
The Three Hostages

John Buchan

The story re-introduces the reader to an older Richard Hannay, married and the father of a young son, living on a country estate. Our hero is pulled out of retirement by his old comrade, Bullivant, asking him to help track down three missing persons, taken so that the villain can, as well as furthering his craze for crime and stopping his activities being investigated, obtain complete mental control over his acolytes. After much deliberation, Hannay accepts the case and so begins the search for the missing three. Much of the story is a series of chases, following various clues, during which Hannay is once again forced to work against the ordinary police to maintain his secrecy. The Three Hostages is a haunting novel, given added poignancy by the subsequent history of the twentieth century.


Gordon of the Lost Lagoon. A Romance of the Pacific Coast

Robert Watson

Despite the severity of the life he encounters, like a little rat, Douglas Gordon, with good mood and good fortune, with calm courage, pushes his way through difficulties. And this is followed by a fairy tale full of sea fool, the enchanting beauty of the islands in the Gulf of Georgia, the color of the promenade: a boy, a girl and a dog in a human adventure on the wild sea coast life near Vancouver.


Anioł kopalni węgla. Powieść dla młodzieży

Jules Verne

Niektórzy z mieszkańców często zbliżali się do krawędzi studni, służącej jako wejście do kopalni węgla, ale nikt z nich nie miał odwagi wejść do podziemi. Powiadano bowiem, że od chwili, kiedy kopacz wstępuje w koszyk zawieszony nad przepaścią, w którym spuszcza się do wnętrza kopalni, życie jego znajduje się w ciągłym niebezpieczeństwie. Mimo tego znalazła się młoda dziewczyna, która zmuszona była poświecić się pracy górniczej, by zarobić pieniądze potrzebne do opieki nad chorym ojcem.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 10). Ród Rodrigandów. Benito Juarez

Karol May

Na losy bohaterów znanych z sagi rodu Rodrigandów wpłynie tym razem światowa polityka. Konflikt pomiędzy Benito Juarezem a cesarzem Maksymilianem Habsburgiem zaowocuje cesarskim dekretem skazującym na śmierć każdego zwolennika Juareza. Bohaterowie pomogą Juarezowi nie dopuścić do egzekucji kilkudziesięciu republikanów. Lecz nie jest to ostateczne zwycięstwo w tym starciu.


Jeremy at Crale

Hugh Walpole

Horror built on the psychological game of characters. Jeremy at Crale is a third-age story published by Sir Hugh Walpole. Published to critical acclaim throughout the world, it quickly became a bestseller.


Tales of Fishes

Zane Grey

Zane Gray is best known as a fishing writer for wild adventure catching giants of the world record in oceans around the world. He published a collection of stories about individual places and types of fish. Fish tales are a great collection of stories that cover the most popular types of fish found in salt water. These are turtles, sailboats, marlins, swordfish and tuna. This is a perfect example for the shade of appetite of every fisherman. Zane Gray was one of Americas most productive and beloved writers. Being most famous for his Western novels, he actually spent more than 300 days a year on fishing.


Rain in the Doorway

Thorne Smith

Who hasnt waited for a ride in the pouring rain and wondered if there wasnt something more to life? This is exactly how we find poor Mr. Owen, hopeless and downtrodden, wet and miserable. Suddenly, he is swept in through a doorway to a place full of wild imaginations, where loneliness and unfulfilled dreams are a thing of the past. It is the story an adulteresss husband who embarks on inebriated adventures with his various partners and a girl who works in a pornographic books department. A fantastic thread of plot, plenty of wise cracks, and plenty of sex run riot through its pages. Those who have read and enjoyed Smiths work will love Rain in the Doorway, an entertaining and risqué tale of forbidden love and compromising situations.


The King Diamond

Fred M. White

Sir Samuel Oscar was not only a great man and a South African magnate of the first importance, but also a very kind and considerate employer. Quickly began to climb the career ladder in Maggersfont Diamond Company, his secretary. No one could argue or be dissatisfied with the upcoming events. After all, Stella charmed everyone with her beauty and intelligence. The last member of her family dies and bequeaths Ravenswood mansion and other valuables. She decided to put them up for auction, and her boss, Sir Samuel, became their owner.



George Eliot

Set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during 182932, and widely considered the greatest of Victorian novels. It comprises several distinct (though intersecting) stories and a large cast of characters: Dorothea Brooke, the heroine, idealistic but naive; Rosamond Vincy, beautiful and egoistic: Edward Casaubon, the dry-as-dust scholar: Tertius Lydgate, the brilliant but morally-flawed physician: the passionate artist Will Ladislaw: and Fred Vincy and Mary Garth, childhood sweethearts whose charming courtship is one of the many humorous elements in the novels rich comic vein. Significant themes include the status of women, the nature of marriage, idealism, self-interest, religion, hypocrisy, political reform, and education. It is a fantastic story where the destinies of several locals meet and where from the very first pages we embark in a great adventure!


