
Klaus im Glück

Hans Dominik

Klaus im Glück ist ein 1928 veröffentlichter Roman des Autors Hans Dominik. Hans Dominik (1872-1945) war ein deutscher Science-Fiction- und Sachbuchautor, Wissenschaftsjournalist und Ingenieur. Diesmal wurde das Schicksal eines armen Bauernjungen dem Leben nacherzählt, dem eine schneidige Lebensrettung Gelegenheit bietet, Techniker zu werden. Man steigt mit dem munteren Jungen auf den Führerstand der Lokomotive, lernt Eisenbahnen und Brücken bauen, begleitet ihn nach Südwest, wo er als Ingenieur, dann als Großfarmer und Großunternehmer in arbeits- und erfolgreichem Leben eine zweite Heimat findet.


The Lute Player

Harold Bindloss

Kings sometimes get bored too, and they want diversity. After all, they have everything they want. Similarly, our main character, the king, wanted to leave the comfort zone and went on a journey, leaving his wife. However, it can be said that the pudding quickly came to an end and he goes to prison. The king sends a message to his wife, where he asks him to disguise himself as a boy and save him.


The Emily Emmins Papers

Carolyn Wells

A humorous account of a trip to London and brief sojourn in that city and its vicinity. It includes: A Ticket to Europe, Crossing the Atlantic, In EnglandNow! , Mayfair in the Fair Month of May, A Hostess at Home, The Light on Burnss Brow, Certain Social Uncertainties, A Sentimental Journey, All in a Garden Fair, I Went and Ranged about to Many Churches, Piccadilly Circus and its Environs, The Game of Going On, A French Week-End. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a well known author of childrens stories, until she began reading mystery stories written by Anna Katherine Green, and from then on she devoted her writings to puzzling mysteries in a similar vein, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories.


Pamiętnik egotysty


Powieść autobiograficzna. Książka pełna przemyśleń autora i jego wewnętrznych dialogów. Stendhal na sobie dokonuje szczegółowej psychoanalizy. Stawia pytania, a odpowiedzi na nie zawierają ocenę nie tylko jego dotychczasowego życia, ale też sytuacji politycznej kraju.


The Little Grey Woman

Aidan de Brune

At Sydneys scandalous Artists Ball... a gunshot... a falling body... Call Inspector Knox of the CIB. The Little Grey Woman is rather short story and moves along very quickly but theres plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Recommended for lovers of the offbeat. The Artists Ball was a real, and occasionally scandalous, costume ball held in Sydney for many years. Aidan de Brune walked round Australia in two years, and so he is able to give a thoroughly Australian setting and sentiment to this yarn full of thrills. These problems are raised in the opening chapters of the book. Lovers of a clever detective yarn will need to be certain of the delivery of their papers.


Affair in Araby

Talbot Mundy

Hulbert Footner (1879 1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. That is why the novel Jack Chanty is based on his canoe adventures in the great northwest. Also, Footner wrote several other adventure books set in the Canadian northwest after he had relocated to Maryland in 1913.


The Stoneware Monkey

R. Austin Freeman

First, there are two seemingly unrelated events: the murder of a constable in pursuit of a diamond thief and the attempt to poison a potter by using arsenic. The connection lies in the presence of Dr. Oldfield, a Dr. Thorndykes former student, who happened to find the constable body and served as the consulting physician of the potter. Dr. Oldfield once again found a trace of murder: ashes of cremated human human body in the dustbin at the potters studio. The police tries to chase the supposedly real villain, but end up in vain. Facing with these puzzling events, Dr. Thorndyke has his own hypotheses. His inquiries results in the discovery of the real felon while the secret is concealed in the hideous figurine of a stoneware monkey. The Stoneware Monkey has everything that weve come to expect from a Thorndyke novel a highly complex and creative murder, a damsel in distress, telltale fingerprints, chemical analysis, brilliant theorizing by Thorndyke, faulty thinking by everyone else, and a dramatic surprise ending.


Der unheimliche Mönch. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Nacht für Nacht Im Herrenhaus von Monks Hall hört man Orgelmusik. Über das Anwesen geistert eine Gestalt in einer schwarzen Mönchskutte. Nachts, wenn der unheimliche Mönch umgeht und sich seine Opfer sucht. Doch wer ist der unheimliche Mönch, der nachts im Herrenhaus umherschweift und seine Opfer sucht? Wird Inspektor Elk noch rechtzeitig eingreifen können?