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Learning Google Apps Script. Customize and automate Google Applications using Apps Script
Google Apps Script is a cloud-based scripting language based on JavaScript to customize and automate Google applications. Apps Script makes it easy to create and publish add-ons in an online store for Google Sheets, Docs, and Forms.It serves as one single platform to build, code, and ultimately share your App on the Web store.This book begins by covering the basics of the Google application platform and goes on to empower you to automate most of the Google applications.You will learn the concepts of creating a menu, sending mails, building interactive web pages, and implementing all these techniques to develop an interactive Web page as a form to submit sheetsYou will be guided through all these tasks with plenty of screenshots and code snippets that will ensure your success in customizing and automating various Google applicationsThis guide is an invaluable tutorial for beginners who intend to develop the skills to automate and customize Google applications
Microsoft Teams is a platform for unified communication in modern workplaces. It not only enables effective communication, but also helps you manage your resources through its integration with various Microsoft Office 365 services. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the platform, getting you up to speed in no time. Complete with hands-on tutorials, and projects, this easy-to-follow guide will teach you how to use Teams in the best possible way.Starting with the basic concepts that will help you collaborate on Teams, this book takes you through expert techniques for creating and managing teams. A dedicated section also features industry practices to help enhance collaboration in modern workplaces. In later chapters, you’ll explore Microsoft services such as SharePoint, PowerApps, Power Automate, and learn how they interact with Microsoft Teams. You’ll also get to grips with dealing with permissions and security issues in managing private and public teams and channels. Along the way, you’ll discover practical scenarios that will help you improve the collaboration in your organization and increase productivity by using Teams features.By the end of this book, you’ll have hands-on experience of using Microsoft Teams, along with the skills you need to improve the way people collaborate in your organization.
Ansible Playbook Essentials. Design automation blueprints to manage your multitier infrastructure
Ansible Playbook Essentials will show you how to write a blueprint of your infrastructure, encompassing multitier applications using Ansible's playbooks. Beginning with basic concepts such as plays, tasks, handlers, inventory, and YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML) syntax that Ansible uses, you'll understand how to organize your code into a modular structure. Building on this, you will study techniques to create data-driven playbooks with variables, templates, logical constructs, and encrypted data, which will further strengthen your application skills in Ansible. Adding to this, the book will also take you through advanced clustering concepts, such as discovering topology information about other nodes in the cluster and managing multiple environments with isolated configurations. As you approach the concluding chapters, you can expect to learn about orchestrating infrastructure and deploying applications in a coordinated manner.By the end of this book, you will be able to design solutions to your automation and orchestration problems using playbooks quickly and efficiently.
The Unity game engine, used by millions of developers around the world, is popular thanks to its features that enable you to create games and 3D apps for desktop and mobile platforms in no time. With Unity 2020, this state-of-the-art game engine introduces enhancements in Unity tooling, editor, and workflow, among many other additions.The third edition of this Unity book is updated to the new features in Unity 2020 and modern game development practices. Once you’ve quickly got to grips with the fundamentals of Unity game development, you’ll create a collection, a twin-stick shooter, and a 2D adventure game. You’ll then explore advanced topics such as machine learning, virtual reality, and augmented reality by building complete projects using the latest game tool kit. As you implement concepts in practice, this book will ensure that you come away with a clear understanding of Unity game development.By the end of the book, you'll have a firm foundation in Unity development using C#, which can be applied to other engines and programming languages. You'll also be able to create several real-world projects to add to your professional game development portfolio.
The surge in connected edge devices has driven organizations to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the massive amounts of data generated by these devices. However, adapting to this landscape demands significant changes in application architectures.This book serves as your guide to edge computing fundamentals, shedding light on the constraints and risks inherent in selecting solutions within this domain. You’ll explore an extensive suite of edge computing services from AWS, gaining insights into when and how to use AWS Outposts, AWS Wavelength, AWS Local Zones, AWS Snow Family, and AWS IoT Greengrass. With detailed use cases, technical requirements, and architectural patterns, you’ll master the practical implementation of these services and see how they work in real life through step-by-step examples, using the AWS CLI and AWS Management Console. To conclude, you’ll delve into essential security and operational considerations to maximize the value delivered by AWS services.By the end of this book, you'll be ready to design powerful edge computing architectures and handle complex edge computing use cases across multiple AWS services.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) allows you to run native Linux tools alongside traditional Windows applications. Whether you’re developing applications across multiple operating systems or looking to add more tools to your Windows environment, WSL offers endless possibilities.You’ll start by understanding what WSL is and learn how to install and configure WSL along with different Linux distros. Next, you'll learn techniques that allow you to work across both Windows and Linux environments. You’ll discover how to install and customize the new Windows Terminal. We'll also show you how to work with code in WSL using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). In addition to this, you’ll explore how to work with containers with Docker and Kubernetes, and how to containerize a development environment using VS Code.While Microsoft has announced support for GPU and GUI applications in an upcoming release of WSL, at the time of writing these features are either not available or only in early preview releases. This book focuses on the stable, released features of WSL and giving you a solid understanding of the amazing techniques that you can use with WSL today.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to configure WSL and Windows Terminal to suit your preferences, and productively use Visual Studio Code for developing applications with WSL.
