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Eлектронна книга

The Drum

A.E.W. Mason

Best known for The Four Feathers and the Hanaud detective novels, A.E.W. Mason wrote many novels. The Drum is an adventure novel by this British writer which was first published in 1937. This story is a rousing, Kipling-like adventure set in contemporary India, dealing with uprising and rebellion and a native prince caught between two worlds and forced into hiding. In it, murder and intrigue in a princely state on the Northwest Frontier of British India. A fairy drum no one must see beaten. A secret mission across the Hindu Kush and friendship between an Indian Prince and an English drummer-boy. All these are elements of The Drum which is one of two novels by A.E.W. Mason set in India. A pukka adventure in the days of the Raj.

Eлектронна книга

The Stray Lamb

Thorne Smith

In The Stray Lamb, author Thorne Smith draws inspiration from his most famous works, the beloved Topper series. It follows mild-mannered investment banker, cuckold, ordinary, faithful, and dipsomaniac T. Lawrence Lamb. He is given a new perspective on life through the eyes of many different animals as he assumes the shape of many including a stallion, goldfish, dog, lion and many others. Mr. Lamb gains wisdom, fresh insight, and a new much needed exuberance for life as he exchanges the mundane for the slightly insane. Thorne Smith again shows his mastery of the comic fantasy tale as Lamb lurches from one mishap to another, reeling from his wifes abandonment and the actions of his headstrong daughter and reveling in the new opportunities that his excursions into animal form provide.

Eлектронна книга

Le Bouchon de cristal

Maurice Leblanc

Laventure suivant du gentleman-cambrioleur. Ce fois insaisissable Lupin doit se rencontrer face face avec un adversaire dangereux, habile et tres artificieux. Les sortes des nombreaux gens et, avant tout, la vie de son compagnon et copin, qui est condamné la peine capitale. Peut-il, le plus grand voleur dans le monde, sauver Gilbert de la guillotine? Est-il asses agile pour rétablir son honneur?

Eлектронна книга

Die gefiederte Schlange

Edgar Wallace

Leicester Crewe bekommt als Erster eine Visitenkarte mit einer gefiederten Schlange und der Nachricht Damit sie es nicht vergessen! . Ella Creed schlendert langsam durch den nächtlichen Garten auf ihr Haus. Wenn Sie schreien, drehe ich Ihnen den Hals um! zischt eine Stimme. Ella fährt jäh zusammen. Sie taumelt zurück... Als sie wieder zu sich kommt, ist ihr wertvoller Schmuck verschwunden. Statt dessen findet sie eine Karte mit dem Bild einer gefiederten Schlange. Während Leicester Crewe eine Art Drohung dahinter vermutet, machen sich die anderen Empfänger einer solchen Karte keine großen Gedanken darüber. Das ändert sich jedoch, als kurze Zeit später ein Adressat dieser Visitenkarte auf offener Straße erschossen wird.

Eлектронна книга

Old Surehand (Tom I-III). Old Surehand. Tom I-III

Karol May

Dwaj przyjaciele Old Shatterhand i Winnetou stają w obronie osady Bloody Foxa, zaatakowanej przez Komanczów. Gdy zmierzają na ratunek, poznają tajemniczego myśliwego Old Surehanda. Okazuje się, że jemu także mogą pomóc w rozwikłaniu rodzinnej tajemnicy. Sprawa nie jest prosta, muszą zmierzyć się z niebezpiecznymi Indianami i jeszcze groźniejszymi niedźwiedziami grizzly.

Eлектронна книга

The Third Eye

Ethel Lina White

The Third Eye refers more to the thriller, not the detective novel. In the main events, Carolyn Watts is a young and intelligent middle-class teacher, who has just accepted a post as a games mistress at an exclusive school for girls. What she doesnt know is that her predecessor was found dead in bed from heart failure. and that rumor has it that she was scared to death.

Eлектронна книга

The Last Miracle

M.P. Shiel

This volume contains Matthew Phipps Shiels 1906 novel, The Last Miracle. It is original, nicely written, and with good character studies that is recommended for fans of supernatural and science fiction, and is a must-have for collectors of Shiels work. The Last Miracle (1906) very loose thematic sequence of apocalyptic tales concerns a plot to discredit Christianity with fake miraculous visions created by gigantic hologram-like devices and the terrible crucifixions which are part of that plot. Matthew Phipps Shiel (1865 1947) also known as M. P. Shiel was a seminal British writer best remembered for his supernatural and scientific romances.

Eлектронна книга

The Bitterness in the Cup

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The elderly Mrs. Barry had one son, Mark, whom she passionately hoped to marry Lois Wilbur, his childhood friend. Nevertheless, Mark went to the city of Queens, where he fell in love and became engaged to actress Beatrice, much to Mrs. Barrys dismay. Great story, easy and laid back.