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Explore the world of Business Intelligence through the eyes of an analyst working in a successful and growing company. Learn R through use cases supporting different functions within that company. This book provides data-driven and analytically focused approaches to help you answer questions in operations, marketing, and finance. In Part 1, you will learn about extracting data from different sources, cleaning that data, and exploring its structure. In Part 2, you will explore predictive models and cluster analysis for Business Intelligence and analyze financial times series. Finally, in Part 3, you will learn to communicate results with sharp visualizations and interactive, web-based dashboards.After completing the use cases, you will be able to work with business data in the R programming environment and realize how data science helps make informed decisions and develops business strategy. Along the way, you will find helpful tips about R and Business Intelligence.
Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Exam Ref SC-100 is a comprehensive guide that will help cybersecurity professionals design and evaluate the cybersecurity architecture of Microsoft cloud services. Complete with hands-on tutorials, projects, and self-assessment questions, you’ll have everything you need to pass the SC-100 exam.This book will take you through designing a strategy for a cybersecurity architecture and evaluating the governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) of the architecture. This will include cloud-only and hybrid infrastructures, where you’ll learn how to protect using the principles of zero trust, along with evaluating security operations and the overall security posture. To make sure that you are able to take the SC-100 exam with confidence, the last chapter of this book will let you test your knowledge with a mock exam and practice questions.By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge you need to plan, design, and evaluate cybersecurity for Microsoft cloud and hybrid infrastructures, and pass the SC-100 exam with flying colors.
Modern mobile devices are capable of supporting video games of amazing quality but there are so many different devices and platforms how can you support them all? The answer is to use the Marmalade SDK to write your code once and deploy it to all popular mobile platforms at the touch of a button.Marmalade SDK Mobile Game Development Essentials will provide you with everything you need to know to transfer your existing C++ videogame programming knowledge to mobile devices. From graphics and sound to input methods and actual deployment to device, this book covers the lot.Learn how to make use of keys, touch screen and accelerometer inputs for controlling your game.Take the pain out of supporting a varied range of target devices, both across multiple platforms and multiple specifications.Step by step from Hello World to a complete game, this book will show how to use the Marmalade SDK to develop games for mobile devices.Learn how to make dazzling 2D and 3D games complete with fully animated characters, music and sound effects that can be deployed to all the leading mobile platforms, whilst ensuring it can run on a wide range of possible devices, from low specification to high end.If you want to join the exciting world of mobile videogames then Learning Mobile Game Development with Marmalade will show you how to do so, fast!
PrestaShop is an open source, e-commerce solution which allows you to build a highly functional, flexible, and attractive online store.InPrestaShop 1.5 Beginner's Guide you will learn how to set up, extend, and personalize your own online shop. Newly updated to focus on PrestaShop 1.5, this book features descriptive and practical tutorials on everything you need to make a splash in the world of e-commerce.If you want to start selling your products online but are a bit daunted about shipping, tax, and designing your online presence, then this is the book for you.This practical book starts by showing you how to download, install, and configure your own shop. Using a step-by-step approach, this book takes you through the processes required to create a fully functioning online shop with the potential to make you serious money.With distinct chapters on the methods required to make your products stand out to your customers better, this title will enable you to create and customize a vivid, online presence to get people visiting your store and buying your goods.Targeting further sales, this book then shows you how to develop a targeted search engine optimization campaign to get new customers and keep existing customers returning. From here you will learn how to tackle complicated tax rates and shipping costs efficiently and with less hassle to ensure your customers are satisfied with your service.If you want to start your own e-commerce business using PrestaShop, then this book will show you how.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 is a sophisticated Enterprise Resource Planning application with a multitude of features and options. The implementation of Dynamics GP is usually considered to be complex, and can be very confusing for users and consultants. This step-by-step guide will show you how to effectively implement Dynamics GP 2010 with ease.This focused, step-by-step tutorial covers the basics of Microsoft Dynamics GP, from licensing, to design, before moving on to more complex topics such as implementation and setup. You will learn how to install and configure Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 from start to finish.This book will enable you to master the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 2010 effectively. This book starts with how to plan and complete a successful Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 implementation. You will then move on to learning who should be on the implementation team, what important questions should be asked and how to plan your infrastructure for Dynamics GP 2010. Detailed descriptions of all the setup options for the core Dynamics GP modules as well as practical advice on setup will help guide you through the myriad of options available in this powerful application. As you reach the end of the book you will learn how to import your initial data with illustrations and practical examples.
