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The Turtles of Tasman

Jack London

The twelfth volume of the Complete Works by the prominent American writer Jack London includes the famous Tesman Turtles short story book. This book, written by the hand of a mature master, was the last work published during his lifetime. The stories included in the collection are characterized by a sharp, exciting plot, paradoxical, unexpected outcomes, and at the same time lyricism, understanding of life lived all this for which millions of readers around the world love the writers works.


Samuel Zborowski

Juliusz Słowacki

Utwór ukazuje wcielenia duchowe Eoliona, które ujawniają się w wizjach sennych, oraz opętnie jego ojca przez obcego ducha. Akcja dramatu rozgrywa się w niebie, na ziemi i w piekle, a wszystkie wątki łączy ze sobą postać Lucyfera, który ukazany jest jako duch buntu.


Secret of the River

Fred M. White

Vern is an excellent example of medieval architecture with soft pink brick and curved chimneys. Neville Ashdown crossed the park on a winter day to call the house where he was born. However, so much time has passed. New home owners. New story. But this place is full of secrets.


Kapitanowie zuchy

Rudyard Kipling

Na pokład rybackiego kutra łowiącego u wybrzeży Nowej Funlandii w niezwykłych okolicznościach trafia nastoletni syn milionera. Na kilka miesięcy dołącza do załogi zaprawionych w bojach ludzi morza, którym niestraszna ciężka praca i trudne warunki. Jak wychowany w cieplarnianych warunkach i znudzony życiem chłopak poradzi sobie w tej sytuacji? Jakie wnioski wyciągnie z tej lekcji?


Wild Freedom

Max Brand

Freedom can mean a lot of things, but the hardest to earn and most rewarding will always be wild freedom. Max Brand turned Westerns into an art form with cleverly crafted tales like this one. An old-style cowboy and Indian tale involving Tom, an animal lover, and his romance with Gloria. Plot twists, adventure, suspense, romance and humor combine in this delightfully fulfilling read. Faust (Max Brand ) wrote more than 500 novels and over 400 short stories & novellas using twenty pseudonyms, including George Owen Baxter, George Challis, Evan Evans, John Frederick, Frederick Frost, David Manning & Peter Morland.


The Gunner

Edgar Wallace

The name, Edgar Wallace, threads through early twentieth century crime fiction like a stream that turns out to be a lot deeper and wider than you thought. For many, Haynes, known as Gunner, is not an outlaw but a gentleman of unorthodox methods. For Scotland Yard, he is one of the most skilled thieves in the world. The Gunner and Luke Maddison belong to completely different worlds; Luke is a respectable banker with a charming girlfriend. But Luke has done a favor for the Gunner that hell never forget, so that when the banker gets in trouble, the Gunner intervenes to get him out of his nightmare. In Gunmans bluff youll find wharf rats and millionaires, gangland and Mayfair, the love of a banker and the love of a crook and a ruthless battle between upper world and underworld.



Honoriusz Balzak

Powieść Kuratela Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Scen z życia prywatnego cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Do sędziego pierwszej instancji przy trybunale paryskim przychodzi markiza dEspard. Arystokratka pragnie ubezwłasnowolnić swojego męża i ustanowić nad nim kuratelę. Twierdzi, że małżonek utrudnia jej kontakty z dziećmi, a co równie ważne swój majątek z nieznanych powodów wydaje na utrzymanie całkowicie obcej rodziny. Nieufny wobec tłumaczeń arystokratki sędzia wdraża swoje prywatne śledztwo...


A Studio Mystery

Frank Aubrey

Weird mystery with rationalized supernaturalism featuring private detective Matthew Grimlock. A Studio Mystery is a secret, and there is not much of a secret about the murder of the artist Arnold. The suspicions of the reader fall at once on Gustave. There is a certain ingenuity, however, in the working out of the motive of the crime. Altogether, A Studio Mystery is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry Frank Atkins (18471927) was a British writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.


His Last Bow. Illustrated edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

Illustrated edition with almost 40 original illustrations by Alfred Gilbert, Gilbert Holiday, Sidney Paget, Walter Paget and Arthur Twidle. His Last Bow (also known as The Reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes) contains eight stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, including the titular short story, His Last Bow. An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes. Edition contains a brief preface, by John H. Watson, M.D., that assures readers that as of the date of publication, Holmes is long retired from his profession of detective but is still alive and well, albeit suffering from a touch of rheumatism.


