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Odata (Open Data Protocol) is a Web protocol for querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and free it from silos that exist in applications today. OData enables data access among a variety of applications, services, and stores by adopting existing Web technologies such as HTTP, XML, and JSON. This book deals with common OData programming cases over the Microsoft .NET Framework platform and eases the learning curve for a .NET developer to start incorporating OData in data service development.This book provides a collection of recipes that help .NET developers to get familiar with OData programming in a quick and efficient manner. The recipes cover most OData features from the former ADO.NET Data Service to the current WCF Data Service platform. In addition, all the sample cases here are based on real-world scenarios and issues that .NET developers might come across when programming with OData in application development.This book will be your handy guide with basic to advanced walkthroughs of common OData programming cases for the Microsoft .NET Framework platform. You will learn quick solutions to necessary tasks to integrate the power of OData at both server-side and client-side.This book will help you master the use of OData with .NET Framework by taking you through hands-on and practical recipes. It starts by talking about the common means for building OData services and consuming OData services in client applications. Then, some more specific topics like hosting, configuration and security are discussed. The book also covers many popular and interesting topics such as integrating OData in web applications, and developing data-driven mobile applications with OData. Moreover, you can also find quite a few recipes discussing real-world OData producers and new features in latest and future versions.Within OData Programming Cookbook for .NET Developers, all the recipes are selected based on real-world scenarios that you will commonly come across. Each recipe covers a specific topic, going from the description of the problem, through a conceptual solution, to a solution containing sample code. By following these recipes, you can acquire how to program with OData in a simple, effective, and easy manner.
Rob Cowell is a Salesforce DevOps Advocate with extensive experience as a Salesforce Developer and Architect, guiding best practices for Salesforce DevOps. Lars Malmqvist, a 32x certified Salesforce CTA, has 15 years of experience building advanced Salesforce solutions and is the author of two books, Architecting AI Solutions on Salesforce and Salesforce Anti-Patterns. As the Salesforce Platform evolves, architects face increasing demand for advanced solutions. This book serves as your definitive guide to mastering effective DevOps practices crucial for successful Salesforce projects. Beginning with cultivating a DevOps mindset focused on collaboration and communication, it emphasizes governance, visibility, and accountability. You'll delve into tools and techniques, leveraging the robust capabilities of SFDX to craft your strategy efficiently. This book stands out for its practical approach to Salesforce packaging and CI/CD stack creation, guiding you to build a seamless automated change delivery system with freely available software. It addresses critical operational concerns such as ticket management, backups, change monitoring, and data seeding. In the final chapters, you'll discover third-party solutions to expedite your Salesforce DevOps journey, empowering you to deliver sophisticated and efficient projects.
The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) bring significant challenges in deployment, maintenance, and scalability. This Essential Guide to LLMOps provides practical solutions and strategies to overcome these challenges, ensuring seamless integration and the optimization of LLMs in real-world applications.This book takes you through the historical background, core concepts, and essential tools for data analysis, model development, deployment, maintenance, and governance. You’ll learn how to streamline workflows, enhance efficiency in LLMOps processes, employ LLMOps tools for precise model fine-tuning, and address the critical aspects of model review and governance. You’ll also get to grips with the practices and performance considerations that are necessary for the responsible development and deployment of LLMs. The book equips you with insights into model inference, scalability, and continuous improvement, and shows you how to implement these in real-world applications.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned the nuances of LLMOps, including effective deployment strategies, scalability solutions, and continuous improvement techniques, equipping you to stay ahead in the dynamic world of AI.
ServiceNow is a SaaS application that provides workflow form-based applications. It is an ideal platform for creating enterprise-level applications giving requesters and fulfillers improved visibility and access to a process. ServiceNow-based applications often replace email by providing a better way to get work done. The book steps through the main aspects of the ServiceNow platform, from the ground up. It starts by exploring the core architecture of ServiceNow, including building the right data structure. To add business logic and control data, and interactivity to user interaction, you will be shown how to code on both server and the client. You will then learn more about the power of tasks, events and notifications. The book will then focus on using web services and other mechanisms to integrate ServiceNow with other systems. Furthermore, you will learn how to secure applications and data, and understand how ServiceNow performs logging and error reporting. You will then be shown how to package your applications and changes, so they can be installed elsewhere and ways to maintain them easily. If you wish to create an alternative simple interface, then explore ways to make ServiceNow beautiful using Service Portal. By the end of the book, you will know the fundamentals of the ServiceNow platform, helping you be a better ServiceNow System Administrator or developer.
