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Poezje. Wybór

Juliusz Słowacki

Wybór wierszy z bogatego dorobku jednego z trzech wieszczy narodowych, autora Kordiana, Balladyny i Beniowskiego. Utwory Juliusza Słowackiego były zgodne z duchem epoki i ówczesną sytuacją narodu polskiego. Poeta podejmował w nich istotne problemy związane z walką narodowowyzwoleńczą, z przeszłością narodu i przyczynami niewoli, ale także poruszały uniwersalne tematy egzystencjalne. Jego twórczość liryczna, zebrana w tomie Poezje, wyróżniała się mistycyzmem, wspaniałym bogactwem poetyckich przenośni i języka. Jako liryk zasłynął pieśniami odwołującymi się do Orientu, źródeł ludowych i słowiańszczyzny. Był poetą nastrojów, mistrzem operowania słowem.

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The Terrible Hobby of Sir Joseph Londe

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Sir Joseph is a brilliant surgeon from Australia who went mad after operating on vast numbers of soldiers during World War 1. His terrible hobby is cutting peoples heads open to steal bits of their brains. His wife is a former nurse who went mad alongside him. They are pursued across England and the continent by Mr. Daniel Rocke, codebreaker of the Foreign service: Miss Ann Lancaster, daughter of one of Londes victims, and Sir Francis Worton, known as Q20, head of the secret service. Londe adopts many disguises, and plots brilliant escapes. This short story collection also containing: The Scarlet Patch, The Terror of Elton Lodge, The House on Salisbury Plain, The Shaftesbury Avenue Murder and others.

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Tajemniczy ogród

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Tajemniczy ogród opowiada o niezwykłym spotkaniu dwojga samotnych dzieci, z których każde nosi w sercu swoje krzywdy i troski. Miejscem ich spotkania jest stary, przytłaczający dom, w którym wciąż panuje nastrój nieukojonej żałoby. Dzieci, po przełamaniu pierwszych lodów, zawiązują przyjaźń, i wspólnie przywracają do życia bajkowy, zaniedbany ogród.

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The Light Shines in Darkness. Drama

Leo Tolstoy

The drama The Light Shines reflects the events of Tolstoys life in the broadest, most typified generalizations. Therefore, it would be a gross mistake to fully identify the content of the drama with the life of Tolstoy, his family and those around him. Nevertheless, there is a close relationship between them. So, the drama of Nikolai Ivanovich Saryntsev is, of course, the drama of Tolstoy himself. In the person of Maria Ivanovna Saryntseva, some characteristic features of S. A. Tolstoy are outlined. The same should be said of the other characters in the play, which are very reminiscent of either Tolstoys family or those who came into close contact with his family. And the drunk Alexander Petrovich who appears in the fourth act is taken from real life. This is Tolstoys scribe, Alexander Petrovich Ivanov, a former officer who became trampless, an inhabitant of Rzhanovs house.

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Der Mann im Hintergrund

Edgar Wallace

Ein paar Wochen nachdem ein Gefangener aus dem Gefängnis Sing-Sing entflieht, gibt es plötzlich mehrere Unterschlagungen im großen Stil. Ein Bankangestellter schenkt seiner Verlobten teuren Schmuck und schickt ihr ein dickes Bündel Dollarnoten. Zwei Fälle, die nur der berühmte Privatdetektiv Reeder lösen kann. Dort ist er der Spezialist für das Bankenwesen. Als in London eine Bank nach der andern durch Unterschlagungen im größeren Stil geschädigt wird, ist er es, der beigezogen wird.

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Jerry of the Islands

Jack London

One of Jack Londons most beloved books is about the amazing adventures of the Irish Terrier Jerry. From birth, Jerry saw from his master only care and love. But once his life changed dramatically Jerry was on an island inhabited by some natives. The natural mind, resourcefulness and courage helped the extraordinary dog to avoid many dangers and even find a friend in a hostile tribe of natives.

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Le Château des Désertes

George Sand

Nous sommes transportés vers une campagne idéalisée, o tout le monde se connaît, o lair est pur et les actions naturelles. Lintrigue est la fois simple et sans complications. Comme une comédie derreurs, il est construit sur les illusions des personnages: ils pensent tous que ce nest pas ce que cest. Et dans le mme temps, dans la pratique, tout est tres simple, les intrigues complexes se déroulent sans difficulté, ce qui est fourni par le narrateur le vieil avocat Chantebel.

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Rogue Herries

Hugh Walpole

This chronicle tells of several generations of a family that lives in the Lake District in England, dating back to the late seventeen hundred. Hughs descriptions of this area are excellent. He had such a great love for him that he conveyed a great sense of his presence throughout all four novels. His characters also become so alive for the reader, because, I think, he is completely immersed in them.

