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Pav Kumar-Chatterjee, Pav Kumar Chatterjee
Business planning is no longer just about defining goals, analyzing critical issues, and then creating strategies. You must aid business integration by linking changed-data events in DB2 databases on Linux, UNIX, and Windows with EAI solutions , message brokers, data transformation tools, and more. Investing in this book will save you many hours of work (and heartache) as it guides you around the many potential pitfalls to a successful conclusion.This book will accompany you throughout your Q replication journey. Compiled from many of author's successful projects, the book will bring you some of the best practices to implement your project smoothly and within time scales. The book has in-depth coverage of Event Publisher, which publishes changed-data events that can run updated data into crucial applications, assisting your business integration processes. Event Publisher also eliminates the hand coding typically required to detect DB2 data changes that are made by operational applications.We start with a brief discussion on what replication is and the Q replication release currently available in the market. We then go on to explore the world of Q replication in more depth. The latter chapters cover all the Q replication components and then talk about the different layers that need to be implemented—the DB2 database layer, the WebSphere MQ layer, and the Q replication layer. We conclude with a chapter on how to troubleshoot a problem. The Appendix (available online) demonstrates the implementation of 13 Q replication scenarios with step-by-step instructions.
Adobe Acrobat can help you solve a wide variety of problems that crop up when you work with PDF documents on a daily basis. The most common file type for business and communication, this compact portable document format is widely used to collect as well as present information, as well as being equipped with many lesser-known features that can keep your content secure while making it easy to share. From archive features that will keep your documents available for years to come to features related to accessibility, organizing, annotating, editing, and whatever else you use PDFs for, Acrobat has the answer if you know where to look.Designed for professionals who likely already use Adobe Acrobat Pro, this guide introduces many ideas, features, and online services, sorted and organized for you to easily find the topics relevant to your work and requirements.You can jump to any chapter without sifting through prior pages to explore the tools and functions explained through step-by-step instructions and examples. The information in some chapters may build on existing knowledge, but you are not expected to have an advanced level of prior experience.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of the many capabilities of PDFs and how Acrobat makes it possible to work in a way that you will never miss good old ink and paper.
Robin de Jongh, Robin de Jongh
Creating video game environments similar to the best 3D games on the market is now within the capability of hobbyists for the first time, with the free availability of game development software such as Unity 3D, and the ease with which groups of enthusiasts can get together to pool their skills for a game project. The sheer number of these independent game projects springing up means there is a constant need for game art, the physical 3D environment and objects that inhabit these game worlds. Now thanks to Google there is an easy, fun way to create professional game art, levels and props.Google SketchUp is the natural choice for beginners to game design. This book provides you with the workflow to quickly build realistic 3D environments, levels, and props to fill your game world. In simple steps you will model terrain, buildings, vehicles, and much more.Google SketchUp is the ideal entry level modeling tool for game design, allowing you to take digital photographs and turn them into 3D objects for quick, fun, game creation. SketchUp for Game Design takes you through the modeling of a game level with SketchUp and Unity 3D, complete with all game art, textures and props. You will learn how to create cars, buildings, terrain, tools and standard level props such as barrels, fencing and wooden pallets. You will set up your game level in Unity 3D to create a fully functional first person walk-around level to email to your friends or future employers.When you have completed the projects in this book, you will be comfortable creating 3D worlds, whether for games, visualization, or films.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with OpenStack. Click here to enter text
Sreenivas Voruganti, Sriram Subramanian
Networking is one the pillars of OpenStack and OpenStack Networking are designed to support programmability and Software-Defined Networks. OpenStack Networking has been evolving from simple APIs and functionality in Quantum to more complex capabilities in Neutron.Armed with the basic knowledge, this book will help the readers to explore popular SDN technologies, namely, OpenDaylight (ODL), OpenContrail, Open Network Operating System (ONOS) and Open Virtual Network (OVN). The first couple of chapters will provide an overview of OpenStack Networking and SDN in general. Thereafter a set of chapters are devoted to OpenDaylight (ODL), OpenContrail and their integration with OpenStack Networking. The book then introduces you to Open Network Operating System (ONOS) which is fast becoming a carrier grade SDN platform. We will conclude the book with overview of upcoming SDN projects within OpenStack namely OVN and Dragonflow.By the end of the book, the readers will be familiar with SDN technologies and know how they can be leveraged in an OpenStack based cloud.
