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With its extensive set of tools and features for improving productivity and collaboration, Microsoft 365 is being widely adopted by organizations worldwide. This book will help not only developers but also business people and those working with information to discover tips and tricks for making the most of the apps in the Microsoft 365 suite.The Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Guide is a compendium of best practices and tips to leverage M365 apps for effective collaboration and productivity. You'll find all that you need to work efficiently with the apps in the Microsoft 365 family in this complete, quick-start guide that takes you through the Microsoft 365 apps that you can use for your everyday activities. You'll learn how to boost your personal productivity with Microsoft Delve, MyAnalytics, Outlook, and OneNote. To enhance your communication and collaboration with teams, this book shows you how to make the best use of Microsoft OneDrive, Whiteboard, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. You'll also be able to be on top of your tasks and your team's activities, automating routines, forms, and apps with Microsoft Planner, To-Do, Power Automate, Power Apps, and Microsoft Forms.By the end of this book, you'll have understood the purpose of each Microsoft 365 app, when and how to use it, and learned tips and tricks to achieve more with M365.
Let's face it, people like images that move. Whether you see images on a moving billboard, walk into a bank with an LCD screen, watch TV, or surf the Web, motion graphics are everywhere. With an even greater demand to integrate motion graphics in just about every type of video or interactive content there is, this book will help you get there with Motion 5. It's all about creating eye-catching titles, transitions, and effects!Apple Motion 5 Cookbook contains exercises for the beginner and seasoned motion graphics user. You will learn how to navigate Motion's interface and quickly grasp the tools available to you while creating sophisticated and sleek animations in both 2D and 3D environments. Not forgetting visual effects, we will also explore motion tracking and green screen techniques that will help you composite like a pro. Let's launch the application, grab a cup of coffee, and get started on this exciting journey!The exercises will take you right from creating your very first Motion project through to export. You will learn how to navigate quickly and efficiently through Motion's complex interface and toolsets so that you can focus oncreating your masterpiece!You will learn how to create a new project and import material into that project from the File Browser and Motion's vast and rich content library. From there, you will learn to manipulate and animate these source files using Motion's behaviors, classic keyframing techniques, adding filters, and master the built-in tools such as particle systems that will knock your socks off! Last but not least, you will export your projects to a variety of different formats including DVD, as a Final Cut Pro generator, and the Web.The Apple Motion 5 Cookbook contains downloadable content for each chapter and is packed with screenshots and illustrations. After reading this book, you'll be creating motion graphics and visual effects in no time!
Downloading a piece of 3D software and shaping concepts and ideas is quite easy. However, designing feasible and cost-effective real parts from 3D models can be challenging with traditional production technologies, or even additive manufacturing. This book will give you the know-how and skills to develop your projects from ideas to physical products, and overcome these obstacles.In ‘Making Your CAM Journey Easier with Fusion 360’, you'll discover how to set up a CAM program, pick the right tool, and optimize production. You'll learn the pros and cons of different production technologies, including turning, milling, laser cutting, and 3D printing, and understand how to choose the best option based on your needs. You’ll also explore the important computer-aided manufacturing tools that Fusion 360 offers through the use of examples and best practices.By the end of this book, you’ll understand the potential issues and drawbacks of different design components and apply workarounds to avoid design flaws.
Interactive and engaging games come with intelligent enemies, and this intellectual behavior is combined with a variety of techniques collectively referred to as Artificial Intelligence. Exploring Unity's API, or its built-in features, allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game's worlds and characters. This cookbook covers both essential and niche techniques to help you take your AI programming to the next level.To start with, you’ll quickly run through the essential building blocks of working with an agent, programming movement, and navigation in a game environment, followed by improving your agent's decision-making and coordination mechanisms – all through hands-on examples using easily customizable techniques. You’ll then discover how to emulate the vision and hearing capabilities of your agent for natural and humanlike AI behavior, and later improve the agents with the help of graphs. This book also covers the new navigational mesh with improved AI and pathfinding tools introduced in the Unity 2018 update. You’ll empower your AI with decision-making functions by programming simple board games, such as tic-tac-toe and checkers, and orchestrate agent coordination to get your AIs working together as one.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained expertise in AI programming and developed creative and interactive games.
