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Web development
In the digital landscape driven by interactive experiences, the demand for creative individuals with the skills to create captivating games has never been higher. Written by Sander Vanhove, a seasoned game developer with over 20 games to his credit, this book will serve as your entry point into game development, showing you how to leverage the powerful features of the open-source, versatile GDScript 2.0 to develop your ideas, from simple platformers to complex RPGs.Whether you're an aspiring game developer, a hobbyist seeking a creative outlet, or simply someone intrigued by the world of game programming, this book will guide you through the intricacies of the Godot 4 game engine. Starting with a primer on the fundamentals of programming, you’ll cover everything from data to logic, while familiarizing yourself with Godot’s built-in tools such as the physics engine, navigation, and cameras. As you progress, you’ll unlock deeper insights into more advanced tools that will take your programming to the next level. Aided by easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials, examples, exercises, and experiments, you’ll seamlessly integrate this newfound knowledge to create a Vampire Survivor-like game from scratch.By the end of this book, you’ll have become proficient in leveraging the Godot 4 game engine to bring your gaming visions to life.
Anthony Virtuoso, Mert Turkay Hocanin, Aaron Wishnick, Rahul Pathak
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using SQL, without needing to manage any infrastructure.This book begins with an overview of the serverless analytics experience offered by Athena and teaches you how to build and tune an S3 Data Lake using Athena, including how to structure your tables using open-source file formats like Parquet. You’ll learn how to build, secure, and connect to a data lake with Athena and Lake Formation. Next, you’ll cover key tasks such as ad hoc data analysis, working with ETL pipelines, monitoring and alerting KPI breaches using CloudWatch Metrics, running customizable connectors with AWS Lambda, and more. Moving on, you’ll work through easy integrations, troubleshooting and tuning common Athena issues, and the most common reasons for query failure. You will also review tips to help diagnose and correct failing queries in your pursuit of operational excellence. Finally, you’ll explore advanced concepts such as Athena Query Federation and Athena ML to generate powerful insights without needing to touch a single server.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and use a data lake with Amazon Athena to add data-driven features to your app and perform the kind of ad hoc data analysis that often precedes many of today’s ML modeling exercises.
C++ can make your machine learning models run faster and more efficiently. This handy guide will help you learn the fundamentals of machine learning (ML), showing you how to use C++ libraries to get the most out of your data. This book makes machine learning with C++ for beginners easy with its example-based approach, demonstrating how to implement supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms through real-world examples.This book will get you hands-on with tuning and optimizing a model for different use cases, assisting you with model selection and the measurement of performance. You’ll cover techniques such as product recommendations, ensemble learning, and anomaly detection using modern C++ libraries such as PyTorch C++ API, Caffe2, Shogun, Shark-ML, mlpack, and dlib. Next, you’ll explore neural networks and deep learning using examples such as image classification and sentiment analysis, which will help you solve various problems. Later, you’ll learn how to handle production and deployment challenges on mobile and cloud platforms, before discovering how to export and import models using the ONNX format.By the end of this C++ book, you will have real-world machine learning and C++ knowledge, as well as the skills to use C++ to build powerful ML systems.
If you want to find out how you can build a solid foundation in algorithmic trading using Python, this cookbook is here to help.Starting by setting up the Python environment for trading and connectivity with brokers, you’ll then learn the important aspects of financial markets. As you progress, you’ll learn to fetch financial instruments, query and calculate various types of candles and historical data, and finally, compute and plot technical indicators. Next, you’ll learn how to place various types of orders, such as regular, bracket, and cover orders, and understand their state transitions. Later chapters will cover backtesting, paper trading, and finally real trading for the algorithmic strategies that you've created. You’ll even understand how to automate trading and find the right strategy for making effective decisions that would otherwise be impossible for human traders.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use Python libraries to conduct key tasks in the algorithmic trading ecosystem.Note: For demonstration, we're using Zerodha, an Indian Stock Market broker. If you're not an Indian resident, you won't be able to use Zerodha and therefore will not be able to test the examples directly. However, you can take inspiration from the book and apply the concepts across your preferred stock market broker of choice.