Adobe Photoshop Elements is a raster graphics editor for entry-level photographers, image editors, and hobbyists. Though it shares many of Photoshop CC's high-end features, it also boasts a significant number of simple to use, yet highly effective tools not found at the professional level.This book presents the complexities of image editing in easy-to-follow, bite-sized chunks, allowing you to quickly recognize the editing challenge, and helps you to identify the tools and techniques required to make improvements, and to apply those techniques quickly and efficiently. You will start by learning how to import, organize, manage, edit, and use your pictures in a format that's designed for creative photography projects. Going further, you'll discover how to fix a wide range of photographic problems based on the book's extensive repertoire of commonly applied solutions. You'll be escorted through a wide range of common processes that include applying artistic effects to creative projects, custom image makeovers, processing images for social media, and other file export methods.Towards the end of the book, you will understand what the most important tools and features actually do in Photoshop Elements, answering the often-asked question; What, when, and where would you use these features in a precise and practical way.
Nate Chamberlain, Peter Rising
MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam Guide, Third Edition provides a thorough exploration of Microsoft Teams administration, charting a clear pathway to mastering deployment, management, and optimization within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Devoted to empowering users to harness the full potential of Microsoft 365 tools, Nate Chamberlain draws from his extensive experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Project Management Professional, to infuse this guide with educational insights into Microsoft Teams administration.This edition equips you with the latest features and essential knowledge to navigate the Teams admin center and use PowerShell for comprehensive management. This guide instills confidence for the MS-700 certification exam while serving as a handy reference for daily administration. Through concise chapters, you'll uncover Teams policies, essential settings, and configuration nuances crucial for any Teams administrator. Complex concepts are distilled into actionable strategies and best practices, preparing you for real-world challenges in deploying and managing Teams. It also includes web-based exam prep resources like mock exams, interactive flashcards, and valuable exam tips.By the end of this book, you’ll be primed to excel in the exam and advance in your role as a skilled Microsoft Teams administrator.
Oracle SOA Suite 11g is the backbone of messaging and application integration in a service-oriented architecture. An application administrator is responsible for an end-to-end administration and management of the infrastructure. Understanding the underlying components, services, and configuration and their relations to each other is necessary to effectively administer the Oracle SOA Suite 11g environment. Due to its sheer size, administering Oracle SOA Suite 11g is a daunting task.This book provides detailed explanations of all the core administrative and management activities around Oracle SOA Suite. It includes compact information for end-to-end administration of Oracle SOA Suite 11g. It delves into advanced topics such as silent installs, cloning, backup and recovery and high availability installations.Using this book, you will be able to administer and secure your Oracle SOA Suite services and applications. You will follow examples that you can use in your everyday life as a SOA Suite administrator. The book begins with managing composite applications, their deployments and lifecycles and then moves on to monitoring instances, service engines, Weblogic Server and composite applications. With a detailed coverage of topics like the administration of individual service components as well as configuring MBeans using both Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and WLST-based scripts, you will be equipped to work with any services and applications.Towards the end, you will be taken through identifying faults & exceptions, troubleshooting approaches, and securing various components.
Drupal 6 Content Administration. Maintain, add to, and edit content of your Drupal site with ease
Often a company hires a web designer to build its Drupal site, and then takes over running the site in house. This book is for the Content Editors concerned with the ongoing creation and maintenance of the site content.In a few hours, you'll have the knowledge needed to maintain and edit your web site as a content-rich place that visitors return to again and again. There are many books available to help you administer a Drupal site, but this is the only one specifically for Content Editors. This book doesn't cover designing or creating a site. However, anybody who has built their own site but needs some help using the article management features will also benefit from it.This book is a quick-start guide, aimed at Content Editors. The author's experience enables him to explain in an efficient and interactive manner how you can keep your site up to date. The book begins with a discussion of content management and Drupal and then teaches you how to create content, add elements to it, and make the content findable. You will then learn to set up the framework for a creative team and the various options for editing content offline, their benefits and pitfalls.This book helps you to quickly and easily solve problems, and manage content and users for a web site. It will help you become a more effective and efficient manager of Drupal-based web sites.
Siddharth Shekar, Stephen Haney
Swift is the perfect choice for game development. Developers are intrigued by Swift and want to make use of new features to develop their best games yet. Packed with best practices and easy-to-use examples, this book leads you step by step through the development of your first Swift game.The book starts by introducing Swift's best features – including its new ones for game development. Using SpriteKit, you will learn how to animate sprites and textures. Along the way, you will master physics, animations, and collision effects and how to build the UI aspects of a game. You will then work on creating a 3D game using the SceneKit framework. Further, we will look at how to add monetization and integrate Game Center. With iOS 12, we see the introduction of ARKit 2.0. This new version allows us to integrate shared experiences such as multiplayer augmented reality and persistent AR that is tied to a specific location so that the same information can be replicated on all connected devices. In the next section, we will dive into creating Augmented Reality games using SpriteKit and SceneKit. Then, finally, we will see how to create a Multipeer AR project to connect two devices, and send and receive data back and forth between those devices in real time.By the end of this book, you will be able to create your own iOS games using Swift and publish them on the iOS App Store.
