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Explore the capabilities of the open-source deep learning framework MXNet to train and deploy neural network models and implement state-of-the-art (SOTA) architectures in Computer Vision, natural language processing, and more. The Deep Learning with MXNet Cookbook is your gateway to constructing fast and scalable deep learning solutions using Apache MXNet.Starting with the different versions of MXNet, this book helps you choose the optimal version for your use and install your library. You’ll work with MXNet/Gluon libraries to solve classification and regression problems and gain insights into their inner workings. Venturing further, you’ll use MXNet to analyze toy datasets in the areas of numerical regression, data classification, picture classification, and text classification. From building and training deep-learning neural network architectures from scratch to delving into advanced concepts such as transfer learning, this book covers it all. You'll master the construction and deployment of neural network architectures, including CNN, RNN, LSTMs, and Transformers, and integrate these models into your applications.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll wield the MXNet and Gluon libraries to expertly create and train deep learning networks using GPUs and deploy them in different environments.
GlassFish Administration. Administer and configure the GlassFish v2 application server
To build a powerful production environment for your Java EE systems, you need a great application server, and the skills to manage it. This book gives you all that you are looking for.This book will help you gain the necessary skills to install, configure, tune, and troubleshoot GlassFish so that you can fully unleash its power. It will teach you how to use the GlassFish application server, with a special focus on administration tasks. It presents the GlassFish administrative tasks in a logical sequence, with each chapter focusing on a specific topic.Starting with installation and moving through configuration, this book takes a careful look at the administration console so that you get a complete understanding of GlassFish and its administrative features. It will help you understand how to deploy Java EE, Ruby on Rails and other supported applications to GlassFish, and how to configure the necessary resources for these applications. You will also learn how to maintain, tune, and troubleshoot your GlassFish server. Also includes a bonus chapter introducing Glassfish v3.
Flutter is a modern reactive mobile framework that removes a lot of the complexity found in building native mobile apps for iOS and Android. With Flutter, developers can now build fast and native mobile apps from a single codebase.This book is packed with 11 projects that will help you build your own mobile applications using Flutter. It begins with an introduction to Dart programming and explains how it can be used with the Flutter SDK to customize mobile apps. Each chapter contains instructions on how to build an independent app from scratch, and each project focuses on important Flutter features.From building Flutter Widgets and applying animations to using databases (SQLite and sembast) and Firebase, you'll build on your knowledge through the chapters. As you progress, you’ll learn how to connect to remote services, integrate maps, and even use Flare to create apps and games in Flutter. Gradually, you’ll be able to create apps and games that are ready to be published on the Google Play Store and the App Store. In the concluding chapters, you’ll learn how to use the BLoC pattern and various best practices related to creating enterprise apps with Flutter.By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to write and deliver fully functional mobile apps using Flutter.
In today's competitive business landscape, efficient financial management is crucial for success. QuickBooks Online has emerged as the go-to accounting software for small businesses, offering a user-friendly platform to manage finances, track expenses, and gain valuable insights. This new edition will help you use QuickBooks Online from scratch and customize it to suit your small business needs. Written by accounting expert Crystalynn Shelton, it takes you on an in-depth journey, from setting up your account to mastering advanced features and customizations.This book empowers you to conquer the latest features of QuickBooks Online 2024,;overcome challenges encountered during migration from desktop to online; plan cash flow, profits, revenue with precision; and streamline billing, expense tracking, and financial reporting. As you progress, you’ll learn to manage sales tax, including how to set up, collect, track, pay, and report sales tax payments. You’ll explore how to export reports to Google Sheets, use the custom chart builder, import budgets, and perform smart reporting with with using data sync with Excel.. You'll learn how to tailor QuickBooks Online to your specific business needs. By the end of the book, you’ll master the art of QuickBooks Online and take control of your business finances
Karthik Ramasubramanian, Jojo Moolayil
R provides excellent visualization features that are essential for exploring data before using it in automated learning.Applied Supervised Learning with R helps you cover the complete process of employing R to develop applications using supervised machine learning algorithms for your business needs. The book starts by helping you develop your analytical thinking to create a problem statement using business inputs and domain research. You will then learn different evaluation metrics that compare various algorithms, and later progress to using these metrics to select the best algorithm for your problem. After finalizing the algorithm you want to use, you will study the hyperparameter optimization technique to fine-tune your set of optimal parameters. The book demonstrates how you can add different regularization terms to avoid overfitting your model.By the end of this book, you will have gained the advanced skills you need for modeling a supervised machine learning algorithm that precisely fulfills your business needs.
