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La Troisieme Jeunesse de Madame Prune

Pierre Loti

Dédié ses compagnons du Redoutable, La Troisieme Jeunesse de madame Prune est un merveilleux badinage de Pierre Loti sur le Japon. Mais cest surtout un hymne étincelant au Japon, indécis et comme chimérique, moitié gris perle et moitié rose, plus étrange, plus lointain, plus japonais que les peintures des éventails ou des porcelaines. Un Japon davant le soleil levé.


Magenta und Solferino. Historisch-politischer Roman aus der Gegenwart. Band IIII

John Retcliffe

Sir John Retcliffes historisch-politische Romane sind im ureigensten Sinn mit Abenteuern angereicherte Tendenzromane, die das gesamte politische Geschehen seiner Zeit zum Inhalt haben. Magenta und Solferino ist ein historisch politischer Roman. John Ratcliffe, wie immer unübertroffen.


The History of Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes

The classic novel of Spanish literature by Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote one of the most famous works of the Renaissance. It tells about the adventures of the poor nobleman Alonso Kichano, who portrayed himself the knight Don Quixote, and along with the faithful armored bearer Sancho Pansoy went on a campaign against evil and injustice on the earth.




Iliade est le plus ancien monument de la littérature grecque, un poeme épique attribué a Homere. Le poeme est composé de chansons, chacune pouvant etre perçue comme une histoire indépendante dun événement particulier dans la vie de ses héros. Description des batailles tres réaliste et parfois naturaliste. Le personnage principal venge pour son ami. La vengeance na jamais aidé les gens.


Der Zauberlehrling oder Die Teufelsjäger

Hanns Heinz Ewers

Ewers Geschichten kreisen um die Themen Phantastik, Erotik, Kunst bzw. Künstler und Reisen in exotische Länder. Seine teils äußerst drastischen Darstellungen machten ihn zum skandalumwitterten Bestsellerautor, gleichzeitig musste er sich immer wieder gegen den Vorwurf zur Wehr setzen, seine Werke seien trivial, unmoralisch oder pornographisch. Hanns Heinz Ewers (1871-1943) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Filmemacher, Globetrotter und Kabarettist. Aus dem Buch Der Zauberlehrling oder Die Teufelsjäger: Er sah hinüber und begehrte sie im Augenblicke. Diese Stirn war steil und nicht hoch, sie sprang zurück an beiden Schläfen. Die dichten schwarzen Brauen wölbten sich über den tiefblauen Augen, die die langen Wimpern beschatteten. Und die Nüstern der geraden Nase blähten sich und zitterten bei jedem Atemzuge. Ihr Mund schien ihm ein wenig zu gross, und die Lippen, leicht aufgeworfen, leuchteten wie starke Granatblüten in dem wachsbleichen Gesicht. Eine Demut, eine stille Sanftmut lag auf diesen weichen Zügen, aber darunter schien irgendein anderes zu schlummern.


One of my Sons

Anna Katharine Green

A detective story which solves in an exceedingly clever manner the inexplicable death of a prosperous stockbroker and the secret of his life. The readers attention is first caught by a mysterious letter, the key to the situation, and is held to the end by a series of ingenious devices. A dying stockbroker accuses one of his sons of his murder. Can Mr. Gryce and Caleb Sweetwater get to the bottom of the mystery. A young lawyer, who witnesses the murder decides to help. A nice thriller by the grandmother of all mystery writers. Anna Katharine Green was one of the earliest detective fiction writers, and some of her mysteries remain the most popular to be written by an American.


Thirty Thousand on the Hoof

Zane Grey

Frontier story of Logan Hewitt and his wife Lucinda and their trials and travails as a pioneer family in Arizona. Story proceeds through development of the automobile and World War I. This is a tale of a single family, told mostly from the point of view of the woman who left comfort to move west and marry her sweetheart. It is also a very nice lens by which we can see the growth and change in this country. Through the Huetts eyes we see the world grow and change, while the patriarch, Logan, clings to his dream of 30,000 cattle. Ends with family starting over after being swindled out of almost a million dollars and two sons being killed in the war. Although the story has some sadness to it, the family demonstrates an ability to overcome all obstacles, including loss of loved ones and family wealth. An inspiring, uplifting story.


Waverley. or Tis Sixty Years Hence

Walter Scott

This historical novel tells of a romantic young English captain in Scotland who strives for love, harmony and peace during the Jacobite rebellion in 1745. He becomes one of the leaders of the insurrection directed against the English. There is romance and adventure in this tale as our young hero is forced to test his loyalties to his country and the love of his life. Its unprecedented success prompted Scott to write more than two dozen novels in a similar veincommonly designated the Waverley Novelswhich describe the lives of ordinary individuals who become involved in great historical events and present in lavish detail the speech, manners, and customs of past ages. In Waverley, this past record focuses on the declining feudal culture of the Scottish Highlands prior to Scotlands absorption into Great Britain.