Applications built on the Salesforce platform are now a key part of many organizations' IT systems, with more complex and integrated solutions being delivered every day. As a Salesforce developer working with Apex, it is important to understand the range and variety of tools at your disposal, how and when to use them, and what the best practices are.This revised second edition includes a complete restructuring and five new chapters filled with detailed content on the latest Salesforce innovations including integrating with DataWeave in Apex, and utilizing Flow and Apex together to build scalable applications with Administrators.This Salesforce book starts with a discussion around common mistakes, debugging, exception handling, and testing. The second section focuses on the different asynchronous Apex programming options to help you build more scalable applications, before the third section focuses on integrations, including working with platform events and developing custom Apex REST web services. Finally, the book finishes with a section dedicated to profiling and improving the performance of your Apex including architecture. With code examples used to facilitate discussion throughout, by the end of the book you will be able to develop robust and scalable applications in Apex with confidence.
Bill Fitzgerald, James G. Robertson, Dries Buytaert
As social networks become more popular, their role in the classroom has come under scrutiny. Drupal offers a wide variety of useful tools for educators. Within a single Drupal site, you can set up social bookmarking, podcasting, video hosting, formal and informal groups, rich user profiles, and other features commonly associated with social web communities. Drupal for Education and E-Learning - Second Edition teaches you how to create your own social networking site to advance teaching and learning goals in the classroom, while giving you complete control over features and access. Communicate with students, share learning resources, and track assignments through simple tasks with this hands-on guide.In this book you will learn to install and configure the default Drupal distribution and then extend it to include blogs, bookmarks, a media sharing platform, and discussion forums.The book also covers how to organize your site to easily track student work on the site, and how to control who has access to that information. Additionally, it teaches you how to make the site easy to use, how to maintain the site, and how to ask for and receive help in the Drupal community.
Nuxt.js is a progressive web framework built on top of Vue.js for server-side rendering (SSR). With Nuxt.js and Vue.js, building universal and static-generated applications from scratch is now easier than ever before.This book starts with an introduction to Nuxt.js and its constituents as a universal SSR framework. You'll learn the fundamentals of Nuxt.js and find out how you can integrate it with the latest version of Vue.js. You'll then explore the Nuxt.js directory structure and set up your first Nuxt.js project using pages, views, routing, and Vue components. With the help of practical examples, you'll learn how to connect your Nuxt.js application with the backend API by exploring your Nuxt.js application’s configuration, plugins, modules, middleware, and the Vuex store. The book shows you how you can turn your Nuxt.js application into a universal or static-generated application by working with REST and GraphQL APIs over HTTP requests. Finally, you'll get to grips with security techniques using authorization, package your Nuxt.js application for testing, and deploy it to production.By the end of this web development book, you'll have developed a solid understanding of using Nuxt.js for your projects and be able to build secure, end-to-end tested, and scalable web applications with SSR, data handling, and SEO capabilities.
Sasan Seydnejad, Shamasis Bhattacharya
Programming in the modular manner is always encouraged for bigger systems—it is easier to achieve scalability with modular programming. Even JavaScript developers are now interested in building programs in a modular pattern. Modules help people who aren’t yet familiar with code to find what they are looking for and also makes it easier for programmers to keep things that are related close together.Designing and implementing applications in a modular manner is highly encouraged and desirable in both simple and enterprise level applications. This book covers some real-life examples of modules and how we can translate that into our world of programming and application design. After getting an overview of JavaScript object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and their practical usage, you should be able to write your own object definitions using the module pattern. You will then learn to design and augment modules and will explore the concepts of cloning, inheritance, sub-modules, and code extensibility. You will also learn about SandBoxing, application design, and architecture based on modular design concepts. Become familiar with AMD and CommonJS utilities. By the end of the book, you will be able to build spectacular modular applications in JavaScript.
Sjoukje Zaal, Amit Malik, Sander Rossel, Jason Marston, ...
Whether you are trying to re-architect a legacy app or build a cloud-ready app from scratch, using the Azure ecosystem with .NET and Java technologies helps you to strategize and plan your app modernization process effectively. With this book, you’ll learn how to modernize your applications by using Azure for containerization, DevOps, microservices, and serverless solutions to reduce development time and costs, while also making your applications robust, secure, and scalable.You will delve into improving application efficiency by using container services such as Azure Container Service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and more. Next, you will learn to modernize your application by implementing DevOps throughout your application development life cycle. You will then focus on increasing the scalability and performance of your overall application with microservices, before learning how to add extra functionality to your application with Azure serverless solutions. Finally, you’ll get up to speed with monitoring and troubleshooting techniques.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to use the Azure ecosystem to refactor, re-architect, and rebuild your web, mobile, and desktop applications.
