
Maître Zacharius ou lHorloger qui avait perdu son âme

Jules Verne

Maître Zacharius était un horloger célebre et ses montres étaient tres appréciées dans de nombreux pays. Les horlogers genevois ont maudit davoir vendu son âme au diable et il a affirmé que si Dieu créait léternité, il créait le temps. Mais tout coup, un événement étrange sest produit. Toutes les montres fabriquées par lui étaient totalement frustrées. Et sa santé a commencé se fondre sous ses yeux, comme sils étaient reliés par un fil invisible...


Martin Hewitt, Investigator

Arthur Morrison

Martin Hewitt, Investigator is a collection of late Victorian short stories linked by the protagonist, Martin Hewitt. This book chronicles seven of Hewitts cases, and gave rise to his reputation as Englands second-best-detective. They are tales of impossible to solve crimes that Hewitt was able to crack by piecing together a few clues where the police detectives had failed. Like the Holmes stories, the author did not want the detective to talk about his own cases in the first person, so he created a sidekick who does the writing, the journalist Brett. Unlike Holmes, however, Martin Hewitt runs an investigative business, is a very personable gentleman, works well with the police force and easily makes friends. Novel and imaginative in subject matter, meticulously plotted, and smoothly written, these stories will captivate mystery lovers.


Arsene Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes

Maurice Leblanc

Leblancs creation, gentleman thief Arsene Lupin, is everything you would expect from a French aristocrat witty, charming, brilliant, sly... and possibly the greatest thief in the world. Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes (Translator: George Morehead) is a collection of adventures which feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transparent reference to Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyles detective stories. The novel consists of two closely linked novellas, in each of which the renowned English detective Herlock Sholmes is commissioned to come to Paris, accompanied as ever by amanuensis Dr. Wilson, to solve a crime thats assumed to have at its heart the legendary figure of master criminal Arsene Lupin. For his part, Lupin relishes the challenge of crossing mental swords with the only man on earth intelligent and resourceful enough to be a worthy rival.


The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton

Daniel Defoe

With a page-length title promising thrilling adventures in exotic locations, Captain Singleton is often viewed as an attempt by Defoe to capitalize upon the success achieved by Robinson Crusoe, which had been published a year earlier and had already merited a sequel. Defoe here offers a searching exploration of society from the point of view of its outcasts. The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually makes his way to sea. The novel comprises two distinct halves. The first one is set in an east-west journey across central Africa, with a lot of not surprisingly dubious details of the wildlife, natives and scenery encountered. The second half involves piracies in diverse locations around the globe, including Brazil, the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific. Originally was published in 1720, The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton is an absorbing and delightful tale.


The World Set Free. A Story of Mankind

Herbert George Wells

The novel tells the prophetic story of mans harnessing of the newly-discovered power of the atom, how this power nearly destroys civilization in a catastrophic war and foreshadows nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. It is presented as a history of the important events of the 20th century, jumping back and forth amongst narratives of different eyewitnesses and major players in those events. The World Set Free is a remarkable example of how science and science fiction can interact with and build upon each other. This book truly shows Wells was a man way before his time... Wells describes a weapon of enormous destructive power, used from the air that would wipe out everything for miles, and actually used the term atomic bombs. Futuristic Science Fiction at its best...


Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego

Adam Mickiewicz

Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego to utwór i poetycki, i polityczny zarazem. Napisane tuż po powstaniu listopadowym, formą przypominają przypowieści ewangeliczne, skierowane do Polaków emigrujących po klęsce powstania. Nawołują do zachowania jedności narodowej, tak ważnej w kontekście trudnej sytuacji na ziemiach polskich, oraz budują ideały polskości.


Again the Ringer

Edgar Wallace

Seventeen short stories featuring that master of disguise, Henry Arthur Milton, known as The Ringer. An exiting page-tuner full of intrigue and mystery, Again the Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875 1932) was a prolific English writer. During his lifetime, he wrote 18 stage plays, 957 short stories, numerous articles in newspapers and journals and over 160 films have been made of his novels. He was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives.


