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The Silver Thorn. A Book of Stories

Hugh Walpole

This is an exciting collection of 15 stories. Indeed, there are some who are very good there is a sad and exciting Silly old fool about a canon who believes that a woman cares for him, and Engraving sees how an obsessed husband goes against his wifes desires, collecting engravings. Other great stories are Little Donkeys with Raspberry Saddles, gentle Chinese Horses about two women and a man, and Major Wilbraham sees a World War I major go crazy. This is a wide genre collection, including sad and tender to the point of horror.


Lady Barbarina and Other Tales

Henry James

Isabel, the main character of the story, knows the charm of marriage with a worthless person. Her fate the confluence of fatal circumstances. Being a dowry and finding herself in Europe, she refuses to be quite worthy applicants for a hand, and having received a fortune, connects life with the rogue Osmond.


The Invisible Man. A Grotesque Romance

Herbert George Wells

Depicting one mans transformation and descent into brutality, H.G. Wellss The Invisible Man is a riveting exploration of sciences power to corrupt. In this tale of psychological terror, a young scientist must live in the personal hell created by his own experiments. Using himself as the subject, the scientist discovers the key to invisibility; yet, he is unable to reverse the results. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but begins to become mentally unstable as a result... Wells had created a gripping masterpiece on the destructive effects the invisibility has on the scientist and the insane and murderous chaos left in his malicious wake. Notable for its sheer invention, suspense, and psychological nuance, The Invisible Man continues to enthrall science-fiction fans today as it did the reading public nearly 100 years ago.


Out of the Blue

H.C. McNeile

The motive in the case of murder this is the first thing that draws the attention of the police. No one except a madman commits murder for no reason. Passion, hatred, money as soon as the motive is established, it, as a rule, unmistakably points to someone. That is why Pender took the club with Sinclairs arm and walked with him part of the way to his house on Brook Street. A very normal phenomenon on the part of one of Sinclairs best friends. He was damn smart about that. No one knew, no one even had a ghost of suspicion of the deadly hatred he was experiencing. Everyone thought they were friends: even Sinclair himself thought so. Tomorrow it will be a little shock for him when he realizes the truth.


Babes in the Darkling Wood. A Novel of Ideas

Herbert George Wells

Stella has it all looks, intelligence and an undergraduate place at Cambridge, not to mention Gemini, her fervent admirer at Oxford. Stella and Gemini, the two babes of the story, come increasingly under the influence of a rather impressive psycho-therapeutist whose groundbreaking theories capture their imaginations. But when tragedy strikes they are soon to learn that intellectualism brings cold comfort. When James is disowned by his wrathful relatives, he goes to Russia, is trapped in the Balkans by the war, sees all sorts of atrocities and goes to pieces mentally and physically. It takes months of therapy to bring him back to normal and to Stella. In his latest book Wells has used the technique of the novel of ideas to represent the attitude of young people to current events, and suggest what line they should pursue in the light of modern psychology.


Człowiek, który zapomniał swego nazwiska. Powieść sensacyjna

Stanisław Antoni Wotowski

Do podwarszawskiego szpitala psychiatrycznego przywieziono nocą nieprzytomnego, młodego człowieka.. Kiedy główny bohater Człowiek, który zapomniał swego nazwiska odzyskuje przytomność, nie pamięta niczego. Kim był? Co robił? Jak się tu znalazł? Jak ma na imię i jak brzmi jego nazwisko? Na szalonego nie wygląda, choć lekarz uparcie mu owe szaleństwo wmawia. Młodzieniec jest podobno nieobliczalny, miał się dopuścić strasznych czynów. Mężczyzna w swe szaleństwo nie wierzy. Wszystko zdaje się jednak świadczyć przeciwko niemu. Czy wygra bitwę o swoją tożsamość?



