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Jane Austen

Beautiful, clever and... single. Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr. Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protegee Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected. Emma is often seen as Jane Austens most flawless work.


Shadows of Ecstasy

Charles Williams

The plot of Shadows of Ecstasy is based on the fact that the madman decided to destroy Western civilization. The author could easily punish such a madman. However, as in many of his stories, a person receives forgiveness from God. The plot of the novel is tense, supporters of paganism are trying to protect their world.


The Pilot. A Tale of the Sea

James Fenimore Cooper

In The Pilot (1824), James Fenimore Cooper invented a new literary genre: the sea novel. Bold, vigorous, original, it is a tale of high adventure that vividly captures the majesty and power of the seafaring life. Cooper drew on his direct knowledge of ships and sailors to present a truer picture of life on the sea than had ever before achieved in literature. As a boy of seventeen he had experienced the life of a common seaman, learned the craft of sailing, encountered terrifying storms, was chased by pirates, and watched the impressment of crew members by a British man-of-war.The Pilot is loosely based upon stories of John Paul Joness daring hit-and-run tactics during the Revolutionary War. The shadowy hero, modeled on Jones, leads a squadron of the infant American navy in a series of raids on the English coast, braving fierce storms and the guns of hostile warships, yet never revealing his identity. In this novel Cooper introduced the character of the old salt, the seasoned deckhand happy only aboard ship.


Murder in Four Degrees

J.S. Fletcher

Elderly John Marbury, who came from faraway Australia the day before, was killed in central London. But who could wish death to a man who had not been in England for a long time? Investigation investigator Detective Rasbery turns for help to his friend, crime reporter Frank Spargo. Soon they learn that shortly before the death of Marbury, he met with MP Aylmore.


The Sea-Wolf

Jack London

The Sea-Wolf is Jack Londons journey deep into the heart of darkness and madness that each person carries within themselves. It is the story of a Danish youth named Humphrey Hump van Weyden and his struggles against the sea, as well as his own inner demons. Humphrey Van Weyden is a gentleman, and academic, who has lived a soft life among civilized, like-minded people. He is on a steemer to visit a friend. On this trip, a fog settles and the ship gets struck and sinks. Mr Van Weyden lives, despite the frigid waters, and finds himself picked up by a seal hunting schooner headed to Japan. Mr Van Weyden is saved, but his nightmare just begins. Set in the Pacific Ocean, the book reveals how raw nature can cause a human being to lose their grip on reality. The novel explores the big questions through the philosophical conversations between the Captain Wolf Larsen (a Nietzschean superman, materialist, and man of terrific strength) and Humphrey van Weyden (an effete, bookish, man of morals).


Moon of Israel

H. Rider Haggard

The adventure novel Moon of Israelincludes everything the reader may desire. Here there is historical information, action, internal struggle with the Egyptians and Jews, as well as between Jews and Egyptians. The main story revolves around the prince of Seti, who is devoid of inheritance, because he doesnt follow the idea of?? his father to kill Jews. It is also a love story that goes beyond the clash of two cultures between Seti and Merapi.


Murder of the Nineth Baronet

J.S. Fletcher

Stephen Maxtondale summoned two detectives to investigate the disappearance of the man who claimed to be his lost older brother. The victim appears in the family of Stephen, 30 years old, but then disappears again. One of the reasons for the robbery is the sacrifice of the victim. Can detectives find the victim?


Cinq semaines en ballon

Jules Verne

Cinq semaines en ballon lune des uvres les plus fascinantes du grand Jules Verne, a déj connu une grande popularité. Lhistoire des aventures dangereuses de la Trinité, qui a décidé de voyager par aérostat, est racontée dans ce roman fabuleux sur fond de peintures exotiques de lAfrique un monde animal étonnant, des rites et des croyances étranges des tribus qui lhabitent. Un livre brillant, riche et impressionnant sans défauts



Edgar Wallace

Among the most prolific of all authors of adventure fiction was the redoubtable Edgar Wallace. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. In this classic comedy, an office boy unexpectedly inherits the title of Marquis. As well as dealing with this unexpected elevation in his status, and learning how to behave as a member of the aristocracy he also has to protect his newly inherited estate from clever con-men who try to convince him that there is oil on his land and after a series of adventures win the girl he loves. Mildly comic with a likeable title character, an enjoyable piece of fluff.