The Lure of the Dim Trails

B.M. Bower

Take a trip along the dusty byways of the Old West in this book from renowned author B.M. Bowers. Phil Thurston was born on the range where the trails are dim and silent under the big sky. It was the place his father loved, the place he had to be. After the death of his father when he was five, his mother brought him back to the city, where he grew up and became a writer. To revive his stale writing, he returns to the West, and may just find what he is really missing. Thurston learns many a lesson while following The Lure of the Dim Trails but the hardest, and probably the most welcome, is that of love.


Solferino. Historisch-politischer Roman aus der Gegenwart (Nachtrag zu: Magenta und Solferino)

John Retcliffe

Sir John Retcliffe, der eigentlich Herrmann Ottomar Friedrich Goedsche heißt, war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, aber er war auch bei der Preußischen Geheimpolizeit tätig, arbeitete für Redaktionen, war Herausgeber und Kriegsberichterstatter. Er benutzte auch das Pseudonym Theodor Armin. Sir John Retcliffes historisch-politische Romane sind im ureigensten Sinn mit Abenteuern angereicherte Tendenzromane, die das gesamte politische Geschehen seiner Zeit zum Inhalt haben. Solferino ist ein historisch politischer Roman. Dieser Roman ist eine Ergänzung zu Magenta und Solferino.


The Nine Bears

Edgar Wallace

With the stealing of the fat Englishmans wallet by Gregory Silinski, commences this extraordinary story of crime. Who are the Nine Bears? Who is Hyatt and the Man of the Eiffel Tower? And where is LOLO the secret rendezvous of the Nine? These are only a few of the facers that confront T. B. Smith, Assistant Commissioner from Scotland Yard, until the final dramatic scene aboard the mad battleship. This book is one of the most popular novels of Edgar Wallace, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller.


The Valley of Fear

Arthur Conan Doyle

The Valley of Fear is the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes receives a message from Fred Porlock, an agent to Professor Moriarty. Moriarty is blameless in the eyes of the law but Holmes knows him to be the controlling brain of the underworld. Together Holmes and Watson decipher Porlocks message as indicating that a man named John Douglas residing at Birlstone is in danger...


A Queen of the Stage

The story of A Queen of the Stage about a lonely woman Elsie Wayne, who is alone in London. She gets a fake theater role. The stranger throws her a note. It reads: Be brave and patient. If your friend does not let you down, be today under the portico of the Regency Theater.


Salute to Adventurers

John Buchan

In John Buchans thrill-a-minute novel Salute to Adventurers, hero Andrew Garvald makes his way from the dreary moors of his native land to the deceptively bucolic landscape of early colonial America. A novel set during the beginning of the Jamestown Colony, Salute To Adventurers is an enthralling saga about one mans struggle to survive and even find love in a land beset by trade controls with England enforced by pirates, religious strife manifested through a fanatic who stirs Indian tribes to attack settlers, harsh environmental conditions, the unending chores of daily life, and much more. Faced with adversity, danger and social scorn, Garvald nevertheless stands firm in his commitment to bringing fairness and order to the burgeoning colony. Will he achieve this aim and live to tell the tale? Painting a vivid picture of what it was once like to earn a living in untamed lands, Salute To Adventure is an exciting chronicle featuring conflicts of man vs. nature and man vs. man alike.


The Wicked Marquis

E. Phillips Oppenheim

If you havent discovered the joys of Oppenheims mysteries there is a good place to start. Wealthy playwright and playboy Jermyn Annerley is smitten by the beautiful and talented actress Sybil Cluley. She is very successful but her life is devoted to the care of her young sister who has been ill. At Jermyns country estate, Sybil runs into Lord Lakenham, a roguish playboy who is equally in love with her, but also knows something of her past. Jermyn proposes, much to the chagrin of his lovely cousin Lucille, who has had her eye on him for many years. Lakenham and Lucille conspire to end the engagement. Sybil is broken hearted, but puts her sisters welfare above her own. Then Lakenham is murdered in the billiard room. A romance has become a murder mystery.


The Game

Jack London

This is an honest story that the Game, whether its sport or life in general, is unpredictable and completely indifferent to the circumstances in which the person is. Great hopes are broken about reality, and this is the whole of London, which cuts off the shoulder when it wants to say something to its reader. The picture from life is shown succinctly and expertly, and therefore it is worth saying thanks to our friend Jack for the next small literary gift.


The Pioneers. or The Sources of the Susquehanna

James Fenimore Cooper

The fourth of the Leatherstocking novels, we find Leatherstocking (Natty Bumppo) entering the last stages of his life. He has lost a great deal of his effectiveness with his musket and now relies a great deal on his dog to help him hunting. The main focus is one two things: 1. the reinstatement of Nattys old commander in his properties and wealth in the new US while believing he is the victim of treachery by his old friend the judge in this story; and 2. Nattys struggle with and disgust about the developing societal rules that limit his freedom in hunting, trapping and fishing in the wilderness as he has his whole life. Good story on both accounts. In The Pioneers, James Fenimore Cooper thematically debates the complexity of landscape within a new American frontier. The battle between nature and civilization is a constant and competing force within the minds of the characters and in the general surroundings.