Building Android applications would usually mean that you spend all of your time working in Java. There are however times when this is not the most efficient or best method for the application being built. This is where Android NDK comes in. Android NDK allows the developer to write in Native C/C++, giving you the power to reuse code and libraries and also, in most cases, increase the speed and efficiency of your application.The Android Native Development Kit Cookbook will help you understand the development, building, and debugging of your native Android applications. We will discover and learn JNI programming and essential NDK APIs such as OpenGL ES, and the native application API. We will then explore the process of porting existing libraries and software to NDK. By the end of this book you will be able to build your own apps in NDK apps.Android Native Development Kit Cookbook begins with basic recipes that will help you in the building and debugging of native apps, and JNI programming. The recipes cover various topics of application development with Android NDK such as OpenGL programming and Multimedia programming. We will begin with a simple recipe, Hello NDK, before moving on to cover advanced topics with recipes on OpenGL ES that focus on 2D and 3D graphics, as well as recipes that discuss working with NDK and external APIs. If you are looking for ways to make your application available in Android and take measures to boost your application's performance, then this Cookbook is for you.
Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of obtaining business information from available data and today, most businesses use BI to control their affairs. With Business Analysis and Reporting in Oracle Business Intelligence, you can quickly learn how to put the power of the Oracle Business Intelligence solutions to work. To jump start with analysis and reporting of data on an Oracle Business Intelligence SE platform and to keep the process of learning simple and interesting requires numerous annotated examples.The examples in this introductory guide will make you immediately familiar with tools included in the Oracle Business Intelligence package. This book will teach you how to find answers to common business questions and make informed business decisions as well as helping you to use Oracle Business Intelligence SE platform and prepare database for analysis. This practical, example-rich guide starts by explaining concepts behind getting business information from data. We then move smoothly onto the tools included in the Oracle Business Intelligence SE and Oracle Business Intelligence Tools packages. Along the way, we will look at how to take advantage of Discoverer Administrator, Discoverer Plus, and Discoverer Viewer for analysis and reporting. You will also learn how to build, deploy and execute reports using Oracle Reports, and integrate data from different data sources with warehousing, employing Oracle Warehouse Builder software. Covering advanced Oracle Business Intelligence features, this book will teach you how to pivot data, drill it up and down, as well as display it visually in graphs.
Infrastructure as code (IaC) and Terraform have become essential tools for managing cloud infrastructure and automating deployment processes. Mastering Terraform on AWS presents a step-by-step approach on how to master these tools and build a secure and scalable AWS infrastructure. The book starts with an introduction to patterns and anti-patterns of IaC and Terraform, explaining the common mistakes and pitfalls you must avoid. You’ll then learn about the importance of planning and designing infrastructure projects in AWS and making informed decisions for projects in AWS Terraform. You’ll find out how to implement Terraform in your projects and deploy serverless projects. Next, you’ll be able to deploy containers in AWS with Terraform, exploring the best practices for Terraform IaC projects. You’ll understand how you can leverage Terraform for enterprises, build Git workflows for IaC and Terraform projects, and automate deployment of Terraform projects. The last set of chapters will teach you how to govern AWS with Terraform and build a secure infrastructure. Finally, you’ll discover how to achieve a perfect AWS infrastructure with Terraform. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of Terraform and IaC, along with the knowledge required to build, manage, and deploy complex infrastructures on AWS.
Bryon Kataoka, James Brennan, Ashish Aggarwal, Matt Roberts
IBM API Connect enables organizations to drive digital innovation using its scalable and robust API management capabilities across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. With API Connect's security, flexibility, and high performance, you'll be able to meet the needs of your enterprise and clients by extending your API footprint. This book provides a complete roadmap to create, manage, govern, and publish your APIs.You'll start by learning about API Connect components, such as API managers, developer portals, gateways, and analytics subsystems, as well as the management capabilities provided by CLI commands. You’ll then develop APIs using OpenAPI and discover how you can enhance them with logic policies. The book shows you how to modernize SOAP and FHIR REST services as secure APIs with authentication, OAuth2/OpenID, and JWT, and demonstrates how API Connect provides safeguards for GraphQL APIs as well as published APIs that are easy to discover and well documented. As you advance, the book guides you in generating unit tests that supplement DevOps pipelines using Git and Jenkins for improved agility, and concludes with best practices for implementing API governance and customizing API Connect components.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to transform your business by speeding up the time-to-market of your products and increase the ROI for your enterprise.