Carl-Hugo Marcotte, Abdelhamid Zebdi
An Atypical ASP.NET Core 6 Design Patterns Guide, Second Edition approaches programming like playing with LEGO®: snapping small pieces together to create something beautiful. Thoroughly updated for ASP.NET Core 6, with further coverage of microservices patterns, data contracts, and event-driven architecture, this book gives you the tools to build and glue reliable components together to improve your programmatic masterpieces.The chapters are organized based on scale and topic, allowing you to start small and build on a strong base, the same way that you would develop a program. You will begin by exploring basic design patterns, SOLID architectural principles, dependency injection, and other ASP.NET Core 6 mechanisms. You will explore component-scale patterns, and then move to higher level application-scale patterns and techniques to better structure your applications. Finally, you'll advance to the client side to connect the dots with tools like Blazor and make ASP.NET Core a viable full-stack web development framework.You will supplement your learning with practical use cases and best practices, exploring a range of significant Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns along the way. By the end of the book, you will be comfortable combining and implementing patterns in different ways, and crafting software solutions of any scale.
John Paul Mueller, Rod Stephens
Businesses are leveraging the power of AI to make undertakings that used to be complicated and pricy much easier, faster, and cheaper. The first part of this book will explore these processes in more depth, which will help you in understanding the role security plays in machine learning.As you progress to the second part, you’ll learn more about the environments where ML is commonly used and dive into the security threats that plague them using code, graphics, and real-world references.The next part of the book will guide you through the process of detecting hacker behaviors in the modern computing environment, where fraud takes many forms in ML, from gaining sales through fake reviews to destroying an adversary’s reputation. Once you’ve understood hacker goals and detection techniques, you’ll learn about the ramifications of deep fakes, followed by mitigation strategies.This book also takes you through best practices for embracing ethical data sourcing, which reduces the security risk associated with data. You’ll see how the simple act of removing personally identifiable information (PII) from a dataset lowers the risk of social engineering attacks.By the end of this machine learning book, you'll have an increased awareness of the various attacks and the techniques to secure your ML systems effectively.
In the rapidly evolving world of low-code development, Microsoft Power Apps stands out as a powerful platform for building custom business solutions. Microsoft Power Apps Cookbook, 3rd Edition, is your hands-on guide to mastering this platform. Through a collection of step-by-step recipes, this updated edition helps you navigate the latest features, such as AI-powered Microsoft Copilot and custom UI elements while empowering you to build efficient and scalable apps.This book emphasizes practical solutions, guiding app makers through building everything from canvas apps to complex data integrations. You will learn how to streamline repetitive tasks using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and explore how to create external-facing websites using Microsoft Power Pages while handling data management with Dataverse and extending app functionality with the Power Apps Component Framework.Whether you're extending your app's capabilities with custom components or integrating advanced AI features, Microsoft Power Apps Cookbook equips you with the knowledge and skills to take your app development to the next level.
Python: Real World Machine Learning. Take your Python Machine learning skills to the next level
Prateek Joshi, Luca Massaron, John Hearty, Alberto Boschetti, ...