John Workmann, der Zeitungsboy

Hans Dominik

John Workmann der Zeitungsboy ist ein 1909 veröffentlichtes Jugendbuch des Autors Hans Dominik. John Workmann beginnt in New York als Zeitungsboy. Schon sein erster Plan erregt Aufsehen, gewinnt ihm viele Herzen. Er gründet einen Club der Zeitungsjungen, um seinen armen, obdachlosen Kameraden eine behagliche Heimat zu schaffen. Sein Tatendrang führt ihn auf Wanderschaft. Er bestaunt andere große Städte und wichtige Industriewerke. Mit einem Gefährten durchjagt er eine brennende Prärie. Auf jedem Arbeitsplatz bewährt er sich: als Motorpflüger der Großfarm, als Maschinist im Schlachthaus in Chikago, als kühner Reporter. Bei seiner Rückkehr nach New York umjubeln die Zeitungsjungen ihren Wohltäter. Wir lesen von dem märchenhaften Aufstieg vieler amerikanischer Jungen, die sich aus ärmsten Verhältnissen mit eiserner Energie zu hohen Stellungen und größtem Reichtum emporgearbeitet haben. John Workmann der Zeitungsboy ist ein Lieblingsbuch der Jugend.


The Leopards Spots

Fred M. White

Fred M. White wrote fascinating fiction. The main character, Stagg made his living in an interesting way. He wrote letters to potential investors, warning them of danger. However, he soon fell into a terrible situation, connected with a brutal murder.


Dziewczę ze Słonecznego Wzgórza

Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson

Opowieść Bjrnstjerne Bjrnsona przenosi nas do norweskiej wioski połowy XIX wieku, gdzie splatają się losy dziewczyny o imieniu Synnve tytułowego dziewczęcia ze Słoneczego Wzgórza i chłopca o imieniu Torbjrn. Ich młodzieńcza miłość oraz towarzyszące jej perturbacje ukazane są na tle wiejskich zwyczajów, kultury ludowej Norwegii i działań sekty Haugego, która determinuje ich życie.


Die gelbe Schlange

Edgar Wallace

Stephen Narth ist hochverschuldet. Seine Lage scheint aussichtslos. Doch dann eröffnen sich ihm Möglichkeiten, den drohenden Konkurs noch abzuwenden einzige Bedingung: Er muss eine seiner weiblichen Verwandten an den mysteriösen Goldminenverwalter Clifford Lynne verheiraten, um an das Erbe des Millionärs Joseph Brays zu kommen. Zwei Stunden nach Sonnenuntergang wird Clifford Lynne durch das Tor des Wohltätigen Reises nach Siangtan kommen. Tötet ihn und bringt mir alle Papiere, die er bei sich trägt! Clifford war pünktlich doch er kam durch das Mandarin-Tor. Die Mörder verfehlten ihn. Ihr Herr meinte lakonisch: Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, einen Plan durchzuführen. Ein blutiger Kampf entbrennt...


Chronicles of Avonlea

Lucy Maud Montgomery

On Prince Edward Island, where Anne Shirley grew up in the sea-sprayed town of Avonlea, there was no shortage of wonderful stories. In Chronicles of Avonlea, a delightful collection of twelve short stories about the inhabitants of Avonlea and other nearby villages, we meet lovely new characters and relive many stories that inspired various episodes on Road to Avonlea. Focusing on universal themes about mankind, the book conveys the flaws of critical behavior that is sure to leave a poignant mark later in life. In addition it deals with compassion, taking risks, and absolute dedication in order to attain ones hopes and dreams, while serving as a reminder to not allow pride the luxury to govern ones choices.


The Chief Legatee

Anna Katharine Green

A wealthy young couple very much in love get married. Then she disappears on their wedding day. He is confused as would be expected, and seeks some help in finding her. She was an only child as her older brother disappeared at sea, and her twin sister was killed at age 5 in a fire at school. Lots of twists and turns, as well as a secret society, all show up during the search. Green, as always, holds attention and carries the reader along. Anna Katharine Green Rohlfs (1846-1935) wrote detective fiction and was instrumental in helping shape the genre into its current form by introducing a series detective with an amateur sidekick, as well as a young girl detective. She was one of a handful of women writing detective stories at the time.


Ben Hur. Opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrystusa

Lewis Wallace

Juda Ben Hur jest bogatym żydowskim księciem, kupcem z Jerozolimy. Przyjaźni się z rzymskim żołnierzem, Messalą, którego zna od dziecka. Messala obecnie dowódca legionów rzymskich w Judei pragnie zdławić żydowską rebelię. Prosi o pomoc Ben Hura. Ten jednak odmawia udziału w bratobójczej walce. Wkrótce obok domu Ben Hura odbywa się uroczysta parada na cześć nowego namiestnika Judei. Siostra Ben Hura przypadkowo strąca dachówkę, która pechowo trafia w namiestnika. O czyn ten zostaje oskarżony Juda. Sądzi go sam Messala. Chociaż wie, że to był tylko wypadek, wysyła Judę na galery, a jego matkę i córkę do więzienia. Ben Hur poprzysięga zemstę... Jedna z największych powieści wszech czasów, pełna porywającej akcja, scen lirycznych i dramatycznych, w której wątki polityczne splatają się z miłosnymi.