Bolesław Prus

Przejmujące losy wiejskiego biedaka, któremu na imię Michałko. Okoliczni mówią o nim durny Michałko, bo zwraca na siebie uwagę, a do tego nie potrafi poradzić sobie w życiu. Po zakończeniu pracy na budowie nieopodal rodzinnej wsi Michałko nie miał dokąd wracać. Postanowił więc udać się do Warszawy. Bohater ma specyficzne wyobrażenie o wielkim mieście: Choć go nazywali durnym, tyle przecie rozumiał, że na świecie mniej przymiera się z głodu i łatwiej o nocleg aniżeli na wsi. O! na świecie chleb jest bielszy, na mięso można choć popatrzeć, domów więcej i ludzie nie tacy mizerni jak u nich. W Warszawie Michałko zatrudnia się przy budowie domu. Poznaje dziewczynę, która cierpi, bo jej amant często ją bije i odbiera wszystkie zarobione pieniądze. Michałko zakochuje się w niej. Wkrótce dziewczyna opuszcza go. Michałko nie może zrozumieć, dlaczego poszła za krzywdzącym ją człowiekiem.


A Maker of History

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this romantic story tells about how in 1905 a young British tourist accidentally witnesses a strange meeting in Germany. Then, in Paris, he tells about it not in the company where it could be shared. His sister, who had to meet with him finds his brothers baggage at the hotel, but he himself disappeared. The French police are pretending to be looking for him persistently, but then the sister himself disappears. A childhood friend who is in love with her is asking her friend to help in the search. He agrees to look for this pair, finds hints, but gets a warning to stop the search.


The Moon Pool

A. Merritt

One of the most gripping fantasies ever written, The Moon Pool embodies all the romanticism and poetic nostalgia characteristic of A. Merritts writings. The plot concerns an advanced race which has developed within the Earths core. Eventually their most intelligent members create an offspring. This created entity encompasses both great good and great evil, but it slowly turns away from its creators and towards evil. The entity is called either the Dweller or the Shining One. A party of archeologists stumble upon this lost subterranean land and must fight to save their own world on the earths surface. With an exciting narrative full of thrilling action sequences, memorable characters, and a fascinating civilization of bizarre wonders, it is a great adventure novel that will thrill fans of classic science fiction.



Honoré de Balzac

An extremely collectible, sweet little book named for and written in honor of Balzacs mother. Comtesse Honorine de Bauvan was married to the Comte at nineteen. She leaves him and is later abandoned by her lover when she becomes pregnant. She lives simply and earns money by making artificial flowers. What she doesnt know is that her husband is paying exorbitant prices for her work, thus supporting her while letting her think she is independent of him. The story is perhaps a common one of a wife trapped in a marriage, but is approached in an interesting manner. Honorine is an 1843 novel by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) and included in his series of novels (or Roman-fleuve) known as La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy) which parodies and depicts French society in the period of the Restoration and the July Monarchy (1815-1848).


A Daughter of Israel

Fred M. White

A Crime on Canvas is a story about a rich Blantyres family, which is one of the richest families in England. A few years later, the influence of Blantyres does not disappear. They are just as influential in their environment. The eldest of the Blantyres family decided to rent out their mansion. However, many bad rumors go about him.


The Lady of Little Hell

Edgar Wallace

One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. In this exciting page-turner, originally published in 1929, from the undisputed King of Thrillers, Edgar Wallace, we see the brave women and sturdy men, much rushing to and for, and a dramatic climax. During the 1920s and 30s, it was said that one of every four books read in England was written by Wallace, who ultimately produced 173 books and 17 plays.