Machine learning is increasingly spreading in the modern data-driven world. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, robotics, self-driving cars, and more. Machine learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us.In the first module, Python Machine Learning Cookbook, you will learn how to perform various machine learning tasks using a wide variety of machine learning algorithms to solve real-world problems and use Python to implement these algorithms.The second module, Advanced Machine Learning with Python, is designed to take you on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques and you’ll acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.The third module in this learning path, Large Scale Machine Learning with Python, dives into scalable machine learning and the three forms of scalability. It covers the most effective machine learning techniques on a map reduce framework in Hadoop and Spark in Python.This Learning Path will teach you Python machine learning for the real world. The machine learning techniques covered in this Learning Path are at the forefront of commercial practice.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Python Machine Learning Cookbook by Prateek Joshi? Advanced Machine Learning with Python by John Hearty? Large Scale Machine Learning with Python by Bastiaan Sjardin, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron
Sunitha Paruchuri, Jagadish Chatarji Pulakhandam, Jagadish Pulakhandam
The Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) features optimized data access to the Oracle database from a .NET environment and allows developers to take advantage of advanced Oracle database functionality, including Real Application Clusters, XML DB, and advanced security. It can be used from any .NET language, including C# and VB.NET.This book is a practical guide that will give you the in-depth information you need to work with the Oracle 10g v10.2 database from Visual Studio .NET 2005, using the Oracle Developer Tools and ODP.NET. After introducing ODP.NET, we move on to dealing with SQL, PL/SQL, and XML DB using ODP.NET. Next we look at application development with ODP.NET: Web Applications, Web Services, and Mobile Applications. The last chapter covers Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET. All the code examples are in Visual Basic.NET 2005.https://www.packtpub.com/article/ODP-dot-net-oracle-data-provider-table-of-conten - Read the full Table of Contents for ODP.NET Developer's GuideChapter-by-ChapterChapter 1 introduces the concept of Oracle Database Extensions for .NET and provides information about Oracle Developer tools for Visual Studio.Chapter 2 introduces the Provider Independent Model in ADO.NET 2.0, and shows how to connect to Oracle databases from .NET, working with .NET data providers, connection pooling, system privileged connection, and single sign-on etc.Chapter 3 shows you several methods to retrieve data from an Oracle database. You will work with the core ODP.NET classes like OracleCommand, OracleDataReader, OracleDataAdapter, OracleParameter and ADO.NET classes like Dataset, DataTable, and DataRow etc.Chapter 4 is about inserting, updating, and deleting data in the database. You will also learn about statement caching, array binding, working with offline data, implementing transactions, and handling errors and exceptions encountered during database work.Chapter 5 deals with working with PL/SQL blocks, PL/SQL stored procedures, and functions. It also teaches you how to execute routines in PL/SQL packages, how to pass and receive arrays from the Oracle database, and working with REF CURSOR using ODP.NET.Chapter 6 is completely dedicated to dealing with Large objects in Oracle. This chapter illustrates concepts, configurations, and programming for BFILE, BLOB, and CLOB (or NCLOB) in conjunction with ODP.NET.Chapter 7 gives details about Oracle XML DB, an add-on feature of Oracle database. It provides information about generating XML from existing rows in tables, manipulating rows in a table using XML, and working with native XML in the Oracle database.Chapter 8 deals with real-time application development scenarios like Oracle database change notifications, Asynchronous Application development, Web Application development using ASP.NET 2.0, Web Reporting (including grouping, sub-totals, charts etc.), Object-Oriented Development with ODP.NET and ASP.NET, XML Web Services development using ODP.NET and Smart Device Application development (for clients like the Pocket PC etc.).Chapter 9 introduces you to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2005. It teaches you to connect to Oracle from the Visual Studio 2005 environment, retrieve Oracle information from Visual Studio, and work with database objects from Visual Studio. It also provides information about how to create and debug PL/SQL stored procedures and .NET CLR Stored Procedures in Oracle.
ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 are globally recognized standards for information security management systems (ISMSs), providing a robust framework for information protection that can be adapted to all organization types and sizes. Organizations with significant exposure to information-security–related risks are increasingly choosing to implement an ISMS that complies with ISO 27001. This book will help you understand the process of getting your organization's information security management system certified by an accredited certification body.The book begins by introducing you to the standards, and then takes you through different principles and terminologies. Once you completely understand these standards, you’ll explore their execution, wherein you find out how to implement these standards in different sizes of organizations. The chapters also include case studies to enable you to understand how you can implement the standards in your organization. Finally, you’ll get to grips with the auditing process, planning, techniques, and reporting and learn to audit for ISO 27001.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a clear understanding of ISO 27001/27002 and be ready to successfully implement and audit for these standards.