Ronicky Doones Reward

Max Brand

He was the toughest cowpuncher in the Wild West, the surest shot who ever lived. Where Ronicky Doone went, trouble was sure to follow. So Doone wasnt surprised when he rode into Twin Springs and found himself in the middle of a deadly war between two rival families. The stakes are high - honor, revenge, and rich ranch land. Though the townsmen favor the Jenkinses, Ronicky is drawn to the Bennetts - and especially the beautiful Elsie Bennett. As the struggle builds up in violence and shifting alliances, only Ronicky has the power to restore the peace. This is the third of a trilogy involving the adventure-seeking, straight-shooting cowboy.


Chip Traps a Sheriff

Max Brand

Max Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world. "Chip Traps A Sheriff" is one of his work. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was. Brand penned over 200 full-length Westerns in his career, including "Destry Rides Again" and "Montana Rides". Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


Sketches of Young Couples

Charles Dickens

Sketches of Young Couples is similarly a relatively early and short work by Charles Dickens in which he outlines in a humorous and vaguely satirical way various types of couples (young, old and matured) in society under different subjects describing their actions, thoughts and decisions as couple. These subjects are chosen as a moral essay to raise the awareness and information in young couple for coming generation of both sexes. As always, Dickens scatterings of humor help make it an enjoyable read. Its mainly an exercise in characterization, but each little chapter reads like a story, or part of a story. These satirical portraits, specially timed to Queen Victorias 1839 engagement to the future Prince Albert, not only reveal the dazzling brilliance of young Dickenss genius, but also offer a humorous glimpse into Victorian mores and attitudes.


The Second Part of Henry the Fourth

William Shakespeare

The plot of the play is based on the struggle of King Henry IV with former allies. The Earl of Northumberland and his influential relatives, to whom the king owes a great deal to the throne, are not satisfied with their position under the new government and are rebelling. In addition to political troubles, Henry IV is tormented by problems of a personal nature: his heir Henry leads a hectic life, spending time in the company of the dissolute fat man Sir John Falstaff and his drinking companions...


Der Wahnsinnige. Eine Erzählung aus Südamerika

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Der Wahnsinnige ist eine Erzählung aus Südamerika. Argentinien um 1850: Don Morelos sitzt seit Jahren in einem Irrenhaus in Buenos Aires zu unrecht, denn er ist keinesfalls verrückt, sondern das Opfer einer Verschwörung des grausamen Diktators Rosas. So zumindest erzählt Morelos dem jungen Arzt Stierna, der vergeblich auch nur das geringste Anzeichen von Irrsinn bei dem vermeintlichen Irren zu entdecken sucht. Was passiert dann? Vom Schicksal seines Patienten tief bewegt, trifft Stierna eine folgenreiche Entscheidung...


Silvertips Chase

Max Brand

Bill Gary was blinded by the agony of torn flesh. Red sparks of pain flared through him. He saw Frosty, his mouth dripping with blood, ready to spring again. Bill struck at the leaping form ... and missed. The wolfs teeth were at his throat! Bill Gary was dead. But this only encouraged the fortune seekers. For securely fastened around the killer wolfs neck was a collar containing the location of a vein of gold ... and it was still anybodys prize. This most vicious of timber wolves was now guardian and executor of his estate. And Silvertip, to carry out the dead mans wish, must find Frosty, the wolf.


Bad Mans Gulch

George Owen Baxter

Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. One sheriff and two deputies have already disappeared in the rough-and-tumble mining town of Slossons Gulch. The same fate awaits any other man who crosses the cutthroats and thieves who thrive there. Pedro Melendez is a gambler and a drifter, trying his best to put his gunslinging days behind him. But hell need all the sharp shooting he can muster to help a vulnerable young woman find her missing father because there are plenty of miners eager to make sure Pedros the next one to go missing.


Jos Boys and How They Turned Out

Louisa May Alcott

Better known for her novels Little Women and Little Men, Louisa May Alcott continued the story of her feisty protagonist Jo in this final novel chronicling the adventures and misadventures of the March family. It is the only Alcott novel that has not had a film adaption. Originally published in 1886, two years before Ms. Alcotts death, Jos boys follows the lives of the young men readers came to love and cherish in its prequel. In it, we learn the fates of Jos sons Rob and Teddy, along with the other boys at Plumfield Estate School. Each boy must learn to deal with death, love, heartbreak, disappointment and the consequences of their actions. Entertaining, surprising, and overall a joy to read, Jos boys is nevertheless shaded by a bittersweet tone, for with it Alcott brought her wonderful series to an end.