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Web development
Learning Django can be a tricky and time-consuming activity. There are hundreds of tutorials, loads of documentation, and many explanations that are hard to digest. However, this book enables you to use and learn Django in just a couple of days.In this book, you’ll go on a fun, hands-on, and pragmatic journey to learn Django full stack development. You'll start building your first Django app within minutes. You'll be provided with short explanations and a practical approach that cover some of the most important Django features, such as Django Apps’ structure, URLs, views, templates, models, CSS inclusion, image storage, authentication and authorization, Django admin panel, and many more. You'll also use Django to develop a movies review app and deploy it to the internet.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build and deploy your own Django web applications.
Troubleshooting Citrix XenApp!AE. Click here to enter text
Dragos Madarasan, Suraj Ramchandra
Citrix XenApp® is an application virtualization product from Citrix. It allows users to connect to their corporate applications from various computer systems and even mobile devices. XenApp® has grown into a complex software with ever-expanding infrastructures in place. Together with tight integrations with other systems such as Terminal Services, Active Directory, and other third-party authentication services, troubleshooting XenApp® has become more complicated.This book teaches you how to approach troubleshooting complex issues with XenApp® deployments and understand the problem, find a fix or workaround, determine the root cause, and apply corrective steps wherever applicable. The book progresses to give you an idea about the many supportive components that play an important role in XenApp’s application delivery model and should be considered while troubleshooting XenApp® issues. It also shows you standard troubleshooting processes so that you can resolve complex XenApp® issues in a mission critical environment.By the end of this book, you will see how and where to use supportive components that help minimize XenApp® issues. Also, we’ll explain various tools that can be useful when monitoring and optimizing entire application and desktop delivery model.
If you’re fascinated by the immersive gaming experiences that enable multiple users to engage in collaborative or competitive gameplay, this Unreal Engine 5 game development book is for you.In this book, you’ll learn the foundational principles behind multiplayer games. Starting with a sample project, you’ll learn how to set up a networked system and make it work. Once the prototype of the project is functional, you’ll start adding game logic, including obstacles and AI opponents, to heighten the challenges and engagement, offering a captivating experience for players. Next, you’ll learn how to debug and optimize the project, before finally deploying the game build and integrating it with cloud services such as the Epic Online Services system.By the end of this book, you’ll have the confidence to develop and manage multiplayer experiences using the Unreal Engine environment, taking your newfound programming skills in your upcoming projects.
Java is one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. This comprehensive guide will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your job as a Java developer.This book contains two crucial elements of coding interviews - a brief section that will take you through non-technical interview questions, while the more comprehensive part covers over 200 coding interview problems along with their hands-on solutions. This book will help you to develop skills in data structures and algorithms, which technical interviewers look for in a candidate, by solving various problems based on these topics covering a wide range of concepts such as arrays, strings, maps, linked lists, sorting, and searching. You'll find out how to approach a coding interview problem in a structured way that produces faster results. Toward the final chapters, you'll learn to solve tricky questions about concurrency, functional programming, and system scalability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve Java coding problems commonly used in interviews, and will have developed the confidence to secure your Java-centric dream job.
Flutter is a cross-platform user interface (UI) toolkit that enables developers to create beautiful native applications for mobile, desktop, and the web with a single codebase. State management in Flutter is one of the most crucial and complex topics within Flutter, with a wide array of approaches available that can make it easy to get lost due to information overload.Managing State in Flutter Pragmatically is a definitive guide to starting out with Flutter and learning about state management, helping developers with some experience of state management to choose the most appropriate solutions and techniques to use. The book takes a hands-on approach and begins by covering the basics of Flutter state management before exploring how to build and manipulate a shopping cart app using popular approaches such as BLoC/Cubit, Provider, MobX, and Riverpod. Throughout the book, you'll also learn how to adopt approaches from React such as Redux and all its types.By the end of this Flutter book, you'll have gained a holistic view of all the state management approaches in Flutter, and learned which approach is the best solution for managing state in your app development journey.
Xtext is an open source Eclipse framework for implementing domain-specific languages together with IDE functionalities. It lets you implement languages really quickly; most of all, it covers all aspects of a complete language infrastructure, including the parser, code generator, interpreter, and more.This book will enable you to implement Domain Specific Languages (DSL) efficiently, together with their IDE tooling, with Xtext and Xtend. Opening with brief coverage of Xtext features involved in DSL implementation, including integration in an IDE, the book will then introduce you to Xtend as this language will be used in all the examples throughout the book. You will then explore the typical programming development workflow with Xtext when we modify the grammar of the DSL. Further, the Xtend programming language (a fully-featured Java-like language tightly integrated with Java) will be introduced. We then explain the main concepts of Xtext, such as validation, code generation, and customizations of runtime and UI aspects. You will have learned how to test a DSL implemented in Xtext with JUnit and will progress to advanced concepts such as type checking and scoping. You will then integrate the typical Continuous Integration systems built in to Xtext DSLs and familiarize yourself with Xbase. By the end of the book, you will manually maintain the EMF model for an Xtext DSL and will see how an Xtext DSL can also be used in IntelliJ.
Power Virtual Agents is a set of technologies released under the Power Platform umbrella by Microsoft. It allows non-developers to create solutions to automate customer interactions and provide services using a conversational interface, thus relieving the pressure on front-line staff providing this kind of support.Empowering Organizations with Power Virtual Agents is a guide to building chatbots that can be deployed to handle front desk services without having to write code. The book takes a scenario-based approach to implementing bot services and automation to serve employees in the organization and external customers. You will uncover the features available in Power Virtual Agents for creating bots that can be integrated into an organization’s public site as well as specific web pages. Next, you will understand how to build bots and integrate them within the Teams environment for internal users. As you progress, you will explore complete examples for implementing automated agents (bots) that can be deployed on sites for interacting with external customers.By the end of this Power Virtual Agents chatbot book, you will have implemented several scenarios to serve external client requests for information, created scenarios to help internal users retrieve relevant information, and processed these in an automated conversational manner.