Hadoop: Data Processing and Modelling. Data Processing and Modelling
Tanmay Deshpande, Sandeep Karanth, Gerald Turkington
As Marc Andreessen has said “Data is eating the world,” which can be witnessed today being the age of Big Data, businesses are producing data in huge volumes every day and this rise in tide of data need to be organized and analyzed in a more secured way. With proper and effective use of Hadoop, you can build new-improved models, and based on that you will be able to make the right decisions.The first module, Hadoop beginners Guide will walk you through on understanding Hadoop with very detailed instructions and how to go about using it. Commands are explained using sections called “What just happened” for more clarity and understanding. The second module, Hadoop Real World Solutions Cookbook, 2nd edition, is an essential tutorial to effectively implement a big data warehouse in your business, where you get detailed practices on the latest technologies such as YARN and Spark.Big data has become a key basis of competition and the new waves of productivity growth. Hence, once you get familiar with the basics and implement the end-to-end big data use cases, you will start exploring the third module, Mastering Hadoop. So, now the question is if you need to broaden your Hadoop skill set to the next level after you nail the basics and the advance concepts, then this course is indispensable. When you finish this course, you will be able to tackle the real-world scenarios and become a big data expert using the tools and the knowledge based on the various step-by-step tutorials and recipes.
CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) ensures that security practitioners stay on top of the ever-changing security landscape. The CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the CompTIA CAS-004 exam so you can take it with confidence, fully equipped to pass on the first attempt.Written in a clear, succinct way with self-assessment questions, exam tips, and mock exams with detailed explanations, this audiobook covers security architecture, security operations, security engineering, cryptography, governance, risk, and compliance. You'll begin by developing the skills to architect, engineer, integrate, and implement secure solutions across complex environments to support a resilient enterprise. Moving on, you'll discover how to monitor and detect security incidents, implement incident response, and use automation to proactively support ongoing security operations. The audiobook also shows you how to apply security practices in the cloud, on-premises, to endpoints, and to mobile infrastructure. Finally, you'll understand the impact of governance, risk, and compliance requirements throughout the enterprise.By the end of this CASP study guide, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 certification exam and have a handy reference guide.
Data labeling is the invisible hand that guides the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In today’s data-driven world, mastering data labeling is not just an advantage, it’s a necessity. Data Labeling in Machine Learning with Python empowers you to unearth value from raw data, create intelligent systems, and influence the course of technological evolution.With this book, you'll discover the art of employing summary statistics, weak supervision, programmatic rules, and heuristics to assign labels to unlabeled training data programmatically. As you progress, you'll be able to enhance your datasets by mastering the intricacies of semi-supervised learning and data augmentation. Venturing further into the data landscape, you'll immerse yourself in the annotation of image, video, and audio data, harnessing the power of Python libraries such as seaborn, matplotlib, cv2, librosa, openai, and langchain. With hands-on guidance and practical examples, you'll gain proficiency in annotating diverse data types effectively.By the end of this book, you’ll have the practical expertise to programmatically label diverse data types and enhance datasets, unlocking the full potential of your data.
Integrating images, video, and audio content on a Drupal site requires knowledge of appropriate community modules, and an understanding of how to configure and connect them properly. With the power of up-to-date technologies such as HTML5, responsive web design, and the best modules available in Drupal's eco-system, we can create the best Drupal 7 media website.Drupal 7 Media is a practical, hands-on guide that will introduce you to the basic structure of a Drupal site and guide you through the integration of images, videos, and audio content. Learn to leverage the most suitable community modules and up-to-date technology such as HTML5 to offer a great user experience through rich media content.The book begins with a practical introduction to the basic Drupal building blocks. It then breaks down each media resource, and explores them in detail.You will learn how to leverage Drupal's community modules to implement support for images, videos, and audio content, along with the best practices for implementation. We will be mentioning ideas throughout the book, which you can extend upon and use to build your own web applications. We will explore HTML5 support for media resources, the semantic web, and responsive web design, which are key topics in modern web application development. We will then build upon this knowledge and add more functionality to our sample website, such as support for analytic charts and customizing images, all of which we will implement using our own custom modules.You will learn everything you need to know about building, extending, and configuring a Drupal 7 media web application.
ASP.NET Core 6 and Angular. Full-stack web development with ASP.NET 6 and Angular 13 - Fifth Edition
Every full-stack ninja needs the tools to operate on front-end and back-end application development. This web app development book takes a hands-on, project-based approach to provide you with all the tools and techniques that web developers need to create, debug, and deploy efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.The fifth edition has been updated to cover advanced topics such as Minimal APIs, Web APIs with GraphQL, real-time updates with SignalR, and new features in .NET 6 and Angular 13.You begin by building a data model with Entity Framework Core, alongside utilizing the Entity Core Fluent API and EntityTypeConfiguration class. You'll learn how to fetch and display data and handle user input with Angular reactive forms and front-end and back-end validators for maximum effect.Later, you will perform advanced debugging and explore the unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET 6) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. After adding authentication and authorization to your apps, you will explore progressive web applications, learning about their technical requirements, testing processes, and how to convert a standard web application to a PWA.By the end of this web development book, you will understand how to tie together the front-end and back-end to build and deploy secure and robust web applications.
