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Richard William Hand, Glenys Gillian Bradbury, Derrin Michael Kent, Margaret Anne Kent, ...
Mahara is a user-centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. These views helps you display your artefacts – text files, spreadsheets, images, and videos – in a way you choose and to the people you want. You can also create online communities and social networks through groups, blogs, and forums.Being a novice, you will need a quick and easy implementation guide to set up your feature-rich digital portfolio.This book is your step-by-step guide to building an impressive professional e-portfolio using Mahara. It covers the key features of Mahara that will help you set up your customized digital portfolio and display the artefacts in your preferred way allowing contribution from selected users only.This book will introduce to the exciting features of Mahara framework and help you develop a feature-rich e-portfolio for yourself. You will see how easily you can create folders, upload multiple files like journals, project documents, pictures, and videos and share them with your friends. You will learn to set up views of these files, making these visible to your chosen friends only. And then, you will allow people to give their inputs.You will learn to create blogs and forums and get connected to the rest of the world. Customization and administration of your Mahara site will become easy after you have gone through this book. Imagine how good you will feel when you will see your knowledge, success, and ideas going live and available to your chosen audiences for their inputs.
Computer vision is a crucial component of many modern businesses, including automobiles, robotics, and manufacturing, and its market is growing rapidly. This book helps you explore Detectron2, Facebook's next-gen library providing cutting-edge detection and segmentation algorithms. It’s used in research and practical projects at Facebook to support computer vision tasks, and its models can be exported to TorchScript or ONNX for deployment.The book provides you with step-by-step guidance on using existing models in Detectron2 for computer vision tasks (object detection, instance segmentation, key-point detection, semantic detection, and panoptic segmentation). You’ll get to grips with the theories and visualizations of Detectron2’s architecture and learn how each module in Detectron2 works. As you advance, you’ll build your practical skills by working on two real-life projects (preparing data, training models, fine-tuning models, and deployments) for object detection and instance segmentation tasks using Detectron2. Finally, you’ll deploy Detectron2 models into production and develop Detectron2 applications for mobile devices.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll have gained sound theoretical knowledge and useful hands-on skills to help you solve advanced computer vision tasks using Detectron2.
Organizations are moving their applications, data, and processes to the cloud to reduce application costs, effort, and maintenance. However, adopting new technology poses challenges for developers, solutions architects, and designers due to a lack of knowledge and appropriate practical training resources. This book helps you get to grips with Oracle Visual Builder (VB) and enables you to quickly develop web and mobile applications and deploy them to production without hassle.This book will provide you with a solid understanding of VB so that you can adopt it at a faster pace and start building applications right away. After working with real-time examples to learn about VB, you'll discover how to design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications quickly. You'll cover all the VB components in-depth, including web and mobile application development, business objects, and service connections. In order to use all these components, you'll also explore best practices, security, and recommendations, which are well explained within the chapters. Finally, this book will help you gain the knowledge you need to enhance the performance of an application before deploying it to production.By the end of this book, you will be able to work independently and deploy your VB applications efficiently and with confidence.
SQL is a powerful querying language that's used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data, and it is one of the most popular languages used by developers to query and analyze data efficiently.If you're looking for a comprehensive introduction to SQL, Learn SQL Database Programming will help you to get up to speed with using SQL to streamline your work in no time. Starting with an overview of relational database management systems, this book will show you how to set up and use MySQL Workbench and design a database using practical examples. You'll also discover how to query and manipulate data with SQL programming using MySQL Workbench. As you advance, you’ll create a database, query single and multiple tables, and modify data using SQL querying. This SQL book covers advanced SQL techniques, including aggregate functions, flow control statements, error handling, and subqueries, and helps you process your data to present your findings. Finally, you’ll implement best practices for writing SQL and designing indexes and tables.By the end of this SQL programming book, you’ll have gained the confidence to use SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data.
Blender 3D Basics. The complete novice's guide to 3D modeling and animation
Blender is by far the most popular open source graphics program available. It is a full featured 3D modeling, animation and games development tool used by millions all over the world ñ and it's free! This book is for those looking for an entry into the world of 3D modeling and animation regardless of prior experience.Blender 3D Basics is the entry level book for those without prior experience using 3D tools. It caters for those who may have downloaded Blender in the past but were frustrated by its lack of intuitiveness. Using simple steps it builds, chapter by chapter, into a full foundation in 3D modeling and animation.Using Blender 3D Basics the reader will model a maritime scene complete with boats and water, then add materials, lighting and animation. The book demystifies the Blender interface and explains what each tool does so that you will be left with a thorough understanding of 3D.