The Green Archer

Edgar Wallace

Another rip-roaring tale from Edgar Wallace, The Green Archer features a beautiful girl looking for the mother from whom she was stolen as a baby, her kindly foster-father, a redheaded journalist, a very secret policeman who is also a master of disguise, an Anglo-Indian petty criminal and his wife, assorted villains and, at the center of it all, Abel Bellamy, a very ugly, very rich man whos bought a Garres Castle in Scotland. Running through it all is the mysterious Green Archer, the castles ghost, who appears to be walking once more. At the opening of the story, The Green Archer is again active. There is a mysterious murder where the victim is left with a green arrow through the heart. A thrilling, hair-raising mystery story.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 14). Ród Rodrigandów. Grobowiec Rodrigandów

Karol May

Przygody bohaterów znanych z serii Ród Rodrigandów tym razem rozegrają się w Prusach, Hiszpanii i Meksyku. Po raz kolejny splatają się losy trapera Sępiego Dzioba, bandyty Cortejo, pirata Landoli i oficera Kurta Ungera. Aresztowania, tajna misja, długa morska podróż, bandyta występujący incognito i śledztwo, które swój finał znajdzie w stolicy Meksyku.


Tajemnica wiecznego życia

Włodzimierz Bełcikowski

Powieść Tajemnica wiecznego życia Włodzimierza Bełcikowskiego utrzymana jest w stylistyce horroru. Opowiada o nadprzyrodzonych wydarzeniach, za którymi stoi William Talmes postać osobliwa, parapsycholog o nieoczekiwanych mocach. Wykorzystuje on swoje zdolności do pomocy ludziom w sytuacjach, w których wszystkie tradycyjne naukowe metody zawodzą.


Jack Chanty. A Story of Athabasca

Hulbert Footner

In this tightly plotted novel, we follow the bizarre career of a man who loathes criminals. After Humphrey Challoner finds his wife killed by the bullet of a robber in his home, he vows to catch the man. Mr. Challoner is a wealthy savant, and he saved the fingerprints of the robber as well as some of the robbers strange hair which Challoners wife had in her hand. For twenty years Humphrey hunts for the killer, in the process revenging himself on Londons criminals class in a surprising and gruesome fashion. This Freeman work is not a Dr. Thorndyke mystery. Instead, it is the disturbing account of how a man wreaks vengeance on the miscreant who murdered his wife in a bungled robbery attempt. It also poses the question of how a moral society should deal with criminals.


Mary Queen of Scots

Jacob Abbott

One of those stories that can drop you deep into your soul and feel the moments of the life of Mary Queen. Always considered a threat by the Protestants and the English throne. She didnt have any one to trust, not even her own people. This book explains well the ambiguous personal life of a great but extremely unfortunate woman.


Le Capitaine Coutanceau

Émile Gaboriau

Le premier titre du roman La capitaine Coutanceau était La route de Berlin. Cest un livre patriotique du temps de la guerre franco-allemande de 1870. Ici il y a une histoire de vieux grognard, qui est le capitaine Coutanceau et qui raconte ses petits enfants des événements de cette guerre qui démarre alors. Cest la période révolutionnaire de 1792.


A Desert Bride. A Story of Adventure in India and Persia

Hume Nisbet

Ronald Makivor and Jack Bangles decided to find the peacock throne of Shah Jehan, who, as they say, Nadir Shah took away from Delhi. Their adventures begin with fleeing wide legs from the rebellious sepoys. Over time, they enter the service of the Afghan prince a model of knightly honor who must have been very unlike his compatriots, unless they are greatly offended by the general message. In his company, they go through amazing experience and see that they are fighting enough to satisfy the most warlike taste.


Lukundoo and Other Stories

Edward Lucas White

Lukundoo and Other Stories is one of those stories that are scary to read. The story of a man who breaks a taboo, then bears a cruel punishment. Curse is one of the punishments. The story will appeal to those who are interested in colonial anxiety and horror of the body.


Cousin Pons

Honoré de Balzac

Cousin Pons is one of the last and greatest of Balzacs novels of French urban society: a cynical, pessimistic but never despairing consideration of human nature. The book tells the story of Sylvain Pons, a poor moderately successful musician who is swindled by his wealthy relatives when they learn that his collection of art and antiques is worth a fortune. In contrast to his counterpart Cousin Bette, who seeks revenge against those who have humiliated her, Cousin Pons suffers passively as his health deteriorates and he eventually dies. The forces that come into play as Pons end approaches reveal the worst sides of the people around him, and give Balzac ample room to show the rougher side of his Parisians. The author shows how a person without means can be crushed by a society that has no values except material ones.



Émile Zola

LOuvre est un roman sur le destin dun artiste dans le monde bourgeois. Il souleve le probleme du rapport de lart a la réalité. Lintrigue est basée sur des événements réels, tels que des événements controversés. Ce roman dans de nombreuses directions a influencé le travail dautres auteurs et artistes.


