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Web development
Magento is one of the most exciting, flexible, and customizable e-commerce systems. It offers you an extensive suite of powerful tools for creating and managing an online store. After years of development, Magento 2 introduces itself with a strong emphasis on modularity, Web API's, automated testing and overall new technology stack platform.The long-awaited Magento 2 release introduces a whole new e-commerce platform to develop online stores. The all new Magento 2 architecture, Web APIs, and a host of other features are equally challenging to master as much as they are exciting to use.Tshis book will ease the learning curve by offering step-by-step guidance on how to extend the core functionality of your Magento 2 store.This book is your one-stop guide to build and customize a quality e-commerce website from the latest version of one of the largest, fastest growing, and most popular e-commerce platforms—Magento 2.We start off with an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Magento to give you a foundation to work from. We then move on to configure the development and basic production environment for Magento. After this, you’ll get to grips with the major concepts and conventions that are new to the Magento 2 platform. We then delve deeper to get to the core of automated deployments, persisting data, writing data fixture scripts and applying various backend and frontend modifications. As we near the end of the book, you will learn to make API calls and write automated tests. Finally, you will be guided through building a full-blown helpdesk module from scratch.By the end of this book, you will have learned a wide range of techniques to extend and customize your Magento 2 store to fit the requirements of your business.
Daniele Fontani, Marco Guiducci, Francesco Mina, Dietmar Dietz Rietsch
Used by over eighty thousand companies worldwide, Pimcore is the leading open source enterprise-level content management system (CMS) solution. It is an impressive alternative to conventional CMSes and is ideal for creating e-commerce and complex enterprise websites.This book helps developers working with standard CMSes such as WordPress and Drupal to use their knowledge of CMSes to learn Pimcore CMS in a practical way. You'll start by learning what Pimcore is and explore its various services such as PIM, MDM, and DAM. The book then shows you various techniques for developing custom websites in Pimcore based on the scale of your organization. You'll learn how to use Pimcore to improve the digital transformation of a company by implementing enterprise Pimcore features. As you advance, you'll discover Pimcore's capabilities and features that make it a faster and more secure alternative to traditional CMSes. As well as demonstrating practical use cases, Modernizing Enterprise CMS Using Pimcore can help you understand the benefits of using Pimcore as a CMS solution, sharing best practices and proven techniques for designing professional Pimcore sites.By the end of this book, you'll be a trained Pimcore developer, able to create complex websites, and be well-versed in Pimcore's enterprise features such as MDM, PIM, and DAM.
Mastering HTML5 Forms. Create dynamic and responsive web forms with this in - depth, hands-on guide
HTML5 has given web developers the ability to easily develop sites and applications which, previously, were extremely time consuming. Now, they can not only build visually stunning forms and web pages, but can also increase the scope of their applications, as well as collect valuable user inputs and data through customized forms.This practical guide will teach you how to create responsive forms, and how to link them to the database. This will enable you to take advantage of the power behind HTML5 elements for building forms, and make the user interfaces attractive and more interactive.Explore the benefits of web forms, and learn how to create them using new HTML5 form elements. This guide will take you through a number of clear, practical examples that will help you to take advantage of the forms built and customized using HTML5 and related technologies, quickly and painlessly. Your ability to build responsive forms will be enhanced throughout the book.You will also learn about the necessity of validations, CSS3 properties for improving the look of the form, and how to link the form to the server. Lastly, you will learn to make the standard forms responsive by making them compatible with desktops and mobile devices.
Hands-On Neural Networks. Learn how to build and train your first neural network model using Python
Leonardo De Marchi, Laura Mitchell
Neural networks play a very important role in deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI), with applications in a wide variety of domains, right from medical diagnosis, to financial forecasting, and even machine diagnostics.Hands-On Neural Networks is designed to guide you through learning about neural networks in a practical way. The book will get you started by giving you a brief introduction to perceptron networks. You will then gain insights into machine learning and also understand what the future of AI could look like. Next, you will study how embeddings can be used to process textual data and the role of long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) in helping you solve common natural language processing (NLP) problems. The later chapters will demonstrate how you can implement advanced concepts including transfer learning, generative adversarial networks (GANs), autoencoders, and reinforcement learning. Finally, you can look forward to further content on the latest advancements in the field of neural networks.By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to build, train, and optimize your own neural network model that can be used to provide predictable solutions.