Machine learning (ML) combined with data mining can give you amazing results in your data mining work by empowering you with several ways to look at data. This book will help you improve your data mining techniques by using smart modeling techniques.This book will teach you how to implement ML algorithms and techniques in your data mining work. It will enable you to pair the best algorithms with the right tools and processes. You will learn how to identify patterns and make predictions with minimal human intervention. You will build different types of ML models, such as the neural network, the Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and the Decision tree. You will see how all of these models works and what kind of data in the dataset they are suited for. You will learn how to combine the results of different models in order to improve accuracy. Topics such as removing noise and handling errors will give you an added edge in model building and optimization.By the end of this book, you will be able to build predictive models and extract information of interest from the dataset
In today’s digital era, every organization has data, but just possessing enormous amounts of data is not a sufficient market discriminator. The Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation aims to provide actionable insights into the real market discriminators, including an organization’s data-fueled analytics products that inspire innovation, deliver insights, help make practical decisions, generate value, and produce mission success for the enterprise.The book begins by first building your mindset to be value-driven and introducing the Big Data Business Model Maturity Index, its maturity index phases, and how to navigate the index. You will explore value engineering, where you will learn how to identify key business initiatives, stakeholders, advanced analytics, data sources, and instrumentation strategies that are essential to data science success. The book will help you accelerate and optimize your company’s operations through AI and machine learning.By the end of the book, you will have the tools and techniques to drive your organization’s digital transformation.Here are a few words from Dr. Kirk Borne, Data Scientist and Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton, about the book:Data analytics should first and foremost be about action and value. Consequently, the great value of this book is that it seeks to be actionable. It offers a dynamic progression of purpose-driven ignition points that you can act upon.
Dancing with Qubits, Second Edition, is a comprehensive quantum computing textbook that starts with an overview of why quantum computing is so different from classical computing and describes several industry use cases where it can have a major impact. A full description of classical computing and the mathematical underpinnings of quantum computing follows, helping you better understand concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and interference. Next up are circuits and algorithms, both basic and sophisticated, as well as a survey of the physics and engineering ideas behind how quantum computing hardware is built. Finally, the book looks to the future and gives you guidance on understanding how further developments may affect you.This new edition is updated throughout with more than 100 new exercises and includes new chapters on NISQ algorithms and quantum machine learning.Understanding quantum computing requires a lot of math, and this book doesn't shy away from the necessary math concepts you'll need. Each topic is explained thoroughly and with helpful examples, leaving you with a solid foundation of knowledge in quantum computing that will help you pursue and leverage quantum-led technologies.
Simone Alessandria, Brian Kayfitz
“Anyone interested in developing Flutter applications for Android or iOS should have a copy of this book on their desk.” – Amazon 5* ReviewLauded as the ‘Flutter bible’ for new and experienced mobile app developers, this recipe-based guide will teach you the best practices for robust app development, as well as how to solve cross-platform development issues.From setting up and customizing your development environment to error handling and debugging, The Flutter Cookbook covers the how-tos as well as the principles behind them.As you progress, the recipes in this book will get you up to speed with the main tasks involved in app development, such as user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design, API design, and creating animations. Later chapters will focus on routing, retrieving data from web services, and persisting data locally. A dedicated section also covers Firebase and its machine learning capabilities. The last chapter is specifically designed to help you create apps for the web and desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Throughout the book, you’ll also find recipes that cover the most important features needed to build a cross-platform application, along with insights into running a single codebase on different platforms.By the end of this Flutter book, you’ll be writing and delivering fully functional apps with confidence.
Small Businesses need to capitalize on the investments they make in IT to drive the business forward. SBS 2008 is uniquely positioned to deliver, but a poor implementation becomes a hindrance rather than a benefit to your business. Well implemented solutions enable your business to appear larger, yet more dynamic than many enterprises.It's easy to get Small Business Server 2008 up and running when you've got this book to hand. It helps you in a clear and friendly manner to understand how to implement SBS 2008 inside your business in a way that matches your business needs. The author's experience enables him to share a tried and tested path to deliver the business benefits without becoming bogged down in unnecessary details that are not relevant to small businesses.SBS 2008 is a fantastic investment for Small Businesses to make towards a well managed and highly functional IT solution in their business. This book is the culmination of many years advising small business owners and consultants on the recommend, tried and tested path to implement small business technology from Microsoft. Through this book you will gain an understanding of the features you can choose to use and then how to securely implement the server to deliver them. It will guide you through the installation and configuration process with the help of step-by-step instructions and plentiful screenshots. It will also explain how you can benefit from the collaboration tools based on SharePoint and how you can protect all your business data with a back-up process that covers anything from deleted files to a fire in the office.Imagine how great you'll feel when your Small Business Server 2008 is ready and working, and you can get back to surfing the Internet!
Linux Kernel Programming Part 2 - Char Device Drivers and Kernel Synchronization is an ideal companion guide to the Linux Kernel Programming book. This book provides a comprehensive introduction for those new to Linux device driver development and will have you up and running with writing misc class character device driver code (on the 5.4 LTS Linux kernel) in next to no time.You'll begin by learning how to write a simple and complete misc class character driver before interfacing your driver with user-mode processes via procfs, sysfs, debugfs, netlink sockets, and ioctl. You'll then find out how to work with hardware I/O memory. The book covers working with hardware interrupts in depth and helps you understand interrupt request (IRQ) allocation, threaded IRQ handlers, tasklets, and softirqs. You'll also explore the practical usage of useful kernel mechanisms, setting up delays, timers, kernel threads, and workqueues. Finally, you'll discover how to deal with the complexity of kernel synchronization with locking technologies (mutexes, spinlocks, and atomic/refcount operators), including more advanced topics such as cache effects, a primer on lock-free techniques, deadlock avoidance (with lockdep), and kernel lock debugging techniques.By the end of this Linux kernel book, you'll have learned the fundamentals of writing Linux character device driver code for real-world projects and products.