The Raspberry Pi is a powerful low-cost credit-card-sized computer, which lends itself perfectly as the controller for a sophisticated home security system. Using the on-board interfaces available, the Raspberry Pi can be expanded to allow the connection of a virtually infinite number of security sensors and devices. The Raspberry Pi has the processing power and interfaces available to build a sophisticated home security system but at a fraction of the cost of commercially available systems.Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi starts off by showing you the Raspberry Pi and how to set up the Linux-based operating system. It then guides you through connecting switch sensors and LEDs to the native GPIO connector safely, and how to access them using simple Bash scripts. As you dive further in, you’ll learn how to build an input/output expansion board using the I2C interface and power supply, allowing the connection of the large number of sensors needed for a typical home security setup. In the later chapters of the book, we'll look at more sophisticated topics such as adding cameras, remotely accessing the system using your mobile phone, receiving intrusion alerts and images by e-mail, and more.By the end of the book, you will be well-versed with the use of Raspberry Pi to power a home-based security system that sends message alerts whenever it is triggered and will be able to build a truly sophisticated and modular home security system. You will also gain a good understanding of Raspberry Pi's ecosystem and be able to write the functions required for a security system.
Begin your journey into PHP programming and algorithmic thinking with a structured, detailed course that takes you from understanding the basic components of a computer to mastering complex decision control and loop structures. Each chapter builds on the previous one, starting with an introduction to how computers work and gradually progressing to more complex topics like decision control structures, loop structures, arrays, and subprograms.You'll start with foundational concepts such as variables, constants, and operators, before diving into more advanced topics like manipulating strings, handling input and output, and developing complex mathematical expressions. The course emphasizes practical application, guiding you through the use of Visual Studio Code, integrated development environments, and essential software packages.By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of PHP programming and algorithmic thinking, enabling you to write efficient code, develop your own subprograms, and utilize various control structures and arrays effectively. This course is tailored for beginners, ensuring a smooth learning curve with tips, tricks, and exercises to reinforce your knowledge, and prepare you with the necessary skills needed to be a programmer.
Most users on the Internet have a few favorite Internet web applications that they use often and cannot do without. These popular applications often provide essential services that we need even while we don’t fully understand its features or how they work. Ruby empowers you to develop your own clones of such applications without much ordeal. Learning how these sites work and describing how they can be implemented enables you to move to the next step of customizing them and enabling your own version of these services.This book shows the reader how to clone some of the Internet's most popular applications in Ruby by first identifying their main features, and then showing example Ruby code to replicate this functionality.While we understand that it connects us to our friends and people we want to meet up with, what is the common feature of a social network that makes it a social network? And how do these features work? This book is the answer to all these questions. It will provide a step-by-step explanation on how the application is designed and coded, and then how it is deployed to the Heroku cloud platform. This book’s main purpose is to break up popular Internet services such as TinyURL, Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook to understand what makes it tick. Then using Ruby, the book describes how a minimal set of features for these sites can be modeled, built, and deployed on the Internet.
Are you looking for an all-in-one comprehensive guide to implementing Mailchimp channels and automation for your business? Then Marketing Automation with Mailchimp can be your go-to guide. You’ll start by learning common terms used in the Mailchimp environment, as well as about account setup and audience management for businesses. After that, you’ll find out how to set up channels, where you’ll actively interact with your contacts and begin to add new ones. Additionally, you’ll gain an understanding of how to set up a consistent marketing presence in the form of emails and websites and the benefits of determining a brand identity.You’ll also explore advanced Mailchimp features to optimize platform utilization using analytics, reporting, A/B and multivariate testing, the customer journey builder, and the Mailchimp e-commerce store. Toward the end, you’ll discover some important shopping, payment, and CRM integrations that can be connected to your Mailchimp platform for custom business needs. With this book, you’ll gain insights into real-world use cases to implement a marketing strategy to extend your existing work.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to implement Mailchimp marketing automation seamlessly into your business to grow your customer base and revenue.
Inkscape is a free Open Source program that allows you to create vibrant vector graphics in all manner of shapes and sizes. From creating designs for the web or for print, to creating your own personal logo or interfaces, Inkscape gives you the power to shape what people will see when it comes to your personal projects.If you are new to Inkscape this book is the perfect companion for getting you off to a flying start. No previous experience with Inkscape is required as you will be guided through downloading Inkscape and installing it on your system.The amount of things that you can do with Inkscape is overwhelming so this quick start guide will show you how to create your very first vector graphic. The resources in this book will help you to become familiar with the Inkscape community, which is a valuable part of any Open Source project. Finally, you will see how to use seven key features of Inkscape ñusing paths and layers, combining shapes, creating and editing text tools, importing and embedding images, and a list of keyboard shortcuts for text styling - which will give you the knowledge to perform simple tasks and set off on your own.