Privilege Escalation Techniques. Learn the art of exploiting Windows and Linux systems
Privilege Escalation Techniques is a detailed guide to privilege escalation techniques and tools for both Windows and Linux systems. This is a one-of-a-kind resource that will deepen your understanding of both platforms and provide detailed, easy-to-follow instructions for your first foray into privilege escalation. The book uses virtual environments that you can download to test and run tools and techniques. After a refresher on gaining access and surveying systems, each chapter will feature an exploitation challenge in the form of pre-built virtual machines (VMs). As you progress, you will learn how to enumerate and exploit a target Linux or Windows system. You’ll then get a demonstration on how you can escalate your privileges to the highest level.By the end of this book, you will have gained all the knowledge and skills you need to be able to perform local kernel exploits, escalate privileges through vulnerabilities in services, maintain persistence, and enumerate information from the target such as passwords and password hashes.
Darmie Akinlaja, Damilare Akinlaja
L?ñVE is a game development framework for making 2D games using the Lua programming language. L?ñVE is totally free, and can be used in anything from friendly open-source hobby projects, to closed-source commercial ones. Using the Lua programming framework, one can use L?ñVE2D to make any sort of interesting games.L?ñVE for Lua Game Programming will quickly and efficiently guide you through how to develop a video game from idea to prototype. Even if you are new to game programming, with this book, you will soon be able to create as many game titles as you wish without stress.The L?ñVE framework is the quickest and easiest way to build fully-functional 2D video games. It leverages the Lua programming language, which is known to be one of the easiest game development languages to learn and use. With this book, you will master how to develop multi-platform games for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. After downloading and installing L?ñVE, you will learn by example how to draw 2D objects, animate characters using sprites, and how to create game physics and game world maps.L?ñVE for Lua Game Programming makes it easier and quicker for you to learn everything you need to know about game programming. If you're interested in game programming, then this book is exactly what you've been looking for.
Srinivasa Rao Aravilli, Sam Hamilton
– In an era of evolving privacy regulations, compliance is mandatory for every enterprise – Machine learning engineers face the dual challenge of analyzing vast amounts of data for insights while protecting sensitive information – This book addresses the complexities arising from large data volumes and the scarcity of in-depth privacy-preserving machine learning expertise, and covers a comprehensive range of topics from data privacy and machine learning privacy threats to real-world privacy-preserving cases – As you progress, you’ll be guided through developing anti-money laundering solutions using federated learning and differential privacy – Dedicated sections will explore data in-memory attacks and strategies for safeguarding data and ML models – You’ll also explore the imperative nature of confidential computation and privacy-preserving machine learning benchmarks, as well as frontier research in the field – Upon completion, you’ll possess a thorough understanding of privacy-preserving machine learning, equipping them to effectively shield data from real-world threats and attacks
Joseph Edmonds, Lorna Jane Mitchell
PHP has come a long way since its introduction. While the language has evolved with PHP 8, there are still a lot of websites running on a version of PHP that is no longer supported. If you are a PHP developer working with legacy PHP systems and want to discover the tenants of modern PHP, this is the book for you.The Art of Modern PHP 8 walks you through the latest PHP features and language concepts. The book helps you upgrade your knowledge of PHP programming and practices. Starting with object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP and related language features, you'll work through modern programming techniques such as inheritance, understand how it contrasts with composition, and finally look at more advanced language features. You'll learn about the MVC pattern by developing your own MVC system and advance to understanding what a DI container does by building a toy DI container. The book gives you an overview of Composer and how to use it to create reusable PHP packages. You’ll also find techniques for deploying these packages to package libraries for other developers to explore.By the end of this PHP book, you'll have equipped yourself with modern server-side programming techniques using the latest versions of PHP.