Souvenirs de la maison des morts

Fiodor M. Dostoevski

Souvenirs de la maison des morts lun des premiers ouvrages documentaires décrivant la gravité de la vie dans le camp. La base de Souvenirs de la maison des morts formait les souvenirs personnels de Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoievski, qui, apres sa condamnation dans le cas des Petrashevites, avait consacré quatre ans de sa vie aux travaux forcés. Gryachnikov a été condamné a dix ans de travaux forcés pour le meurtre de sa femme. Il réside dans une colonie située dans une petite ville sibérienne.


To Win the Love He Sought

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This third novel by Oppenheim was published in 1895. It was originally published under the title A Daughter of the Marionis and was reprinted several times. The story of a vendetta, makes a capital plot for the novelist who takes characters from Southern life for his story, and in Margharita, a daughter of the Marionis, we have a not impossible character. She does not appear till late in the story, but takes up the vendetta of her uncle with a will. Marionis himself is a fine figure, and the scene when, having been let out of prison an old man, he seeks to resume his scheme of vengeance, and visits the degenerate committee of the White Hyacinth Society is full of stern pathos. The struggle Margharita has between love and hatred is also well described, and the interest in the story is never allowed to flag, and it continues absorbing to the end.


The Light of Western Stars

Zane Grey

Madeline Hammond wanted more out of life than the superficial glitter of New York society. So she bought a ranch near the turbulent Mexican frontier and ended up getting more than shed ever bargained for-and most of it trouble! She has a lot to learn about running a ranch in frontier New Mexico, but there is no question in her mind that she has to intervene when Gene Stewart, a cowhand who risked his life to save her honor, is scheduled to be hanged. And Madeline Hammond rode into the lawless wilds of Mexico in a desperate bid for his life and the love she had suddenly discovered! A surprising climax brings the story to a delightful close.


Silvertips Roundup

Max Brand

No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. ""Silvertips Roundup"" is and Old Western tale of adventure told by Max Brand, one of Americas favorite Western writers. Brand tells the story of the legendary Arizona Jim ""Silvertip"" Silver, who shoots fast, stays cook, and brings to justice killers and thieves who make a habit of taking the law into their own hands. No criminal was safe from Silvertips brilliant mind and reckless courage. But now Silvertip met his match in Barry Christian, a dangerous and cunning renegade who recognized no laws but the ones he imposed on helpless men and women ...


Morning Star

H. Rider Haggard

The whole story revolves around a strong woman, the great queen of Egypt Neter-Tua, the daughter of the God Amen-Ra. She must overcome many difficulties: the murder of her father and the conspiracies of her uncle. Having overcome these difficulties, she will finally be able to rule Egypt and marry her adoptive brother, Rames. This story combines fantasy and romance, divine and human.


History of King Richard the Third of England

Jacob Abbott

Richard 3 went down in history as a great king. He was the last king from the House of York. Jacob Abbott remembers historical events from an impartial point of view. His text not only covers Richard III, but details events of his brother Edward IVs life, plus various other major individuals involved with the War of the Roses.


At the Sign of the Cat and Racket

Honoré de Balzac

Monsieur Guillaume is a draper in Paris. He owns his shop, La Maison du Chat-qui-pelote and took the business over from his master, also marrying the daughter. Guillaume is the very portrait of the successful bourgeois. He has three clerks apprenticed to him, the first of whom, Joseph, is an orphan he intends to marry to his elder daughter Virginie. However, Joseph is in love with the younger daughter Augustine but Augustine is in love with a successful artist Théodore. How will all this turn out? At the Sign of the Cat and Racket is a short novel by Honoré de Balzac. It was first published in 1830, but the story takes place about two decades earlier. It is one of the earliest pieces Balzac wrote for inclusion in his Comédie Humaine, the collection of 91 interconnected writings in which he documents the entire scope of French society in the early 19th century.


The Wrath to Come

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The mystery by E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) starts out in the Sierra Nevada mountains, 500 miles from San Francisco, at a gold mining camp. Bryan came to America from England, chasing a man who may have papers which explain Bryans mysterious origins. Enter heroine, the beautiful orphan Myra Mercier who is arriving to the camp where women are not allowed. Murder and mayhem ensue before the pair escapes to San Francisco. Bryan abandons Myra and travels back to England alone, where he takes up residence in the country, near the home of Lady Helen, the ward of Lord Wessemer. Bryan seeks to improve himself, and his status, in order to win the hand of the beautiful, but cold, Lady Helen. Finally, Myra makes her way to England as a actress, and Bryan decide who to wed.