Anne of Avonlea

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Annes back! She older and wiser and more beautiful with the additional charm of growing womanhood than that gangly red-headed girl that first came to Avonlea. This book follows Anne Shirley from the age of 16-18 during the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. Anne discovers all of the joys and struggles of being a teacher and continuing her studies and friendship with Gilbert. To top this off, she must aid Marilla in the caring of two children whom Marilla has chosen to adopt: the naughty but adorable Davy, and the prim and slightly-dull Dora. Anne of Avonlea is the second book by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery in the Anne of Green Gables series. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid twentieth century, the literary classic has been considered a childrens novel.


In Pawn

Ellis Parker Butler

Excerpt from In Pawn: Lem Redding had a dimple in his cheek that appeared when he smiled. For a boy with a faceful of freckles he was pretty. He had dear, bright gray eyes, and his smile, aided by the dimple, made most folks love him at sight. His hair was brown, as his dead mothers had been; in fact he was much like that mother in more ways than one-far more like her than he was like Harvey Redding, his father. Lem was quick, agile, lively, and Harvey was plumb lazy. This book presents In Pawn (1921), from Ellis Parker Butler. Butler, the author of more than 30 books and more than 2,000 stories and essays, is most famous for his short story Pigs is Pigs.


Menażeria ludzka

Gabriela Zapolska

Zbiór opowieści Gabrieli Zapolskiej zatytułowanych nazwami zwierząt, pod którymi autorka ukrywa ludzkie cechy i przywary. Smutne, czasem prześmiewcze spojrzenie na historie różnych osób, z których wyłania się niepokojący obraz ludzkiej kondycji jako takiej. Stworzonych przez Zapolską bohaterów charakteryzują małostkowość, zazdrość, pycha i brak lojalności.


The House of the Seven Gables

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In the novel The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the founders of American literature, once again, after a series of short stories and the famous Scarlet Letter, addresses the Puritan past and present of his homeland, New England. Legends and legends from national and family history, animated by the authors fantasy on Gothic themes, add up to the chronicle of the age-old confrontation of two families, which is implicated in greed, perjury and a tribal curse and which can only stop the love of young heroes...


Rok 1794

Władysław Stanisław Reymont

Trylogia powieściowa Rok 1794 składa się z części: Ostatni Sejm Rzeczypospolitej, Nil desperandum oraz Insurekcja. Pierwsza część cyklu opowiada o obradach ostatniego sejmu Rzeczypospolitej w Grodnie (1793), których skutkiem było ratyfikowanie postanowień drugiego rozbioru Polski. Druga część przedstawia przygotowania do wybuchu powstania. Trzecie ogniwo trylogii jest obrazem samej insurekcji kościuszkowskiej. Wszystkie części łączy postać głównego bohatera porucznika Sewera Zaremby, byłego żołnierza, który złożył dymisję po przegranej wojnie 1792 r. i przejęciu władzy przez Targowicę. Na kartach powieści widzimy go jako członka organizacji spiskowej przygotowującej powstanie.


In White Raiment

William Le Queux

So strange, indeed, were all the circumstances, and so startling the adventures that befell me in my search after truth, that until to-day I have hesitated to relate the narrative, which is as extraordinary as it is unique in the history of any living man. If it were not for the fact that a certain person actively associated with this curious drama of our latter day civilisation, has recently passed to the land that lies beyond the human ken, my lips would have perforce still remained sealed.


Fizjologia małżeństwa

Honoriusz Balzak

Utwór stanowi wgląd w życie małżeńskie, aż po najbardziej intymne szczegóły. Całość utworu dzieli się na trzy części. Pierwsza zawiera Uwagi ogólne, druga Środki obrony wewnątrz i zewnątrz, trzecia mówi O wojnie domowej między małżonkami. Sześć początkowych rozdziałów tego brewiarza makiawelizmu małżeńskiego przedstawia stan małżeństwa francuskich warstw ludzi bogatych i proponuje serię reform mających poprawić pozycję małżeńską kobiet, a jednocześnie przeszkodzić im zdradzać mężów. Poczynając od rozdziału siódmego mąż zostaje zepchnięty do defensywy, na pozycję osoby, której szczęście małżeńskie zostaje zagrożone. W rozdziale ósmym autor wskazuje symptomy, po których mąż może rozpoznać zapowiedź kryzysu małżeńskiego oraz moment, w którym kobieta zaczyna myśleć o zdradzie. Kończący część pierwszą rozdział dziewiąty książki Fizjologia małżeństwa przedstawia historię małżeństwa we Francji i powtarza propozycje autora mające służyć naprawie małżeństwa. Część druga stanowi kodyfikację środków ostrożności, które powinien podjąć roztropny mąż, aby swą małżonkę zachować dla siebie. W części trzeciej autor maluje klęskę męża, który jest niezdolny do przewidzenia nadchodzącej zdrady i przyprawienia mu rogów.