The IT industry is constantly evolving with the introduction of new technologies. While it is important to keep up with advancements, maintaining legacy systems is equally necessary to ensure that the infrastructure of your organization functions to the best of its ability. Sound knowledge of techniques that can be used for maintaining legacy systems can help you avoid common pitfalls.The book begins with a quick overview of what a real legacy system looks like, how it works, and common issues that may be faced when trying to maintaining it. You'll then explore the architecture of a legacy system in detail and understand each of its components. As you progress, you'll discover a variety of techniques for analyzing a legacy system and how to apply them. Once you get to grips with the security constraints associated with legacy systems, you'll explore ways to secure them. Finally, you'll be able to easily make changes in legacy systems to enhance their performance.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills and confidence to work with legacy systems and efficiently maintain them.
Sinan Ozdemir, Sunil Kakade, Marco Tibaldeschi
Need to turn programming skills into effective data science skills? This book helps you connect mathematics, programming, and business analysis. You’ll feel confident asking—and answering—complex, sophisticated questions of your data, making abstract and raw statistics into actionable ideas.Going through the data science pipeline, you'll clean and prepare data and learn effective data mining strategies and techniques to gain a comprehensive view of how the data science puzzle fits together. You’ll learn fundamentals of computational mathematics and statistics and pseudo-code used by data scientists and analysts. You’ll learn machine learning, discovering statistical models that help control and navigate even the densest datasets, and learn powerful visualizations that communicate what your data means.
Electron Projects. Build over 9 cross-platform desktop applications from scratch
The Electron framework allows you to use modern web technologies to build applications that share the same code across all operating systems and platforms. This also helps designers to easily transition from the web to the desktop. Electron Projects guides you through building cross-platform Electron apps with modern web technologies and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React.js, and Vue.js.You’ll explore the process of configuring modern JavaScript frameworks and UI libraries, real-time analytics and automatic updates, and interactions with the operating system. You’ll get hands-on with building a basic Electron app, before moving on to implement a Markdown Editor. In addition to this, you’ll be able to experiment with major JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and Vue.js, discovering ways to integrate them with Electron apps for building cross-platform desktop apps. Later, you’ll learn to build a screenshot snipping tool, a mini-game, and a music player, while also gaining insights into analytics, bug tracking, and licensing. You’ll then get to grips with building a chat app, an eBook generator and finally a simple digital wallet app.By the end of this book, you’ll have experience in building a variety of projects and project templates that will help you to apply your knowledge when creating your own cross-platform applications.
Autodesk Civil 3D can radically increase your civil engineering design and efficiency if you learn to make the most of its features and partner software platforms. Autodesk Civil 3D from Start to Finish will teach you how to leverage its strengths and scale efficiency to large teams.With this book, you’ll uncover all the major features Civil 3D offers, from surface development to intelligent utility design as well as dynamic display work for smart document creation. You’ll learn to configure and manage your civil engineering designs and explore practical applications of tools and modeling techniques available within the software.By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of Autodesk Civil 3D along with its partner programs to strategize and improve your future projects.
Eleventy by Example. Create powerful, performant websites with a static-first strategy
11ty is the dark horse of the Jamstack world, offering unparalleled flexibility and performance that gives it an edge against other static site generators such as Jekyll and Hugo. With it, developers can leverage the complete Node ecosystem and create blazing-fast, static-first websites that can be deployed from a content delivery network or a simple server. This book will teach you how to set up, customize, and make the most of 11ty in no time.Eleventy by Example helps you uncover everything you need to create your first 11ty website before diving into making more complex sites and extending 11ty’s base functionality with custom short codes, plugins, and content types. Over the course of 5 interactive projects, you’ll learn how to build basic websites, blogs, media sites, and static sites that will respond to user input without the need for a server. With these, you’ll learn basic 11ty skills such as templates, collections, and data use, along with advanced skills such as plugin creation, image manipulation, working with a headless CMS, and the use of the powerful 11ty Serverless plugin.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage the capabilities of 11ty by implementing best practices and reusable techniques that can be applied across multiple projects, reducing the website launch time.