The Lady With The Dog and Other Stories

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

No, this is not a banal story about a resort romance. Spiritually, her heroes escaped beyond the boundaries of the nineteenth century, but are forced to live in its choking conditions and foundations. The stands that will soon be brought down by World War I with an explosion of revolution. In the meantime, two loving hearts are torn in a world in which they will never be together.


The Forty-Five Guardsmen

Alexandre Dumas

The Forty-Five Guardsmen, by Alexandre Dumas (1894), the most celebrated of French romance writers, is in two volumes, and is the third of a series known as The Valois Romances. It basically deals with Diana de Meridor and her servant Remy who find a way to take revenge upon Duc dAnjou for his heinous betrayal of Bussy dAmboise. Historically it commences with the execution of Salcede and the arrival of the Forty-Five at Paris and deals with the Guise intrigues, the campaign of Anjou in Flanders and his death; the events in the novel take place in 1584-1585. Alexandre Dumas The Forty-Five Guardsmen, which has been translated into several languages, tells a wonderful story, full of the rich historical detail, rousing action, and gripping characters that mark the best of Dumas work.


An Eye for an Eye

William Le Queux

An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945, which states that some Jews in Eastern Europe took revenge on their former captors while overseeing over 1,000 concentration camps in Poland for German civilians. The book provides details of the imprisonment of 200,000 Germans many of them starved, beaten and tortured and estimates that more than 60,000 died at the hands of a largely Jewish-run security organisation.


Ordynat Michorowski

Helena Mniszkówna

Kontynuacja najsłynniejszego polskiego melodramatu Trędowata. Powieść kończy się śmiercią Stefci Rudeckiej, niezamożnej szlachcianki, która zdobyła serce Waldemara ordynata Michorowskiego. Dziewczyna została zadręczona przez niechętnych jej arystokratów, którzy nie mogli pogodzić się z tym, że ktoś skromnego pochodzenia zajął miejsce należne w ich opinii jedynie dziedziczce magnackiego rodu. Rodzina Waldemara oczekuje, że ordynacja dostanie potomka. Tymczasem młody ordynat żyje wspomnieniami, rozpamiętuje śmierć ukochanej Stefci... O względy ordynata zabiega Lucia, baronówna Elzonowska. W Lucii natomiast kocha się głęboko choć bez wzajemności Bohdan hrabia Michorowski. Konkurentem do ręki baronówny jest też hrabia Brochwicz. Podczas balu sylwestrowego mają być ogłoszone oficjalne zaręczyny Lusi z Brochwiczem. Dochodzi jednak do nieprzyjemnego incydentu. W jego wyniku Bohdan wyzywa na pojedynek Brochwicza, ale Waldemar jako głowa rodu korzysta z prawa pierwszeństwa i staje na placu zamiast Bohdana. Brochwicz pada...


But w butonierce

Bruno Jasieński

But w butonierce. Poezje futurystyczne to tom wierszy Brunona Jasieńskiego z 1921 roku. Stanowi sztandarowe dzieło futuryzmu awangardowego nurtu zrywającego z tradycyjnym postrzeganiem twórczości. Futuryzm miał swoje ulubione tematy, takie jak miasto, cywilizacja, postęp, kultura masowa, a także tworzył charakterystyczne dla siebie rozwiązania formalne, wykorzystujące zabawę słowem czy konwencję antyestetyzmu.


La Comédie humaine. Volume IV. Scenes de la vie privée. Tome IV

Honoré de Balzac

"La Fausse maîtresse" est une histoire dHonoré de Balzac et fait partie de son cycle "La Comédie humaine", dans lequel Balzac dépeint et se moque de la société française pendant la Restauration et la monarchie de Juillet. Lintrigue de lhistoire est déroutante et sa véritable explication reste un mystere jusqu la fin du livre. Albert Savarus le travail est une sorte denseignement. Malgré le vif désir, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte les intérts et les opinions dune autre personne. Rosalie sen moquait, voulait atteindre ce quelle voulait tout prix.


A Scream in Soho

John G. Brandon

Detective Inspector McCarthy is a daredevil who investigates a murder at a site in Soho. Electricity is cut off throughout London and the mysterious murder of a woman takes place on the same day. Although the corpse was not there when the detective came to the cry. However, he found a clue that would lead to the killer.