Jeffrey Winesett, Qiang Xue (Project)
This book is a step by step tutorial in developing a real-world application using the incremental and iterative approach to software development. You learn about agile software development by leaning on the agile nature of the Yii application development framework. You touch on each aspect of the software development lifecycle by building a project task management application from concept through production deployment.After a brief, general introduction to the Yii framework and outlining the software development approach taken throughout the book, the chapters break down in the same way as software development iterations do in real-world projects. After the 1st iteration, you will have a working and tested application with a valid, tested connection to a database.In the 2nd and 3rd iterations, we flesh out our main database entities and domain object model and become familiar with Yii's object-relational-mapping (ORM) layer, Active Record. We also learn how to lean on Yii's auto-generation tools to automatically build our create/read/update/delete (CRUD) functionality against our newly created model. These iterations also focus on how Yii's form validation and submission model works. By the end of the third iteration you will have a working application that allows you to mange projects and issues (tasks) within those projects.The 4th and 5th iterations are dedicated to user management. We learn about the built-in authentication model within Yii to assist in application login and logout functionality. We then dive into the authorization model, first taking advantage of a Yii's simple access control model, then implementing the more sophisticated role-based access control (RBAC) framework that Yii provides.By the end of the 5th iteration, all of the basics of a task management application are in place. The next several iterations are focused on the nice-to-haves. We add user comment functionality, introducing a reusable content portlet architecture approach in the process. We add in an RSS Web feed and demonstrate how easy it is to integrate other third-party tools within a Yii application. We take advantage of Yii's theming structure to help streamline and design the application, and then introduce Yii's internationalization (I18N) features so the application can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.Finally, we turn our focus to production deployment. We introduce ways to optimize performance and security to prepare the application for a real-world production environment.
This book serves as a comprehensive guide to prepare you for the Microsoft Identity and Services exam, which focuses on the core identity and security aspects of a Microsoft 365 tenant. The exam MS-100 tests your proficiency in Azure AD authentication types, user management roles, access management, and workload applications.This book follows the published MS-100 blueprint, which covers identity and identity synchronization concepts, administrative roles, and crucial security topics such as self-service password reset, Azure AD password protection, and multifactor authentication. You’ll gain insights into application and authentication concepts, including OAuth application request management, enterprise application configuration, the benefits of Azure AD Application Proxy, and deploying Microsoft 365 apps.The book also delves into passwordless sign-in methods and provides overviews of configuring Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business in both cloud-only and hybrid deployments. You’ll be able to assess your knowledge retention at the end of each chapter.By the end of this MS-100 study guide, you’ll have built the knowledge and skills to pass the MS-100 exam and be able to ensure thorough preparation with the help of practice exam questions.
Learning Adobe Muse. Create beautiful websites without writing any code with this book and
Adobe Muse is an exciting new tool from the world's foremost design software company which allows users to create beautiful and fully functioning websites without writing any code. It provides graphic designers the power to use their print design skills over the Web. This book will help web designers as well as graphic designers to master Adobe Muse quickly. It will provide step-by-step instructions that guide you through building a website with Adobe Muse.Learning Adobe Muse will teach you how to plan, design and publish websites using Adobe Muse. It starts by covering the tools and interface of the program and moves on to the concepts you'll need to understand for laying out your web pages. You'll learn how to format text using reusable styles, add images, create a clean navigation system, and add interactive elements such as panels and slideshows to your pages and all this without writing a single line of code!By the end of the book you will have created a smartlydesigned, fully-functioning website.
Unleash the full potential of Kibana—an indispensable tool for data analysts to seamlessly explore vast datasets, uncover key insights, identify trends and anomalies, and share results. This book guides you through its user-friendly interface, interactive visualizations, and robust features, including real-time data monitoring and advanced analytics, showing you how Kibana revolutionizes your approach to navigating and analyzing complex datasets.Starting with the foundational steps of installing, configuring, and running Kibana, this book progresses systematically to explain the search and data visualization capabilities for data stored in the Elasticsearch cluster. You’ll then delve into the practical details of creating data views and optimizing spaces to better organize the analysis environment. As you advance, you'll get to grips with using the discover interface and learn how to build different types of extensive visualizations using Lens.By the end of this book, you’ll have a complete understanding of how Kibana works, helping you leverage its capabilities to build an analytics and visualization solution from scratch for your data-driven use case.