WebRTC delivers web-based real-time communication and is set to revolutionize our view of what the Web really is. Streaming audio and video from browser to browser, as well as opening raw access to the camera and microphone, is already creating a whole new dynamic web. WebRTC also introduces real-time data channels that will allow interaction with dynamic data feeds from sensors and other devices. This really is a great time to be a web developer!Getting Started with WebRTC provides all of the practical information you need to quickly understand what WebRTC is, how it works, and how you can add it to your own web applications. It includes clear working examples designed to help you get started building your own WebRTC-enabled applications right away.Getting Started with WebRTC will guide you through the process of creating your own WebRTC application that can be applied in a number of different real-world situations, using well documented and clearly explained code examples.You will learn how to quickly and easily create a practical peer-to-peer video chat application, an audio only call option, and how a Web-Socket-based signaling server can also be used to enable real-time text-based chat. You will also be shown how this same server and application structure can easily be extended to include simple drag-and-drop file sharing with transfer updates and thumbnail previews.
Daven Bigelow, Daven Eric Bigelow
Construct Classic is a free, DirectX 9 game creator for Windows, designed for 2D games. Construct Classic uses an event-based system for defining how the game behaves, in a visual, human-readable way - you don't need to program or script anything at all. It's intuitive for beginners, but powerful enough for advanced users to work without hindrance. You never know when you'll need a helping hand exploring its inner workings, or harnessing its raw power to do your bidding.Construct Game Development Beginner's Guide is the book for you if you have ever felt the urge to make a game of your own. Reading this book will not only teach you to make some popular games using Construct, but you'll also learn the skills necessary to continue on and bring your game ideas to life.Starting as a beginner to Construct Classic, you'll be learning to make platform, puzzle, and shooter games, each styled after popular games of their genre.This guide covers everything from creating animated sprites, to using the built-in physics and shadow engines of Construct Classic. You will learn the skills necessary to make advanced games of your own.Construct Game Development Beginner's Guide will lead you on your journey of making games.
Without a comprehensive understanding of deployment scenarios and steps, it is really difficult to install and maintain Dynamics CRM 2011 within complex IT infrastructures. Done badly, it can cause serious future maintenance and optimization issues. Administration of CRM systems is equally complex and important; unless efficiently done, it can create fuss in the system and potentially bring down end user satisfaction. Configuration and customization of the system has to be done very carefully too so that it can meet the functional needs appropriately.“Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Cookbook is a hands-on guide, providing clear, step-by-step instructions to deploy, maintain, optimize, and administer Dynamics CRM 2011 along with advanced configuration and customization processes, to give us a strong advantage in creating successful CRM applications.This book introduces Dynamics CRM 2011 by describing the important aspects of the system. It will take you through a number of clear and practical recipes from successful deployment, hassle-free maintenance, and effective administration to advanced level configuration and customization techniques.You will learn from a range of deployment and maintenance topics such as how to configure CRM to use claim-based authentication using AD FS, how to enable tracing in CRM servers, how to recover from server failures, and how to optimize server performance. This book will also discuss how to schedule Data Duplication detection jobs, enable auditing, export and import managed/unmanaged solutions, create 1:N, N:1, or N:N relationships between entities, configuring role based forms, adding a new button in the ribbon, SharePoint integration with CRM, and configuring a dialog or workflow.You will learn everything you need to know, from deployment, administration, and maintenance to configuration, integration, and customization for your Dynamics CRM 2011 application.
Thomas Bell, Derrin Kent, Richard Hand, Thomas W. Bell, ...