Minimal CMake. Learn the best bits of CMake to create and share your own libraries and applications
Minimal CMake guides you through creating a CMake project one step at a time. The book utilizes the author's unique expertise in game and engine development to craft compelling examples of how CMake can be used to build complex software. The chapters introduce concepts gradually, each one building on the last. Throughout the course of the book, you will progress from a simple console application all the way through to a full windowed app.The book will help you build a strong foundation in CMake that will translate to future projects. You'll learn how to integrate existing software libraries to enhance your app's functionality, how to build reusable libraries to share with others, and how to manage developing for multiple platforms simultaneously, including macOS, Windows, and Linux. You'll also find out how CMake facilitates testing and how to package your application ready for distribution.The book aims to not overwhelm you with everything there is to know about CMake. Instead, it focuses on the most relevant and important parts that will help you become productive quickly.By the end of this book, you will be a confident CMake user and will have gained the skills and experience to build and share your own libraries and applications.
Practical Responsive Typography. A hands on guide to responsive typography
Typography is an essential part of any website’s design. It can help you stand out from the crowd, communicate with clarity, and cultivate a distinctive identity.Practical Responsive Typography demonstrates how to use typography to greatest effect. With this book you won't underestimate it's importance - you'll be in complete control over this crucial component of web design. From scaling and optimizing screen spaces to using a range of different web fonts, you'll quickly get up to speed with the practical considerations behind successful typography.But more than the fundamentals, you'll also find out how to go further by customizing typography designs to suit your identity.
Large-scale web applications require you to write code efficiently following business and architectural considerations. They require web developers to understand the impact of their work on the system and how they can evolve the product.With this audiobook, every developer will find something to take away. This audiobook will help web developers looking to change projects or work on a new project in understanding the context of the application, along with how some design decisions or patterns fit better in their application’s architecture. It acts as a guide, taking you through different levels of professional growth with a focus on best practices, coding guidelines, business considerations, and soft skills that will help you gain the knowledge to craft a career in web development. Finally, you’ll work with examples and ways of applying the discussed concepts in practical situations.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained valuable insights into what it means to be a web architect, as well as the impact architecture has on a web application.
Alfonso San Miguel Sánchez, Danny Obando García
In response to the escalating challenges of cloud adoption, where balancing costs and maximizing cloud values is paramount, FinOps practices have emerged as the cornerstone of fi nancial optimization. This book serves as your comprehensive guide to understanding how FinOps is implemented in organizations worldwide through team collaboration and proper cloud governance.Presenting FinOps from a practical point of view, covering the three phases—inform, optimize, and operate—this book demonstrates an end-to-end methodology for optimizing costs and performing financial management in the cloud. You’ll learn how to design KPIs and dashboards for judicious cost allocation, covering key features of cloud services such as reserved instances, rightsizing, scaling, and automation for cost optimization. This book further simplifi es architectural concepts and best practices, enabling you to design superior and more optimized solutions. Finally, you’ll discover potential synergies and future challenges, from the integration of artifi cial intelligence to cloud sustainability considerations, to prepare for the future of cloud FinOps.By the end of this book, you’ll have built the expertise to seamlessly implement FinOps practices across major public clouds, armed with insights and ideas to propel your organization toward business growth.
Devin Knight, Erin Ostrowsky, Mitchell Pearson, Bradley Schacht
Updated with the latest features and improvements in Power BI, this fast-paced yet comprehensive guide will help you master the core concepts of data visualization quickly. You’ll learn how to install Power BI, design effective data models, and build basic dashboards and visualizations to help you make better business decisions. This new edition will also help you bridge the gap between MS Excel and Power BI.Throughout this book, you’ll learn how to obtain data from a variety of sources and clean it using the Power Query Editor. You’ll also start designing data models to navigate and explore relationships within your data and building DAX formulas to make data easier to work with. Visualizing data is a key element of this book, so there’s an emphasis on helping you get to grips with data visualization styles and enhanced digital storytelling.As you progress, you’ll start building your own dataflows, gain an understanding of the Common Data Model, and automate dataflow refreshes to eradicate data cleaning inefficiency. You’ll learn how to administer your organization's Power BI environment so that deployment can be made seamless, data refreshes can run properly, and security can be fully implemented.By the end of this Power BI book, you’ll know how to get the most out of Power BI for better business intelligence.