to grips with the basics, you’ll explore important tools and libraries in Java for NLP, such as CoreNLP, OpenNLP, Neuroph, and Mallet. You’ll then start performing NLP on different inputs and tasks, such as tokenization, model training, parts-of-speech and parsing trees. You’ll learn about statistical machine translation, summarization, dialog systems, complex searches, supervised and unsupervised NLP, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned more about NLP, neural networks, and various other trained models in Java for enhancing the performance of NLP applications.
Windows Server 2019 is the latest version of Microsoft’s flagship server operating system. It also comes with PowerShell Version 5.1 and offers a number of additional features that IT professionals will find useful. This book is designed to help you learn how to use PowerShell and manage the core roles, features, and services of Windows Server 2019.You will begin by creating a PowerShell Administrative Environment that features updated versions of PowerShell, the Windows Management Framework, .NET Framework, and third-party modules. Next, you will learn to use PowerShell to set up and configure Windows Server 2019 networking and understand how to manage objects in the Active Directory (AD) environment. The book will also guide you in setting up a host to utilize containers and deploying containers. Further along, you will be able to implement different mechanisms to achieve Desired State Configuration. The book will then get you up to speed with Azure infrastructure, in addition to helping you get to grips with setting up virtual machines (VMs), websites, and file share on Azure. In the concluding chapters, you will be able to deploy some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server 2019.By the end of this book, you will be equipped with a number of useful tips and tricks to automate your Windows environment with PowerShell.
Cloud Scale Analytics with Azure Data Services. Build modern data warehouses on Microsoft Azure
Azure Data Lake, the modern data warehouse architecture, and related data services on Azure enable organizations to build their own customized analytical platform to fit any analytical requirements in terms of volume, speed, and quality.This book is your guide to learning all the features and capabilities of Azure data services for storing, processing, and analyzing data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured) of any size. You will explore key techniques for ingesting and storing data and perform batch, streaming, and interactive analytics. The book also shows you how to overcome various challenges and complexities relating to productivity and scaling. Next, you will be able to develop and run massive data workloads to perform different actions. Using a cloud-based big data-modern data warehouse-analytics setup, you will also be able to build secure, scalable data estates for enterprises. Finally, you will not only learn how to develop a data warehouse but also understand how to create enterprise-grade security and auditing big data programs.By the end of this Azure book, you will have learned how to develop a powerful and efficient analytical platform to meet enterprise needs.
Cloud technologies have made identity and access the new control plane for securing data. Without proper planning and discipline in deploying, monitoring, and managing identity and access for users, administrators, and guests, you may be compromising your infrastructure and data. This book is a preparation guide that covers all the objectives of the SC-300 exam, while teaching you about the identity and access services that are available from Microsoft and preparing you for real-world challenges.The book starts with an overview of the SC-300 exam and helps you understand identity and access management. As you progress to the implementation of IAM solutions, you’ll learn to deploy secure identity and access within Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory. The book will take you from legacy on-premises identity solutions to modern and password-less authentication solutions that provide high-level security for identity and access. You’ll focus on implementing access and authentication for cloud-only and hybrid infrastructures as well as understand how to protect them using the principles of zero trust. The book also features mock tests toward the end to help you prepare effectively for the exam.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to plan, deploy, and manage identity and access solutions for Microsoft and hybrid infrastructures.
Choosing the right data structure is pivotal to optimizing the performance and scalability of applications. This new edition of Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python will expand your understanding of key structures, including stacks, queues, and lists, and also show you how to apply priority queues and heaps in applications. You’ll learn how to analyze and compare Python algorithms, and understand which algorithms should be used for a problem based on running time and computational complexity. You will also become confident organizing your code in a manageable, consistent, and scalable way, which will boost your productivity as a Python developer.By the end of this Python book, you’ll be able to manipulate the most important data structures and algorithms to more efficiently store, organize, and access data in your applications.