Mahara ePortfolios helps you to use software as you follow an experiential learning cycle. In Mahara you can:Plan your learning.Do what you do and gather evidence of your competence as you do those things.View and organize your work by structuring your data in easy-to-make (web)pages and (mini-website) collections of those pages.Reflect on your learning by use of professional journals, engaging feedback on your pages and establishing and engaging in online communities who share a similar interest.Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner's Guide is a step-by-step guide to develop a feature-rich and highly personal electronic portfolio. Form a digital repository of reflective journals, action learning plans, presentations, reports, images and videos. Easily share this with your friends, family, tutors, students, project team and others using this step-by-step guide written in a clear and easy to learn manner.This book guides you to build an impressive e-Portfolio and to work in professional communities of interest within a Mahara walled garden. It brings to life the key features of Mahara which will help thoughtful people to display their artefacts coherently and to engage with like-minded peers professionally.This book introduces you to exciting features of Mahara framework and helps you develop a feature-rich e-portfolio for yourself. You will see how easily you can create folders, upload multiple files like project documents, pictures and videos and share them with your friends. You will learn to set up single pages and collections of pages which organize these files, making these visible only to your own chosen peers, supervisors or friends. Then, you will allow people to give their inputs.You will learn to create journals, learning plans, your professional resume, group spaces and forums which help you get connected to the rest of the world. Customization and administration of your Mahara site will be easy after you have gone through this book. Imagine how good you will feel when you will see your knowledge, success, and ideas going live and available to your chosen audiences for their inputs.Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner's Guide is a step-by-step guide to building an impressive professional e-portfolio using Mahara. It covers the key features of Mahara that will help you set up your customized digital portfolio and display the artefacts in your preferred way allowing contribution from selected users only.
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Per Larsen, Ken Pan, Scott Manchester
Microsoft Modern Workplace solutions can simplify the management layer of your environment remarkably if you take the time to understand and implement them. With this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make the shift to Modern Workplace, running Windows 10, Windows 11, or Windows 365.Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager explains various concepts in detail to give you the clarity to plan how to use Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) and eliminate potential migration challenges beforehand. You'll get to grips with using new services such as Windows 365 Cloud PC, Windows Autopilot, profile management, monitoring and analytics, and Universal Print. The book will take you through the latest features and new Microsoft cloud services to help you to get to grips with the fundamentals of MEM and understand which services you can manage. Whether you are talking about physical or cloud endpoints—it’s all covered.By the end of the book, you'll be able to set up MEM and use it to run Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 365 efficiently.
Harold Dost, Ahmed Aboulnaga, Arun Pareek
Oracle SOA Suite 12 c is the most comprehensive and integrated infrastructure on the market today that is used for building applications based on service-oriented architecture. With the vast number of features and capabilities that Oracle SOA Suite 12c has to offer comes numerous complexities and challenges for administration. Oracle SOA Suite 12c Administrator's Guide covers all the core areas of administration needed for you to effectively manage and monitor the Oracle SOA Suite environment and its transactions, from deployments, to monitoring, to performance tuning, and much, much more. Manage, monitor, and troubleshoot SOA composites and OSB services from a single product set. Understand core administrative activities such as deployments, purging, startup and shutdown, configuration, backup, and recovery. Also learn about new features such as Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, lazy loading, work manager groups, high availability, and more.
Jira Work Management (JWM) is the newest project management tool from Atlassian, replacing Atlassian's previous product, Jira Core Cloud. While Jira Software focuses on development groups, JWM is specifically targeted toward business teams in your organization, such as human resources, accounting, legal, and marketing, enabling these functional groups to manage and enhance their work, as well as stay connected with their company's developers and other technical groups. This book helps you to explore Jira project templates and work creation and guides you in modifying a board, workflow, and associated schemes.Jira Work Management for Business Teams takes a hands-on approach to JWM implementation and associated processes that will help you get up and running with Jira and make you productive in no time. As you explore the toolset, you'll find out how to create reports, forms, and dashboards. The book also shows you how to manage screens, field layouts, and administer your JWM projects effectively. Finally, you'll get to grips with the basics of creating automation rules and the most popular use cases.By the end of this Jira book, you'll be able to build and manage your own Jira Work Management projects and make basic project-related adjustments to achieve optimal productivity.
The Azure IoT Handbook. Develop IoT solutions using the intelligent edge-to-cloud technologies
With the rise of cloud-based computing, deploying IoT systems has become more cost-effective for businesses. This transformation has led to developers and architects shouldering the responsibility of creating, managing, and securing these systems, even if they are new to the IoT technology. The Azure IoT Handbook is a comprehensive introduction to quickly bring you up to speed in this rapidly evolving landscape.Starting with the basic building blocks of any IoT system, this book guides you through mobile device management and data collection using an IoT hub. You’ll explore essential tools for system security and monitoring. Following data collection, you’ll delve into real-time data analytics using Azure Stream Analytics and view real-time streaming on a Power BI dashboard. Packed with real-world examples, this book covers common IoT use as well.By the end of this IoT book, you’ll know how to design and develop IoT solutions leveraging intelligent edge-to-cloud technologies implemented on Azure.