Oleg Ulyanov, Michael Schwartzman, Harsha Sanku
If you’re looking to effortlessly transition from on-premises VMware vSphere environments or capital expenditure (CAPEX) to an agile operational expenditure (OPEX) model, trust the VMware Cloud (VMC) on AWS platform for swift re-platforming of legacy applications into cloud-native framework. This comprehensive guide addresses hybrid cloud challenges, offering detailed solutions within the VMware Cloud on AWS ecosystem.Covering the foundational architecture, software-defined data center (SDDC) components of VMware Cloud on AWS, network and security configurations, and AWS service integrations, this book lays the foundation for you to advance to vCenter management, vSAN storage policies, NSX architecture, compute policies, SDDC console management, and the EDRS mechanism for cluster scaling. You’ll also explore integrated services such as VMware HCX for migration, VMware Aria suite, Tanzu Managed Kubernetes, and disaster recovery.Further, the book takes you through VMware Cloud APIs and guides you in managing workloads with VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts. With the help of practical insights, configuration tips, and best practices, you’ll unlock the full potential of VMC on AWS.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped to successfully architect and manage VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs, handling day-to-day operations expertly.
Teaching with Google Classroom. To provide a step-by-step guide to setup and use Google Classroom
Google Classroom helps teachers bring their work online. According to Google Trends, it’s already bigger than Moodle after barely a year in the wild. This book is a complete start-to-finish guide for teachers using Google Classroom for the first time. It explains what Google Classroom is, what it can do, how to set it up, and how to use it to enhance student learning while making your life as a teacher easier. It shows you how to place resources and activities online, gather assignments, and develop group and individual activities. It’s not just a manual, you’ll also discover inspiring, easy ways to put Google Classroom to work for you and your class.
The concept of generative artificial intelligence has garnered widespread interest, with industries looking to leverage it to innovate and solve business problems. Amazon Bedrock, along with LangChain, simplifies the building and scaling of generative AI applications without needing to manage the infrastructure.Generative AI with Amazon Bedrock takes a practical approach to enabling you to accelerate the development and integration of several generative AI use cases in a seamless manner. You’ll explore techniques such as prompt engineering, retrieval augmentation, fine-tuning generative models, and orchestrating tasks using agents. The chapters take you through real-world scenarios and use cases such as text generation and summarization, image and code generation, and the creation of virtual assistants. The latter part of the book shows you how to effectively monitor and ensure security and privacy in Amazon Bedrock.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of building and scaling generative AI apps using Amazon Bedrock, along with various architecture patterns and security best practices that will help you solve business problems and drive innovation in your organization.
Welly Lee, James Phillips, Ray Smith
Microsoft Forms and Dynamics 365 Customer Voice enable organizations to collect and analyze feedback from employees and customers, helping developers to integrate their feedback and business users to collect feedback that will guide them to develop customer-centric solutions.This book takes a hands-on approach to leveraging Microsoft Forms and Dynamics 365 Customer Voice capabilities for common feedback scenarios and covers best practices and tips and tricks to have your solution up and running in no time. You'll start by exploring common scenarios where organizations collect feedback from employees and customers and implement end-to-end solutions with Forms. You’ll then discover how to create surveys and get to grips with different configuration options commonly used for each scenario. Throughout the book, you'll also find sample questions and step-by-step instructions for integrating the survey with related technology such as Microsoft Teams, Power Automate, and Power BI for an end-to-end scenario.By the end of this Microsoft book, you’ll be able to build and deploy your complete solution using Microsoft Forms and Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, allowing you to listen to customers or employees, interpret their feedback, take timely follow-up action, and monitor results.
Amazon Connect is a pay-as-you-go cloud contact center solution that powers Amazon’s customer contact system and provides an impressive user experience while reducing costs. Connect's scalability has been especially helpful during COVID-19, helping customers with research, remote work, and other solutions, and has driven adoption rates higher. Amazon Connect: Up and Running will help you develop a foundational understanding of Connect's capabilities and how businesses can effectively estimate the costs and risks associated with migration.Complete with hands-on tutorials, costing profiles, and real-world use cases relating to improving business operations, this easy-to-follow guide will teach you everything you need to get your call center online, interface with critical business systems, and take your customer experience to the next level. As you advance, you'll understand the benefits of using Amazon Connect and cost estimation guidelines for migration and new deployments. Later, the book guides you through creating AI bots, implementing interfaces, and leveraging machine learning for business analytics.By the end of this book, you'll be able to bring a Connect call center online with all its major components and interfaces to significantly reduce personnel overhead and provide your customers with an enhanced user experience (UX).