Dr. Alex Antic, John K. Thompson
A Gartner prediction in 2018 led to numerous articles stating that 85% of AI and machine learning projects fail to deliver.” Although it's unclear whether a mass extinction event occurred for AI implementations at the end of 2022, the question remains: how can I ensure that my project delivers value and doesn't become a statistic?The demand for data scientists has only grown since 2015, when they were dubbed the new “rock stars” of business. But how can you become a data science rock star? As a new senior data leader, how can you build and manage a productive team? And what is the path to becoming a chief data officer?Creators of Intelligence is a collection of in-depth, one-on-one interviews where Dr. Alex Antic, a recognized data science leader, explores the answers to these questions and more with some of the world's leading data science leaders and CDOs.Interviews with: Cortnie Abercrombie, Edward Santow, Kshira Saagar, Charles Martin, Petar Veličković, Kathleen Maley, Kirk Borne, Nikolaj Van Omme, Jason Tamara Widjaja, Jon Whittle, Althea Davis, Igor Halperin, Christina Stathopoulos, Angshuman Ghosh, Maria Milosavljevic, Dr. Meri Rosich, Dat Tran, and Stephane Doyen.
Weimin Sun, Xun (Brian) Wu, Angela Kwok
The failure of initial coin offerings (ICOs) is no accident, as most ICOs do not link to a real asset and are not regulated. Realizing the shortcomings of ICOs, the blockchain community and potential investors embraced security token offerings (STOs) and stablecoins enthusiastically.In this book, we start with an overview of the blockchain technology along with its basic concepts. We introduce the concept behind STO, and cover the basic requirements for launching a STO and the relevant regulations governing its issuance. We discuss U.S. securities laws development in launching security digital tokens using blockchain technology and show some real use cases. We also explore the process of STO launches and legal considerations. We introduce popular security tokens in the current blockchain space and talk about how to develop a security token DApp, including smart contract development for ERC1404 tokens. Later, you'll learn to build frontend side functionalities to interact with smart contracts. Finally, we discuss stablecoin technical design functionalities for issuing and operating STO tokens by interacting with Ethereum smart contracts.By the end of this book, you will have learned more about STOs and gained a detailed knowledge of building relevant applications—all with the help of practical examples.
cPanel User Guide and Tutorial. Get the most from cPanel with this easy to follow guide
A great book for getting the most out of your cPanel-supporting web hostIf you have web hosting requirements beyond the most basic, you should look for a host that offers cPanel. cPanel gives you tight control over every aspect of your web site, email accounts, and domain names.But once you've got a web site with cPanel support, how do you go about using it? While the documentation included with cPanel may provide a quick reference, to really get the most from it you need a more detailed, systematic tutorial.Read this book to find out exactly how to get the most from cPanel in all aspects of your web site management: web, email, FTP, security, domains, back ups, and more.
Scala: Applied Machine Learning. Master the art of Machine Learning in Scala
Patrick R. Nicolas, Alex Kozlov, Pascal Bugnion
This Learning Path aims to put the entire world of machine learning with Scala in front of you. Scala for Data Science, the first module in this course, is a tutorial guide that provides tutorials on some of the most common Scala libraries for data science, allowing you to quickly get up to speed building data science and data engineering solutions.The second course, Scala for Machine Learning guides you through the process of building AI applications with diagrams, formal mathematical notation, source code snippets, and useful tips. A review of the Akka framework and Apache Spark clusters concludes the tutorial.The next module, Mastering Scala Machine Learning, is the final step in this course. It will take your knowledge to next level and help you use the knowledge to build advanced applications such as social media mining, intelligent news portals, and more. After a quick refresher on functional programming concepts using REPL, you will see some practical examples of setting up the development environment and tinkering with data. We will then explore working with Spark and MLlib using k-means and decision trees.By the end of this course, you will be a master at Scala machine learning and have enough expertise to be able to build complex machine learning projects using Scala.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Scala for Data Science, Pascal Bugnion? Scala for Machine Learning, Patrick Nicolas? Mastering Scala Machine Learning, Alex Kozlov
Networks in your infrastructure set the foundation for deploying, maintaining, and servicing applications. Python is the ideal language for network engineers to explore tools that were previously available to systems engineers and application developers. Mastering Python Networking, Fourth edition, guides you on a Python-driven journey from traditional network engineering to modern network development.This new edition incorporates the latest Python features and DevOps frameworks. In addition to new chapters on introducing Docker containers and Python 3 Async IO for network engineers, each chapter is updated with the latest libraries and working examples to ensure compatibility and clarity of the concepts.Starting with a basic overview of Python, the book teaches you how it can interact with both legacy and API-enabled network devices. You will learn to leverage high-level Python packages and frameworks to perform network automation tasks, monitoring, management, and enhanced network security, followed by AWS and Azure cloud networking. You will use Git for code management, GitLab for continuous integration, and Python-based testing tools to verify your network.By the end of this book, you'll be a confident network developer capable of automating modern infrastructure using Python, DevOps practices, and cloud technologies.
