
Записки из подполья (Notatki z podziemia)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

«Записки из подполья» 2013 повесть точно поставленных вопросов и точно найденных интонаций. Уйдя в психологическое подполье и презрев мир живых людей, главный герой задается вечными вопросами: что есть человек и каково его предназначение? Он протестует против отождествления добра и знания, против безоговорочной веры в прогресс науки и цивилизации и получает удовольствие от того, что мучает себя и других. Ярко и выразительно описывая состояние героя, оттенки и движения его мысли, доводя до крайности сумбурность идей подпольного человека, Достоевский раскрывает глубокие противоречия в его душе.


Gangster in London. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Zwei Gangsterbanden terrorisieren die Reichen Londons. Die Gesellschaft zur Sicherung wohlhabender Bürger garantiert den Reichen Londons Sicherheit vorausgesetzt, sie bezahlen dafür. Wer der Aufforderung nicht nachkommt oder gar die Polizei verständigt, wird ermordet. Auch Elias Tanner, ein wohlhabender Bürger, wird erpresst. Seine Sekretärin Lilian Ranger findet dies heraus und verständigt die Polizei. Kurze Zeit später wird Tanner ermordet...


Mindowe. Król litewski. Obraz historyczny w pięciu aktach

Juliusz Słowacki

Poeta ukazuje konflikt religii pogańskiej, uosabianej przez Litwę, oraz chrześcijańskiej, wyznawanej przez Krzyżaków. Krytykuje dominującą pozycję Kościoła katolickiego, natomiast pogaństwo przedstawia jako wartościowy kult przyrody.


Marjorie in Command

Carolyn Wells

Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American poet and writer of detective and mystery novels, as well as childrens books, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories. Marjorie series is Carolyn Wellss also known series was publicized as happy books for happy girls. The series includes Marjories Vacation, Marjories Busy Days, Marjories New Friend, Marjorie in Command, Marjories Maytime, and Marjorie at Seacote. Marjorie is a happy American little girl of twelve, up to mischief, but full of goodness and sincerity. The incidents of her summer vacation are such as will delight any little girl. In her and her friends every girl reader will see much of her own love of fun, play, and adventure. Highly recommended!


Weir of Hermiston

Robert Louis Stevenson

This novel, according to many critics, could become one of the main masterpieces of the XIX century. However, Stevensons premature death from tuberculosis did not allow him to end it. Only six chapters were written, which were then published in some collected works. This is Stevensons attempt to write a psychological action novel, which clearly shows the confrontation between the Father and the Son. A rude, cruel judge is Lord Hermiston, however, a master of his craft, a knowledgeable person.


Twin Sombreros

Zane Grey

A novel of honor lost, redemption found, and rip-roaring wild adventure from the original master of the American Western. Falsely accused of murdering Allen Neece, cowboy Brazos Keene had narrowly escaped a lynch mob. With his name at last cleared, Keene discovered that Neeces twin sisters had being forced off their ranch after the death of their brother, something that honorable cowboy Brazos Keene couldnt allow to happen. Brazos made a pledge to track down their brothers killers and get the ranch back. He became an instrument of vengeance, furiously shooting his way through the web of lies and greed that now hangs over Twin Sombreros Ranch. But Brazos also found himself hopelessly in love with both twins!


Old Surehand (Tom II). Old Surehand. Tom II

Karol May

Książki Karola Maya przyciągają czytelników ekscytującymi przygodami rozgrywającymi się w dzikich i malowniczych sceneriach Dzikiego Zachodu. Old Surehand to seria opowieści, której głównym bohaterem jest ów tajemniczy myśliwy. W rozwiązaniu jego rodzinnej tajemnicy pomagają mu Old Shatterhand i Winnetou. Cała trójka przeżywa przy tym wiele emocjonujących i mrożących krew w żyłach przygód, wielokrotnie ocierając się o śmierć w starciach z Indianami i niedźwiedziami grizzly.


The Voice of the City. Further Stories of the Four Million

O. Henry

O. Henry is most widely recognized for his stories dry wit, plot twists and surprise ending. But another major element in his fiction is his love of the American urban environment, as well as a keen appreciation of the rapid diversification that occurred in many cities in the early twentieth century. In The Voice of the City, O. Henry uses excellently written short stories and high vocabulary to convey a sense on New York. This collection brings together an array of tales about humble people trying to survive in a major metropolis. The author has created a myriad of heroes and heroines to serve as guides to this large city. It is full of some funny, some far reaching, and some heartwarming stories of life that make you smile.