Szewcy. Naukowa sztuka ze śpiewkami w trzech aktach

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Dramat Szewcy określany jako groteskowy i modernistyczny powstawał w latach 19311934. Po raz pierwszy został wystawiony w Sopocie w 1957 r. na scenie kameralnej gdańskiego Teatru Wybrzeże. Fabuła utworu opowiada o losach szewców, którzy cierpią z powodu ciężkiej, bezsensowej i bezmyślnej pracy. Są w niej wykorzystywani i upokarzani. Ich ciemiężycielem jest Robert Scurvy. Obawia się on buntu swoich pracowników, postanawia więc wraz z Dziarskimi Chłopcami przeprowadzić zamach stanu i zdobyć pełnię władzy. Szewcy zostają zamknięci w leniwni i skazani na bezczynność. Dramat przedstawia katastroficzny obraz przyszłego społeczeństwa. Przedstawia wyobrażenia pisarza o mechanizacji społeczeństwa, w wyniku której dochodzi do upadku cywilizacji. Sztuka stanowi krytykę rewolucji, kapitalizmu, komunizmu i faszyzmu.


Mr. Pottermacks Oversight

R. Austin Freeman

Mr. Pottermack, wrongly convicted for forgery of checks, has escaped from jail, made his fortune in the US and come back to England to find his fiance. The only one who is cleverer than Mr. Pottermack is Freemans detective, Dr. Thorndyke. In this novel, the sympathetic, engaging and enterprising Mr. Pottermack commits the perfect crime, only to discover that a perfect crime is the last thing in the world he wants. Then Mr. Pottermack comes up against the legendary Dr. John Thorndyke, physician and lawyer, the dean of scientific detection, who seems to know far too much about what Mr. Pottermack did on a night when there was nobody around to see him. Will Dr. Thorndyke celebrate another triumph? Or will Mr. Pottermack avoid detection and finally find happiness?


Of Royal Blood. A Story of the Secret Service

William Le Queux

It is imperative that active steps must be taken to preserve Englands supremacy, and at the same time frustrate this aggressive policy towards us which is undoubtedly growing. I need not tell you that the outlook is far from reassuring. As a diplomatist you know that as well as I do. The war-cloud which rose over Europe at the end of the last Administration is still darkening. It therefore behoves us to avoid a repetition of the recent fiasco at St. Petersburg with regard to Port Arthur, and strive to prevent foreign diplomacy from again getting the better of us. You quite follow me?


La Demoiselle aux yeux verts

Maurice Leblanc

Quand Arsene Lupin se promene dans Paris, il remarque un homme, qui suit une jolie femme blonde aux yeux bleus. Intrigué il commence aussitôt les filer et traverse le chemin de la demoiselle aux yeux verts. Il ne se doute pas des nombreuses péripéties qui lattendent. Une mystérieuse histoire couvre les yeux verts, tout le monde sacharne autour deux. Presque par hasard Arsene entre une histoire de ses plus formidables aventures, de cambriolages, de meurtres, de poursuite du trésor, de secret de famille et, en premier lieu, au sauvetage de la demoiselle qui est en détresse coupable ou pas de crimes énigmatiques.


Ludzie bezdomni

Stefan Żeromski

Bohaterem powieści Ludzie bezdomni jest Tomasz Judym młody lekarz. Tomasz odbywa praktykę lekarską w Paryżu gdzie poznaje panią Niewadzką, jej wnuczki Natalię Orszeńską i jej siostrę, oraz ich opiekunkę i przyjaciółkę, Joannę Podborską. Odbywa z nimi wycieczkę do Wersalu, a potem się rozstają. Judym wraca do Warszawy z zamiarem poświęcenia się walce z nędzą i pomocą najuboższym mieszkańcom. Wygłasza więc do warszawskich lekarzy płomienną mowę na temat uwłaczających ludzkiej godności warunków życia biedoty i postuluje jako obowiązek lekarzy pracę charytatywną wśród potrzebujących. Nie znajduje jednak zrozumienia w środowisku. Wyjeżdża do kurortu w Cisach i obejmuje tam posadę lekarza sanatoryjnego. W Cisach ponownie spotyka panią Niewadzką i zakochuje się w Joasi Podborskiej. Na skutek awantury z kierownictwem sanatorium opuszcza Cisy. Powieść osadzona jest w realiach końca XIX wieku i pokazuje idee pracy dla ludu oraz osobistego poświęcenia.