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Dwaj panowie z Werony

William Shakespeare

Tytułowi bohaterowie to Valentine i Proteus. Utwór opowiada o ich relacjach balansujących między przyjaźnią a miłością, który to temat często wracał w renesansowych rozważaniach. Wyprawa do Mediolanu stanie się dla obu polem nowych doświadczeń. W sprawę uwikłane są także kobiety, których obecność i działania zmuszają mężczyzn do konfrontacji z własnymi pragnieniami, ideałami i decyzjami.

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The Ancient Allan

H. Rider Haggard

Many readers of the novels of Henry Rider Haggard like his main character Allan Quatermain. He goes back to the past. This adventure promises to be exciting. After all, there will be many exciting events on the way of the main character: hunting for lions, fighting a crocodile and a battle between different armies.

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Domestic Peace

Honoré de Balzac

Domestic Peace, a short story by Honoré de Balzac, was originally published in 1831 under the French title of La Paix du Ménage and can be found in Scenes from private life (Scenes de la vie privee) in La Comedie Humaine. It takes place in November of 1809 at the height of Napoleons empire, a time of great splendor and decadence. Everyone whos anyone in the Parisian aristocracy is gathered at a grand ball at the home of the Comte de Gondreville. Two guys Martial and Comte de Montcornet are looking to engage into a romantic happening with Madame de Vaudremont and they find they are not the only ones, being that she has a tremendous fortune. Another girl appear who shades Madame de Baudremont. To complicate matters, Colonel Soulanges, one of Napoleons favorite military men, also shows an interest in the mystery woman, and angrily declares hell kill Martial if he so much as goes near her.

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The Innocents Abroad. or The New Pilgrims Progress

Mark Twain

The Innocents Abroad is one of the most prominent and influential travel books ever written about Europe and the Holy Land. When you dive into Mark Twains The Innocents Abroad, you have to be ready to learn more about the unadorned, ungilded reality of 19th century touring than you might think you want to learn. This is a tough, literary journey. It was tough for Twain and his fellow pilgrims, both religious and otherwise. They set out, on a June day in 1867, to visit major tourist sites in Europe and the near east, including Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, the Holy Land, and Egypt. The trip stimulates Twain to meditate on how the new world isdifferent from the old and engenders reflections on what a society must be like to be thought of as genuinely civilized.

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Konrad Wallenrod. Powieść historyczna z dziejów litewskich i pruskich

Adam Mickiewicz

Powieść poetycka napisana przez Adama Mickiewicza na zsyłce w Petersburgu, prawdopodobnie między 1825 a 1828 r., wydana zaś w lutym 1828 r. Uznawana za jeden z najbardziej znanych poematów polskiego romantyzmu. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w siedzibie Krzyżaków, Marienburgu, oraz na Litwie. Głównym i tytułowym bohaterem powieści jest tajemniczy nie wiadomo, jak naprawdę się nazywał Litwin. Kiedy był dzieckiem, na jego miasto napadli Krzyżacy, złupili je, jego rodziców zabili, a jego porwali. Wychowywał się u rycerza Diterycha von Kniprode, ale często przebywał w towarzystwie litewskiego wajdeloty, Halbana. Ten wpoił mu tożsamość narodową i nakłaniał do zemsty na prześladowcach Litwy... Autor wykorzystał w dziele tzw. historyzm maski. Mimo iż akcja utworu rozgrywa się w średniowieczu, w istocie porusza problemy patriotyczne Polski XIX w. Mickiewicz, pisząc Konrada Wallenroda, wzorował się na modnej w okresie romantyzmu prozie historycznej Waltera Scotta, eposach Torquatoa Tassa oraz Pieśniach Osjana Jamesa Macphersona.

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Old Shatterhand. Powieść z Dzikiego Zachodu

Karol May

Tytułowy Old Shatterhand, czyli Grzmocąca Ręka, to najbliższy przyjaciel Winnetou i towarzysz jego licznych przygód. Jako młody, niedoświadczony człowiek przybywa z Europy na Dziki Zachód, gdzie styka się z Indianami. Początkowo budzi ich nieufność czy wręcz wrogość. Jednak dzielnymi czynami i mężną postawą zaskarbia sobie ich przyjaźń. Wspólnie z Indianami żyje, poluje i walczy z wrogami.

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The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange

Anna Katharine Green

The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange is a collection of stories by Anna Katharine Green featuring an early edition of that familiar figure, the girl detective. Violet Strange is a pretty young debutante with a wealthy father and the spare time to secretly investigate various matters within her social sphere. Her knowledge of the aristocracy helps the police solve the crimes. Originally published in 1915, The Golden Slipper is the debut entry in the Violet Strange series. Miss Strange proves who is behind a series of high society thefts. It would seem to be one of group of friends known as The Inseparables with suspicion focused on one of the young ladies in particular. A golden slipper is the only clue that will help Violet find who the real thief is.