Many developers face the challenge of managing repetitive tasks and maintaining productivity. This book will help you tackle both these challenges with Amazon Q Developer, a generative AI-powered assistant designed to optimize coding and streamline workflows.This book takes you through the setup and customization of Amazon Q Developer, demonstrating how to leverage its capabilities for auto-code generation, code explanation, and transformation across multiple IDEs and programming languages. You'll learn to use Amazon Q Developer to enhance coding experiences, generate accurate code references, and ensure security by scanning for vulnerabilities. The book also shows you how to use Amazon Q Developer for AWS-related tasks, including solution building, applying architecture best practices, and troubleshooting errors. Each chapter provides practical insights and step-by-step guidance to help you fully integrate this powerful tool into your development process. You’ll get to grips with effortless code implementation, explanation, transformation, and documentation, helping you create applications faster and improve your development experience.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Amazon Q Developer to accelerate your software development lifecycle, improve code quality, and build applications faster and more efficiently.
API Analytics for Product Managers. Understand key API metrics that can help you grow your business
APIs are crucial in the modern market as they allow faster innovation. But have you ever considered your APIs as products for revenue generation?API Analytics for Product Managers takes you through the benefits of efficient researching, strategizing, marketing, and continuously measuring the effectiveness of your APIs to help grow both B2B and B2C SaaS companies. Once you've been introduced to the concept of an API as a product, this fast-paced guide will show you how to establish metrics for activation, retention, engagement, and usage of your API products, as well as metrics to measure the reach and effectiveness of documentation—an often-overlooked aspect of development.Of course, it's not all about the product—as any good product manager knows; you need to understand your customers’ needs, expectations, and satisfaction too. Once you've gathered your data, you’ll need to be able to derive actionable insights from it. This is where the book covers the advanced concepts of leading and lagging metrics, removing bias from the metric-setting process, and bringing metrics together to establish long- and short-term goals.By the end of this book, you'll be perfectly placed to apply product management methodologies to the building and scaling of revenue-generating APIs.
Patrick Sarsfield, Brandi Locker, Adam Mico
Tableau Server is a business intelligence application that provides a centralized location to store, edit, share, and collaborate on content, such as dashboards and curated data sources. This book gets you up and running with Tableau Server to help you increase end-user engagement for your published work as well as reduce or eliminate redundant tasks.You’ll explore Tableau Server's structure and how to get started by connecting, publishing content, and navigating the software interface. Next, you’ll learn when and how to update the settings of your content at various levels to best utilize Tableau Server’s features. You’ll understand how to interact with the Tableau Server interface to locate, sort, filter, manage and customize content. Later, the book shows you how to leverage other valuable features that enable you and your audience to share, download, and interact with content on Tableau Server. As you progress, you’ll cover principles to increase the performance of your published content. All along, the book shows you how to navigate, interact with, and use Tableau Server with the help of engaging examples and best practices shared by recognized Tableau professionals.By the end of this Tableau book, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Tableau Server to manage content, automate tasks, and increase end-user engagement.
When building mobile apps, it’s easy to forget about the moments when your users lack a good Internet connection. Put your phone in airplane mode, open a few popular apps, and you’ll quickly see how they handle being offline. From Twitter to Pinterest to Apple Maps, some apps might handle being offline better—but very few do it well. A poor offline experience will result in frustrated users who will abandon your app, or worse, turn to your competitor’s appsExpert or novice, this book will teach you everything you need to know about designing and building a rigorous offline app experience. By putting the offline experience first, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon, avoiding the unnecessary stress and frustration of trying to retrofit offline capabilities into your finished app. This basic principle, designing for the worst-case scenario, could save you countless hours of wasted effort.
Computer vision is a rapidly evolving science, encompassing diverse applications and techniques. This book will not only help those who are getting started with computer vision but also experts in the domain. You’ll be able to put theory into practice by building apps with OpenCV 4 and Python 3.You’ll start by understanding OpenCV 4 and how to set it up with Python 3 on various platforms. Next, you’ll learn how to perform basic operations such as reading, writing, manipulating, and displaying still images, videos, and camera feeds. From taking you through image processing, video analysis, and depth estimation and segmentation, to helping you gain practice by building a GUI app, this book ensures you’ll have opportunities for hands-on activities. Next, you’ll tackle two popular challenges: face detection and face recognition. You’ll also learn about object classification and machine learning concepts, which will enable you to create and use object detectors and classifiers, and even track objects in movies or video camera feed. Later, you’ll develop your skills in 3D tracking and augmented reality. Finally, you’ll cover ANNs and DNNs, learning how to develop apps for recognizing handwritten digits and classifying a person's gender and age.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills you need to execute real-world computer vision projects.