Uczone białogłowy. Komedia w 5 aktach


W Uczonych białogłowach Molier wyśmiewa snobowanie się na intelektualizm, zwłaszcza w wydaniu kobiecym. Jak odbierany jest człowiek, który dużo czyta, ale mało rozumie? Molier ujawnia salonowe gierki i powierzchowność obycia obliczone na zrobienie wrażenia, często okazuje się jednak, że bezpodstawnego. W ferworze wydarzeń ludzie i tak pokazują prawdziwe oblicza zachłanne, zazdrosne i małostkowe.


The Wind in the Willows

Kenneth Grahame

The Wind in the Willows is book that made Kenneth Grahame popular. Wind in the willows is an elegant parable about class struggle, about the dangers of decadent country life in the face of powerful revolutionary forces. This story explores the life of four generations. Kenneth Grahame wrote this story in a difficult period:women were propagandising for the vote,the Irish were demanding Home Rule.


Lost Pueblo

Zane Grey

Zane Grey is unrivalled in his mastery of the western scene... this is a charming and vintage story. Rich easterner Janey Endicott comes to Arizona with her father, where she is bored until she meets archeologist Phillip Randolph, who is investigating ancient Indian pueblos in the midst of the Wests wild culture. The distinct differences of personalities she free and easy and wild, and he, quiet, reserved, old fashioned is cause for quite interesting circumstances to erupt between them. Her father, rushing in where angels fear to tread, tries to match her with the son of an old friend. Complications arise. Moreover, her father and his money stage-manage all the excitement while the newly discovered pueblo ruins add prestige to the adventures which end in marriage.


A.S. der Unsichtbare. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Abraham Selim (A. S.) verleiht Geld aber vorsichtshalber nur an Menschen, gegen die er Etwas in der Hand hat. Welche Verbindung hat er zu dem vermögenden Geschäftsmann Merrivan. Fast jede Nacht verließ der reiche Mr. Merrivan heimlich sein Haus. Wohin er ging, interessierte niemanden bis er getötet wurde. Man fand seine Leiche im Arbeitszimmer. Die Pulverspuren auf der weißen Weste verrieten, dass er aus nächster Nähe erschossen wurde. Seltsamerweise trug Mr. Merrivan zum Abendanzug unförmige, lehmverkrustete Stiefel... Scotland Yard-Detektiv Andrew Macleod ermittelt...


The Devil Man

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallaces 1931 novel The Devil Man is the mysterious and thrilling story of Charles Pearce, an small, unnerving, musician, gifted but terribly boastful. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. Woman cant resist him, but they dont know the real Pearce. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a baffling mystery that someone urgently needs to solve... Full of dispense, action and amusing characters, The Devil Man constitutes a veritable page-turner that fans of crime fiction wont want to miss. Interesting novelized biography of Charles Pearce, an infamous 19th century British burglar.


Divers Vanities

Arthur Morrison

Arthur Morrison, who was English novelist, short story writer and journalist, wrote pioneering realistic narratives about working-class life in Londons East End. He is also celebrated for his exciting mystery stories, featuring the detective Martin Hewitt, who served as a natural successor to Sherlock Holmes. This comprehensive book presents Morrisons collection of short stories. The collection includes: Chance of the Game, Spottos Reclamation, A Dead Un, The Disorder of the Bath, His Talk of Bricks, Teacher and Taught, A Blot on St. Basil, The Torn Heart and others. Each story features a fascinating look at life in the 20th century, and even includes some action along the way.



Karol May

Krumir to cykl opowiadań przygodowych, które rozgrywają się w Afryce Północnej na pograniczu algiersko-tunezyjskim. Czytelnicy mogą obserwować współistnienie kultury chrześcijańskiej oraz islamu, a także podziwiać pięknie wykreowane, bajeczne afrykańskie krajobrazy: pustyni, puszczy, rozrzuconych wśród pustkowi ludzkich osad...


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 4). Szatan i Judasz. Klęska Szatana

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Klęska Szatana to czwarta część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Grupa dzielnych bohaterów odbywa wspólnie szalone podróże, aby mierzyć się z wszelkiej maści niegodziwcami, walczyć o sprawiedliwość i odnajdywać zaginione skarby. Dzięki pracy zespołowej, zaufaniu i wzajemnej pomocy udaje im się wyjść obronną ręką z najgorszych opresji.