JBoss jBPM is a free, open-source, business process management solution. It enables users to create business processes that coordinate people, applications, and services.A business process is a sequence of activities triggered by a certain input that results in a valuable output. Business Process Management is about analyzing those activities in a structured way and eventually supporting their execution with a workflow application. This allows for the following results:Better management visibility of their business: improved decision makingLow cost of inputs: de-skilled labor requirements, less waste, standardized componentsBetter outputs: consistent quality, more customer satisfactionBusinesses have always tried to manage their processes, but software such as jBPM brings the methodology and management theory to practical life.JBoss jBPM offers the following key features:Graphical process definitionFlexibility to integrate code into the graphical process definitionA customizable web-based workflow application that runs the process you’ve definedEasy programming model to extend the graphical process definitionA process-oriented programming model (jPDL) that blends the best of process definition languages and Java.Easy to integrate with other systems through the JBoss middleware suite.
Pawe?Ç Grze?okowiak, Wojciech Ciesielski, Wojciech fÜwik
Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is an established and complex programming language in the IT industry. This book is designed to help you use the latest ABAP techniques and apply legacy constructions using practical examples.You'll start with a quick refresher on language and database concepts, followed by agile techniques for adding custom code to a modern ABAP system. After this, you will get up to speed with the complete ABAP toolset for importing data to and from different environments. Next, you'll learn how to print forms and work with the different ABAP tools for Extensible Markup Language (XML) manipulation. While covering further chapters, you'll gain insights into building stunning UI5 interfaces, in addition to learning how to develop simple apps using the Business Object Processing Framework (BOPF). You will also pick up the technique of handling exceptions and performing testing in ABAP. In the concluding chapters, you can look forward to grasping various techniques for optimizing the performance of programs using a variety of performance analysis tools.By the end of this book, you will have the expertise you need to confidently build maintainable programs in Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP).
Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2016 is part of the System Center suite to configure and manage datacenters and offers a unified management experience on-premises and Azure cloud.This book will be your best companion for day-to-day virtualization needs within your organization, as it takes you through a series of recipes to simplify and plan a highly scalable and available virtual infrastructure. You will learn the deployment tips, techniques, and solutions designed to show users how to improve VMM 2016 in a real-world scenario. The chapters are divided in a way that will allow you to implement the VMM 2016 and additional solutions required to effectively manage and monitor your fabrics and clouds. We will cover the most important new features in VMM 2016 across networking, storage, and compute, including brand new Guarded Fabric, Shielded VMs and Storage Spaces Direct. The recipes in the book provide step-by-step instructions giving you the simplest way to dive into VMM fabric concepts, private cloud, and integration with external solutions such as VMware, Operations Manager, and the Windows Azure Pack.By the end of this book, you will be armed with the knowledge you require to start designing and implementing virtual infrastructures in VMM 2016.
arc42 by Example. Software architecture documentation in practice
Dr. Gernot Starke, Michael Simons, Stefan Zörner, Ralf D. Müller
When developers document the architecture of their systems, they often invent their own specific ways of articulating structures, designs, concepts, and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simple and efficient software architecture documentation. arc42 by Example shows how it's done through several real-world examples.Each example in the book, whether it is a chess engine, a huge CRM system, or a cool web system, starts with a brief description of the problem domain and the quality requirements. Then, you'll discover the system context with all the external interfaces. You'll dive into an overview of the solution strategy to implement the building blocks and runtime scenarios. The later chapters also explain various cross-cutting concerns and how they affect other aspects of a program.
Andrew Bird, Dr. Lau Cher Han, Mario Corchero Jiménez, Graham Lee, ...
Have you always wanted to learn Python, but never quite known how to start?More applications than we realize are being developed using Python because it is easy to learn, read, and write. You can now start learning the language quickly and effectively with the help of this interactive tutorial.The Python Workshop starts by showing you how to correctly apply Python syntax to write simple programs, and how to use appropriate Python structures to store and retrieve data. You'll see how to handle files, deal with errors, and use classes and methods to write concise, reusable, and efficient code.As you advance, you'll understand how to use the standard library, debug code to troubleshoot problems, and write unit tests to validate application behavior.You'll gain insights into using the pandas and NumPy libraries for analyzing data, and the graphical libraries of Matplotlib and Seaborn to create impactful data visualizations. By focusing on entry-level data science, you'll build your practical Python skills in a way that mirrors real-world development. Finally, you'll discover the key steps in building and using simple machine learning algorithms.By the end of this Python book, you'll have the knowledge, skills and confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with Python.