Modern JavaScript Applications. Keep abreast of the practical uses of modern JavaScript
Over the years, JavaScript has become vital to the development of a wide range of applications with different architectures. But JS moves lightning fast, and it’s easy to fall behind. Modern JavaScript Applications is designed to get you exploring the latest features of JavaScript and how they can be applied to develop high-quality applications with different architectures. Begin by creating a single page application that builds on the innovative MVC approach using AngularJS, then move forward to develop an enterprise-level application with the microservices architecture using Node to build web services. After that, shift your focus to network programming concepts as you build a real-time web application with websockets. Learn to build responsive, declarative UIs with React and Bootstrap, and see how the performance of web applications can be enhanced using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Along the way, explore how the power of JavaScript can be increased multi-fold with high performance techniques. By the end of the book, you’ll be a skilled JavaScript developer with a solid knowledge of the latest JavaScript techniques, tools, and architecture to build modern web apps.
System software and applications were largely created using low-level languages such as C or C++. Go is a modern language that combines simplicity, concurrency, and performance, making it a good alternative for building system applications for Linux and macOS.This Go book introduces Unix and systems programming to help you understand the components the OS has to offer, ranging from the kernel API to the filesystem. You'll then familiarize yourself with Go and its specifications. You'll also learn how to optimize input and output operations with files and streams of data, which are useful tools in building pseudo-terminal applications. You'll gain insights into how processes communicate with each other, and learn about processes and daemon control using signals, pipes, and exit codes. This book will also enable you to understand how to use network communication using various protocols, including TCP and HTTP. As you advance, you'll focus on Go's best feature - concurrency, which will help you handle communication with channels and goroutines, other concurrency tools to synchronize shared resources, and the context package to write elegant applications.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to build concurrent system applications using Go
Álvaro Morena Alberola, Gonzalo Molina Gallego, Unai Garay Maestre
Artificial Vision and Language Processing for Robotics begins by discussing the theory behind robots. You'll compare different methods used to work with robots and explore computer vision, its algorithms, and limits. You'll then learn how to control the robot with natural language processing commands. You'll study Word2Vec and GloVe embedding techniques, non-numeric data, recurrent neural network (RNNs), and their advanced models. You'll create a simple Word2Vec model with Keras, as well as build a convolutional neural network (CNN) and improve it with data augmentation and transfer learning. You'll study the ROS and build a conversational agent to manage your robot. You'll also integrate your agent with the ROS and convert an image to text and text to speech. You'll learn to build an object recognition system using a video.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to build a functional application that can integrate with a ROS to extract useful information about your environment.
Functional programming is an increasingly popular technology that allows you to simplify many tasks that are often cumbersome and awkward using an object-oriented approach. It is important to understand this approach and know how and when to apply it. Functional programming requires a different mindset, but once mastered it can be very rewarding.This book simplifies the learning process as a problem is described followed by its implementation using an object-oriented approach and then a solution is provided using appropriate functional programming techniques. Writing succinct and maintainable code is facilitated by many functional programming techniques including lambda expressions and streams. In this book, you will see numerous examples of how these techniques can be applied starting with an introduction to lambda expressions. Next, you will see how they can replace older approaches and be combined to achieve surprisingly elegant solutions to problems.This is followed by the investigation of related concepts such as the Optional class and monads, which offer an additional approach to handle problems. Design patterns have been instrumental in solving common problems. You will learn how these are enhanced with functional techniques.To transition from an object-oriented approach to a functional one, it is useful to have IDE support. IDE tools to refactor, debug, and test functional programs are demonstrated through the chapters. The end of the book brings together many of these functional programming techniques to create a more comprehensive application. You will find this book a very useful resource to learn and apply functional programming techniques in Java.
Dominiek Verham, Johan Vanneuville, Christiaan Brinkhoff, Scott Manchester
Do you want to effectively implement and maintain secure virtualized systems? This book will give you a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft virtual endpoints, from the fundamentals of Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop to advanced security measures, enabling you to secure, manage, and optimize virtualized environments in line with contemporary cybersecurity challenges.You’ll start with an introduction to Microsoft technologies, gaining a foundational understanding of their capabilities. Next, you’ll delve into the importance of endpoint security, addressing the challenges faced by companies in safeguarding their digital perimeters. This book serves as a practical guide to securing virtual endpoints, covering topics such as network access, data leakage prevention, update management, threat detection, and access control configuration. As you progress, the book offers insights into the nuanced security measures required for Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, and the broader Microsoft Azure infrastructure. The book concludes with real-world use cases, providing practical scenarios for deploying Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with practical skills for implementing and evaluating robust endpoint security strategies.