How to Test a Time Machine. A practical guide to test architecture and automation
From simple websites to complex applications, delivering quality is crucial for achieving customer satisfaction. How to Test a Time Machine provides step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples to show you how you can leverage your company's test architecture from different points in the development life cycle.You'll begin by determining the most effective system for measuring and improving the delivery of quality applications for your company, and then learn about the test pyramid as you explore it in an innovative way. You'll also cover other testing topics, including cloud, AI, and VR for testing.Complete with techniques, patterns, tools, and exercises, this book will help you enhance your understanding of the testing process. Regardless of your current role within development, you can use this book as a guide to learn all about test architecture and automation and become an expert and advocate for quality assurance.By the end of this book, you'll be able to deliver high-quality applications by implementing the best practices and testing methodologies included in the book.
Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions. Exam Ref AZ-700 preparation guide
Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions is a comprehensive guide that covers every aspect of the AZ-700 exam to help you fully prepare to take the certification exam.Packed with essential information, this book is a valuable resource for Azure cloud professionals, helping you build practical skills to design and implement name resolution, VNet routing, cross-VNet connectivity, and hybrid network connectivity using the VPN Gateway and the ExpressRoute Gateway. It provides step-by-step instructions to design and implement an Azure Virtual WAN architecture for enterprise use cases.Additionally, the book offers detailed guidance on network security design and implementation, application delivery services, private platform service connectivity, and monitoring networks in Azure. Throughout the book, you’ll find hands-on labs carefully integrated to align with the exam objectives of the Azure Network Engineer certification (AZ-700), complemented by practice questions at the end of each chapter, allowing you to test your knowledge.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered the fundamentals of Azure networking and be ready to take the AZ-700 exam.
Bayu Cahya Pamungkas, Redhaun Redhaun
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are essential in today's business market. There are many options for ERP systems; however, ADempiere offers a solid foundation for developing a powerful ERP system that helps your business to manage data efficiently, streamline different processes, lower costs, and improve the efficiency levels without too much complexity. This practical book offers a comprehensive understanding of ADempiere and a look at its main features by way of developing and enhancing a sample case study from concept to deployment. This book will help you model complex business processes with ease.You will learn to install ADempiere followed by configuring the company structure and the initial client set up. You can start working with ADempiere immediately because this book will get you up and running quickly and assumes no knowledge or experience of working with ADempiere. ADempiere3.4 ERP Solutions enables you to set up the accounting parts, define the prerequisite data, learn about product and price management, and perform procurement and sales activities. When you read the book, you'll understand the concept behind the ADempiere workflow and the important function of managing the inventory. Activities such as making user-defined financial reports, procedures on importing data, and security will be covered in detail, and you will also learn about the application dictionary.ADempiere generates accounting facts/journals automatically. In this book, you will understand the impact of these accounting facts in detail. This book will give you a comprehensive study on how to easily implement ADempiere and make the best use of this open source ERP system.
In the world of big data, efficiently processing and analyzing massive datasets for machine learning can be a daunting task. Written by Deepak Gowda, a data scientist with over a decade of experience and 30+ patents, this book provides a hands-on guide to mastering Spark’s capabilities for efficient data processing, model building, and optimization. With Deepak’s expertise across industries such as supply chain, cybersecurity, and data center infrastructure, he makes complex concepts easy to follow through detailed recipes.This book takes you through core machine learning concepts, highlighting the advantages of Spark for big data analytics. It covers practical data preprocessing techniques, including feature extraction and transformation, supervised learning methods with detailed chapters on regression and classification, and unsupervised learning through clustering and recommendation systems. You’ll also learn to identify frequent patterns in data and discover effective strategies to deploy and optimize your machine learning models. Each chapter features practical coding examples and real-world applications to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle complex machine learning tasks.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to handle big data and create advanced machine learning models with Apache Spark.
The fusion of Eclipse, the leading open source development environment, and PHP is an exciting prospect for web developers. This book makes sure that you are up and running as quickly as possible, ready to take full advantage of PHPEclipse's tuned PHP development tools, without requiring any prior knowledge of Eclipse.You will begin with installing and configuring PHPEclipse, before moving onto a tour of the Eclipse environment, familiarizing you with its main components. As a plug-in to Eclipse, PHPEclipse is able to harness the platform to provide a rich and powerful development experience.For helping you improve the efficiency of your PHP coding, the book details the powerful editing features of PHPEclipse, and shows you how to use it to better organize your application code.You will see how PHPEclipse helps you throughout the development lifecycle, and learn how to use PHPEclipse's debugger to troubleshoot and step through your PHP code as it executes. The book rounds off with coverage of accessing databases and managing source code from within the. For the final step for your application, you will learn how to deploy your site to a production server.