This Side of Paradise

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgeralds first novel, This Side of Paradise, focuses on several themes and illustrates some social and moral changes in America during the early 20th century. This semiautobiographical story of the handsome, indulged, and idealistic Princeton student Amory Blaine received critical raves and catapulted Fitzgerald to instant fame. Amory Blaine is utterly an idealist. He indulges in every sense of his dreams, to the point that it becomes detrimental to the state of his status in life. Now, readers can enjoy the newly edited, authorized version of this early classic of the Jazz Age, based on Fitzgeralds original manuscript. In this definitive text, This Side of Paradise captures the rhythms and romance of Fitzgeralds youth and offers a poignant portrait of the Lost Generation. The novel explores the theme of love warped by greed and status-seeking.



Karl May

Wanda oder wilde Polka ist seit Kindertagen dem Baron Eginhardt von Säumen versprochen, den sie aber nicht liebt. Aber die örtlichen Schornsteinfeger und Feuerwehrmann Emil Winter findet heraus, dass der angebliche Baron ein Hochstapler und Erbschleicher ist. Ihm gelingt es zweimal, Wanda aus Lebensgefahr zu retten, und letztlich von Säumen alias Morelly als Schurken zu überführen und dingfest zu machen. Wird sein Wunsch nach einer falschen Überzeugung Baron erfolgreich, das Herz des geliebten Vandy gewinnen?


In den Tod geschickt

Edgar Wallace

Chicago während der Prohibition. Tony Perelli ist der Schmugglerkönig, doch geht er mit Erpressung, Schießereien und der Liquidierung unbequemer Leute zu weit? Er bekam Besuch in seinem Dachgarten hoch über den Lichtern von Chicago. Einer seiner Leute beschwerte sich darüber, dass man seinen Freund liquidiert hat. Die Folge: eine Hinrichtung ein Polizeieinsatz Maschinengewehrsalven am Stadtrand und mindestens ein Toter mehr als geplant...


Les Voyages de Gulliver

Jonathan Swift

Ce livre raconte les trois voyages de Gulliver: les Lilliputiens, les géants et le pays étonnant des Gingnamas. Le premier voyage a Liliputia est un excellent exemple de littérature daventure pour enfants. Dans cette partie du travail, nous apprenons comment Gulliver est devenu un voyageur en général, comment il est monté sur le bateau, puis dans le pays des Lilliputiens. Tous les événements ultérieurs et les aventures extraordinaires dans ce pays sont remplis dhumour.


Joshuas Vision

William J. Locke

During the war, Joshua Fendik became rich against his will and found for himself an entrance to social circles, completely new to him. In particular, he falls under the influence of Robins Dale, a sculptor who supports a useless husband abroad. Robins mothers Joshua and prompts him to try his hand with a chisel.


Zaślubiny śmierci

Leo Belmont

Fabuła powieści skupia się wokół postaci Mary Vetsery. Młodziutka dziewczyna jest ukochaną arcyksięcia Rudolfa. Powieść z elementami dramatu ukazuje tragiczne losy głównej bohaterki.


The Planet of Peril

Otis Adelbert Kline

Otis Adelbert Kline is best known for his purported novelistic feud with Edgar Rice Burroughs. In 1929, long before planetary romance became a conventional genre, he wrote Planet of Peril, a novel set on the planet Venus and written in the storytelling form of Burroughs Martian novels. He followed this with two sequels. This novel is a science-fiction adventure on a world of semi-barbaric nations, ferocious beasts, gigantic reptiles, and maidens in distress. In it, Robert Grandon of Earth exchanges his body with that of a captive Prince of the planet Venus. Of course being a earthmen he doesnt stay captive very long. Battles, swordfights, monsters, whirlwind of intrigue, danger, desperation and beautiful Queens vie for your attention as this story unfolds.