Prokurator Alicja Horn

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Jan Winkler to awanturnik i kobieciarz, człowiek o wielu twarzach. Polski wymiar sprawiedliwości ściga go za gwałt na nieletniej. Po wielu latach nieobecności jako obywatel USA Winkler wraca do Warszawy. Tu ponownie rzuca się w wir mętnych interesów. Zostaje właścicielem nocnego lokalu, który tak naprawdę stanowi przykrywkę dla handlu żywym towarem. Śledztwo w sprawie porwań młodych i atrakcyjnych kobiet prowadzi prokurator Alicja Horn, która w przeszłości zetknęła się z Winklerem. Alicja i Jan zostają kochankami. Po pewnym czasie Winkler porzuca jednak piękną panią prokurator. Ta doprowadza do jego aresztowania pod zarzutem morderstwa. Choć wie o jego niewinności, bez skrupułów żąda dla niego kary śmierci. Czy powodem tego jest zdrada i zawiedziona miłość? Czy Alicja Horn też tkwiła w ciemnych interesach? Pasjonująca opowieść o świecie, w którym jedyną miarę sukcesu stanowi pieniądz, oraz o destrukcyjnej sile zawiedzionej miłości.


Barbara Tryźnianka

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Młody hulaka i utracjusz staje przed nie lada wyzwaniem. Jeśli w ciągu dziesięciu lat nie stanie się wartościowym człowiekiem, to nie odziedziczy majątku po wuju. Wykonawczynią testamentu ma być tajemnicza Barbara Tryźnianka... Popularna powieść obyczajowa o przemianie i miłości, osadzona w środowisku naszej arystokracji przełomu XIX i XX wieku.


Humoreski z teki Worszyłły

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Humoreski z teki Worszyłły to zbiór nowel Henryka Sienkiewicza, składający się z dwóch utworów zatytułowanych Nikt nie jest prorokiem między swymi oraz Dwie drogi. Uchodzą za klasyczny przykład piśmiennictwa tendencyjnego. Jest to jednak cenne świadectwo powszechnej praktyki pisarskiej tamtej epoki.


The Devils Paw

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Julian Orden, son of a British aristocrat attends a dinner party and meets Catherine, a young woman of mixed antecedents British and Russian. She is entrusted with important documents. When she is suspected of being a spy and arrested, she saves herself by giving the papers into the keeping of young Orden. A beautiful, intelligent young woman is she a traitorous spy or a patriot? These two characters become caught up in a plan by the leaders of the working people of Germany and England to force a premature end to World War I. Secret agents, an international conspiracy, and the threat of war make The Devils Paw a thrilling tale of romance and adventure!



Honoriusz Balzak

Powieść Jaszczur Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Studiów filozoficznych cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się bezpośrednio po rewolucji lipcowej, kiedy to na tron wstąpił Ludwik Filip I. Główny bohater utworu, dwudziestopięcioletni Rafael de Valentin, postanawia wówczas popełnić samobójstwo. Przegrał bowiem w kasynie ostatnie posiadane pieniądze. Przypadkiem trafia do sklepu z dziełami sztuki. Właściciel sklepu pokazuje Rafaelowi kawałek jaszczuru z inskrypcją w sanskrycie. Mówi ona, że właściciel jaszczura będzie mógł spełnić każde swoje marzenie, jednak równocześnie skóra będzie się kurczyć. Kiedy zniknie całkowicie, jej posiadacz umrze...


The Heritage of the Desert

Zane Grey

The novel begins in the desert of southern Utah. It is the 1870s. John Hare is a young cowboy who was rescued from sure death by a Mormon rancher by the name of August Naab. Naab puts him to work with an adopted daughter, Mescal, who tends his herd of sheep. Out in the open air, Hare not only recovers his health; he falls for Mescal in a big way. The greatest danger Hare faces though, is over Mescal, a half-Navajo shepherdess who is already promised in marriage to Naabs first-born son. The Mormon religion, however, demands that the girl shall become the second wife of one of the Mormons. Well, thats the problem of this great story.


Little Dorrit

Charles Dickens

Little Dorrit, by Charles Dickens, is the story of Amy Dorrit, a kind and compassionate young woman who is born impoverished and becomes wealthy, but retains her goodness and strength of character throughout. Little Dorrit is a novel of family loyalty. The story of a girl who is taking care of a large family and her love for the rich young man, and at the same time sarcastic description of English society the debtors prison of the Marshalsea, financial practice and corruption. We follow the paths of three families, and rub shoulders with a few others as well.