Cierpienia wynalazcy

Honoriusz Balzak

W Angouleme Dawid Séchard kupuje od ojca nieuznającego prostego przekazywania z pokolenia na pokolenia drukarnię, z zamiarem udoskonalenia panującego w niej sposobu produkcji. Wkrótce udaje mu się poważnie ulepszyć pracę w swojej drukarni. Jednak jego naiwność sprawiła, że drogą misternej intrygi został oszukany przez konkurentów braci Cointet i wtrącony do więzienia. Zrozpaczony Lucjan, czując się współwinnym za los przyjaciela, postanawia popełnić samobójstwo, topiąc się w stawie. Po drodze spotyka jednak tajemniczego księdza, Hiszpana Carlosa Herrerę (w rzeczywistości Jacques Collin, znany już z Ojca Goriot), który odwodzi go od tego kroku. Namawia Lucjana, by wrócił do Paryża i na nowo spróbował wspiąć się na szczyty towarzyskiej drabiny, jednak za cenę całkowitego posłuszeństwa jego radom. Lucjan zgadza się, wysyła Dawidowi pieniądze potrzebne do uregulowania wszystkich wierzytelności, po czym wraca do stolicy. Cierpienia wynalazcy to klasyka twórczości autora.



William Shakespeare

Tytułowy Otello jest Maurem i dowódcą weneckiej armii. Poślubia on córkę weneckiego senatora Desdemonę. Za sprawą intryg i sugestii sfrustrowanego życiem Jagona, chorążego weneckiej armii, zaczyna wątpić w lojalność swojej żony i daje się opętać obsesyjnej zazdrości. Choć motywacje Jagona nie zostają ujawnione, jego szatańskie działania doprowadzają do bolesnej tragedii.


The Great Prince Shan

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Written in 1922, this story of world politics in 1934 has everything that goes to the making of an enthralling tale. A theme of present import, an intricate plot full of suspense and surprise, fascinating characters and an unusual love interest. The central figure of this absorbing story is the mysterious and cultured Prince Shan, ruler of China; the heroines are captivating English girl and a exotically beautiful Russian who pit their charm, their loveliness, and their wisdom against each other and against the highly-trained diplomats of many countries. Each of them attempts to influence the decision which may change the map of the world. Will Germany, Russia and China parcel out the world amongst themselves?


Das Geheimnis der alten Mamsell

Eugenie Marlitt

Als die Spielersfrau Meta dOrlowska unter tragischen Um-ständen auf der Bühne stirbt, wird ihre vierjährige Tochter Felicitas von der wohlhabenden Familie Hellwig aufgenommen. Dort hat das Mädchen ein schweres Leben. Vater Hellwig beschützt das Mädchen so gut er kann, und lässt sie wie seine eigenen Kinder von Privatlehrern ausbilden. Doch bald stirbt auch ihr Beschützer, der alte Kommerzienrat. Verständnis und Zuneigung findet die kleine Fee nur bei der alten Mamsell, einer ihrerseits von der bigotten Gesellschaft ausgeschlossenen Ver-wandten der Familie, die abgetrennt von der Welt im Dach-geschoss des Hauses in einem freundlichen, kunstliebenden kleinen Reich lebt. Felicitas schließt innige Freundschaft mit der alten Dame, die zum einzigen Halt des Mädchens wird. Doch die Mamsell umgibt ein Geheimnis, das um jeden Preis bewahrt werden muss...


Mansfield Park

A young girl named Fanny Price comes to live with her wealthy uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram. Fannys family is quite poor; her mother, unlike her sister Lady Bertram, married beneath her, and Fannys father, a sailor, is disabled and drinks heavily. Fanny is abused by her other aunt, Mrs. Norris, a busybody who runs things at Mansfield Park, the Bertrams estate. The Bertram daughters, Maria and Julia, are shallow, rather cruel girls, intent on marrying well and being fashionable. The elder son, Tom, is a roustabout and a drunk. Fanny finds solace only in the friendship of the younger son, Edmund, who is planning to be a clergyman. Fanny grows up shy and deferential, caught as she typically is between members of the Bertram family.


The Free Fishers

John Buchan

Set during the Napoleonic Wars, The Free Fishers is classic Buchan and his last historical novel. Its a fast-paced tale of treason, espionage and romance. Anthony Lammas, a professor at the St. Andrews University, finds himself involved in a web of intrigue that threatens the whole country. A conspiracy to betray Englands defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave danger. Youll smile at the story and the old-fashioned dialogue at times but thoroughly enjoy the pace of the story, the straightforwardness of the characters villains, heroes and the dramatic varierty of their experiences. As a historian and a novelist he lovingly creates the reality of the time interwined with the intrigue and motives of the characters that make up this excellent novel.


Poglądy księdza Hieronima Coignarda

Anatole France

W Poglądach księdza Hieronima Coignarda Anatole France noblista, erudyta i bibliofil daje wyraz własnych przekonań na temat instytucji życia publicznego, wymiaru sprawiedliwości i ludzkich postaw. Ukrywa je pod maską minionego wieku, jednak złośliwe aluzje do czasów współczesnych autorowi są doskonale widoczne i świadczą o aktualności prozy Francea.