Procedural Content Generation is a process by which game content is developed using computer algorithms, rather than through the manual efforts of game developers. This book teaches readers how to develop algorithms for procedural generation that they can use in their own games. These concepts are put into practice using C# and Unity is used as the game development engine.This book provides the fundamentals of learning and continued learning using PCG. You'll discover the theory of PCG and the mighty Pseudo Random Number Generator. Random numbers such as die rolls and card drafting provide the chance factor that makes games fun and supplies spontaneity. This book also takes you through the full development of a 2D game. Starting with level generation, you'll learn how PCG can make the game environment for you. You'll move into item generation and learn the different techniques to procedurally create game items. Thereafter, you'll be guided through the more abstract PCG areas such as scaling difficulty to the player and even generating music! The book helps you set up systems within your games where algorithms create computationally generated levels, art assets, quests, stories, characters, and weapons; these can substantially reduce the burden of manually creating every aspect of the game.Finally, you'll get to try out your new PCG skills on 3D terrain generation.
Tarik Makota, Brian Maguire, Danny Gagne, Rajeev Chakrabarti
Amazon Kinesis is a collection of secure, serverless, durable, and highly available purpose-built data streaming services. This data streaming service provides APIs and client SDKs that enable you to produce and consume data at scale.Scalable Data Streaming with Amazon Kinesis begins with a quick overview of the core concepts of data streams, along with the essentials of the AWS Kinesis landscape. You'll then explore the requirements of the use case shown through the book to help you get started and cover the key pain points encountered in the data stream life cycle. As you advance, you'll get to grips with the architectural components of Kinesis, understand how they are configured to build data pipelines, and delve into the applications that connect to them for consumption and processing. You'll also build a Kinesis data pipeline from scratch and learn how to implement and apply practical solutions. Moving on, you'll learn how to configure Kinesis on a cloud platform. Finally, you’ll learn how other AWS services can be integrated into Kinesis. These services include Redshift, Dynamo Database, AWS S3, Elastic Search, and third-party applications such as Splunk.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll be able to build and deploy your own Kinesis data pipelines with Kinesis Data Streams (KDS), Kinesis Data Firehose (KFH), Kinesis Video Streams (KVS), and Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA).
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, lightweight, and interpreted programming language. Along with HTML and CSS, it is one of the three essential technologies of World Wide Web content production, and is an open source and cross-platform technology. The majority of websites employ JavaScript, and it is well supported by all modern web browsers without plugins. However, the JavaScript landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, and you need to adapt to the new world of JavaScript that people now expect. Mastering modern JavaScript techniques and the toolchain are essential to develop web-scale applications. Mastering JavaScript will be your companion as you master JavaScript and build innovative web applications. To begin with, you will get familiarized with the language constructs and how to make code easy to organize. You will gain a concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. The book will also teach you how to use arrays and objects as data structures. You will graduate from intermediate-level skills to advanced techniques as you come to understand crucial language concepts and design principles. You will learn about modern libraries and tools so you can write better code. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.
Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) can help you simplify the provisioning and daily operations of computing and storage. With this book, you'll understand how HCI can offload the day 0 deployment and day-to-day operations of a system administrator. You'll explore the VxRail Appliance, which is an HCI solution that provides lifecycle management, automation, and operational simplicity. Starting with an overview of the VxRail Appliance system architecture and components, you'll understand the benefits of the VxRail system and compare it with the environment of traditional servers and storage. As you advance, the book covers topics such as disaster recovery and active-active and active-passive solutions for VxRail.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the confidence to manage the deployment, administration, planning, and design of a VxRail system.
Marketing is one of the most powerful entities in the modern world with the potential to make or break a business. The mighty Microsoft Dynamics 356 Marketing tool offers a wide range of marketing automation tools, understanding which is an essential skill for a successful marketer. This in-depth guide to the ins and outs of Dynamics 365 Marketing will help you grasp all the information you need to implement and use the system the right way. Starting with the setup and configuration of your Dynamics 365 Marketing instance, you'll explore fundamental concepts, such as leads, accounts, and contacts, and the creation and administration of segments and lists. Once you've grasped these basic concepts, you'll advance to the core of the book. From the email editor to outbound and real-time customer journeys and from the event module to Customer Voice, you'll develop a solid understanding of the fundamental topics crucial for anyone who wants to be a Dynamics 365 Marketing functional consultant.By the end of the book, you'll be ready for Dynamics 365 Marketing end-to-end implementations.
Odoo continues to gain worldwide momentum as the best platform for open source ERP installations. Now, with Odoo 11, you have access to an improved GUI, performance optimization, integrated in-app purchase features, and a fast-growing community to help transform and modernize your business. With this practical guide, you will cover all the new features that Odoo 11 has to offer to build and customize business applications, focusing on the publicly available community edition.We begin with setting up a development environment, and as you make your way through the chapters, you will learn to build feature-rich business applications. With the aim of jump-starting your Odoo proficiency level, from no specific knowledge to application development readiness, you will develop your first Odoo application. We then move on to topics such as models and views, and understand how to use server APIs to add business logic, helping to lay a solid foundation for advanced topics.The book concludes with Odoo interactions and how to use the Odoo API from other programs, all of which will enable you to efficiently integrate applications with other external systems.