Data Stewardship in Action. A roadmap to data value realization and measurable business outcomes
In the competitive data-centric world, mastering data stewardship is not just a requirement—it's the key to organizational success. Unlock strategic excellence with Data Stewardship in Action, your guide to exploring the intricacies of data stewardship and its implementation for maximum efficiency.From business strategy to data strategy, and then to data stewardship, this book shows you how to strategically deploy your workforce, processes, and technology for efficient data processing. You’ll gain mastery over the fundamentals of data stewardship, from understanding the different roles and responsibilities to implementing best practices for data governance. You’ll elevate your data management skills by exploring the technologies and tools for effective data handling. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll realize that this book not only helps you develop the foundational skills to become a successful data steward but also introduces innovative approaches, including leveraging AI and GPT, for enhanced data stewardship.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build a robust data governance framework by developing policies and procedures, establishing a dedicated data governance team, and creating a data governance roadmap that ensures your organization thrives in the dynamic landscape of data management.
CQRS by Example. Master CQRS: Build Efficient and Scalable Systems with Real-World Examples
Carlos Buenosvinos, Christian Soronellas, Keyvan Akbary
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, a powerful architecture design that separates read and write operations to achieve greater scalability and performance in software systems. You'll begin by understanding the core principles behind CQRS and why it is essential for handling complex, high-traffic applications. Throughout the course, we’ll work through real-world examples that demonstrate how to apply CQRS to achieve a cleaner and more efficient codebase.Next, we will guide you through the practical aspects of implementing CQRS in a variety of use cases, focusing on how it enhances system maintainability and performance. You'll learn to distinguish between commands and queries effectively, and how to manage data consistency across distributed systems using techniques like event sourcing and eventual consistency.By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of CQRS and its benefits. You'll be able to implement it in your own projects, whether you're building new applications or improving legacy systems. With a focus on scalability, maintainability, and performance, this course equips you with the skills needed to take on complex architectural challenges confidently.
Peter Spannagle, Sarah Soward, Matt Mullenweg
WordPress is much more than just a blogging platform now. This flexible CMS is the power behind millions of URLs, including blue-chip companies, small business, and personal websites. Flash is a world-famous multimedia platform. This book will show you the best of the proven and popular strategies and techniques to deliver rich multimedia content, which will let you sail through the world of Flashy Wordpress with ease.This book will take you through clear well-formed and comprehensive recipes, through the most essential and useful Flash multimedia tools for Wordpress available today including plugins for images, audio and video, as well as projects you can do yourself in Flash. It helps you to create a Wordpress website full of Flash content. We show the big picture by providing context, best practices and strategies. Detailed instructions are provided for each section. This book provides you with the shortlist of the most essential Flash tools for creating a dynamic and media-rich website or blog, and shows you how to implement these on your site. The sections on Flash are intended to give you the option to create custom .swf files, giving you an alternative to plugins that already exist. The book will show you how to configure Flash content in your WordPress site/blog for maximum SEO, introduce Flash content to your Wordpress with and without plugins, import image feeds, use lightbox effects, and much more.
Building scalable software systems is more critical than ever. Yet, many software professionals struggle to navigate the complexities of system design, especially when aiming for positions at top tech companies. Written by Dhirendra Sinha, a seasoned Engineering Leader at Google with a blend of experience working at large companies such as Cisco, Oracle, and Yahoo, and Tejas Chopra, a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, a TEDx speaker, and a Co-Founder of GoEB1, this comprehensive and authoritative resource on system design offers invaluable insights and strategies to help you excel in interviews with all major tech companies. This guide covers the basics of system design, including the principles and techniques of distributed systems, and delves into core building blocks such as distributed system theorems, attributes, and the design and implementation of system components. Following examples of popular applications such as Uber, Twitter, Instagram, Google Docs, and Netflix, you’ll learn how to apply concepts to real-world scenarios. The book offers expert advice and strategies for preparing and acing system design interviews, along with a mind map/cheat sheet summarizing the key takeaways. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with unique techniques and the confidence to solve any coding interview question.