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Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon

Zane Grey

Powells Plateau was the most distant, inaccessible corner of the Grand Canyon, when Zane Gray went there with a hunter to the buffalo, camp, a cowboy from Utah and a scout from Navajo State. With the help of ropes and rifles, five men traveled to Mustangs. They were not disappointed. Different paths penetrated through the brush of forest and rocks from all sides.

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Mr. Justice Maxell

Edgar Wallace

Mr. Justice Maxell follows the story of two business partners, Maxell and Cartwright, one of whom becomes a judge and sentences the other to prison, the woman they both marry, and their respective cousins whom they take on as their own wards. Spanning roughly a decade, the plot hinges on multiple coincidences involving mutual acquaintances meeting one another at critical points on different continents, and maintains much of its suspense by instilling most of its main characters with shady backgrounds and dubious motivations. This book is one of the most popular novels of Edgar Wallace, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.

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Children Stories

Charles Dickens

Here are 10 stories to introduce readers of all ages to Charles Dickens and his Victorian England filled with orphans, expectations, and Christmas spirits, including adaptations of Dickens geared toward young readers, engaging looks into the authors life, and a few kid-friendly classics straight from the authors quill. The most famous and funny short stories include the Childs Story, The Cratchits Christmas Dinner, A Christmas Carol, Hunted Down and The Poor Relations Story, Little Dorrit. In lots of these children were important characters. In his day, no one understood children better than Dickens, and he was the first writer to describe what children thought and felt and to capture the way they spoke. And he was not afraid to write about the hard and sad lives that many children led.

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Room Number 3 and Other Detective Stories

Anna Katharine Green

A beautiful young woman is interviewed by Coroner Golden and new Deputy sheriff Mr. Hammersmith. Her mother has been found dead in the nearby forest but the woman alleges they both rented rooms in Three Forks Tavern. The landlord Mr. Quimby deny her story. She describes the room her mother was in but a search reveals no room that matches it. But the sheriff believes her and he insists on staying in the tavern overnight while the coroner goes to collect his jury. He has a vague recollection of more than a few odd happenings at this very tavern. This collection brings together a diverse array of Greens mystery and detective stories. It includes: Midnight in Beauchamp Row, The Ruby and the Caldron, The Little Steel Coils, The Staircase at Hearts Delight and more.

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The Abysmal Brute

Jack London

This is a love story. For what, if not the love of the Friend-Master, was looking for a half-wolf, half-dog White Fang? This is a story about understanding. For only having understood the beast, in whose blood the famous call of the ancestors still beats, can you tame it... Many people know that we are all responsible for the one we tamed. But how many are able to understand how much we are tamed in the responsibility for us?

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The Reverberator

Henry James

The Reverberator is a short novel from Henry James. Comedy traces the complications. which leads when unpleasant, but true stories about Paris family fall into the American scandal sheet of the name of the novel. George Flack is a Paris correspondent for the American sheet scandal called reverberator.

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Majestys Rancho

Zane Grey

Majestys Rancho is the sequel to The Light of Western Stars, both by Zane Grey. Here we meet the next generation at the ranch. It is wild with college age fun and a mix of gangsters meeting the old west. After Lance Sidway comes to the defense of beautiful Madge Stewart and ends up on the wrong side of the law, he escapes to Arizona and finds work on her fathers ranch. Fate certainly seems to want these two together! However, gangsters are rustling cattle from Stewarts ranch and the leader, Honey Bee Uhl, has a thing for Madge as well. This crazy tangle comes to a head when Uhl kidnaps Madge for a ransom and wants to keep her for himself. Lance wont allow it, even if it means a fight to the death.

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The Day of Temptation. A Story of Two Cities

William Le Queux

The style ofThe Day of Temptationis very melodramatic and overwritten adjectives and adverbs abound to the confusion of the reader. The book is very much set in high society and sometimes reminds me of the immortal Daisy Ashford Im sure books like this were among her inspiration.

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The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar

Maurice Leblanc

A contemporary of Arthur Conan Doyle, Maurice Leblanc was the creator of the character of gentleman thief Arsene Lupin who, in France, has enjoyed a popularity as long-lasting and considerable as Sherlock Holmes in the English-speaking world. This is the delightful first of twenty volumes in the Arsene Lupin series written by Leblanc himself. The collection includes nine stories dealing with various complicated plots in which Lupin proves himself to be the consummate escape artist. In the first story titled The Arrest of Arsene Lupin, told by a man who comes to admire the gentleman burglar, Lupin is apprehended on board a cruise ship. The later stories deal with his prison term, escape from jail and further adventures. One of the most famous Arsene Lupin stories, The Queens Necklace is also included here. The two immortals meet in the ninth story, Sherlock Holmes Arrives Too Late and naturally, Lupin manages to outwit the English bloodhound!